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2010-01-11 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed

Saturday: Weights 2 sets 8-12 5 min wu, stretch at end

Bike :60 long slow stretch

Sunday: Run :45 2:30 / 2:30 5 min wu/cd


Monday: Swim :30

Bike :30


Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: Weights 2 sets 8-12 5 min wu, stretch at end

Bike :45

Thursday: Run :45 2:30 / 2:30 5 min wu/cd

Swim :30 stretch


Friday: Your choice

2010-01-11 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Here is my plan for the week:
Monday:   Swim & Run 26 minute
Tuesday:  Bike 55 minutes and 1 hour Pilates Class
Wednesday: Swim & Run 35 minutes
Thursday: Bike 70 minutes

Hope everyone's week goes well. Smile
2010-01-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2603151

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
D001 - 2010-01-08 11:50 AM
mindymin21 - 2010-01-08 11:30 AM
suzimmer - 2010-01-06 8:37 PM
Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

I have a 2008 trek road bike. Its blue and white and yes I love it. If I could figure out how to put pictures up I would show you all... Can anyone tell me how?
A couple of ways: 1) Upload the pictures to your BT album. Link to them from there. 2) When writing a post, just above the Submit button, you'll see this: "Attach a file after posting." Click that link. It'll allow you to add pictures.

Thank you for trying to help but I think there is just something wrong with my computer of something because it wont let me upload my pictures so I am just going to open a new album. Thanks though. Laughing
2010-01-11 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2606871

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
mmh - 2010-01-11 3:37 AM Did my 30 min on the bike tonight as per the plan. It was 44 deg (110 for you guys) and still around 37deg (90) when I rode - hot hot hot. Nearly didn't do it but couldn't stand the thought of doing it on the windtrainer. No fires near us today - well none that got out of control anyway. Day 1 of fire season down about 75 to go!

Wow! That is hot! (Thanks for the fahrenheit conversion for us).  I don't know what's worse.  Extreme heat or extreme cold.  Both create their own set of problems.  Glad you were able to get out.  HOpe the fires stay far away from you.

2010-01-11 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
plan for  the week....

Monday- resting the lungs still recovering from bronchitis
Sat-run (6miles)
Sunday-bike (15 miles)
2010-01-11 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi everyone!
I heard from Sue and she is going to have to drop out for now do to multiple sick kids and she's not sure when she'll be back into the groove.  I told her whenever she gets wants, just drop by and say "Hi".   Even if you have to take a break during training, for what ever reason, you can still be part of the group.  Sometimes the group, and support, is even more important when you can't train.  It can really get you down when you have to take a break.

How'd everyone's Monday go?  Steve, I hear it's still too darn cold down in Florida, but it's looking good by the end of the week. 


2010-01-12 1:25 AM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hello all!  I read above the USAT races do not allow headphones.  Is this also on the run?  I understand why not on the bike or swimming. 

I have an underwater ipod that helps me in training.  It keeps me sane on the treadmill.  If I am running on the road I don't wear it so that I can hear cars. 

Any advice for a good bike?

Good luck this week!
2010-01-12 3:30 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got my swim in today - will have to move my run to tomorrow and may have to play around with my bike as well as I don't think I'll have it back from the shop for tomorrows ride. Finally got some rain today so some nice relief from the heat.
2010-01-12 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
45 easy spin on the trainer, followed by 20 on the ellptical. 

Today is a scheduled off day.

Too cold in Florida??? Here in Ohio, we had 9 straight days of snow in some shape or form.  And wont be above freezing till late this week, barely above freezing.

2010-01-12 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Yep, for all USAT races, no headphones during any portion of the race, run included.

As far as cold...MAY get above freezing tomorrow  HEAT WAVE!!!!!!  Of course there's still 8 inches of snow on the ground which means it will turn into a slushy mess.  There's just no pleasing me is there.Wink
2010-01-12 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi all.  i'm still feeling quite useless, sad to say.  i've been trying to stretch and do some exercises for my back, but still have spasms.  they seem to be slightly less painful, but that could just be wishful thinking. makes me think about spending money on a hot tub!

i'm hoping to spin this week, for a little while every day.  it doesn't quitre follow the plan, but i think running would just make thigns worse for my back.  and here i thought my ankle and foot would be the thing that holds me back. i'm amazed at how 'soft' your entire body gets from being bedridden for a couple months. as my wife keeps telling me, 'Patience, Grasshopper...'

anyway, it's good to read about everyone elses workouts and such. don't forget to stretch!!!

