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2009-09-06 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2392545

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
gymgirlx - 2009-09-06 7:12 PM crash and burn.. worked the disneyland expo friday and staurday and had sportbeans/cliff bars for meals/snacks. Getting back on track now.

Yeah.  I wish my "crash and burns" were on cliff bars and sports beans.  I'd be much better off than I am when I crash and burn on IHOP pancakes and Cold Stone ice cream!  Anyway, this challenge really helps, and you will find that it does get easier!!! 

2009-09-06 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
On another note - GREAT dinner tonight w/bounty from the farmer's market!!!  Green beans, tomatoes, corn, and left-over London broil.  Who needs processed food with the amazing flavors of food fresh from the garden?!?

And I forgot to report back on my Jimmy Buffett tailgating challenge on Thursday.  I stuck to meat, bread, wine, and a few handfuls of cashews.  The bad part was that the meat was pretty fatty - steak and brats - and made me feel pretty crappy the next day.  My system is definitely not used to that kind of stuff!  The good new is that the chips, cookies, and brownies really didn't call my name much at all.  So overall, not my healthiest eating day by far, but no problem sticking to the challenge.

I have heard/read that willpower is like a muscle.  The more you exercise it, the more the brain adjusts to making the "resist" decision and also becomes accustom to not receiving the "reward" of getting the temping thing and the less the draw becomes to those items.  Therefore, the stronger your your will power becomes (or perhaps the less tempted you are).  We should be doing some serious resist-muscle building here for the long-term good!

I couldn't find the exact source, but here is a related and interesting article:
2009-09-07 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Palm Desert, California
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Ok so I did my first 1/2 marathon this week-end. 3:07. I'm going to do a race report so you can read about that on there. We went to the Cheesecake  Factory on  Friday night.  I didnt have cheese cake or any other desert. I ate the LuLu salad.   
                                                                                                                                    Grilled Chicken Breast Layered with Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, Green Onions, Red and Yellow Peppers, Green Beans, Carrots, Mango and Crisp Wontonswith Macadamia Nuts and Sesame Seeds. Tossed in Our Vinaigrette. I don't think it had sugar but not 100% sure. Need help.
Even looked it up on website just not sure.

No Jelly beans or clif bars at the expo for me

I feel good and really strong. Everyone  seems like they are doing great. Keep up the good work.

Steven, Palm Desert
2009-09-08 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2351616

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2009-09-08 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2351616

Silver member
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Just back from Labor Day weekend with grandparents, including birthday party. Did pretty well, but had to record an X for a commercial chai tea latte that I thought would be just tea and milk, but when I tasted it, it was very apparent that there was sugar and cream in it. Oh well - I really enjoyed it, and so I decided to drink it and take the X for it. I also had cake at the birthday party, but drank beer and water instead of soda, and no ketchsup on the burger. Also really tough - no maple syrup on pancakes, no peanut butter on toast, no homemade cookies or packaged donuts. Grandma just about blew her stack about the maple syrup because they used to make maple syrup back in the day and she thought I was insulting maple syrup. But I stuck fast to just putting butter on the waffles. The airplane was tough because I usually get a diet soda on the plane, so I got a tomato juice on the way out and just water on the way back. And I really wanted a peanut butter and chocolate bar in the airport on the way home, but resisted even though my hubby got a muffin. So I made it through and now I'm back home where I control the temptations!
2009-09-08 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2393961

scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
MASHIE36 - 2009-09-07 10:48 PM

Ok so I did my first 1/2 marathon this week-end. 3:07. I'm going to do a race report so you can read about that on there. We went to the Cheesecake  Factory on  Friday night.  I didnt have cheese cake or any other desert. I ate the LuLu salad.   
                                                                                                                                    Grilled Chicken Breast Layered with Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, Green Onions, Red and Yellow Peppers, Green Beans, Carrots, Mango and Crisp Wontonswith Macadamia Nuts and Sesame Seeds. Tossed in Our Vinaigrette. I don't think it had sugar but not 100% sure. Need help.
Even looked it up on website just not sure.

No Jelly beans or clif bars at the expo for me

I feel good and really strong. Everyone  seems like they are doing great. Keep up the good work.

Steven, Palm Desert

Congrats on the 1/2!! I also did disney and worked the expo on Friday and Saturday ( running skirts). haha, I ate a few jellybeans and cliff bars for meals, who were stronger than I was.

