BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-31 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3270001

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I have already posted my numbers for this year but I thought I would give a quick "year in review."

I have run a 5k race, 2 Oly tri's, swim leg of a 1st place Sprint relay, a half marathon, 4 mile race and my A race the Marine Corps Marathon.  I t has been a tremendous first year of triathlon training and racing overall.  I have placed higher than I thought I would have been able to in my first triathlons and was 5:06 away from a Boston Qualifying marathon time for my first ever marathon.

Most importantly, I have an incredible family that has supported me, literally, in grand ways at a couple of my races and have allowed me the time to work as hard as I have.  The mentor groups have been incredible support as well.  Without them I could not have been remotely as successful as I have been. 

To those of you in your first season, you have a huge tool before you.  Complete your training and listen to the experience of the mentor, ask questions in other forums and when the racing season is here, you'll crush whatever goal you have now.

Happy New Year!!!

2011-01-01 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
1st workout of the year DONE!  3 miles on the mountain bike out on the trails.  No easy feat since the 60F heated up the snow to absolute mush!   But what fun!

(trusty mountain bike.jpg)

(Ashland training.jpg)

trusty mountain bike.jpg (94KB - 20 downloads)
Ashland training.jpg (89KB - 5 downloads)
2011-01-01 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Happy New Year everyone!

Hope everyone get's their new year off to a great start with a workout today!

Jayne, I would agree with Dirk... most injuries come from overuse or improper use. You are in endurance sports where the smallest imperfection in your form can cause in injuries because of the repetitive nature of them. Just make sure to practice the best form you can and to build slowly.

Dirk, congrats on a great year! Hope 2011 is even better!

Seren, Nice work, although, it still LOOKS chilly there with all the snow on the ground!
2011-01-01 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3271242

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Seren, I know you said it was 60, so I guess if you've been riding you might be a little hot, but still, it just looks ridiculous wearing no sleeves with snow on the ground!  Smile

I got in a good strength training workout today, and my shoulder is feeling better.  I haven't decided if I'll wait it out another week just in case, or if I'll go for a short swim in a couple of days to test it out.

Happy New Year everyone!
2011-01-01 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3271260

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Thanks.  This year should be much better because I'll have a better idea how to train.

I wold love to have had a 60 degree day to get an outdoor ride.  Instead it was 42 this morning and falling.......and other drainer ride for me.  It was good effort though.  Almost 1:40:00 and some decent sets I hope got me into some good work ranges.  BTW all our snow is gone from the rain and 52 degrees we had yesterday.

What does anyone know about lactic threshold workouts for the bike?  I need to work them into a schedule but I know very little about them.

With the numbers you have put up in the swim the past couple of months I would just wait a week before getting in the water again.  Your base is huge right now and a week off isn't going to cost you anything but another swim could.  Just take the opportunity to get an extra bike or something in.

Edited by DirkP 2011-01-01 9:29 PM
2011-01-01 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3271855

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I'm the last person that should be giving cycling advice, but one resource I like is  From what I gather, the guy who runs the site doesn't really get any obvious major benefit from it (well I guess he's promoting his book), he's just a coach/physiologist (or something) who is sharing his knowledge.  There are a few articles on threshold power.  He also has a 2 week "VO2 max booster program" which may interest you:

2011-01-02 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3271855

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-01 10:27 PM Tom,
What does anyone know about lactic threshold workouts for the bike?  I need to work them into a schedule but I know very little about them.

I usually follow the Winter Cycling Program here on BT.  Jorge is a coach here in Boston and every winter he puts up a LT bike program for free as a way of giving back to the BT community.    Its a 14 week program that started in November but you can start it anytime.  Its 3X week with an optional 4th or if you don't have time you can do workout #1 & 3 in a week.   Its an awesome program and I saw great results last year.
2011-01-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3269761

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2010-12-31 12:11 PM After looking at Dave's training plan, I have a question for those of you who are (how do I say this gently?) of the more "mature" age group.  Notice, I didn't say old?  I'll be 45 next summer and have to be REALLY careful not to injure myself by doing TOO much.  The joints (especially my shoulders, knees and lower back)  just don't take the abuse that they used to when I was in my 20s.  I always feel like I'm on the edge trying to push myself, but not hurt myself.  Cross-training helps.

So, I'd love to hear from some of you.  How do YOU prevent overuse injuries?   

