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2011-01-31 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Courtney I'm glad you didn't kill yourself with a 20 miler this weekend.  Hopefully the 13 miles went well and you will be good to go for another 16 miler this weekend. 

I had a long weekend, well at least it felt long.  On Saturday I did an 8 mile race pace, well as close as I can get to race pace 7:41 min per mile pace (kicked my butt) and then had a 17 mile run on snow and ice on Sunday.  I did the whole run in yacktracks which held nicely even on steep downhills on relatively icy roads.  I would recomend them.  Then I got up at 5 something this morning for a 2000 yard swim (totally not a morning person).  

Tonight is 30-35 miles on the trainer.  I totally agree that you have to get your bike on that trainer.  It takes a while for your bum to get used to the saddle if you have been out of it for a while.  Even the short rides I have been doing are uncomfortable after 2 months of no bike riding.  

My main challenge currently is balancing how much "extra" bike and swim I can do while following my marathon plan for April as my IM is only 2 1/2 months of build after the marathon until the IM.  I am currently doing 5 runs, 2-3 bikes 2 swims and 1-2 days of lifting per week while keeping Friday as a complete rest day with no exercises.  I am currently in the mean build part of marathon training with long runs of 18, 12, 19 20, 12, 20, 12, 20, taper..  So that puts me at 40+ miles run, 60 miles biked and 4000 yards swum per week.  I don't think I can do much more "extra' without hurting the speedwork runs.    

2011-01-31 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
The very first day I got my tri bike and ditched the $50 K-Mart mountain bike I gained 3 mph.  It made biking a lot more fun being able to go farther in the same amount of time.  On race day you will have more fun.  You can do a race on a mountain bike, but folks go flying past you and it is discouraging. 

I did my first Tri on a rented road bike. 

As for swimming, I did my first try swimming breaststroke because I could not swim freestyle at all.  I then took a 2 day TI class and after about 3-4 months I was swimming far if not fast (1-2 miles). 

For the folks just starting out, you can do these things.  When I started I could jog (12 mpm) 1 mile, ride my moutain bike 4 miles and swim 25 yards kind of freestle, mostly drownding.  Just take it slow and stick with a plan and a goal. 
2011-01-31 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3327704

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

Baowolf - 2011-01-28 5:04 PM sorry program bugged. Hit your 20 the following week.  So long runs would look like 16, 13 (last 2 runs), 17, 18, 12, 20, 12, 20.......   With your run vollume the 20 in 9 days is more likely to cause more harm than good and may require more recovery time for the following week than you can afford at this point in your training. 

So in short try to bridge where you are to where you are supposed to be with an intermediate stop or 2 and take the extra recovery week if you need it due to health issues. 

You can wrap your camelback tube in a neopreme sheath so it does not freeze up on you.  Anyway hope we can talk more 8).

Thanks for the suggestions...  I ended up going 13 this weekend and made sure I got my 6 days of running in this week instead of trying to "make up" any distance. I am not worried about my mileage - it's slightly down from where I was before Twin Cities, but that's winter for you.  I hit right around 120 miles for both December and January.  I was at 154 and 160 for Aug/Sept going into Twin Cities (10/3), so I suspect Feb/March will be similar.

I think I'm just gun shy after the stress fracture in my first marathon attempt, but I don't like to do really long runs on consecutive weekends.  Pretty much for anything over 14 or 15, I do a cutback week the following week.  I am still planning to do 20 this weekend.  If I had never done a run of that distance before, I'd be leery about going from 16 to 20,  but I'm not too concerned.  The route I have planned has a convenient bail-out point at ~18.5 if necessary.  Besides, I'll be at my in-laws and they think I'm crazy anyway.  They think biking 20 miles is crazy, so running that far in the winter just adds to the insanity!!  

I like the Camelbak suggestion!  I've seen those winter kits for them, but I bet a piece of vacuum hose would work.  One of the trainers at my gym suggested wearing it under my coat.  I think I only had a problem with it that one day because it was in the low teens.  I've never had trouble with it in the 20s.

Thanks again and I'd love to hear any more suggestions you might have!

