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2010-04-25 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2778561

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Gang.  Just got back from a 10 miler.  My, it felt good to be back at it.  Hope everyone has had a good weekend.


2010-04-25 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2814920

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Great run, Janet! Glad to hear you're back at it!
2010-04-25 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2814830

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
hildekq - 2010-04-25 9:33 AM So you've committed yourself to this addiction we call, 'TRIATHLON'....  Open the wallet, heat up the credit card, your money is GONE!

Chuckle...yeah. As with so many things, PACING is key!Laughing

I still figure it's a lot cheaper than a lot of other addictions out golf, for instance...Wink
2010-04-25 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hello ,
Just info

Bike -- I have a schwinn hybrid bike that I got at walmart two years ago for around $200 . It has exceeded my ability. My hope is that I will be able to improve to the level of a nice road bike, like the Trek,etc, but currently I'm not that worthy. I have a helmet too.

I have a pair of Reebok shoes , I don't know what kind.

I have no place to swim here in Altoona Pa area, so I must find a place. The YMCA has a indoor pool and there are some outdoor park pools that will soon open. Maybe the lake is the best place, but it is dark and cold.
  Carl 1

2010-04-25 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hello everyone! The race was SO hilly - oh my! (What part of "enjoy the scenic views of the Green Mountains as you run your 13.1 miles" did I not get! LOL). My leg of the race was 7 miles and based on my splits I bet you can guess which miles were hilly! Overall I was happy with my average pace, I went out a bit too fast and it was just SO up and down because of the hills - mile 4,5 and 7 were nothing but up I swear!!

Mile 1: 8:12/mile
Mile 2: 8:41/mile
Mile 3: 9:09/mile
Mile 4: 9:39/mile
Mile 5: 10:07/mile
Mile 6: 8:55/mile
Mile 7: 10:23/mile

Average pace: 9:18/mile...7 miles in 1:04:53

Hope you're all getting in some good training this weekend. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a day off for me (or MAYBE an easy swim!)
2010-04-25 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2815107

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Carl,

Just a thought.  For the pool, check out a Masters swimming program in your area.  The US website is:

I was able to join a group that swims near where I work.  They swim in the morning and gets me going for the day at work.  You get to know the members you swim with which makes it enjoyable and I have received some great coaching.  The cost for the year was less than 1 month at the local Y and I get the bonus of coaching.  My local group is fantastic and has made the swim my likely strongest event.  I may not be fast yet, but watch out Michael Phelps!

Having recently purchased a road (cyclocross) bike, the difference in speed is amazing.  For the same effort, I can average much faster speeds.

Good Luck, Carl 2

2010-04-25 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Way to go Marsha!  Hills are always such a killer for me.  Good Job! 
2010-04-25 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Swimming question:  I have been swimming a fairly consistent 45 minute mile both before and since my 6-week layoff.  What is a realistic goal to try to get that time down to?  Is 30 minutes too much too soon?  Should I be trying instead to just shave 5 minutes at a time?  I know this may be a highly individualistic (is that a word?) thing - i.e. it's different for each person - but I haven't spent enough time in the pool to know what's realistic and what's overly ambitious as far as goal-setting goes.  But so far so good as goal #1 was to swim a mile without stopping.  

2010-04-25 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
IMO there is no way to predict how quickly you will shave time so it's pretty much impossible to say that you want to cut off x-amount per week. I'd say something more like making your next goal to hit 40 minutes so you have something to strive for but it'll be hard to put a timeline on it.
2010-04-25 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2815118

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
PTWykes - 2010-04-25 1:54 PM Hello everyone! The race was SO hilly - oh my! (What part of "enjoy the scenic views of the Green Mountains as you run your 13.1 miles" did I not get! LOL). My leg of the race was 7 miles and based on my splits I bet you can guess which miles were hilly! Overall I was happy with my average pace, I went out a bit too fast and it was just SO up and down because of the hills - mile 4,5 and 7 were nothing but up I swear!!

Mile 1: 8:12/mile
Mile 2: 8:41/mile
Mile 3: 9:09/mile
Mile 4: 9:39/mile
Mile 5: 10:07/mile
Mile 6: 8:55/mile
Mile 7: 10:23/mile

Average pace: 9:18/mile...7 miles in 1:04:53

Hope you're all getting in some good training this weekend. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a day off for me (or MAYBE an easy swim!)

GREAT race, Marsha! Way to stick it out over those hills! *applauds and cheers*
2010-04-25 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2815514

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jonathan Swift - 2010-04-25 6:33 PM Swimming question: I have been swimming a fairly consistent 45 minute mile both before and since my 6-week layoff. What is a realistic goal to try to get that time down to? Is 30 minutes too much too soon? Should I be trying instead to just shave 5 minutes at a time? I know this may be a highly individualistic (is that a word?) thing - i.e. it's different for each person - but I haven't spent enough time in the pool to know what's realistic and what's overly ambitious as far as goal-setting goes. But so far so good as goal #1 was to swim a mile without stopping.


