BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2010-01-07 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2599896

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
broonsy - 2010-01-07 10:46 AMGotta love the additional interest!

Getting back to it.  Well behaved over the holiday's.  Only caveat was my fancy new pair of LL Bean boots rubs the back of my leg above the ankle raw (because I don't own anything but ankle socks) then it grew to the size of a golf ball and got infected.  Oh joy!

2010-01-07 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
My Daily check-in...

My legs have been tired all week. Today, I was going to play it by ear.

Went to gym, did 40 mins on bike & 20 minute progression run. After a 10minute warmup, felt very well.

Legs are a bit sore tonite, If OK tomorrow, will do resistance workout, if still sore will rest.

Big weekend planned...75 minute spin saturday morning. 21-25k long run on Sunday morning.

Will probably squeeze in a steak & some red wine tomorrow night.

Hope you are all well. Keep it up...don't falter! Make it fun!R

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-07 7:02 PM
2010-01-07 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2599408

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
momtolucylilly - 2010-01-05 10:40 PM
 "Has anyone found the cycling/spin classes beneficial?"

I personally love spin class when I can get to it.  I have difficulty sticking to a strict schedule of gym time even though I know it's best for me to go right after school.  I just enjoy that it's encouraging and they sometimes play different music that I don't have.  You know what I think would be a great idea?  A treadmill class like spin class, where everyone would up their resistance or speed all together.  lol sorry just me and my crazy ideas.  
On another note, I have been the biggest bum ever since right before Christmas, and  I'm still having trouble getting out of the holiday funk.  HELLOOOO it's January 7th I keep trying to tell myself.  
Quick question, what is the ideal number of tri's to do in a season?  My goal was one a month but I'm already signed up for 2 in July and found 2 in August I want to do and 1 in May.  So 5 so far not including June.  What is the best number without breaking the bank or my body?
p.s. sorry for my lack of posts sometimes, I'm a second year teacher and at times go to bed when I get home from work sadly. Frown

2010-01-07 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2601721

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
Kristen8040 - 2010-01-07 8:59 PM
momtolucylilly - 2010-01-05 10:40 PM
 "Has anyone found the cycling/spin classes beneficial?"

I personally love spin class when I can get to it.  I have difficulty sticking to a strict schedule of gym time even though I know it's best for me to go right after school.  I just enjoy that it's encouraging and they sometimes play different music that I don't have.  You know what I think would be a great idea?  A treadmill class like spin class, where everyone would up their resistance or speed all together.  lol sorry just me and my crazy ideas.  
On another note, I have been the biggest bum ever since right before Christmas, and  I'm still having trouble getting out of the holiday funk.  HELLOOOO it's January 7th I keep trying to tell myself.  
Quick question, what is the ideal number of tri's to do in a season?  My goal was one a month but I'm already signed up for 2 in July and found 2 in August I want to do and 1 in May.  So 5 so far not including June.  What is the best number without breaking the bank or my body?
p.s. sorry for my lack of posts sometimes, I'm a second year teacher and at times go to bed when I get home from work sadly. Frown

Kristen...signing up for races is good motivation! It is hard when it's cold and dark outside...I always remind myself that I paid for these races and I have to get my butt in gear....start building your 'base' of fitness now so that when it gets warm out you'll be well on the way.As for number of races it's really personal preference....I try to stick to one a month but that's only because I have a family and have to consider our schedule. I don't think if you're talking about Sprint or Oly distance races that 2 a month is out of line at fact some folks race every just have to consider your 'rest' time and what your 'peak' race is and schedule your workouts that way....meaning build your training plan around the race you want to be your 'primary' and let the other races be like workouts...
2010-01-07 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2601721

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
Kristen8040 - 2010-01-07 9:59 PMQuick question, what is the ideal number of tri's to do in a season?  My goal was one a month but I'm already signed up for 2 in July and found 2 in August I want to do and 1 in May.  So 5 so far not including June.  What is the best number without breaking the bank or my body?
p.s. sorry for my lack of posts sometimes, I'm a second year teacher and at times go to bed when I get home from work sadly. Frown

What distance are they? Sprints? Olys?