2011-01-31 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Mike I would seriously recommend you not do any exercizes with any kind of weights on.  It will just stress out your joints and if your back and ankle are already giving you problms that is even more reason to not add insult to injury so to speak.  Belive me you can get enough of a workout without having to resort to making the workout dangerous. 
2011-01-31 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
I froze mine only once this winter and it was 5F out.  I have a neopreem cover for it, but hadn't needed it and was pressed for time (not sure exactly where it is if you know what I mean). 

Is your camelback a fannypack stile with the tube around the waiste or is it a strap to your shoulders pack (personally I need the fannypack style).  Also, if you have an earobottle on your bike, you can get an extra bite valve from camelback and put it on the straw so you don't get sprayed in the face very time you hit a bump or get jabbed in the mouth when you take a drink ($2-5). 

Luck on that 20 this weekend.  Take it slow from mile one if you are going to do the whole 20.  Remember you are just going for the metobolic changes that you get after 2 hours, the pace is not all that important at this point in the game.  The place whre you build speed is on doing those 6-10x half mile repeats at race pace.   
2011-01-31 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
today was not so good! big reality check, I did my swimming without the small fins and I was swimming so slow I felt like I wasn't moving at all plus I felt like my lower body was drowning I was swimming so slow I felt like it was slow motion even with breast stroke now I am worried that I will not have enough time to get better at swimming 8( and is not like my running is good either


2011-02-01 5:18 AM
in reply to: #3331596

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-01-31 4:55 PM

Courtney I'm glad you didn't kill yourself with a 20 miler this weekend.  Hopefully the 13 miles went well and you will be good to go for another 16 miler this weekend. 

I had a long weekend, well at least it felt long.  On Saturday I did an 8 mile race pace, well as close as I can get to race pace 7:41 min per mile pace (kicked my butt) and then had a 17 mile run on snow and ice on Sunday.  I did the whole run in yacktracks which held nicely even on steep downhills on relatively icy roads.  I would recomend them.  Then I got up at 5 something this morning for a 2000 yard swim (totally not a morning person).  

Tonight is 30-35 miles on the trainer.  I totally agree that you have to get your bike on that trainer.  It takes a while for your bum to get used to the saddle if you have been out of it for a while.  Even the short rides I have been doing are uncomfortable after 2 months of no bike riding.  

My main challenge currently is balancing how much "extra" bike and swim I can do while following my marathon plan for April as my IM is only 2 1/2 months of build after the marathon until the IM.  I am currently doing 5 runs, 2-3 bikes 2 swims and 1-2 days of lifting per week while keeping Friday as a complete rest day with no exercises.  I am currently in the mean build part of marathon training with long runs of 18, 12, 19 20, 12, 20, 12, 20, taper..  So that puts me at 40+ miles run, 60 miles biked and 4000 yards swum per week.  I don't think I can do much more "extra' without hurting the speedwork runs.    

Man.... I feel like such a slug after reading this! Sounds like you're on a good track for your IM build..... but I've never done a full IM, so I'm not sure I can offer much constructive advice for you... Just encouragement! Keep up the good work!
2011-02-01 5:29 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

FWIW, I'm with Steve on your 20-miler next week.... The jump up from 16 to 20 would worry me a bit. Even though you've done 20 milers in the past, it's been a while, and that's a pretty big increase. So I would really follow his advice of taking the pace very easy from the start, and be mindful of how you're feeling when you reach that 18.5 mile potential bail-out point.

Oh, and by the way - do you have that trainer set up yet??? (after you set it up the next challenge is actually getting on it - mine's been set up in my basement for over a month, but it's hardly gotten any use.... but I teach spinning a couple days/week, so at least I'm getting some bike training in there!)
2011-02-01 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3328298

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
bdroppleman - 2011-01-29 10:05 AM
ajbrown - 2011-01-26 11:42 AM

 Last year while I was training for the New York Marathon I was sidelined by an injury early on so I took up swimming and biking as part of my training.  I am ready to use those new sports to try something that is a little less running - obviously a triathlon!  I cannot afford to hire a tri coach and am new to swimming and biking and could REALLY use direction and advice.  That is why I am here!!