Congrats on reaching your admirable goal, David! That's quite an achievement-- it sounds like Marsha is right on the money in suggesting that you aim for a series of small goals and see how your times go. Sounds like you're doing really well, though-- go you!


2010-04-25 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2815565

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Re: Triathlon bag... I'm also trying to pace myself with the spending, but I crave organization, so I bought the cheapest transition bag I could find - "Custom CyclePath Triathlon Bag;" -$25 on eBay. I used it for my one triathlon as well as a transition clinic, and it worked great! Holds everything, can be worn as a backpack, even has a checklist printed right on it. When you unzip it, it folds out into a little mat you can stand on to put on your shoes. I just can't see paying $100+ for a backpack.

That said, the guy next to me at the clinic just used a bright orange 5 gallon paint bucket. Not as sleek as my backpack, but it sure was easy to spot! 

Marsha, way to go on your hilly race! Those were some awesome splits! 

2010-04-26 4:41 AM
in reply to: #2815514

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jonathan Swift - 2010-04-25 6:33 PM Swimming question:  I have been swimming a fairly consistent 45 minute mile both before and since my 6-week layoff.  What is a realistic goal to try to get that time down to?  Is 30 minutes too much too soon?  Should I be trying instead to just shave 5 minutes at a time?  I know this may be a highly individualistic (is that a word?) thing - i.e. it's different for each person - but I haven't spent enough time in the pool to know what's realistic and what's overly ambitious as far as goal-setting goes.  But so far so good as goal #1 was to swim a mile without stopping.  


I'm afraid you can't really put a timeline on speeding up.  It is what it is.  But to gain some speed, you will get more on your return if you do some interval swimming rather than just a straight swim.  The idea is to push yourself past your comfort zone, rest, do it again.  As you stress your body, the speed will come.

Here's an example of an interval workout:  (1600 yards or you can convert to meters)

Warm Up:  Easy swim, 300 yards
Drills:  Alternate 50 yards Kick, rest 15 seconds, then 50 yards pull, dragging your fingertips along your side in the water as you recover your stroke, rest 15 seconds, repeat 4 times.
Main Set:  Swim 100 yards, rest :30, do this 4 times (4 x 100)
Swim 50 yards fast, rest :30, do this 6 times (6 x 50)
Cool down: Easy 200

Check out   It will churn out interval plans for you and it's free!  You'll need to do a couple of time trials, but then you can add what you want to do in a workout and it'll make them up for you, really cool site.
2010-04-26 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2778561

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
I second Hilde's recomendation of   I think it has helped me build a lot faster than when I was just swimming straight laps.  It also helps to break things up a bit so I'm not as bored. 

Question: A while back folks were asking about tri clothing.  Can anyone recommend a brand or two?  As always the options seem endless.  I like the idea of a 2 piece suit rather than a 1 piece.  I thinking ease of using the bathroom trumps everything else.

2010-04-26 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2816126

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED

Janet, if you have a tri shop nearby I would go try some one because they all seem to fit different.  I have DeSoto tri shorts and a Zoot tri top.  I tried on some Zoot shorts and HATED them because they have a tight rubbery elastic at the bottom of the shorts that just made my thighs bulge in an unsightly manner!!  (ie NASTY).  I have a long waist and wanted to make sure my flabby belly wasn't giving everyone a free show too!  Once you go ahead and buy something, you probably want to swim in it to see if you might need to bodyglide anywhere.  You won't hurt it if you use it in the pool once or twice, just rinse it well.  Oh you do want the tri top to be pretty form fitting through the waist, otherwise it'll be flapping around in the water when you swim.

Once you find a brand or brands that you like and you know how they fit, then you can see if you can find a bargain online.  If you don't have a tri shop nearby, make your best guess about sizing and hope they have a good return policy.

2010-04-26 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the info, hilde.  There are some shops about an hour away, I really prefer to do the ordering online.  Thanks for the zoot scoop, I'm sure I'd find the same thing regarding the bulge.

Had a good swim after work.  One of my longer days.  I even had a lane all to myself!  Hope the rest of you are having a good Monday.  Lets start the week out strong!!!!

2010-04-26 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2814824

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
I like the grocery bag idea! May have to try that thanks
2010-04-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
GREAT Job on the race Marsha!!! Hills are great going down not so fun going up! Had a crazy hill 10k in Richmond last year so I know your pain.