Also, need to take into consideration your exertion level. If you use some as training sessions, then you could probably do all. If you push 100% for them, might be different story. Need some info!


Ps. Glad you are back in the thread. This thread needs some action!!

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-07 8:09 PM
2010-01-07 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2601325

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-01-07 5:38 PMLooks like I'm the boss says!

My story...Name: username: GoGoGo, Name:Richard

Story: Typical Early 40's male. Liked sports in high school & university. Got caught up in work, career, family, life! Ballooned to 250 lbs (6'4"). 2 years ago decided to start exercising again. Eventually started running. Ran for almost 1 accident, broken wrist (titanium) & broken ankle (Steel). Got outta this & started again. Got bored running this summer & started cycling this summer. Loved it & started with cycling group. Did an Olympic duathlon. Now got the tri bug. Problem...never learned to swim as a kid. Working on this all winter, hoping to be able to complete a sprint this summer...all depends on the water! If the swimming works out, will definitely do an Olympic this summer & Half Iron Next Year.

Family Status: Married, 2 kids, 7 & 9

Current Training: Trying to add some running mileage this winter. Might do 1st marathon in May. Keep Cycling over winter. Learn to Swim!!!

2009 Races:
- 5k - 2
- 8k - 1
- 10k - 2
- 10 miler - 1
- Half Mary - 2
- Duathlon -1

Weightloss: Am about 215 now. Could lose another 15.

2010 Goals:
1. Learn to swim & be able to complete Sprint. Super goal...Oly
2. Sub 21 5k
3. Sub 45 10k
4. Sub 1:40 Half Mary

Thanks for reading!
Richard, your welcome! You have some great goals and we'll be watching! I have a friend who couldn't swim and she was able to get through her first Sprint within a few months! You'll do great!

2010-01-07 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Ok here is the pics of the $100 bike..The bike not me is a Iron Man guy I got it from used it to complete a Ironman. I think the bike is a 1995 model. going to the bike shop tomorrow to get new tires,  a seat clamp, front break & aerobar pads.  I'll get it in next week for the tune up.  I'm gonna put all that stuff on myself so thay dont charge me an arm and a leg to do it.  

Here is a pic of my spinbike I use alot this time of year.
2010-01-07 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Another update. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my follow up from April of last year when I was told My cholesterol was to high 268 total.  With diet and supliment I now have that down to 175 checked at my work clinic last week.  The big thing I will be discussing with my doctor tomorrow is My Asthma, Exercised indused it started in 2008.  I need a full time fix for it the short term inhalers help but they dont give me what I use to have.  I'm about 5 minutes a mile slower than what I was capable of in 2007 before I got the asthma.  So wish me luck I really need a fix.
2010-01-07 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2601761

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
GoGoGo - 2010-01-06 9:08 PMWhat distance are they? Sprints? Olys? All are sprints and are on pretty flat courses for the most part with the exception of one. I think body wise I'll be ok, just more checking of the calender (a few weddings to attend this summer,) and my credit card (have my own upcoming nuptials to worry about!)P.S. sawfish good luck tomorrow!! I struggled with asthma as well as a teenager mainly brought on by weight, but I understand how frustrating it is when your legs say "keep going" and your lungs don't.
2010-01-07 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Hi, oh a bit of personal info I am a single male 43, 5' 10 " and about 210lbs.

Making a quick check in, did 2.5 mile run this morning not to bad as I only started trying to run again this week, last time I tried to run was early Oct. and I couldn't go more than about 100 yds without gassing out.

