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2009-05-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Dehydration Report:

Short Race Report:

Swim went well.  I came out feeling pretty good.

The bike went well too.  I started feeling my back in a little pain at around mile 20 - just like a little side stitch but nothing to worry about.  Then, at mile 40ish it really started to hurt.  I figured it was just the position I was in or something regarding the ride.  The last 10 miles were pretty painful.   I had to sit up quite a few times.  Every time I got in Aero it just writhed.   I was glad to get off the bike but all in all I felt good and I think my time was pretty good.

I still figured that when I got off the bike I would feel good and would be able to run fine.  And going through transition I felt good.  I felt pretty fresh and my legs felt pretty good overall.   But, almost as soon as I started running it hurt.  Every step I took was needles in my back.  THen it moved to my stomach.  I didn't figure out I was dehydrated until into the first lap.  By then it was too late.  So, at that point I had to just walk/run the last portion.  I would jog just a bit until I could feel my stomach start to churn.  Then walk it out.  I consumed so much fluid but it really didn't help.

I drank so much for the hours after the race but didn't urinate until like 6 - 7pm - that is how dehydrated I was.  The weird thing is I really felt like I was drinking a fine amount of fluids.  It might have been some sort of salt imbalance or something.  I'll have to try to figure it out.

Anyways - I don't know my times.  I think around 6 hours total.  So, only off a little from my 4:30 - 4:40 goals Laughing

I think I'll be a little unsettled until my next half - I tend to punish (motivate) myself until redemption Laughing  

Lesson learned - being fit is only 70% of the battle.  The other 30% is nutrition, weather, etc.

Lesson learned - wear something with more skin coverage on days like that.  Got burned even though I put on quite a bit of sunscreen.  And because I was out there longer my body had to work overtime on the burn and my dehydration.

More late.  



Edited by jesse_d 2009-05-18 8:14 AM

2009-05-18 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Good job on finishing. Sorry about the dehydration. The humidty was terrible on Sun. I think that makes races in Fl harder.  I was thinking about the race since is was very hot in Jax and which is not to far from Orlando. After reading some race reports I have decided to do a HIM next year. Most likely the Atlantic Coast HIM in Amelia Island since it is in October and should not be real hot.

You swimming advice and articles you have provided has paid off. I'm still working on the balance, but form is getting better and better each week. I can swim longer without much rest between sets and swim farther distances.
2009-05-18 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter that is awesome!  I definitely think balance is the key.  I think once you get the balance down right and work on a few other things (like lenghtening your stroke, etc.) you can start tackling some interval sessions - which are difficult but will really pay off.

Just a side lesson I learned this weekend.  You can be a great swimmer but if you aren't a smart swimmer it does you little good.  I found out my swim time was 41 mins for 1.2 miles.  That is like 2:11 pace.  However, I have good feel for my pace and I was doing close to 1:30 pace.  That means I swan an extra probably 400 - 500 meters in the lake.  That is just plain stupid.  I purposely went around the crowd but figured I would maybe swim an extra 100 yards or so.  But, I must have REALLY went around Laughing   So, anyways, try to get in some OWS, try to get comfortable swimming around others, etc.  I am going to work on some things in my next couple of shorter swims.

2009-05-18 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2157243

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Hi Jesse -
Congrats on finishing! That's rough with the dehydration issue and all. Sounds like you will be making some good changes for the next time.

I finally got in the pool this weekend. (Looking forward to doing an OWS when it warms up. Lakes are still real cold in the spring.) I swam 20 laps (500M) in 11 min 54 sec- focused on breathing. Did 4 flip turns at the beginning and 1 at the end. No stopping.
Then I worked on 20 minutes of drills & intervals:

catch drills: 4 X 25M
50M/1+ Min
50M/1 min
cool down: 150M

I was tired after the 500M, but by the end of all drills I felt good.


2009-05-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Congrats on finishing the race!  Sounds like it was pretty rough at the end.