OK I will jump into the fray here, and thank everyone fro their blogs and info.


As it seems I may be the most "mature" one of the group (just turned 50 in November), there are a couple of things I have learned about myself and my training over the past two short years of doing tris and a lifetime of sports and set backs. I do not take my own suggestions all the time but some things I try to do, and books that I have read have helped.
As several others have noted; easy does it, however be consistent with training. The consistency goes a lot farther then trying to fit a killer work-out in that I am going to pay for the next day. Small increments in distance for endurance to start, and work on technique, these two components have translated to faster pace over time.
Some other thoughts- warm-up, warm-up, warm-up... I try to fit some Yoga into my routine as well, even if it is just by myself. I try to stretch well after my workout and also at night before I go to bed.
A couple of books that have helped me with technique and also helped not to abuse my body and relax. Danny Dryer's - Chi Running - I am a forefoot runner, always have been. I am convinced this puts less stress on my back and body as a whole. I was in several car accidents as a teenager and was laid up for months with back issues. There is some controversy about forefoot/barefoot running but at 50 I am a believer. Very rarely do my back issues flare up unless I am not doing the things I suggested like stretching, core work and yoga...
For swimming Total Immersion by Terry Laughlin helped me (again there are differing opinions on his technique) but it has helped me relax in the water and become more efficient, still have a long way to go however.
Last but certainly not least is keeping my core strong.... to me this is key for all other parts of my body and helps me with my back, legs and shoulders, and to keep in alignment...I also go to the chiropractor on occasion for a tune-up.... bottom line for me is constant vigilance in all these areas...hard part is finding the time to get it all done..... hope this helps...... sorry for the long winded response..
2011-01-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3272283

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-02 10:53 AM

OK I will jump into the fray here, and thank everyone fro their blogs and info.


As it seems I may be the most "mature" one of the group (just turned 50 in November), there are a couple of things I have learned about myself and my training over the past two short years of doing tris and a lifetime of sports and set backs. I do not take my own suggestions all the time but some things I try to do, and books that I have read have helped.
As several others have noted; easy does it, however be consistent with training. The consistency goes a lot farther then trying to fit a killer work-out in that I am going to pay for the next day. Small increments in distance for endurance to start, and work on technique, these two components have translated to faster pace over time.
Some other thoughts- warm-up, warm-up, warm-up... I try to fit some Yoga into my routine as well, even if it is just by myself. I try to stretch well after my workout and also at night before I go to bed.
A couple of books that have helped me with technique and also helped not to abuse my body and relax. Danny Dryer's - Chi Running - I am a forefoot runner, always have been. I am convinced this puts less stress on my back and body as a whole. I was in several car accidents as a teenager and was laid up for months with back issues. There is some controversy about forefoot/barefoot running but at 50 I am a believer. Very rarely do my back issues flare up unless I am not doing the things I suggested like stretching, core work and yoga...
For swimming Total Immersion by Terry Laughlin helped me (again there are differing opinions on his technique) but it has helped me relax in the water and become more efficient, still have a long way to go however.
Last but certainly not least is keeping my core strong.... to me this is key for all other parts of my body and helps me with my back, legs and shoulders, and to keep in alignment...I also go to the chiropractor on occasion for a tune-up.... bottom line for me is constant vigilance in all these areas...hard part is finding the time to get it all done..... hope this helps...... sorry for the long winded response..

Bruce, I'd have to agree with the things you said. Often, it's the little things that can go the longest way. That little bit of extra warm up, or the 30 min of yoga and core can go a long way in helping you stay injury free. Excellent points.
2011-01-02 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I started to shake off the 2010 rust yesterday with a 7 miler. My IT band isn't behaving...time to get a foam roller.
2011-01-02 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Been busy this past week so I haven't posted much but today I'm officially back to training after a pretty slack December.  In my defense a stupid sinus/upper respiratory infection took me out of training for over a week.  Got out and did a 20 minute run today and walked 40 minutes with my parents and our dog.  Run was hard.  Lost all my run endurance (well the little I had) when I got sick so now I'm starting with 20 minutes 3x a week and increasing time by 10% each week again.  Tomorrow's a bike ride and my new Jillian Michaels DVD, it's all ab work.  My roommate and I have decided to start working out together so we're running 3-4 times a week and doing that DVD 3 times a week.  We officially start working out together when we go back to Clemson for school so right now we're just starting on our own.  