2009-09-09 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
How's everybody doing today? 1st day back at work which you'd think would make this easier until I passed by the donuts and coffee cakes that had become my calling for breakfast lately. Luckily was able to go by and on my way.

I have a race this Saturday and normally will start drinking gatorade and have a PB bagel about 2 to 2.5 hours prior to the race (I hope to have natural PB so that's not an issue). Do I need to take a ding because it's more than 1 hour prior?

2009-09-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Steven - Good job on finding a good choice at the Cheesecake Factory.  That is a tough place to make healthy choices!  I think you are fine on the dressing since most vinaigrettes SHOULD be okay.  Sometimes, its just impossible to get an ingredient list.

Bill - Your right - no ding for the birthday dessert.  Its sooo hard when a bunch of social things get piled on top of each other!

Rotorkim - That's too bad about the latte, but at least it was worth it!  Sounds like you were super strong on the other stuff and family cooking for you is extra bad pressure for sure!  It's hard when you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  Hopefully, they understand.

colesdad - I find that I need to eat a good 2 - 2 1/2 hours before a race, too.  We don't want to compromise anyone's goals by messing with what is important for training/racing here.  For normal workouts, I think the one hour rule is good, but for races, I would say that you should stick with whatever is an important part of your pre-race nutrition routine and consider that the same as training nutrition allowance - use what works for you and what you need, don't use it as an excuse to have chocolate chip pancakes floating in syrup, or a giant danish!  ; )

Keep up the good work, guys!!!  How is everyone feeling?  I really felt great on my run right off the bat this morning, whereas it normally takes a good 10-15 min. before I warm-up and feel settled in to my pace.  I think I am starting to see some real improvements, now.
2009-09-09 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I am feeling great!  I had a fantastic swim yesterday, and am looking forward to Masters swim tonight (doing a swim block, since I can't run due to injury.)  So far I have been able to avoid temptation.  I'm starting to realize that before I would eat anything because it's sweet, now I really look at it and think, even if I could eat that, I don't think I would really want to!

By the way, might want to check out the smoothie thread in tri-talk.  Some great ideas for no sugar smoothies in there.
2009-09-09 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Steven ~ Awesome job on the 1/2 mary!!!

Kim ~ As for peanut butter, you can always try the natural kind....I actually like it a lot better now that I'm used to it!

I got my first two dings the last couple of days.  Labor day was a planned one and yesterday I ate leftovers.  While I hadn't planned on yesterdays ding, I'm actually ok with it 'cuz I'm finding that it is so much easier to get back on track.  Before it was such a struggle when I faltered but now I just have to tell myself that it's ok to eat that cake (or whatever) as long as I don't make a day out of eating crappy! 

Edited by Happychick 2009-09-09 8:57 PM
2009-09-10 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Talk about temptation ~ for some reason my hubby decided to pick up some pumkin spice flavored creamer (my fave next to eggnog ~ yum!)  Anyway, this is the first time he's bought some since the start of the last no sugar challenge.  I must say that it is calling my name this morn but I've managed to resist.  I'm almost back to seeing the 130s so that is a huge motivator to just say no!

Also, I wanted to update you on the catsup thing...I made some homemade stuff and while it isn't Heinz, it works.  I am focusing on using less overall so that I don't go back to using a bottle a week (ok, not quite but I was darn close!) and so far so good!

2009-09-10 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
We went shopping for cereal yesterday and I couldn't believe all the sugar. I mean come on, cheerios? There should be some law if it's going to have sugar it should at least taste good!
Anyway found the grapenuts and it's all good , but boy I miss my diet coke in the morning
2009-09-10 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2399009

Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Happychick - 2009-09-10 1:14 PM Talk about temptation ~ for some reason my hubby decided to pick up some pumkin spice flavored creamer (my fave next to eggnog ~ yum!)  Anyway, this is the first time he's bought some since the start of the last no sugar challenge.  I must say that it is calling my name this morn but I've managed to resist.  I'm almost back to seeing the 130s so that is a huge motivator to just say no!

Also, I wanted to update you on the catsup thing...I made some homemade stuff and while it isn't Heinz, it works.  I am focusing on using less overall so that I don't go back to using a bottle a week (ok, not quite but I was darn close!) and so far so good!

Nice job, Michelle!  I always think I'm going to like those creamers, but whenever I try them (since I stopped using sweetener in my coffee) I find they are too just tell yourself it really won't taste as good as you think it will!!