Hey, welcome to the group! If you are new to swimming, check out the drill videos on this website. They're great! I also like the swim workouts in the Winter Maintenance Swim Focus training program. It offers variation and the volume's not huge, but you can always cut the yardage off each set if you want to do a little less. As for running and injury, I had a track muscle injury in hip when I was 16 and it still bothers me! So I take it easy on the running. Compared to running when I often feel beat up, with cycling there's almost no recovery the next day for me. Love that! 2 things that help me make it through runs: a foam roller and gentle stretch yoga class. 

Thanks for the info!!  I have been watching some swim videos and they have helped.  I plan on checking out the winter maintenance program you mentioned also.  My husband and I were just discussing the need for a foam roller last night.  We have a stick roller but it just does not get done what needs done!  I find that swimming is a little easier each time I go (after I warm up and get used to the breathing again that is!)  I do love that following a swim I never feel sore!  As for biking, I am usually sore after but I think that is from the running and lower body exercises I do.  I also need to spend more time stretching.
2011-02-01 5:57 AM
in reply to: #3332278

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Ariasx2 - 2011-01-31 11:36 PM

today was not so good! big reality check, I did my swimming without the small fins and I was swimming so slow I felt like I wasn't moving at all plus I felt like my lower body was drowning I was swimming so slow I felt like it was slow motion even with breast stroke now I am worried that I will not have enough time to get better at swimming 8( and is not like my running is good either



It sounds like your feet are sinking when you swim. This is a fairly common problem for new swimmers.... You might want to consider doing some balance drills as part of your swim training (I'll post links below to a few that might be helpful). You might also consider looking into the "Total Immersion" swimming program. There are books & videos available through this program that might be helpful. There are some in the tri world who scoff at TI as a swimming program, but one thing I think it does very well is to help swimmers develop good balance in the water, and that's half the battle.

Here are links to a few drills that might be helpful: (the first 2 minutes or so is a commercial for this guy's coaching service, so just fast forward through that part if you're not interested!) the first half of this video)

These next 3 videos are very similar to total immersion balance drills:

If anyone has any other useful tips for Ana on developing good balance in the water, please post 'em!!

Edited by jsnowash 2011-02-01 6:05 AM
2011-02-01 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3329043

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
akutracy - 2011-01-30 12:12 AM Since we have been on the topic of bikes, I need some advice.  I don't have a bike right now.  I have just been doing spinning classes so far and using the spinning bikes on my own.  I had a mountain bike in high school that has been sitting in my parents' garage for about ten years.  It was a pretty decent one, although old.  What are your thoughts on having it converted to something usable for this season?  What would that take and how much might it cost?  Or, should I just spring for a new road bike?  I don't have a lot of money, but it might be possible if I beg for it for a birthday present. Smile  How much would a decent road bike cost me?  It wouldn't have to be super nice since I am just a beginner at this but I would want to be able to pass it on to my husband (who isn't interested in racing) when I eventually get serious and want to upgrade.  Thanks for your help!

Hello akutracy!  Just adding my thoughts here.  I borrowed my nephew's cheap box store road bike to ride last summer and it was terrible!!  Way too big, built for a man and so uncomfortable to ride.  I bit the bullet and bought an entry level road bike from the bike store (spent around a grand on the bike alone) and could not believe the difference!  Worth every penny.  Our bike store offers no interest financing which made the purchase a little easier.  As for passing it on to your husband, unless you are the same size, your bike probably won't do any good to him.  A woman's bike is built differently also and would probably be uncomfortable for him to ride.  You could always sell or trade in your bike when you are ready to upgrade.  As for a total cost, it really depends on how many extras you get.  I have invested about $2,000 in the bike and extras (clip pedals and shoes, clothes, cadence computer, etc.)  The nice thing about the extras is that you can add them as you go.  The clip pedals and shoes are SO worth the money and def worth buying when you get the bike - in my opinion.   Good luck!