2010-01-12 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed

Happy Tuesday everyone!! Smile
Well I got my swim and run in yesterday, yeah!! But I was just wandering if anybody else has a problem with their face going numb after swimming. Not that its a big deal, its just really annoying and it happens to me almost every time I swim. Is this normal?
Also can anyone tell me what a good snack is for after a working out? I am always so hungry after going to the gym and I never know what to snack on.

2010-01-12 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2609074

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
kaiserman19 - 2010-01-12 7:26 AM 45 easy spin on the trainer, followed by 20 on the ellptical. 

Today is a scheduled off day.

Too cold in Florida??? Here in Ohio, we had 9 straight days of snow in some shape or form.  And wont be above freezing till late this week, barely above freezing.

For those of us with thin blood to handle the high 90s and 100s in the summer, temperatures below freezing and wind chills below 20 are definitely in the cold category.....

Tried to get in a swim workout last night...  Dressed in swim suit and sweats, drove over to pool to find them just finishing up putting the covers on for the night...  Guess if no one is there, they cover early so they can leave at the stroke of 8.  Will try again tomorrow....  Did get in my mugger look exercise in the morning though, so I did something yesterday.....
2010-01-12 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I have never had a numb face after swimming.  I have had numb feet after running that subsided when I changed shoes.  Any issues with your neck?  Do you turn right or left to breathe or do you alternate?
2010-01-12 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2609318

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
adlee1070 - 2010-01-12 9:57 AM

Hi all.  i'm still feeling quite useless, sad to say.  i've been trying to stretch and do some exercises for my back, but still have spasms.  they seem to be slightly less painful, but that could just be wishful thinking. makes me think about spending money on a hot tub!

i'm hoping to spin this week, for a little while every day.  it doesn't quitre follow the plan, but i think running would just make thigns worse for my back.  and here i thought my ankle and foot would be the thing that holds me back. i'm amazed at how 'soft' your entire body gets from being bedridden for a couple months. as my wife keeps telling me, 'Patience, Grasshopper...'

anyway, it's good to read about everyone elses workouts and such. don't forget to stretch!!!

Wow. Put all of us together, and maybe there's be enough "good body parts" to form one uninjured and healthy person.

(Yes, that was a joke. But I HAVE been tempted to amputate my heel, just to get rid of this dumb PF!)
2010-01-12 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2609344

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
mindymin21 - 2010-01-12 10:10 AM

But I was just wandering if anybody else has a problem with their face going numb after swimming. Not that its a big deal, its just really annoying and it happens to me almost every time I swim. Is this normal?

Are you tensing your face up? The next time you're swimming, maybe check to make sure your face is relaxed.

Other than that... nope, I can't think of a reason why it would happen. Unless the water was really, really cold!

2010-01-12 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi everyone,
I tried to post a reply earlier while at school, but my @#!* computer....something was not working.

Drew, I'm sorry your back is still bad.  What stretches are you doing.  Unfortunately, with the back, it takes time to fully heal. I did get some relief with the taping.  Are you able to walk any distance?  Time to join that club.  It would give you some choices.  For example, if biking hurts your back, you could try one of the recumbent styles where there is a back rest and your legs are more stretched out.

Mindy, it's good to eat within 45 minutes of a workout, especially if it is over an hour in duration.  Try to eat some protein, which is good for muscle repair and building and will fill you up better.  For convenience you could try some of the protein bars (cliff makes one that's pretty tasty), or a ready made protein shake,  or something simple like a PB sandwich or some yogurt  or almonds.  Even if you are trying for weight loss it's good to have  a little snack.  It will save you from getting super starved later and chowing down too much.  Also, don't forget to drink!

Steve, at least you tried to get in the swim.  That's counts for something.  But now you know that the pool closes shop at 8, so ....

Michelle, glad to hear it's cooled off a bit.  Funny, here in the states we're all freezing and you are melting.  What did you have done on your bike?

Numb face issue.....I've never encountered that.  I do get numb fingers, but I attribute that to getting cold easily.  In fact I just tried swimming while wearing a rash guard to see if that helped keep me warmer.  Sort of worked.  I'll give it another try.  Anyway...are you very cold when swimming?  Or perhaps as someone else mentioned, it could be your form while swimming.  Perhaps you are turning in such a way that you are compressing a nerve.   If you know of anyone who is a good swimmer maybe you could get them to watch you swim.