I was pretty busy this last weekend, so I didn't work out at all.    I need to start sticking to my schedule.  But, on Thursday I focused on taking shorter, faster strides during my run and I finished a whole minute faster than my previous fastest time!  So I was pretty happy about that.

2009-05-18 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2157680

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-18 9:58 AM

Hi Jesse -
Congrats on finishing! That's rough with the dehydration issue and all. Sounds like you will be making some good changes for the next time.

I finally got in the pool this weekend. (Looking forward to doing an OWS when it warms up. Lakes are still real cold in the spring.) I swam 20 laps (500M) in 11 min 54 sec- focused on breathing. Did 4 flip turns at the beginning and 1 at the end. No stopping.
Then I worked on 20 minutes of drills & intervals:

catch drills: 4 X 25M
50M/1+ Min
50M/1 min
cool down: 150M

I was tired after the 500M, but by the end of all drills I felt good.


Actually, that is a great way to do flip turns.  That is what I did when I first started learning.  Just do some at the beginning and eventually you'll be able to do more and more.  And I love the idea of just throwing one in the end.  Great job on that idea!   I am still not a great flip turner but I continually work on it.   What I don't do correctly is flip over 100% so that my back is facing the ground and then push off evenly.   I am getting better though.  But, for a triathlete I think the power is in not hanging on the wall and not catching that extra breathe.

That is an awesome workout!  See, you've started to create a nice plan there.  Just keep adding to it.  Always incorporate the drills that where you need the most work.   I might have mentioned this but one that I love is the one arm drills.  I do these sets quite often:


2009-05-18 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2157724

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-18 10:12 AM Congrats on finishing the race!  Sounds like it was pretty rough at the end.

I was pretty busy this last weekend, so I didn't work out at all.    I need to start sticking to my schedule.  But, on Thursday I focused on taking shorter, faster strides during my run and I finished a whole minute faster than my previous fastest time!  So I was pretty happy about that.


Hey Nikki - ya know the reason you made that schedule is so you can stick to it!  Laughing

Maybe just try something different than you normally would like maybe getting your workout in on the weekend when you first wake up.  That way you have the rest of the day to do whatever.  But, hey, however you can get them in.

That is a big difference on the run.  Did you feel like it was more of an effort?  It is okay either way.  Just curious.

2009-05-18 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2157805

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks Jesse! I needed more ideas for drills. I had looked some over and then when I got in the water my mind went blank. I think my flip turn is ok - I usually feel pretty good doing it. I only got in 5 and didn't want to be exhausted by the end. My goal was the 400M (that you mentioned doing) and I pushed harder for the last 4 laps. I always like to finish strong (hence the last flip turn. Reminds me of my competing days. My breathing was off on the last flip turn and I ended up with water up my nose. Ouch...

For the cool down - I did a combo of 2 laps breast stroke, 2 laps backstroke (which was always my strongest stroke) and 2 freestyle.
2009-05-18 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Jesse, congrats on the race!

...Must be so frustrating to think you have all of your bases covered and then something like that comes up.

My weekend was extremely busy - I planned for Friday off, and Saturday is my normal off day. This worked out well - my knee has been really giving me some problems and has been extremely swollen. Those few days off gave it a good rest. Sunday I got a new pair of running shoes, in hopes  that it will help my knees, but was so exhausted from my busy weekend, I didn't get the brick in that I wanted to.

Started this week off positive with a 3.5 or 4 mile run later on!

Those one arm drills look great - I can't wait to try them in the pool tomorrow. Last week I did a lot of isolation focus while swimming. It felt really smooth.

Hope you are getting rest and fluids and feeling better Jesse -
Best, Christina
2009-05-18 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
One more thing -
I was looking up another Tri to sign up for .. Found a few:

Falmouth Sprint Tri -- July 19 (Swim 600 yards Bike 9 miles Run 3.1 miles)
Marlborough Tri -- July 26 (Swim 587 yards Bike 15 miles Run 3.2 miles)
Witch City Tri -- August 2 (Swim 880 yards Bike 13 miles Run 3 miles)
Sharon's Back Tri -- August 16 (Swim 880 yards Bike 12.3 miles Run 4 miles)
Urban Epic Boston Tri -- August 16 (Swim 1/2 mile Bike 15 miles Run 5 miles)

The race I am signed up for is Sept 13.
Distances are -- Swim 440 yards   Bike 11.8 miles   Run 3.1 miles

Anyone have any input? Thanks
Best - Christina

2009-05-18 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Christina -  it may be that icing your knees will help too - icing right after your run for 10 mins or so.  It seems to help me. 



