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2011-01-20 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3309917

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
D001 - 2011-01-19 8:05 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-19 7:11 AM Welcome to the group Kerry! Don't worry too much about your current swimming skill. Most triathlete's come from running and cycling backgrounds (or no background of the three sports) and struggle with the swim component. How are you finding the swimming lessons? I recommend that you check out the article section of the website and veiw the beginner swimming series. I am pretty sure that this set of articles is free to access.

Check out this link for help with the plantar fascitis:
Hm. I found BT when I was searching for swim technique info. I have way more background with swimming than with running (wogging) or biking. Actually, I wish they had Tri's that were 99% swimming! As for plantar fascitis, I've have WAY more experience with it than I ever wanted! I had to stop running (wogging) for a year because of it. Apparently, there can be a lot of different causes, which means that a treatment that helps one person may not help another person. (I'm sure Melissa can give more info about this....)

Ooo another swimmer! Excellent. Your expertise is gratefully accepted!

As for rehabilitation, in the clinic we have typical starting points that we will generally take all patients with a particular problem to depending on severity/duration of injury. Each practicioner has their own set of progressions that work for them. For example, we could do ultrasound + stretch + mobilizations for 6 sessions and if we're seeing progress, good. If not, maybe we would try accupuncture, heat therapy, etc. It depends on the person but there are trends too luckily so we're not starting from scratch with each patient. I recommend visiting a physiotherapist or athletic therapist along with stretching and tennis balling at home so that you can correct the problem.

2011-01-20 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3310098

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
D001 - 2011-01-19 9:49 PM
kkvane - 2011-01-19 8:56 PM OK. The last post was supposed to be a reply to Dee. Maybe I hit the wrong button. ??
It showed up on the mentor thread. I saw it. I see *everything.* (Well, at least I do in the Challenge forum. Maybe not so much elsewhere on BT. LOL)

Is it fun being a moderator? How did you end up being a mod for BT?
2011-01-20 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Alright, time for my spin!! Or else it might not happen... (I was supposed to do one yesterday...)

See, everyone has trouble starting sometimes. Just do it!

Tip: Commit to doing at least the first 10 minutes of every training session, then deciding whether to stop or continue. In most cases you will continue.
2011-01-20 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3310633

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
mbasta - 2011-01-20 8:30 AM

Alright, time for my spin!! Or else it might not happen... (I was supposed to do one yesterday...)

See, everyone has trouble starting sometimes. Just do it!

Tip: Commit to doing at least the first 10 minutes of every training session, then deciding whether to stop or continue. In most cases you will continue.

I need to start doing that tip on a regular basis. I've done it a few times where I've ended up doing my entire workout after not feeling it.

Kid is still sick, temp of 103.8 this morning. So ended up going to the doc and getting some antibiotics. No swimming today, probably no lesson tomorrow.

Printed off one of the biking plans and I want to give that a try, so will hopefully do that tonight. We'll have to play it by ear though, my oldest has swim team tonight, and I was up from 1-4 am with the little guy, so a good night's sleep may be the best bet.
2011-01-20 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3311336

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kwynnc - 2011-01-20 1:07 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-20 8:30 AM Alright, time for my spin!! Or else it might not happen... (I was supposed to do one yesterday...)

See, everyone has trouble starting sometimes. Just do it!

Tip: Commit to doing at least the first 10 minutes of every training session, then deciding whether to stop or continue. In most cases you will continue.
I need to start doing that tip on a regular basis. I've done it a few times where I've ended up doing my entire workout after not feeling it. Kid is still sick, temp of 103.8 this morning. So ended up going to the doc and getting some antibiotics. No swimming today, probably no lesson tomorrow. Printed off one of the biking plans and I want to give that a try, so will hopefully do that tonight. We'll have to play it by ear though, my oldest has swim team tonight, and I was up from 1-4 am with the little guy, so a good night's sleep may be the best bet.

Hopefully your kiddo is feeling better soon!
2011-01-20 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3310596

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-20 9:19 AM

D001 - 2011-01-19 7:54 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-19 7:34 AM Here's a running interval program to get you started (do 3x per week with rest days in between):

Week 1 - W2/R1 x 7
Um. When I started wogging, I couldn't run for 1 minute. The asthma would flare up, and that would be the end of that. So my repeats were walk for 1-to-2 min, wog for 30 seconds and repeat..... (And there were days when I was only able to wog for 15 seconds before wheezing, so I did that.) Even now, I can't run for 3 minutes. I found a good interval for me is to walk 45 seconds, then wog 45 seconds. I can keep that up for quite awhile. OK, so I'll never win a race. LOL

What if you run slower? I mean slooow. I don't have any experience working with asthma... Wogging is fine if that's what works for you. How do you find your asthma during bikes and swims?