I've enjoyed reading everyone's advice and love that so many people in the group are doing IMs or HIMs this year.  I'm still trying to decide on whether to do an oly or an HIM this year.  I'm currently finishing up my undergrad and applying to grad school and working 10-15 hours a week so it's a a big juggling act to get in training in the schedule as well.  For those who've done an HIM how much time did you spend training each week?   

2011-01-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3272762

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I haven't done either the HIM or IM but I have completed a couple of Oly's.  The training time for a HIM is very close to what I am doing for my training right now.  The plan available to me for the HIM is very close, time wise, to my normal workout load.  Looking at your logs from Oct and Nov you would need to pick up quite a bit of time to hit the time allotments to make the workouts happen.  I think you will need to make the decision based on available time in your schedule.

How many hours a week will you have available to dedicate to training?  will your workout partner jump into the tri training with you?  If so it would help you remain accountable and give you someone to help you stay focused.

To all,
It's back to the grind for me tomorrow.  After 17 days off I am not looking forward to the 5 AM wake up.  I already know this week is going to suck just trying to catch up with all the nonsense from the time I was off work.  The big workout schedule is over and I will be back to getting 2 swims, 3 bikes and 3-4 runs a week in.  I am so thankful I have 3 day weekends almost all the time.

A quick Brick was my thing for today.  A 45 minute bike followed by a 4 mile run was all I did today.  Everything was easy because I am starting off the year with a much needed recovery week.

2011-01-02 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3272283

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-02 10:53 AM

OK I will jump into the fray here, and thank everyone fro their blogs and info.


As it seems I may be the most "mature" one of the group (just turned 50 in November), there are a couple of things I have learned about myself and my training over the past two short years of doing tris and a lifetime of sports and set backs. I do not take my own suggestions all the time but some things I try to do, and books that I have read have helped.
As several others have noted; easy does it, however be consistent with training. The consistency goes a lot farther then trying to fit a killer work-out in that I am going to pay for the next day. Small increments in distance for endurance to start, and work on technique, these two components have translated to faster pace over time.
Some other thoughts- warm-up, warm-up, warm-up... I try to fit some Yoga into my routine as well, even if it is just by myself. I try to stretch well after my workout and also at night before I go to bed.
A couple of books that have helped me with technique and also helped not to abuse my body and relax. Danny Dryer's - Chi Running - I am a forefoot runner, always have been. I am convinced this puts less stress on my back and body as a whole. I was in several car accidents as a teenager and was laid up for months with back issues. There is some controversy about forefoot/barefoot running but at 50 I am a believer. Very rarely do my back issues flare up unless I am not doing the things I suggested like stretching, core work and yoga...
For swimming Total Immersion by Terry Laughlin helped me (again there are differing opinions on his technique) but it has helped me relax in the water and become more efficient, still have a long way to go however.
Last but certainly not least is keeping my core strong.... to me this is key for all other parts of my body and helps me with my back, legs and shoulders, and to keep in alignment...I also go to the chiropractor on occasion for a tune-up.... bottom line for me is constant vigilance in all these areas...hard part is finding the time to get it all done..... hope this helps...... sorry for the long winded response..

Bruce:  Happy belated birthday!  You make 50 look great!  I'm doing well with being consistent in my training, warming up, and stretching A LOT!  I do need to work on core strength.  Do you have any core workouts you would suggest?  You don't need to apologize for detailed responses, I appreciate the information and advice.

Seren:  Slow and steady (I'm drilling that into my brain)!

Dirk:  I've looked at some of the sprint training plans and will go back and look at them again.  I have a really good base on the bike.  I've been riding three times a week consistently for a couple of years.  I really needed a reminder that the race isn't until June and I have plenty of time!  I'm also just beginning to learn how important recovery time is.  It's awesome to know that I'm doing what I can to get in the best shape possible, and that I'm getting stronger every week.  That's some great motivation.  
I have my 6 week post-op appointment with my surgeon tomorrow and I hope will tell me I can get in the pool.  I'm anxious to pick up where I left off.     
2011-01-02 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Wow, looking back through my logs it seems like my average weekly volume for my HIM was around 7 hours per week, and the max volume was only around 10 hours. It felt like a lot more than that for some reason. I think anyone can find a way to get 7 hours a week of training in. Not that it's always easy, but it shouldn't feel like an enormous hurdle. One hour per day is all. If you do a 2 hour ride on the weekend, that will afford you a rest day!