So pretty happy with 2.5 miles but should I sign up for Desert Classic Duathlon.  It is 3.5 mile run, 21 mile bike, 2.7 mile run Feb 28.  Not only is it a short time frame but I will be traveling for work for at least 3 of the weeks between now and then.  What should be a minimum run/ride work out distance before trying something like this?

2010-01-08 5:49 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I'm glad people are starting to show up - my mentor group last year died a slow lonely death.

Sawfish - I've been fighting the cholesterol (and now BP) battle for the past year.  Without supplements, I'm keeping it just below where they recommend you start on meds.  Sorry, I don't have my numbers handy.  For a while I basically just upped my fiber intake.  Lots of beans, veggies and a fiber tablet.  That moved it down slightly.  The big move I'm hoping will come from my other dietary change:  less meat.  That has dropped my BP to less than 80  (110/74 last I checked)  Didn't have to and won't go full vegetarian, but I cut out lunch meats and burgers and upped my fish intake.  I try to have beef only once a week.  Its not so much of a sacrifice because I'll eat and enjoy anything, the hard part was finding good vegetarian entrees.  I've got two sources right now:  Vegetarian Times magazine/website (they can be a little "political" so I just skim the articles and don't pay too much attention them) and Mark Bitman's "How To Cook Everything Vegetarian" He's also got a food blog with the NY Times that's pretty good.

2010-01-08 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2602110

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Jonkj - 2010-01-08 12:28 AM

Hi, oh a bit of personal info I am a single male 43, 5' 10 " and about 210lbs.

Making a quick check in, did 2.5 mile run this morning not to bad as I only started trying to run again this week, last time I tried to run was early Oct. and I couldn't go more than about 100 yds without gassing out.

So pretty happy with 2.5 miles but should I sign up for Desert Classic Duathlon.  It is 3.5 mile run, 21 mile bike, 2.7 mile run Feb 28.  Not only is it a short time frame but I will be traveling for work for at least 3 of the weeks between now and then.  What should be a minimum run/ride work out distance before trying something like this?

You might be able to do it.  If you can get out and run once or twice a week while travelling and then bike on the weekends, from your logs it looks like you'll finish.  Just be careful - I was unprepared for how tired biking would make me for the run because I had never done a brick workout.

Distances:  Just a guess, try to do one long bike of about 30 miles and work up slowly to a long run of 5 to 6 miles (8 to 10 would be best, but you probably don't have time to build up that high.)

And lets be honest here - you want to do it.  Just go into it with modest goals and keep your training as decent as possible and you'll finish.  Finish.  You'll probably walk most of the last 2.7 miles, but do the run/walk thing and enjoy it.  Then use this year's time as a guage for how you do in the race next year.
2010-01-08 6:09 AM
in reply to: #2601325

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-01-07 5:38 PM Looks like I'm the boss says!

My story...Name: username: GoGoGo, Name:Richard

Story: Typical Early 40's male. Liked sports in high school & university. Got caught up in work, career, family, life! Ballooned to 250 lbs (6'4"). 2 years ago decided to start exercising again. Eventually started running. Ran for almost 1 accident, broken wrist (titanium) & broken ankle (Steel). Got outta this & started again. Got bored running this summer & started cycling this summer. Loved it & started with cycling group. Did an Olympic duathlon. Now got the tri bug. Problem...never learned to swim as a kid. Working on this all winter, hoping to be able to complete a sprint this summer...all depends on the water! If the swimming works out, will definitely do an Olympic this summer & Half Iron Next Year.

Family Status: Married, 2 kids, 7 & 9

Current Training: Trying to add some running mileage this winter. Might do 1st marathon in May. Keep Cycling over winter. Learn to Swim!!!

2009 Races:
- 5k - 2
- 8k - 1
- 10k - 2
- 10 miler - 1
- Half Mary - 2
- Duathlon -1

Weightloss: Am about 215 now. Could lose another 15.

2010 Goals:
1. Learn to swim & be able to complete Sprint. Super goal...Oly
2. Sub 21 5k
3. Sub 45 10k
4. Sub 1:40 Half Mary

Thanks for reading!