I don't think I work hard enough during the bikes and swims for it to act up. LOL

For some reason, it's more noticeable on the wogs....

Hm. I've never thought about why. But seriously, I'm now thinking that I don't work as hard on the other two things..... Hm.....

2011-01-21 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3312483

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
D001 - 2011-01-20 9:56 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-20 9:19 AM
D001 - 2011-01-19 7:54 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-19 7:34 AM Here's a running interval program to get you started (do 3x per week with rest days in between):

Week 1 - W2/R1 x 7
Um. When I started wogging, I couldn't run for 1 minute. The asthma would flare up, and that would be the end of that. So my repeats were walk for 1-to-2 min, wog for 30 seconds and repeat..... (And there were days when I was only able to wog for 15 seconds before wheezing, so I did that.) Even now, I can't run for 3 minutes. I found a good interval for me is to walk 45 seconds, then wog 45 seconds. I can keep that up for quite awhile. OK, so I'll never win a race. LOL

What if you run slower? I mean slooow. I don't have any experience working with asthma... Wogging is fine if that's what works for you. How do you find your asthma during bikes and swims?
I don't think I work hard enough during the bikes and swims for it to act up. LOL For some reason, it's more noticeable on the wogs.... Hm. I've never thought about why. But seriously, I'm now thinking that I don't work as hard on the other two things..... Hm.....

We don't want your asthma acting up during those sports, I was thinking along the lines of you working to excel in those areas during training/events, and just focusing on completing the run portion.

Have you talked to your doctor recently about running and the effect your asthma has on it?

Edited by mbasta 2011-01-21 5:53 AM
2011-01-21 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED

Some of my favorite moves for bodyweight strength training at home: calf raises, squats, lunges, crunches, supine back extensions, and push ups. If you like this idea, do 1 set (1 of each exercise) and write down how many you can do before you need to stop. Let me know the number and I will help you make modifications/progressions as needed. if you don't know what some of these are please let me know!

In response to the at home exercises here is what I can do til the 'burn' starts:

Calf raises - 30
Squats - 5 (stand alone) I seem to have balance issues on this one!!
lunges - 15 each side
crunches - 20
Back extensions (laying on the floor) 8
Pushups - full length - 4

I would appreciate any advice/input!
2011-01-21 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
I'll try that later tonight. I'm interested to see what I can do. Do you do calf raises on a step or just on the floor? And the back extension - laying on the floor and then lifting up from the waist?
2011-01-21 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3313956

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
I did the calf raises on the floor.  I did the back extensions like you described.
2011-01-21 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3313468

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Threejs - 2011-01-21 12:25 PM

Some of my favorite moves for bodyweight strength training at home: calf raises, squats, lunges, crunches, supine back extensions, and push ups. If you like this idea, do 1 set (1 of each exercise) and write down how many you can do before you need to stop. Let me know the number and I will help you make modifications/progressions as needed. if you don't know what some of these are please let me know!

In response to the at home exercises here is what I can do til the 'burn' starts:

Calf raises - 30
Squats - 5 (stand alone) I seem to have balance issues on this one!!
lunges - 15 each side
crunches - 20
Back extensions (laying on the floor) 8
Pushups - full length - 4

I would appreciate any advice/input!

Sounds like a good start! Once you get the hang of the movement you'll be able to do more squats, just keep working on it. Be sure that your knees don't pass your toes when squating because it puts a lot of pressure on the knee joint (lunges too). I recommend that you try single leg calf raises to make it a little more challenging since you can do so many.

2011-01-21 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3313956

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kwynnc - 2011-01-21 3:21 PM I'll try that later tonight. I'm interested to see what I can do. Do you do calf raises on a step or just on the floor? And the back extension - laying on the floor and then lifting up from the waist?

You can do the calf raises on a step or on the floor, but I tend to do them on the floor. For back extensions you can lye on the floor and lift the chest and head up, if that's too easy bring the arms up level to the shoulder with elbows at 90 degree and raise them too. If you have an exercise ball you can do back extensions on it too.
2011-01-21 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.
2011-01-21 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3314465

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
mbasta - 2011-01-21 5:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!Laughing
2011-01-22 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3310633

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
mbasta - 2011-01-20 9:30 AM Alright, time for my spin!! Or else it might not happen... (I was supposed to do one yesterday...)

See, everyone has trouble starting sometimes. Just do it!