Nice job on the catsup, and just think that now you are making your own, so you know exactly what is in it!!  No other preservatives or other crap that might be in a bottle...and you could probably count it as a veggie since you use so much! 
2009-09-10 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2351616


Palm Desert, California
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
  We're Eating Too Much Sugar

According to the Associated Press, most Americans are swallowing 22 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That’s not good, because eating too much sugar can cause a ton of health problems.

  • For example, eating too much sugar can also suppress your white blood cells. This means you’re more susceptible to infectious diseases like colds and flu.
  • Studies show that consuming too much sugar weakens the proteins in your skin, causing sags and wrinkles.
  • Drinking even one 12-ounce can of sweetened soda a day raises your risk of heart attack by 24%.
  • Research suggests that sugar makes your body less effective at fighting CANCER.

So where is all this added sugar coming from? The biggest culprits are soft drinks, followed by candy, cakes, cookies, and pies. A regular 12-ounce soft drink contains about eight teaspoons of added sugar. Added sugar can also be hiding in foods that don’t seem like “junk food.” For example, a serving of frosted cereal can have about three teaspoons of added sugar, and most people pour three servings into one cereal bowl. Right there, that’s more sugar than you should have in an entire day.

So how much sugar should we be eating? The American Heart Association recommends that most people should be consuming no more than eight teaspoons – or 30 grams - of added sugar a day. So how can you tell if the foods you’re eating have added sugar? Read labels and check for ingredients like “corn syrup,” “fructose,” “dextrose,” “molasses,” or “evaporated cane juice.” Those are all signs there’s added sugar in the product. Parents, know this: A national health survey found that kids ages 14 to 18 consume a whopping 34 teaspoons of added sugar a day! So to help your kids eat less sugar: Get soda out of the house, check the labels on packaged foods, and if your kids want something sweet, offer them real, whole fruit.


*Thought everyone would find this interesting. I heard this on the John Tesh radio show today.



2009-09-10 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Michelle - Hang tough on the ice cream!  That is probably one of my biggest weaknesses when not on a challenge!

Steven - Very interesting article!  Thanks for the post.

Someone had asked earlier for different forms of sugar/what to look for on labels.  I found a pretty great list online and then a few other things to add to it from other websites.  I've never heard of some of these, so goggle away, if you are curious.

"Here is a list to get you started in identifying sugars. I'm sure you can come up with many more names for sugar."

  1. Amasake
  2. Brown sugar
  3. Corn syrup
  4. Demerara Sugar
  5. Dextrose
  6. Evaporated cane juice
  7. Free Flowing Brown Sugars
  8. Fructose (a.k.a. levulose)
  9. FruitSource (product made from grape juice concentrate and rice syrup)
  10. Galactose (not considered a food additive)
  11. Glucose (and glucose polymers)
  12. High Fructose Corn Syrup
  13. Honey
  14. Invert Sugar
  15. Jaggery
  16. Lactose (not considered a food additive)
  17. Malt (ie. barley malt)
  18. Maltodextrin
  19. Maltose
  20. Maple syrup
  21. Molasses
  22. Muscovado or Barbados Sugar
  23. Panocha
  24. Powdered or confectioner's sugar
  25. Rice Syrup (brown rice syrup)
  26. Sucanat (product made from evaporated sugar cane juice)
  27. Sucrose
  28. Sugar (granulated)
  29. Treacle
  30. Turbinado sugar
2009-09-10 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Thank you for the list. 

I was also amazed at the cereal aisle.  Almost no cereals that don't have sugar in the top three, and usually in the top two (some of them in the top one).  It surprised me that based solely on where sugar appears in the list, Hanna Montana Cereal beats out Cheerios.

2009-09-11 12:52 AM
in reply to: #2399502

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-10 10:16 AM
Happychick - 2009-09-10 1:14 PM Talk about temptation ~ for some reason my hubby decided to pick up some pumkin spice flavored creamer (my fave next to eggnog ~ yum!)  Anyway, this is the first time he's bought some since the start of the last no sugar challenge.  I must say that it is calling my name this morn but I've managed to resist.  I'm almost back to seeing the 130s so that is a huge motivator to just say no!

Also, I wanted to update you on the catsup thing...I made some homemade stuff and while it isn't Heinz, it works.  I am focusing on using less overall so that I don't go back to using a bottle a week (ok, not quite but I was darn close!) and so far so good!

Nice job, Michelle!  I always think I'm going to like those creamers, but whenever I try them (since I stopped using sweetener in my coffee) I find they are too just tell yourself it really won't taste as good as you think it will!!

