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2011-02-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
30 minute spin on the trainer this morning. First workout in exactly 2 weeks since getting the flu. Felt good to get something done. Going to Y early tomorrow and see if I can jog 30 minutes on the treadmill. Yes, I'm actually looking forward to using the treadmill. Wink

2011-02-05 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I now realize how useful the BT training log can be. Having historical perspective is great. I started swimming around the same time this last 2 years (beginning of winter). It took me last year until mid April to get to the paces I currently achieve, but I was also swimming longer distances/time. This is encouraging info, but I guess I need to step it up a bit or I won't make any progress this year.
2011-02-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3340632

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jamesarr - 2011-02-05 1:58 PM 30 minute spin on the trainer this morning. First workout in exactly 2 weeks since getting the flu. Felt good to get something done. Going to Y early tomorrow and see if I can jog 30 minutes on the treadmill. Yes, I'm actually looking forward to using the treadmill. Wink

That was some nasty flu! 
2011-02-06 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
40 minutes on the treadmill at an easy pace. Felt good, but I'm being cautious about pushing it. Monday is an off day, but I'll be at the pool Tuesday 0500 and we'll see how it goes.

Yes, the flu sucks, but bumped into a guy at the Y I hadn't seen in a while. Meniscus tear in the right knee and surgery back in August. Counting my blessings for the rest of the day.
2011-02-06 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I had awesome weather over the weekend, Saturday was 72 and today was 68 for highs. I went riding all weekend. Seventy eight miles total. Its nice to get outside again after all the rain that has dropped here!
2011-02-06 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3342295

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Weather got up into the high 30s/low 40s this weekend.  Was able to get outside for a five mile run yesterday, and an hour on the rollers today.  Gonna try to run outside again tomorrow.

2011-02-07 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Day off today.  Got all my training sessions in last week.  Great first week.  Tired though....
2011-02-07 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3338871

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
bdroppleman - 2011-02-04 6:58 AM Stuart, sorry to hear about the disappointing race! But you showed a lot of guts to keep on going despite the troubles.
Mike, awesome inspiring story!
Re: training programs, I'm not quite ready to quit winter maintenance yet since my HIM is in Sept, so I'm focusing on shorter workouts and strength. As always, I'm worried about not being "balanced" enough due to all the repetition of the same sports. Bought myself a medicine ball and some elastics and have been doing these for the last week. Highly recommended. They don't take much time and seem like an easy workout but I'm really feeling them. From the USA Tri eZine: I agree with what he says about never doing "leg extension" machine.

From Runner's World Feb '11 mag "Fully Fit" series
Active Warmup,8052,s6-6-0-2,00.html?bcpid=2884340001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAABjSC4E~,YBF36HfcFnZeqZMwmU2oQb7me4-NwQYO&bclid=729780827001&bctid=732529122001

Strength and Balance,8052,s6-6-0-2,00.html?bcpid=2884340001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAABjSC4E~,YBF36HfcFnZeqZMwmU2oQb7me4-NwQYO&bclid=729780827001&bctid=732529122001


Good info Beth, Im starting a new routine with more leg exercises and higher reps 25-35, some plyometrics also.I would like to get a TRX soon.
2011-02-08 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Weekend included a nice treadmil lactic threshold test, saturday storage cleanout (off), and sunday beach run. Sunday night I ended up getting some back spasms probably from the lifting of a heavy TV and Kayaks. Not good but after another off day to stretch out, today Im hitting a light week to taper with swimming and running for the indoor tri Lifetime Fitness this weekend. Excited because this will be my first official tri and practice run before a true course in March. Im just worried about the 10m swim. Hopefully a few days back in the pool will remedy this. Im going to start up two a days after this light week to prepare for my first sprint with daily swims (Month of Swim Focus after now finishing two months of run focus). Cant wait for this weekend!!! Have a great week everyone. Crush those goals!
2011-02-08 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3258079

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
when the program has two-a-day work outs what is the standard time to wait in between each work out?  30 min?  an hour?  two, three, etc...

I may be limited to working out only at night so i still want to try and do it right! 
2011-02-08 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3346166

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
rfranke7 - 2011-02-08 7:30 PM when the program has two-a-day work outs what is the standard time to wait in between each work out?  30 min?  an hour?  two, three, etc...