Tip: Commit to doing at least the first 10 minutes of every training session, then deciding whether to stop or continue. In most cases you will continue.

I totally did that on Wednesday this week. I was initially planning to hit the Y after work, but we had a really busy day and I was physically exhausted. I was ready to blow off the workout. When I left work, the sun was out and it was nearly 50F. On my way home, I decided I should take the dog and do the workout outside - even if I only walked. Well....once I got going I was fine. Managed to do the whole workout for that day. Sometimes (many times?) the getting going is the hardest...
2011-01-22 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED

Lake Hodges:  Walked 15 minutes warmup then did walk 2 min/Run 1 min x 7.  1st 2 splits were hard since all the muscles and joints are rusty from not running in forever!! 3-4-5 were easy and felt really good; 6 and 7 were hard.  Walked 15 min cool down.  Right hip is a little sore, knees acted up a bit but seem ok.  Keyster was dragging big time on 6 and 7!  Officially broke in the new running shoes! 

Best part:  Having a great discussion on splits and times and running in general with my son on the drive home.  Cool

2011-01-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3314465

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
mbasta - 2011-01-21 8:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

Same to you, Melissa! No huge plans for the weekend. Some work, some homework, and some housework. ;-) We are going to dinner at friends this evening, so that should be fun. Food and chatting....

The sprint I'm signed up for is 250m swim, 20K bike, and 5K run (in September 2011). So far, I'm working on a couch-to-5K run/walk program I found on Women's Health Magazine. It starts really slow (I need that) and works up. I'm finishing up week 2 (out of 6). I'm up to running(wogging) 2 minutes at a time, but it is really kicking my butt. I would (maybe should?) slow down, but I'm already only going an average of 3mph. Ack. I thought I was walking at least that fast and some wogging would make me faster, but it doesn't appear so. Ugh. Should I keep pushing and hope/plan that it will get better/easier, or slow down to a snail's pace and hope I get faster? I have to finish the tri in 2 1/2 hours, so I'm kinda freaked about that....

I've also started slowly working on my swimming. Working more on trying to get the breathing to flow right now than actual form, etc. I looked at the swim tips here on BT, and have been doing the "bobbing" breathing practice.

Not working on the bicycle right now. I regularly ride 7-12 miles during the spring/summer, so I'm not worried about that part. I'll wait til the weather gets better to start working on that outdoors.

I guess I'm feeling okay about things at the moment. I'm already doing more running than I ever have before. I'm just kinda looking at that 2 1/2-hour time limit and fretting...

Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!!!
2011-01-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3315235

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
I wanted something different. So I got one of these:

It arrived yesterday. I put it together and used it. It was.... fun, actually.

2011-01-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3315235

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Threejs - 2011-01-22 1:33 PM

Lake Hodges:  Walked 15 minutes warmup then did walk 2 min/Run 1 min x 7.  1st 2 splits were hard since all the muscles and joints are rusty from not running in forever!! 3-4-5 were easy and felt really good; 6 and 7 were hard.  Walked 15 min cool down.  Right hip is a little sore, knees acted up a bit but seem ok.  Keyster was dragging big time on 6 and 7!  Officially broke in the new running shoes! 

Best part:  Having a great discussion on splits and times and running in general with my son on the drive home.  Cool

Totally identify with the dragging keyster bit! ;-) Good for you for keeping with it and finishing the workout. So cool that running's given you and your son something to add to the discussion list.....

Edited by kkvane 2011-01-22 12:53 PM
2011-01-22 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3315242

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
D001 - 2011-01-22 1:45 PM I wanted something different. So I got one of these: It arrived yesterday. I put it together and used it. It was.... fun, actually.

Looks like more like a torture device. Haha!! What all do you do on it? Throwing something new in the mix can definitely liven things up and make them more fun! ;-)
2011-01-22 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
I'm attaching my current training plan (haven't gotten the training log up an going yet). I chose this one because I needs something that works up slow, but it's really really testing me. I did make a couple small adjustments as to rest day and days off  of running activities. Wondering if it ramps up too fast? Should I switch to the 5K plan that was posted on here earlier? Any input/suggestions would be warmly welcomed! Thanks!