Along those lines:
 I am a big proponent of swim instruction as it has made a HUGE difference in my swimming.  My first tri was a super sprint distance with a 300 yard swim.  I did it in 7:30.   I did the same race this past summer...5:10.  Now while I will never be super speedy in the water, I am much more efficient and confident swimmer, which in triathlon is your goal.  You want to exit the swim not completely spent.  If swimming is a struggle for you, swim instruction is money well spent, even if it just makes you more comfortable and less likely to "freak out" in the water.  (I was the grand champion of the swim panic attack freak out).

Dee, laughed at your "body parts" comment.  How true, but dispite all our issues...we're here!  Too many people would give up.  So yeah for us and let's keep it going.

Take care,

2010-01-12 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...
2010-01-12 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2610900

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-12 10:58 PM

Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...

It took me a second to understand what you meant by "mugger run." LOL At first, I was wondering why you'd run in a place where you could get mugged. Then I realized you were probably referring to the "ski mask hat" you're going to wear because it's cold. Um, although.... You don't plan on mugging someone, right?

2010-01-12 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
My bike is being serviced but I am also having a computer fitted - haven't had one up till now so I can't wait to get it back!
2010-01-12 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
My bike is being serviced but I am also having a computer fitted - haven't had one up till now so I can't wait to get it back!

2010-01-13 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2609963

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Joanna79 - 2010-01-12 1:20 PM I have never had a numb face after swimming.  I have had numb feet after running that subsided when I changed shoes.  Any issues with your neck?  Do you turn right or left to breathe or do you alternate?

Nope, no problems with my neck and I only breath on my left side (if I try to alternate or breath on my right side I choke so I stopped doing that).Tongue out

2010-01-13 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2610677

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-12 7:42 PM
Mindy, it's good to eat within 45 minutes of a workout, especially if it is over an hour in duration.  Try to eat some protein, which is good for muscle repair and building and will fill you up better.  For convenience you could try some of the protein bars (cliff makes one that's pretty tasty), or a ready made protein shake,  or something simple like a PB sandwich or some yogurt  or almonds.  Even if you are trying for weight loss it's good to have  a little snack.  It will save you from getting super starved later and chowing down too much.  Also, don't forget to drink!

Numb face issue.....I've never encountered that.  I do get numb fingers, but I attribute that to getting cold easily.  In fact I just tried swimming while wearing a rash guard to see if that helped keep me warmer.  Sort of worked.  I'll give it another try.  Anyway...are you very cold when swimming?  Or perhaps as someone else mentioned, it could be your form while swimming.  Perhaps you are turning in such a way that you are compressing a nerve.   If you know of anyone who is a good swimmer maybe you could get them to watch you swim.

Along those lines:
 I am a big proponent of swim instruction as it has made a HUGE difference in my swimming.  My first tri was a super sprint distance with a 300 yard swim.  I did it in 7:30.   I did the same race this past summer...5:10.  Now while I will never be super speedy in the water, I am much more efficient and confident swimmer, which in triathlon is your goal.  You want to exit the swim not completely spent.  If swimming is a struggle for you, swim instruction is money well spent, even if it just makes you more comfortable and less likely to "freak out" in the water.  (I was the grand champion of the swim panic attack freak out).

Thanks for the eating tip. That’s a good thing to know.
Yes, I am always cold and when I get in the water it’s even worse. I guess I should see about getting a swim coach, maybe my form is what is doing it. I guess I didn’t think about that.

2010-01-13 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2610945

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
D001 - 2010-01-12 11:44 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-12 10:58 PM Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...
It took me a second to understand what you meant by "mugger run." LOL At first, I was wondering why you'd run in a place where you could get mugged. Then I realized you were probably referring to the "ski mask hat" you're going to wear because it's cold. Um, although.... You don't plan on mugging someone, right?

Not a ski hat, I am in sweats with a Hoodie pull tight, with flashlight on my head, and reflectors on my arms..   Will never make it to BT GUYS of 2010

Edited by otter_sh 2010-01-13 6:23 PM

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2010-01-13 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got in the pool...  50 yd warmup and then 3 x 100 at 2:30.  Felt good to swim again...
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