2009-05-18 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2158199

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Hi Christina,
The one in Salem is put on by Firm. Friends of mine are doing the one in Webster and they say that Firm races are well put together. The Salem one - Witch City Tri is an ocean swim though.
The Sharon Back sounds really good. And the organizers are the same as the one you are doing in Hopkinton - Max performance. I have the course info (since they are the next town over) and it says that the bike route is relatively flat.

The Urban Epic - I heard about this one. It's the first Boston City Tri. Swimming in the harbor. Frown

I am not sure how you feel about ocean swims - Falmouth is also an ocean swim. 

The Marlboro one sounds really good too. That area is nice. It's a lake swim and the lake is only 8 - 10 feet deep.

If I had to choose, I would do either the Marlboro or Sharon one based on the swim options. I would probably choose Marlboro since the swim is only 1/3 mile.

2009-05-18 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2158769

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-18 2:45 PM

Hi Christina,
The one in Salem is put on by Firm. Friends of mine are doing the one in Webster and they say that Firm races are well put together. The Salem one - Witch City Tri is an ocean swim though.
The Sharon Back sounds really good. And the organizers are the same as the one you are doing in Hopkinton - Max performance. I have the course info (since they are the next town over) and it says that the bike route is relatively flat.

The Urban Epic - I heard about this one. It's the first Boston City Tri. Swimming in the harbor. Frown

I am not sure how you feel about ocean swims - Falmouth is also an ocean swim. 

The Marlboro one sounds really good too. That area is nice. It's a lake swim and the lake is only 8 - 10 feet deep.

If I had to choose, I would do either the Marlboro or Sharon one based on the swim options. I would probably choose Marlboro since the swim is only 1/3 mile.

Like Michelle I would go for the one with the best swim option  Laughing  Best meaning shortest in the best water.   So maybe check to see if any are in lakes.   

The other criteria would be hills on bike course - try to keep to min.  

Basically, do the easiest one you can to build confidence.

2009-05-18 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2157679

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
jesse_d - 2009-05-18 9:58 AM Carter that is awesome!  I definitely think balance is the key.  I think once you get the balance down right and work on a few other things (like lenghtening your stroke, etc.) you can start tackling some interval sessions - which are difficult but will really pay off.

Just a side lesson I learned this weekend.  You can be a great swimmer but if you aren't a smart swimmer it does you little good.  I found out my swim time was 41 mins for 1.2 miles.  That is like 2:11 pace.  However, I have good feel for my pace and I was doing close to 1:30 pace.  That means I swan an extra probably 400 - 500 meters in the lake.  That is just plain stupid.  I purposely went around the crowd but figured I would maybe swim an extra 100 yards or so.  But, I must have REALLY went around Laughing   So, anyways, try to get in some OWS, try to get comfortable swimming around others, etc.  I am going to work on some things in my next couple of shorter swims.


Funny because everyone is saying that the swim course was probably 5 mins too long.  This kinda goes with how I felt.  I was really surprised to see my time.  So, I really only probably swam an extra 200m - yayyy me!    
2009-05-18 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2113192

New user

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Jesse,

Congratulations on finishing your first Half Ironman, what an incredible accomplishment!!
I enjoyed reading your race report. Sorry to hear about the hydration troubles. I completely understand what you meant by being fit is only 70% of the battle. The other 30% is nutrition, weather, etc.

I remember my first sprint last year and all the things that didn’t go the way I planned. I realized that my not so good race day turned into a day filled of learning experiences. I focused on the things that went well, felt good, made me happy, and then picked out the things that needed work.