Janet: Sugoi, Pearl Izumi and "newest" zoots have great shorts with the forgiving band at the waist and in the legs. I believe they are called power bands not sure. I know they are out there because I am in the market for some more padded shorts myself for those longer base mile rides. I saw them but have not actually taken the purchase plunge yet. However, here is a link to a similar pair:>
Hilde: Girl I know what you mean about that unsightly leg bulge. Who the heck would were some of those ? I got a pair of Trek shorts last year, I hate them. They cut into my womanly full figured midsection only found this out after a not so nice little bike ride. I was so not returning them after such use!!!

Had a great day! BIKE break through... I have been struggling with my new bike and feel hopeful after another fit that it will workout after all. Yay, for happy endings!
2010-04-26 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Harrison Twp
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi all, I'm back from vacation rested and relaxed and ready to work out!!!
2010-04-27 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey folks we seem to be forgetting to post in the forum!  How are things going for everyone?  I did my double dip today (2 runs, AM and PM).  The rest of the week's plan calls for runs in the AM and Swim (or dare I say bike) in the PM.  So far the Michigan weather Gods have been keeping me off the bike.  I'm a weenie (not like Carl).  I can run when I'm cold, but I can't get myself on a bike in the cold.  And of course, I took my trainer downstairs on Saturday because, darn it, its spring.

So that is my story and I'm sticking with it.   How are other northern people managing in this crazy weather?

2010-04-28 5:00 AM
in reply to: #2821203

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
It's looking like the MMM's are having another great training week!  Weather is affecting a lot of us, at least I'm glad it's warm in Texas, although it's 49 this morning here, and I'm about to head out for a run.  I'll take 49 over 90 anyday though!  I'm with Janet, I'll run in the cold, but I am SUCH a cold weenie when it comes to the bike.

I think we have a fabulous group here, you are all such fun!!  Keep inspiring each other and checking each other's logs... that really IS a motivator when you know someone is watching you when you post a "Yellow" day (ie NO TRAINING).  Please let us know if you're going to be gone for awhile, we do worry when all of sudden you're gone! 

Remember this BT adage:  To BE inpired, you have to GIVE inspires~!

Any questions for me and the group??  We've covered a lot of info in a short time, but as you think of things, especially as races get closer, please post them here, your question or thought is probably shared by a lot of us!

2010-04-28 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2778561

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hilde, I just want to thank you for the great swimming websites you recommended. The swimsmooth animations really helped a few things "click" for me, and swimplan got me to finally put some structure in my workouts. Between the two, I'm finally seeing some modest improvements.

Tell me, do you have any similar websites for running? I played around with a few changes to my form a while back after reading Chi Running, but I've since slowed back down and started getting injuries again. I'd love to see some videos or animations that would illustrate proper running form. I think getting rid of the heel strike would be good for me. I hate sprints and intervals (in my 25 years of on-and-off running, I've never done a single speed workout!), but I might actually be willing to try some structured workouts. After all, if all I ever do is run slow, I can't expect to get any faster!

Taking a rest day in Helena today... may go for a walk and do some yoga in my room.

2010-04-28 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2822416

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sorry Turtle girl, I don't know of any running websites.  I'll do a search later and see what I can come up with.  I've seen lots of BT folks post on the Mr. SMooth and the Swimplan sites, but haven't seen anything like that for running.

I'm of the opinion to run easy most of the time, and slowly build mileage, no more than 10% a week, less if you think you might get injured.  This will build a great base, AND as you get more running fitness, your speed will come.  I started running about 18 months ago, did the Couch to 5K plan, and was running high 12's to 13 minute miles.  Today I ran 6.5 miles at a 9:47 pace!  It seems to come in spurts.... I'll say awhile at one pace and then all of a sudden a breakthrough.  I think I have finally broken that 10 minute mile barrier, I never thought that would happen!  I am just now thinking adding some speedwork about once every 2 weeks... merely sprinting a block or 2 and then recover the same distance and repeat.  Last time I tried speedwork, it was too much too soon and I got injured.  I think if you are aiming towards sprint tri's... build up to 20-ish miles per week.  I try for 4 days, sometimes 5 if I do a brick.  I usually do one 6 mile run, a 5 mile, 5K, and then a long run.  When I was half marathon training I got up to 12 miles for my long run, but haven't gotten that back yet.  Working on 7-8 right  now.

NOTE:  I am NOT a running expert!!!  But I have gone from hating running and feeling like a complete poser, to actually referring to myself as a runner!
2010-04-28 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2778561

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just popping in for a quick hello! Don't have a lot to report from here - need to go log my swim workout for this AM - lots of pulling only sets working on technique and power/force with the arms.

I don't know of any websites about running either but I do have a book at home that is full of running workouts - when I get home later today I'll look for the title/info.
2010-04-28 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2778561

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi all! I am really enjoy motivating and more so being motivated by you!
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