We had the official weigh-in tonight to kick off IMTX training. I'm at 175lbs - I think 5 pounds lighter than my going-in position for the HIM last year. It was wet out so we did a trail run rather than a bike ride. It was a HILLY 7 miler. So nice to get the lungs pumping though.
2011-01-03 12:30 AM
in reply to: #3272934

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2011-01-02 7:05 PM I haven't done either the HIM or IM but I have completed a couple of Oly's.  The training time for a HIM is very close to what I am doing for my training right now.  The plan available to me for the HIM is very close, time wise, to my normal workout load.  Looking at your logs from Oct and Nov you would need to pick up quite a bit of time to hit the time allotments to make the workouts happen.  I think you will need to make the decision based on available time in your schedule.

How many hours a week will you have available to dedicate to training?  will your workout partner jump into the tri training with you?  If so it would help you remain accountable and give you someone to help you stay focused.

Honestly this fall hasn't been great training wise for me (nor the summer thanks to not having access to a pool and being lazy after working all day).  I ran into problems with running.  I got severe shin splints and I mean could barely walk type pain so late october I started running completely from scratch.  Started with 10 minute runs 3x a week and increased 10% a week.  It did wonders for my shins and running became my main focus.  I rarely have any shin pain at all but it's been a very slow process.  November was weird with school and vacations so I didn't train much then.  Had fall break and then Thanksgiving in about a 3 week span and since no races are on the schedule training took a back seat to family time.  My roommate will be running with me but not biking or swimming.  My class schedule's awesome for the next semester.  No class Monday or Friday and most likely I'll only work 3-4 hours on Monday so that leaves the rest of the day for training and all Friday.  The plan now is Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday are run days.  Monday, Wednesday, Friday are bike days.  Swimming will be 3 or 4 days most likely alternating from week to week but I'm thinking either Saturday or Sunday and monday, tuesday or thursday and friday.  With running my plan's the same increase time 10% each week, Biking I want to keep increasing the mileage each week and include a long ride each week.  I want to start with training at least 6 hours a week and move up.  My biggest problem is getting up for morning workouts... big fan of the snooze button  I know if I can find a way to drag myself out of bed that I could easily put in more training hours.
2011-01-03 12:36 AM
in reply to: #3273084

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dhopman - 2011-01-02 8:31 PM Wow, looking back through my logs it seems like my average weekly volume for my HIM was around 7 hours per week, and the max volume was only around 10 hours. It felt like a lot more than that for some reason. I think anyone can find a way to get 7 hours a week of training in. Not that it's always easy, but it shouldn't feel like an enormous hurdle. One hour per day is all. If you do a 2 hour ride on the weekend, that will afford you a rest day!

We had the official weigh-in tonight to kick off IMTX training. I'm at 175lbs - I think 5 pounds lighter than my going-in position for the HIM last year. It was wet out so we did a trail run rather than a bike ride. It was a HILLY 7 miler. So nice to get the lungs pumping though.

7-10 hours a week definitely seems doable and with 10 months to get there the HIM is looking more and more achievable.  

A good bit of the people who I was in a mentor group last year are also doing IMTX this year.  They're all starting their training now too.  I love seeing how people's training progresses while preparing for such a big race... hoping to do one myself in the next couple years.

2011-01-03 2:58 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Hi all.

My little Christmas/New Year break is finally over so went out for a 30min run this morning which means I'll be on this thread a lot more from now on. Think i'll take it a little easy this week and stick with 30min runs for the rest of the week.
Looking forward to my first swim of the year tomorrow as I get to try out my new pull buoy (never owned one before so will be an interesting experience).
2011-01-03 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3273045

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2011-01-02 8:13 PM
bfwhitt - 2011-01-02 10:53 AM

Bruce:  Happy belated birthday!  You make 50 look great!  I'm doing well with being consistent in my training, warming up, and stretching A LOT!  I do need to work on core strength.  Do you have any core workouts you would suggest?  You don't need to apologize for detailed responses, I appreciate the information and advice.