I may be limited to working out only at night so i still want to try and do it right! 

I generally look at what two workout I am doing together to lessen the impact.  So I'll do Bike as a singleton workout (one day) and then do running and swimming on the same day.  The reasoning is that swimming is a very low impact training (i feel) and running being the most impacting and of course biking in the middle.

So to answer your question if I have to do a workout right after another I am lessening the risk of potential injury.  I rarely do them one right after another other than if it is a scheduled brick workout.  Otherwise I wait at least 4 to 5 hours.

Hope this helps.

2011-02-09 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3346166

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
rfranke7 - 2011-02-08 7:30 PM when the program has two-a-day work outs what is the standard time to wait in between each work out?  30 min?  an hour?  two, three, etc...

I may be limited to working out only at night so i still want to try and do it right! 

For me time always dictates my schedule, so for me doing back to back workouts is common. I will typically do swim/run,bike/run,swim/bike in that order.
2011-02-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Guys, I need a swift kick in the pants.  I haven't trained in a week and my diet is a train wreck.  Pressure at work and home, freezing weather and a cold have derailed me.  I've got 8 weeks left until my first Sprint of the season, and although I can do all the distances, I won't be making my goals unless I can get my rear in gear and train.

Suggestions welcome.

2011-02-09 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Consider yourself kicked....but don't feel too bad though, I'm having a hard time myself. I think I'm specially sensitive to lack of sunlight (In fact I've considered a UV lamp in the past, but they are not cheap). My workouts are a drag right now. I don't feel motivated, and that scares me because I want to keep doing this for a long time. I just miss training outdoors, it's so much more fun.
To make it worse, the forecast for the weekend is low 50's , and I have to work  Yell.
Hang in there! 
2011-02-09 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3347277

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike- you'll get through it.  Trying to ramp back up myself, but it has been hard- baby girl seems like she is always sick, working a ton of hours this time of year, and the weather has sucked all winter.  Once I start missing workouts, it seems to just snowball.   But, I find that if I can just drag myself to a workout, things start to fall back into place and I begin looking forward to the next workout again.  Motivation is usually my biggest weakness.
2011-02-10 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike, early season races are always a challenge, they always creep up fast. Maybe reset your goals based on current conditions and use this race as motivation for a great season.

Right now Im using my early season races as motivation and to evaluate my fitness so I can correct my training accordingly. 

2011-02-11 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
First Tri tomorrow! Have focused on getting confidence and feel of the water this week in the pool. Light run and stretch tonight and a full go tomorrow first wave Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri Woodstock, GA! My goal is non stop swim for 10m and well see where I stand fitnesswise, at least beat 2.25 miles on the treadmill in 20m, Bike really isnt a bike so spin as hard as possible and well see how the run feels. Mostly going by feel for this first one and will help tremendously in prep for Hunter Army Tri Savannah in three weeks. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Pics will be posted on Sunday with race report and results! Any suggestions on nutrition prep night before? I dont want to overeat especially with it only being a one hour affair. Im sure this is where all the experimentation begins. Anyone else have an early season test?
2011-02-11 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3350057

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
driveradme - 2011-02-11 6:34 AM First Tri tomorrow! Have focused on getting confidence and feel of the water this week in the pool. Light run and stretch tonight and a full go tomorrow first wave Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri Woodstock, GA! My goal is non stop swim for 10m and well see where I stand fitnesswise, at least beat 2.25 miles on the treadmill in 20m, Bike really isnt a bike so spin as hard as possible and well see how the run feels. Mostly going by feel for this first one and will help tremendously in prep for Hunter Army Tri Savannah in three weeks. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Pics will be posted on Sunday with race report and results! Any suggestions on nutrition prep night before? I dont want to overeat especially with it only being a one hour affair. Im sure this is where all the experimentation begins. Anyone else have an early season test?

Awesome!!! I would just eat a normal meal, for a sprint you will already have enough stored glucose, just focus on staying hydrated during with water. 

