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2010-01-08 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Hi Team,

I did my homework and came up with 10 hours per week.  That is pretty much what I had planned on previously.  I have to have a schedule for our day(even if we don't always follow it exactly!)  We get a lot more done than without anything.  I have set my exercising for during our lunch break and that usually works out-as long as I don't procrastinate!
(Now that the Suburban is fixed-things are back to normal)

I have enough time, I just need to be disciplined to get everything done!

Four miles running is the plan for today-will be doing it on the treadmill as the cold continues below 0!  Oh the reason I have 100 miles this month is that I am training for a half marathon.  Last year at this time I wasn't even running! 


2010-01-08 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I haven't found any free time to do my time assessment - LOL.

I'm a bit sore today from my run yesterday and my trainer the day before. My inlaws are coming up tomorrow to watch the kids, so today's workout is likely to be housecleaning.

So rest day today for me, then tomorrow my husband and I are going on a little backcountry ski trek with an old friend. I know that trip is going to whip me, so letting the muscles take it easy today.
2010-01-08 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I am afraid I have a bit of a miscalculation I must apologize for. There are actually 168 hours in a week. Sorry not 84. But if you fit all of your training into the 84 then 168 should be no problem

Got my run in this morning. 6 milesjust after the sun came up along a nice river. Lots of fun. Even saw some beaver tracks.
2010-01-08 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2603137

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
holt1997 - 2010-01-08 11:44 AM I am afraid I have a bit of a miscalculation I must apologize for. There are actually 168 hours in a week. Sorry not 84. But if you fit all of your training into the 84 then 168 should be no problem Got my run in this morning. 6 milesjust after the sun came up along a nice river. Lots of fun. Even saw some beaver tracks.


Great job on the run!  I love to see signs of wildlife when I run. 

regarding the time in a week-would you be able to make it 336 hours next week?  JK!  Smile
How do you make your smile blue? 

Another question-How much time should I have to recuperate between tris or half marathons?  Last year I did 9 races in 18 weeks.  Mostly 5K's-I did like 6 in 8 weeks!  I was recovered from my sprint the next day and same with 5K's.  My first half I am doing as  a training run as preparation for the real thing a month later.
What I was thinking was a sprint one month and a half marathon the next-something like that, with maybe some 5k's thrown in.  Maybe I won't know until I do it.  Last year I didn't have a plan.  I wanted to race every weekend(and go all out at each one!) and after 6 races in 8 weeks realized I needed to slow down a bit-so I want to pace myself better. 

Time for spelling!

2010-01-08 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2603098

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
vtgirl - 2010-01-08 11:30 AM I haven't found any free time to do my time assessment - LOL. I'm a bit sore today from my run yesterday and my trainer the day before. My inlaws are coming up tomorrow to watch the kids, so today's workout is likely to be housecleaning. So rest day today for me, then tomorrow my husband and I are going on a little backcountry ski trek with an old friend. I know that trip is going to whip me, so letting the muscles take it easy today.

Good Plan, Suz!  Have fun skiing!

Thanks for the compliment.  You are awesome, too!
2010-01-08 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2603181

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Scott and Nichi,

I hope you don't mind if I butt in here but would like to comment on how much a person should race.  You can race every weekend but you may have an issue with getting faster if you race every weekend.  Speed workouts and tempo runs will help you get faster but you might have a hard time fitting in these types of workouts if you race every week.  Don't get me wrong, it's possible but you have to be careful as to not hurt yourself.  You have to ask yourself, if I race on a Saturday, can I turn around and do a speed workout on Tuesday and a tempo run on Thursday then still race the next Saturday.  Then you would have to do the speed workout and tempo run again the next week.  After a few weeks of this, your legs will be feeling the effects and your running may become stale.  This may not happen to everyone but you just have to be careful.  I love to race but find that I have to back off a bit otherwise by the end of the summer, I'm struggling.  One more thing, at 25, I could race every weekend and still get the training in, since I hit 40 (2 years ago), my body just can't take that anymore. 

I would suggest one major race and one minor race a month.  For example, running a race every other weekend is very possible even if one is a 1/2 marathon. 

Hope this helps. 