First what kind of bike?  I think we have a few motorcyclists in this group (I've got a K1200LT and a K75)

I'm training for a may marathon too.  I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate plan.  Its the same one I used last year after a long layoff from running.  It got me to the finish line in 4:11, just past my 4:00 goal.

Best of luck.
2010-01-08 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Really enjoying the fact that we are getting some ACTIVITY! Yeah!

So, today was the famous 'Hell Legs'...well not so famous, more like 'infamous'. Run portion went to 13 it broke down like this:

Run: 13 minutes
Lift: 4 Sets of Squats
Run: 13 minutes
Lift: Walking Lunges (entire length of gym...) & Back Extensions
Run: 13 minutes
Lift: Hip Abductors & Hanging Leg Raises
Run: 1 Mile (8 Minutes)

Usually the last run should be another 13 but we were hurtin pup's and my HR was just too high all morning.  Good overall effort!

Goal of this workout is to start to condition the legs to move with fatigue. I think the hardest part of the entire workout is the walking lunges...put the weights on the shoulders and get's rough.

Hope everyone gets a good one in today and has a great weekend!

Love the updates.

2010-01-08 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2601859

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-01-07 10:49 PMAnother update. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my follow up from April of last year when I was told My cholesterol was to high 268 total.  With diet and supliment I now have that down to 175 checked at my work clinic last week.  The big thing I will be discussing with my doctor tomorrow is My Asthma, Exercised indused it started in 2008.  I need a full time fix for it the short term inhalers help but they dont give me what I use to have.  I'm about 5 minutes a mile slower than what I was capable of in 2007 before I got the asthma.  So wish me luck I really need a fix.
Good Luck!!
2010-01-08 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2602229

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-01-08 7:49 AMI'm glad people are starting to show up - my mentor group last year died a slow lonely death.

Sawfish - I've been fighting the cholesterol (and now BP) battle for the past year.  Without supplements, I'm keeping it just below where they recommend you start on meds.  Sorry, I don't have my numbers handy.  For a while I basically just upped my fiber intake.  Lots of beans, veggies and a fiber tablet.  That moved it down slightly.  The big move I'm hoping will come from my other dietary change:  less meat.  That has dropped my BP to less than 80  (110/74 last I checked)  Didn't have to and won't go full vegetarian, but I cut out lunch meats and burgers and upped my fish intake.  I try to have beef only once a week.  Its not so much of a sacrifice because I'll eat and enjoy anything, the hard part was finding good vegetarian entrees.  I've got two sources right now:  Vegetarian Times magazine/website (they can be a little "political" so I just skim the articles and don't pay too much attention them) and Mark Bitman's "How To Cook Everything Vegetarian" He's also got a food blog with the NY Times that's pretty good.
Many times, having a lean filet of beef, is very low fat. The lunch meats, burgers, ribs, etc., are VERY high fat & the killers! I am not a vegetarian, & probably would not enjoy that at all. However, I do have sandwiches most days, with multigrain wit low fat turkey, low fat Mayo & low fat swiss. I can watch this meal very easily, especially where it is on the run.My evening meal is a little worse, but I will have a steak, most Friday nights, but tends to be lean. Also, have "healthy side, not fries, etc.Anyway, my story...

2010-01-08 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2602240

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-01-08 8:09 AM[

First what kind of bike?  I think we have a few motorcyclists in this group (I've got a K1200LT and a K75)

I'm training for a may marathon too.  I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate plan.  Its the same one I used last year after a long layoff from running.  It got me to the finish line in 4:11, just past my 4:00 goal.

Best of luck.
Bike...I have a 1999 Harley Wide Glide & a 2006, Hopped up, Street Glide. Don't ride them much anymore, as Tri training takes too much of my time, during our summer months!