Don’t be too hard on yourself; you accomplished something that most never will!!! You should be so proud!!! You have inspired me to want to compete in a HI next year!!!!

Great job Jesse…congrats!!
2009-05-18 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2157816

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Hey Nikki - ya know the reason you made that schedule is so you can stick to it! Laughing

Maybe just try something different than you normally would like maybe getting your workout in on the weekend when you first wake up. That way you have the rest of the day to do whatever. But, hey, however you can get them in.

That is a big difference on the run. Did you feel like it was more of an effort? It is okay either way. Just curious.


I know! I'm just not very good at sticking to schedules in general. I think mornings would be best, too, but this last weekend's graduation parties did not leave me feeling great in the morning. But no more excuses! Especially since my inspriational collage is almost done. Smile

The run felt like a little more effort, but not too bad. I don't think I could've run six miles that fast, though. I'll keep working at it and see what happens.


2009-05-19 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Michelle and Jesse, 
Thanks for the input on the Tri's! I am going to do the Marlborough Tri. Short Lake swim, a "flat and rolling roads with gradual climb at the end" bike course.
I have to start pushing myself harder! I haven't been doing interval training, so I really need to start...

I am feeling in improvement in my run! Yesterday I went for 3.4 mi at a 9:30 min pace. I got my pace at the beginning (140 Frown) then really began working on my form. Next two times I took it I got 172 and 178. I felt really good on the last mile. 
 As for my knees...I have always had serious knee problems. I ice and take anti-inflammatories. I have a doctors appointment in two weeks - we will see what he says. 

Take care! 

2009-05-19 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2160581

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
dragonfly253 - 2009-05-19 10:21 AM Michelle and Jesse, 
Thanks for the input on the Tri's! I am going to do the Marlborough Tri. Short Lake swim, a "flat and rolling roads with gradual climb at the end" bike course.
I have to start pushing myself harder! I haven't been doing interval training, so I really need to start...

I am feeling in improvement in my run! Yesterday I went for 3.4 mi at a 9:30 min pace. I got my pace at the beginning (140 Frown) then really began working on my form. Next two times I took it I got 172 and 178. I felt really good on the last mile. 
 As for my knees...I have always had serious knee problems. I ice and take anti-inflammatories. I have a doctors appointment in two weeks - we will see what he says. 

Take care! 

Probably a good choice.

As for the intervals - I know I have stressed them but I would keep working on getting the miles in, working on the form (nice and relaxed).  Then maybe after this first tri you can start stepping it up a bit as far as intervals.  I would say just getting in the miles and concentrating on form and cadence is more important right now.

You can, however, do some intervals in bike training.

2009-05-19 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Christina - Good choice. I like the idea that it is done in loops - so it's easier for people to cheer you on! If I have the motivation - maybe I will do it too. Wink

Yesterday: brick workout at the gym-  biked (stationary bike) 8.04 miles/30 minutes and then ran (treadmill) 2 miles in 18 min 40 sec

Today: I ran outside (beautiful day in Boston) 4.25 miles/38 min 53 sec. Counted my steps three times: twice I came up with 176 and again after 3 miles: 188. Running in Boston is hard since there are so many lights, cars and people (especially in nice weather), so I never really focus on my time. I counted my pace when I was running around the Charles River - where are no lights, cross walks, etc. It's about 2 1/2 miles.


2009-05-19 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2113192

New user

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Jesse,

I slowly started back into training over the weekend. Ran for 20 minutes, legs were heavy and I was slow. Did a long bike ride; it was nice to be out. Did some bike intervals today, but the legs are sore, it’s actually my thighs, I’ve never had pain in my thighs, calves yes but never thighs?

I will be going to the pool tonight, not sure how to begin, start off slow I guess. Should I do drills?


2009-05-19 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Michelle - Let me know if you sign up for the tri! That would be very cool!

Jesse - that's exactly what I was hoping to hear about the running - whew. Laughing I'll keep building the miles and start with some short bike intervals.