Nice job on the catsup, and just think that now you are making your own, so you know exactly what is in it!!  No other preservatives or other crap that might be in a bottle...and you could probably count it as a veggie since you use so much! 

Su-Weeeeeet...I never thought of it that way!   As for the creamer, I'm thinking that is exactly what would happen.  It still amazes me that I can actually find things too sweet since that just wasn't possible before!!
2009-09-11 12:54 AM
in reply to: #2351616

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009

Cheerios having so much sugar really surprised me also as I used to give that to my (now 19 month old) daughter thinking it was one of the better cereals ~ now we know, huh?!

2009-09-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2351616

scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
oo!! I found Amy's organic hot pockets at the grocery store. VERY tasty! 310 caloires, 12 grams of protein and 4 or 5 grams of fiber ( can't remember). Last few days have been good . Laraa bars have NO added sugar. GOOD STUFF!!!
2009-09-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Hey all Happy Friday !

My wife and I jumped on this challenge too late to join but are following along with the rules of the challenge.
She was very happy when she got on the scale this morning and dropped 3 lbs from last week with the only real change being the No-Sugar Challenge.
My weight hasn't changed much yet, but I have noticed my energy is more stable , where before it was up and down like a roller coaster.
2009-09-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I made a sad discovery today.  One snack that I enjoy from time to time is brown-rice sushi from Wegman's.  I picked one up today, only to discover that the second ingredient in the sushi rice is sugar!  Brown rice, sugar, vinegar.  Bummer!!!!  So I put it back down.  : (

It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.  It is soooo nice to start to feel better with better eating habits.  It definitely makes ya want to stick with it!

2009-09-11 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2400706

Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
gymgirlx - 2009-09-11 10:41 AM oo!! I found Amy's organic hot pockets at the grocery store. VERY tasty! 310 caloires, 12 grams of protein and 4 or 5 grams of fiber ( can't remember). Last few days have been good . Laraa bars have NO added sugar. GOOD STUFF!!!

Rachel, Larabars are my favorite!!  Have you tried the new tropical one?  So good!!
2009-09-11 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2401279

Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
carteroak - 2009-09-11 3:38 PM I made a sad discovery today.  One snack that I enjoy from time to time is brown-rice sushi from Wegman's.  I picked one up today, only to discover that the second ingredient in the sushi rice is sugar!  Brown rice, sugar, vinegar.  Bummer!!!!  So I put it back down.  : (

It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.  It is soooo nice to start to feel better with better eating habits.  It definitely makes ya want to stick with it!

Carla, that stinks!!  I would have never thought that.  Does the white rice have sugar too?

BTW, are you in Gainesville, FL??  Didn't know Wegmans was there.  I was just about to post on my blog about how much I love WEgmans, but I thought they were only in the northeast??
2009-09-11 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2401703

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-11 9:09 PM
carteroak - 2009-09-11 3:38 PM I made a sad discovery today.  One snack that I enjoy from time to time is brown-rice sushi from Wegman's.  I picked one up today, only to discover that the second ingredient in the sushi rice is sugar!  Brown rice, sugar, vinegar.  Bummer!!!!  So I put it back down.  : (

It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.  It is soooo nice to start to feel better with better eating habits.  It definitely makes ya want to stick with it!

Carla, that stinks!!  I would have never thought that.  Does the white rice have sugar too?

BTW, are you in Gainesville, FL??  Didn't know Wegmans was there.  I was just about to post on my blog about how much I love WEgmans, but I thought they were only in the northeast??

Yeah.  The white rice version has sugar, too!

I'm in Gainesville, Virginia.  We just got a nearby Wegman's about a year ago.  I LOVE it!!!!
2009-09-12 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2400852

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kenb - 2009-09-11 5:50 AM Hey all Happy Friday ! My wife and I jumped on this challenge too late to join but are following along with the rules of the challenge. She was very happy when she got on the scale this morning and dropped 3 lbs from last week with the only real change being the No-Sugar Challenge. My weight hasn't changed much yet, but I have noticed my energy is more stable , where before it was up and down like a roller coaster.

That is great!!   My energy levels are so much better when I follow this plan ~ I noticed a huge difference immediately after starting it.  I keep telling myself that the more I eat healthy and "train" my mind/body to feel this good that it will be easier to just say no after the challenge is over ~ something I was having trouble with before joining again!
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