I enjoy the half marathon distance & never wanted to do a marathon. I realised after my Du that I needed more endurance. My Half time was about 1:45ish. The Du took more than 2 hours & I decompensated after 2 hours. I need to out there more. I have been increasing my long run s to 15 - 16 miles, to help my half time. When I complete my next half mary on the 1st weekend of Feb, will make a decision whether to "formally" train for a marathon.

4:11 is excellent time for a Mary!!


Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-08 1:26 PM
2010-01-08 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2602678

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
pastoops - 2010-01-08 11:38 AMReally enjoying the fact that we are getting some ACTIVITY! Yeah!

So, today was the famous 'Hell Legs'...well not so famous, more like 'infamous'. Run portion went to 13 minutes.. Good overall effort!

Goal of this workout is to start to condition the legs to move with fatigue. I think the hardest part of the entire workout is the walking lunges...put the weights on the shoulders and get's rough.

Hope everyone gets a good one in today and has a great weekend!

Love the updates.

Sounds like a great leg strengthening workout.

Despite many say tri training should be the 3 only, I like doing some legs strength exercises twice per week. Adds variety & make me a little prone to injury, I think (what do I know?!?)

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-08 1:31 PM
2010-01-08 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
My legs were very tired & sore today. Decided to take a day off, especially since I have a high training weekend.

Planning a 75 minute Spin class (taught by female training for full iron, great class), usually do 20 min run on dreadmill after, for a brick. Run on Sunday is nearing peak for my upcoming half. My group is doing 21k, I plan 21-25 (13-16 miles), depending on the day.

Anyone else doing anything interesting this weekend?

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-08 1:35 PM
2010-01-08 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2602050

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more
Kristen8040 - 2010-01-08 12:41 AM All are sprints and are on pretty flat courses for the most part with the exception of one. I think body wise I'll be ok, just more checking of the calender (a few weddings to attend this summer,) and my credit card (have my own upcoming nuptials to worry about!)P.S. sawfish good luck tomorrow!! I struggled with asthma as well as a teenager mainly brought on by weight, but I understand how frustrating it is when your legs say "keep going" and your lungs don't.


You might try & log your workouts in the blogger. Helps us determine how you are doing & give a little encouragement. This is one of the big benefits of these Mentor groups.


Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-08 2:02 PM
2010-01-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Well I got back from the Doctor and he almost fell over when I showed him the Cholesterterol # I have gotten with Diet exercise and supliments. He said the Red yeast rice I take is a big benifit and the same thing that is used in most of the percription stuff but my numbers droped way below what cholesterol meds alone can do so he was impressed. they still did an offical Lab test so ill get thoes results Monday. We talked at length about my Exercised Induced asthma and he agreed that a long term inhaler with a Steroid would probably help so he percribed me Symbicort.  I'll use it twice a day he said I should see results in less than 2 weeks.   I AM SO EXCITED!!!!  When I could run a 5K in 21 to 22 minutes and have been strugling to do a 12 minuite mile pace It has really wore on my ego.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is what I needed. 

I'm glad we got more active bunch in here I like the company. 

2010-01-08 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2557655

New user

Westmoreland County
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
WOW, I love the activity!

Welcome to the new members.

I will try to be more active and supportive.

Good news Sawfish and congrats!

Love the bike!

Keep up the good work everyone, you all are making me look bad.

Good luck and keep pushing!

2010-01-08 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!


Do you have a list of who is all in the tri group so I can add them to my training log?

2010-01-08 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2557655

New user

Westmoreland County
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Phil, yes a list of members with first names would be great.  I am not sure who everyone is or their real name.

2010-01-08 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
To get a little discussion...

What is everyone doing for bike fitness over the winter season?

Do you own a bike? Mountain? Road? Tri

Now, are you Road riding? Trainer? Spinning?

Clip or clipless?

Been biking long?

Where does biking sit among the Middle? worst?

Enquiring minds want know?

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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