Jayne: The best Ab workout that I have done was on the P90X video, not sure you can get it without buying all the videos. Basically they mix it up and have various exercises that make it interesting; like seated leg pull ins, crunches, leg climbers, side crunches, seated twists. I always start slow if I have not done a lot of ab work for a while, I will add one extra repetition every time I work on abs. My understanding is that you cant overwork abs, so doing them every day or several times a week and adding an extra rep will get you there fairly quick. Like I said core work is key and helps with everything else.

2011-01-03 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Planned to add an extra day of running this week but this morning my left calf says otherwise. So here I sit this afternoon, resting elevating compressing. Had to postpone my XC ski lesson til Wednesday.
2011-01-03 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3274521

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Seren - 2011-01-03 1:42 PM Planned to add an extra day of running this week but this morning my left calf says otherwise. So here I sit this afternoon, resting elevating compressing. Had to postpone my XC ski lesson til Wednesday.

Oh no!  What do you think happened?  Was it a sudden occurrence, or a result of something gradual?
2011-01-03 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3274754

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
michgirlsk - 2011-01-03 3:12 PM
Seren - 2011-01-03 1:42 PM Planned to add an extra day of running this week but this morning my left calf says otherwise. So here I sit this afternoon, resting elevating compressing. Had to postpone my XC ski lesson til Wednesday.

Oh no!  What do you think happened?  Was it a sudden occurrence, or a result of something gradual?[/QUOTEI think it's a result if running in the vibrams and then also yesterdays bike in the slush kinda stressed out the calf. It's starting to feel better thus afternoon

2011-01-03 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Official day 1 of the training plan and I already did my 45 minute run this am. It was hardly by choice - tonight I'm going to a hockey game (Sharks) in the company penthouse suite. My legs are gassed after 3 straight days of running, one of which was super hilly. I really need to build up my base again! Ohhh, just wait until I hit the pool tomorrow, talk about pain...

PS - I ordered a Road ID the other day and they sent me this $1 off coupon code for others to use: ThanksDavid2323176
It's good for 20 uses over the next 30 days, so have at it if you're in the market.
2011-01-03 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Did a long, muddy, but fast 9.5 mile hike in the Charles Deam Wilderness area on Saturday, so took Sunday and Monday off.  Today was spent in the car driving home (ugggg!)   Had my 6-week post surgery appt. with my doc this afternoon.  He gave me the green light to swim.  No restrictions of any kind now!  There went my excuses, LOL!  

School starts on Wednesday (I teach 8th grade U.S. History), so the break from work is over.  It will be time to nail down my training routine.  I think I have it figured out, but it means getting up around 4:40-4:55 every morning.  I'm going to be able to get 3 swims, 3 runs, 2 bikes, and one long weight training workout in.  I'm also going to try to fit in a short core workout and stretching every evening.

I find the best way to prevent missing my workouts is to watch the negative "self-talk".  It's best if I don't think about it; don't think of all of the reasons for not working out--tired, not enough time, sore, tired, other things to do, tired.  You get the picture.  Instead, I set up my plan and then do it without the internal debate!  And, I ALWAYS feel great during and after the workout.

Laughing  --Jayne 
2011-01-03 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3275129

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Make sure you take it easy on that leg.  I did notice recently, after running in some slush with my ice cleats, that my calves got a pretty intense workout.  We had about 2 inches of snow and while it was getting a bit warmer out that started to make for some lousy running conditions.  I was alright after the snow solidified or melted.

I have one thing to say.........GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, something else.........good job on the runs today.  Base building kind of sucks, so I feel for you right now.  About the end of May or beginning of June I am going to start re-building my marathon base up to (I hope) 50 miles a week.  All that AND try to keep my other disciplines up to snuff for another Oly tri in August.

I am glad to hear that you are back to normal and can start hammering some workouts out.  Once you have a routine and some time to build all your base you'll probably have more energy than you know what to do with sometimes.  Thats the way it seems like it works for me anyway.

Me,   I got an easy recovery swim in tonight.  2650 yards with 6x50 on :50 for the hard sets.  I don't like to do any swim or bike workouts that don't have some hard work built into it.  Even recovery weeks shouldn't be totally easy, in my opinion.

2011-01-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3274521

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Seren - 2011-01-03 1:42 PM Planned to add an extra day of running this week but this morning my left calf says otherwise. So here I sit this afternoon, resting elevating compressing. Had to postpone my XC ski lesson til Wednesday.

Hope the calf feels better! 
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