2010-01-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I got in an hour ride in today ( recumbent bike) total dist 18.5
2010-01-08 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi John,

Thanks for the info.  I guess I should point at that because I am in my first year of running-I am building up my base-so not really working on anything, but getting more miles in.  I don't do tempo runs or speedwork.  My races ARE my speedwork!  Yes, I realized racing everyweekend took a toll, that's why I backed off.  It was funny, though, because I was so addicted and still wanted to do it!  What I want is balance-plus, I can't really afford to race that often all summer long-I started in August last year and knew I didn't have a lot left to participate in.

2010-01-08 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2603507

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
mdslngr - 2010-01-08 1:54 PM I got in an hour ride in today ( recumbent bike) total dist 18.5

Way to go!
2010-01-08 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Picked up the yaktrax pros today gponna try them out in the morning!
2010-01-09 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
well didn't run today my left hip (piriformis area i've been having trouble with) was a little sore and tight so i've been stretching it off andd on all day.  had to go shovel a roof off with my father-in-law Jim.  What a workout 2-3 foot of snow and we cleaned the whole roof off

I AM GOING TO RUN IN THE MORNING! (thats for me lol)

2010-01-09 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi Team,

Did my stroke development class this morning.  There were only two of us that showed up, and it was nice to get the extra attention! 

This afternoon I need to go to the wellness center and get my 5 miles running in.

Tuesdays forecast- 30's and SUNNY!!  I am switching the schedule to have my long run on Tues!  I am super excited to run outside again!

Have a great weekend everyone!

2010-01-09 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2605116

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

looks like it'll be in the upper 20's in the morning and by wed. the upper 30's that's ll be my next day to get outside to run after sunday !

2010-01-09 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi Gang,

Busy past two days!  Got up early Friday morning and ran for about 2.5 miles...then pick up my new bike in the afternoon!  The fitting took 3 hours...I could not believe how thorough the guy was!

I will post a pic soon.

Today I planned on swimming this morning, but got to the Y and all lanes were full.  I am not yet comfortable sharing a lane with someone...too worried I will disrupt their swim.  So I headed to the treadmill was able to run 3.5 miles!!  i was so stoked!

Then worked a few hours and come home and just got back from my maiden voyage on my new was awesome!!! I was able to click on 18.75 miles in 1 hour and 13 minutes....that bike is so easy to ride!!!

Thanks for all the encouragement from everyone...this group is great!
2010-01-09 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
congrats on the new baby(bike)!!
You will have to sleep on the floor tonight so the bike can have the bed.
We actually have pictures of my husband tucked in with his new skiis a few years back...
Enjoy the new wheels!!
2010-01-09 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
congrats on the new baby(bike)!!
You will have to sleep on the floor tonight so the bike can have the bed.
We actually have pictures of my husband tucked in with his new skiis a few years back...
Enjoy the new wheels!!

2010-01-09 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Good job to everyone on their much energy and enthusiasm...this crew is awesome
2010-01-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Congrats on the new bike! I am looking at getting a Trek E 7 in a couple of months, hopefully I can swing it.
2010-01-10 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I apologize..I think my logs have been locked even though I added all of you to my friends list when I first signed on. Very Sorry!

Edited by arny 2010-01-10 11:48 AM
2010-01-10 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
got another bike ride in today...28 miles in 1 hr 44 min!  the last 4 miles or so and i was just seems my house is slightly higher than everything around so coming home is always gonna be uphill!

Just found the o-1650 swim program...gonna start on that tomorrow. 

Question - how do you all balance work, training and family?  I tend to go all in when I am train and i am worried about not spending enough time with the family.  I am trying to get up early or go at lunch, but weekends is the only time when i can get a good ride in. 

just wondering what has worked for you all.
2010-01-11 2:51 AM
in reply to: #2606714

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Getting all my training done in a week and balance the rest of my life is a challenge at best.  The only way I can come close is getting up at 4:30 most days and being organized.  Having everything laid out the night before.  But that also means I am in bed when my kids go to bed.  I can't stay up late.  I am planning on doing my long rides on Saturday but starting around 5am so that I can be back at a somewhat normal time.  This will be the hardest part of training. 

I have to admit though, I have missed many workouts because one of the kids are sick or something else is going on and I just don't have time to get my full workout in.  I just have to move on from there and not worry about it and hope that I am ready for any future races.

Good Luck.