2009-05-20 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Yayy, back in the saddle after a few days off.

Did a good run today - Around 7.25 miles - 6 miles @ 6:45 pace.   Then hopped on the trainer for 40 mins to do some spinning.

2009-05-20 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2161309

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-19 2:03 PM

Christina - Good choice. I like the idea that it is done in loops - so it's easier for people to cheer you on! If I have the motivation - maybe I will do it too. Wink

Yesterday: brick workout at the gym-  biked (stationary bike) 8.04 miles/30 minutes and then ran (treadmill) 2 miles in 18 min 40 sec

Today: I ran outside (beautiful day in Boston) 4.25 miles/38 min 53 sec. Counted my steps three times: twice I came up with 176 and again after 3 miles: 188. Running in Boston is hard since there are so many lights, cars and people (especially in nice weather), so I never really focus on my time. I counted my pace when I was running around the Charles River - where are no lights, cross walks, etc. It's about 2 1/2 miles.


Michelle - that is good stuff.  9 min miles and good cadence.  Really, at this point I would just count your steps once per run after your warmed up to make sure you are in the good high cadence range.  Then after a while it will just become incorporated into your stride.   And from time to time go back and look at that video I posted.  Think quick feet.  Stay nice and relaxed.  Your arms and legs should feel a little rubbery.  And your feet shouldn't be on the ground long.  Then after you have built up the miles a bit the intervals and come and you'll start getting faster!  

Running on the treadmill stinks for me but I do it every now and then Laughing   It is better than running in lightning which I did this morning - my wife wasn't happy.  (In my defense it was more of that sideways lightining and not the kind that was hitting the ground). 

Even that little brick at the gym is a good idea.  Just to give you the sense of running after your legs are a little tired from the bike.

You're going to be a studette! (my word)

2009-05-20 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2161441

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
cher - 2009-05-19 2:39 PM Hi Jesse, I slowly started back into training over the weekend. Ran for 20 minutes, legs were heavy and I was slow. Did a long bike ride; it was nice to be out. Did some bike intervals today, but the legs are sore, it’s actually my thighs, I’ve never had pain in my thighs, calves yes but never thighs? I will be going to the pool tonight, not sure how to begin, start off slow I guess. Should I do drills? Thanks Cheryl


GOOD! Glad you are back at it.  I know it has been tough.

I think the 20 min slow run was is a good idea.  And maybe a few more of those slow runs is a good idea just to get your legs back.  I would focus on some of the things I have been touting - relaxation, cadence, quick feet.  Watch that video I posted by Dave Scott. 

On the bike (and run for that matter) - you'll start to get a sense of when you'll be sore the next day.  In this case it was because you haven't been out in a while and you did some intervals.  But, in the future you'll just be pushing hard and saying to yourself - "man, I am going to be sore tomorrow - that was a good workout."  In that case make sure you consume some protein.  I would say somewhere in the 30 - 50g range.  I use a protein powder and mix with higher protein milk.  And you want to do this right after your workout.  That is best.  LET ME STRESS something.  This is best when you are going to be working out the next day.  So, for example, if you don't have anything planned for the next day or day after you might not need to worry about protein too much.  I hope all this makes sense.

I consume protein after almost every workout so that I am fresh the next day.  It really does help.  But, I workout long and hard.  Don't consume if you are just going out for a 3 mile light jog.  You'll just be adding protein and calories you don't need.  

Okay - enough of my diatribe.

Yes, it is normal to get soreness (not pain) in your thighs from the bike.  Don't worry.

On swimming - there are a lot of great posts on swimming for you.   Go back through some of the earlier posts and videos.  I still like the idea of focusing on your upper body first by using fins on your lower body.

2009-05-20 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed


I need you opinion on race gear. Is it better to have a one piece tri suit and seperates. I bought seperates on clearance. I got the correct size top, but since I have broad shoulders the top does not fit correctly it looks like a crop top. Should I go a size larger or get a tri suit. I know it come down to personal preferance. Just need an opinion.

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