Ill be doing a Criterium in Folsom, Ca tomorrow! The weather is supposed to be in the mid 70's!
2011-02-13 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Went for a long run outside. Was targeting 11 miles in zone 2. Was doing great until I hit 8 miles. Noticed mild arthritic like pain on knees. Same as last weekend. I never get it while on treadmill at same distances. I'm wondering if it's the cold weather or the hills (most of my treadmill runs are flat). As soon as I stopped, the discomfort went away. Last winter I was only doing 4-5 miles outdoors. During warm weather, long runs were not an issue. I guess I just need to get used to the distances/hills.
How did the races go? 
2011-02-13 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Finished up a long training week.  Felt like all I was doing were two a days.  I missed one swim workout early in the week so I fit it in on another day that had a single bike workout.  Finshed up the week this morning with a 1 mile continuous swim in the pool with a 7 mile dreadmill run.  Day off tomorrow.  I felt weak after my swim so I took in a powerbar and another type of bar with some gatorade.  I used my run as a tough it out (mental toughness) and ran at an even 10:00/mile pace which on a treadmill always seems faster.

Looks like rain in Oregon all  this week so it will be some wet runs.  I'll continue to ride indoors this next week and try to get out onto the road in the following week or so.

I am interested in knowing some of the event people are planning to enter this coming season.  I like to look at other events outside of my neighborhood; not to race but mainly browse.  Who is doing what?  I'll start....


DUCK Thrill Bill - Unv. of Oregon Olympic Distance Tri
Albany Sprint Tri - tri sprint in Albany Oregon - Pool Sprint
If not Duck Thrill Bill I'll do ----McMinnville Oregon Sprint Tri - Pool Sprint
Pacific Crest Long Distance Course Triathlon - Half-Ironman Distance in Sunriver, Oregon
Amica Mid-Summer Sprint Tri - Portland, Oregon (actually Fairview, Oregon/Blue Lake)
Maybe another one.

Edited by TriGuyBri 2011-02-13 5:10 PM
2011-02-13 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3342325

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nice 5 mile run outside on Saturday, and a an hour doing intervals on the rollers on Sunday. Supposed to be nice weather all week in Boston, so I look forward to getting some more outside runs in this week.

2011-02-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3258079

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Morning All!I had a pretty solid first week. Biked a total of 62, swam a total of 3250 and ran a total of 11 @ 7:30 pace. I was looking closer at the training plans and I think the tri-newbies fits into my schedule a little better with the two a days being on Tuesday and Thursday, not Wednesday and Friday. My question is tree doesn't seem to be any bricks?!? Am I missing something?Thanks
2011-02-14 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3353067

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
guticur - 2011-02-13 3:00 PM Went for a long run outside. Was targeting 11 miles in zone 2. Was doing great until I hit 8 miles. Noticed mild arthritic like pain on knees. Same as last weekend. I never get it while on treadmill at same distances. I'm wondering if it's the cold weather or the hills (most of my treadmill runs are flat). As soon as I stopped, the discomfort went away. Last winter I was only doing 4-5 miles outdoors. During warm weather, long runs were not an issue. I guess I just need to get used to the distances/hills.
How did the races go? 

Knee pain may be from hills or from run form, maybe at mile 6-7 take short break and stretch, then continue and see how it goes.
2011-02-14 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Able to put in a strong bike workout today. 0 knee problems! Did a swim brick.
I also tried the Endurance Gatorade (or Gatorade Pro) formula today for the first time. Double sodium and 3x potassium, same carbs/calories. Much better flavor, not as sweet as G2 products. Did not have any GI problems.
I either use water/Gu combination or Gatorade. What do you guys use to fuel for long workouts/races?

Edited by guticur 2011-02-14 8:52 PM
2011-02-16 12:12 AM
in reply to: #3355303

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
guticur - 2011-02-14 6:50 PM Able to put in a strong bike workout today. 0 knee problems! Did a swim brick.
I also tried the Endurance Gatorade (or Gatorade Pro) formula today for the first time. Double sodium and 3x potassium, same carbs/calories. Much better flavor, not as sweet as G2 products. Did not have any GI problems.
I either use water/Gu combination or Gatorade. What do you guys use to fuel for long workouts/races?

I generally use Shotbloks with GUor Rasberry Hammer, and Low Cal. Gatorade and Water.  I may give the Powder Endurance Gatorade a try.  I have used the NUUN Tablets as well, although they are expensive (I think).
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