Edited by kkvane 2011-01-22 2:11 PM

5K training.doc (49KB - 9 downloads)

2011-01-22 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3312751

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-21 6:53 AM
D001 - 2011-01-20 9:56 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-20 9:19 AM
D001 - 2011-01-19 7:54 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-19 7:34 AM Here's a running interval program to get you started (do 3x per week with rest days in between):

Week 1 - W2/R1 x 7
Um. When I started wogging, I couldn't run for 1 minute. The asthma would flare up, and that would be the end of that. So my repeats were walk for 1-to-2 min, wog for 30 seconds and repeat..... (And there were days when I was only able to wog for 15 seconds before wheezing, so I did that.) Even now, I can't run for 3 minutes. I found a good interval for me is to walk 45 seconds, then wog 45 seconds. I can keep that up for quite awhile. OK, so I'll never win a race. LOL

What if you run slower? I mean slooow. I don't have any experience working with asthma... Wogging is fine if that's what works for you. How do you find your asthma during bikes and swims?
I don't think I work hard enough during the bikes and swims for it to act up. LOL For some reason, it's more noticeable on the wogs.... Hm. I've never thought about why. But seriously, I'm now thinking that I don't work as hard on the other two things..... Hm.....

We don't want your asthma acting up during those sports, I was thinking along the lines of you working to excel in those areas during training/events, and just focusing on completing the run portion.

Have you talked to your doctor recently about running and the effect your asthma has on it?

Hey there,

I have asthma too, but I've found a way around my asthma that doesn't bother me while exercising.

For me, at least, it's really all about pace and breathing. I could swim all day if I had to at race pace, simply because I can pace myself and my breath rates to match my natural rhythm. As long as my lungs get the proper ratio of oxygen intake to expenditure, I'm fine.

Here are a few tips:

Try a yoga class. The instructor will ask you to focus on your breath and will keep bringing your attention to it throughout your yoga practice...after a while, you'll notice a change in your breathing so that it is deeper and more effective, and you'll be more concious of it even when you're not doing yoga.

Try to slow down when you're cycling, swimming, or running and just focus on your breath.

I used to (and still do sometimes) hate running because I'd get winded so quickly and my asthma would kick in and I wouldn't be able to breathe at all for a bit.

Try running without music and listening to your breaths. I have to breath in long every 1st step for 2 steps and breath out two separate, short breaths like (HA, HA) for steps 3 and 4. Don't be afraid to break your breaths into parts like that -- it's how most musicians play!

I'm a bit of a musician myself, and after years of swimming, yoga, and sax/flute/tuba/trumpet playing I find that i can get around my asthma with a bit of toying with breath rates and paces.

I'm also learning the bagpipes currently...when was the last time you heard of an asthmatic piper?! Haha.

I start my tri fitness class tomorrow at the gym...wish me luck!

Happy training everyone!

2011-01-22 11:24 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Good job on getting moving, you guys! And Cate, good luck on your tri class. I'm interested to hear what all it entails.

Good news! My little guy is much better. First dose of antibiotic and his temps stayed down in the 101-102 range instead of >103.5, so that was a huge relief. He's much better today, last dose of antibiotic (3 day z pack, gotta love them!!)

Moved our treadmill around in the basement. It's an unfinished basement, and there's NO WAY that I can run with my back to the rest of the space. We have a free day tomorrow, so my plan is to get on the treadmill for a walk with a little bit of run to see how the heel/arch does. Then the boys and I are going to try to do the body strength challenge.

Hoping to get to the pool on Monday. I usually use my Monday morning to run errands but since I haven't been in since Tuesday, I'm going to go and see how busy it is. Maybe. Otherwise Tuesday for sure. I finally did 150 yrds without stopping, so I'm hoping to be able to add 50 on each time I go.

Edited by kwynnc 2011-01-22 11:26 PM
2011-01-23 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3315921

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kwynnc - 2011-01-22 9:24 PM Good job on getting moving, you guys! And Cate, good luck on your tri class. I'm interested to hear what all it entails. Good news! My little guy is much better. First dose of antibiotic and his temps stayed down in the 101-102 range instead of >103.5, so that was a huge relief. He's much better today, last dose of antibiotic (3 day z pack, gotta love them!!) Moved our treadmill around in the basement. It's an unfinished basement, and there's NO WAY that I can run with my back to the rest of the space. We have a free day tomorrow, so my plan is to get on the treadmill for a walk with a little bit of run to see how the heel/arch does. Then the boys and I are going to try to do the body strength challenge. Hoping to get to the pool on Monday. I usually use my Monday morning to run errands but since I haven't been in since Tuesday, I'm going to go and see how busy it is. Maybe. Otherwise Tuesday for sure. I finally did 150 yrds without stopping, so I'm hoping to be able to add 50 on each time I go.

So happy your little guy is feeling better.  I remember those days (and nights) of's great when they start to feel like themselves again!

2011-01-23 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Oh...just in case you all don't know what day it is....

GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!

Edited by Threejs 2011-01-23 9:56 AM
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