2010-01-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Morning everyone just sitting here at work watching it snow and blow 4-6 and wind adv. For today and tonightInside running and biking for me
2010-01-11 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2603181

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-08  10:02 AMSmile
holt1997 - 2010-01-08 11:44 AM I am afraid I have a bit of a miscalculation I must apologize for. There are actually 168 hours in a week. Sorry not 84. But if you fit all of your training into the 84 then 168 should be no problem Got my run in this morning. 6 milesjust after the sun came up along a nice river. Lots of fun. Even saw some beaver tracks.


Great job on the run!  I love to see signs of wildlife when I run. 

regarding the time in a week-would you be able to make it 336 hours next week?  JK!  Smile
How do you make your smile blue? 

Another question-How much time should I have to recuperate between tris or half marathons?  Last year I did 9 races in 18 weeks.  Mostly 5K's-I did like 6 in 8 weeks!  I was recovered from my sprint the next day and same with 5K's.  My first half I am doing as  a training run as preparation for the real thing a month later.
What I was thinking was a sprint one month and a half marathon the next-something like that, with maybe some 5k's thrown in.  Maybe I won't know until I do it.  Last year I didn't have a plan.  I wanted to race every weekend(and go all out at each one!) and after 6 races in 8 weeks realized I needed to slow down a bit-so I want to pace myself better. 

Time for spelling!

Well as far as your question about recoveery vetween events there are several solutions for this. My first suymmer I did quite a few events and learned a lot the hard way. The first thing I would say is to prioritize your races. Not every race can be an "A" race. SO write out your schedule. Designate all of the ones you want to really do well at as A, the ones that you would really like to do but maybe don't feel as strongly about as B and the take or leave as C. In doing this you just set your workout schedule. You want to peak at all of your A races and will taper accordingly (Also know though that erformance is tough to peak out more than about twice a summer. After each A race you will need a day or two to recover (or more depending on the distance) and atleast three more to slowly work back in to your workouts. For your B races you will want to race at a pace that will not require the amount of recovery time that an A race does. These will be tougher than a training run but not an all out effort. When I finish an A race I am completely spent and want to just curl up in a ball for a while, after a B race I am fine standing around talking at the finish and watching others come in as I sip water or recovery drink. For C races treat these strictly as just a brick workout.Use these as an opportunity to train on different terrain, work on sighting during a swim, hill climbs or run pacing etc etc. If you are doing a lot of races you should have no problem doing a workout the day after a C race and should feel no interruption in training.

All that being said the hardest part of doing a lot of races for me is the psychological part. I have to be willing to let people go that maybe I could beat, or notperform at my "best." That is very hard for me and I have learned to just spread out my races a litlle because I can't not compete. So that part is up to you. Just remember too that your body cannot hold up to constant break down. You have to have recovery or your performance will go down hill.

One other part of this is recovery.What is your plan to recover, nutrition, icing etc etc?? Hope that helps.Feel free anyone to jump in. Anyone can answer a question or put their thoughts in the mix.  Thats how we all get better.
2010-01-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2605116

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-09 1:47 PM

Hi Team,

Did my stroke development class this morning.  There were only two of us that showed up, and it was nice to get the extra attention! 

This afternoon I need to go to the wellness center and get my 5 miles running in.

Tuesdays forecast- 30's and SUNNY!!  I am switching the schedule to have my long run on Tues!  I am super excited to run outside again!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Did you learn anything you can share????? I am always looking for good swim tips.
2010-01-11 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2605225

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leclerc457 - 2010-01-09 3:06 PM

Hi Gang,

Busy past two days!  Got up early Friday morning and ran for about 2.5 miles...then pick up my new bike in the afternoon!  The fitting took 3 hours...I could not believe how thorough the guy was!

I will post a pic soon.

Today I planned on swimming this morning, but got to the Y and all lanes were full.  I am not yet comfortable sharing a lane with someone...too worried I will disrupt their swim.  So I headed to the treadmill was able to run 3.5 miles!!  i was so stoked!

Then worked a few hours and come home and just got back from my maiden voyage on my new was awesome!!! I was able to click on 18.75 miles in 1 hour and 13 minutes....that bike is so easy to ride!!!

Thanks for all the encouragement from everyone...this group is great!

A good fit is so critical. Good for you for taking the time. I can't wait to see the pics of the new ride.
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