2011-02-01 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3332432

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
jsnowash - 2011-02-01 6:57 AM
Ariasx2 - 2011-01-31 11:36 PM today was not so good! big reality check, I did my swimming without the small fins and I was swimming so slow I felt like I wasn't moving at all plus I felt like my lower body was drowning I was swimming so slow I felt like it was slow motion even with breast stroke now I am worried that I will not have enough time to get better at swimming 8( and is not like my running is good either

Ana, It sounds like your feet are sinking when you swim. This is a fairly common problem for new swimmers.... You might want to consider doing some balance drills as part of your swim training (I'll post links below to a few that might be helpful). You might also consider looking into the "Total Immersion" swimming program. There are books & videos available through this program that might be helpful. There are some in the tri world who scoff at TI as a swimming program, but one thing I think it does very well is to help swimmers develop good balance in the water, and that's half the battle. Here are links to a few drills that might be helpful: first 2 minutes or so is a commercial for this guy's coaching service, so just fast forward through that part if you're not interested!) the first half of this video) These next 3 videos are very similar to total immersion balance drills: anyone has any other useful tips for Ana on developing good balance in the water, please post 'em!!

Ana - I am new to swimming and one thing that I noticed is that if I am not looking down while I swim, my lower body tends to sink.  Are you aware of how far forward you are looking when your head is in the water?  I read somewhere that you should look no more than 6 inches in front of you.  I also have noticed when I feel like I am swimming really slowly, if I concentrate on a strong upper body and make sure I am really using my arms to pull myself thru the water, that makes a big difference.  Just some thoughts - good luck with your training!  You can do it!!!
2011-02-01 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3330164

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- CLOSED
jsnowash - 2011-01-31 6:34 AM Welcome to Angela, Kenzie, Ana, and Marnie! I think that should bring us to to a pretty full mentor group. It looks like we have a great mix of folks in the group! I would encourage all of you to check in with each other from time to time. Visit each other's training logs, leave "inspires", encourage each other, etc. Here's the list of our group members: jsnowash - Jenny kc racer - RositaTorres - Rosita cobratodd - Todd milano - Shelly bdroppleman - Beth terisa07 - Terisa ewengler - Beth Chris.1333 - Chris brownnb - Nina brizzadd - Brad tribeagle - Courtney amerrylife - Mary squirt - Carol ajbrown - mn_av8or - Marcus akutracy - Tracy rdy2train - Jacki lferree - Laura wsmittick - Wendy Baowulf - Steve Ariasx2 - bradbiker - luckymom2boys - Jenny hramaha - Heather red_sailor - Red tjcin - Tim anghogan - Angela conanzchic - Kenzie Ariasx2 - Ana peteacher - Marnie I hope I didn't miss anyone! There are a couple of you who I didn't see "real names" posted for. If you would like to share your real names with us, please do! Happy training, everyone!

ajbrown-2 is me - Allison.  Excited to be here!!
2011-02-01 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3329674

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
jsnowash - 2011-01-30 5:41 PM
ajbrown - 2011-01-28 1:55 PM I live in Indiana where the snow has been coming down like crazy!!  It does not stop me from running outside but it does force me inside to swim and bike.  I do not belong to a gym as I have my own home gym that has hours that work around my schedule!!  I have a road bike and trainer, treadmill, elliptical, free weights, BOSU trainer, stability ball, pull up bar, etc.  I have been doing the classic p90x program to gain overall strength that I hope will help with my swimming and biking and maybe keep me injury free with my running.  I swim at a nearby high school 2xs a week.  I am working around a 2nd grade schedule, preschool schedule and 3 year old and my husband works an hour away so my schedule is not aligned with the various groups in my area.  I am very driven and dedicated and work well on my own so it does not bother me.  I did take a private swim lesson and my form is fine.   I take about 20 or so laps to feel comfortable with my breathing and the breathing is my biggest struggle.  I would like to take a few more lessons from a tri coach but we have not been able to get our schedules together due to snow and ice school delays and cancellations.  I printed out a tri schedule here to work on but either I don't understand it or it is vague.  I am not sure what exactly I should be doing with my swimming and biking.  It gives a distance to complete but does not say how it should be broken down.  I would like to find more specifics in terms of a 900 yard swim or a 4 mile bike (I do have a cadence computer and use clip pedals and shoes).  I am currently training to race 5ks and February 13th I will start a half marathon training so the running portion of triathlons will be dictated by my race schedule (as I am sure is pretty normal?).

I look forward to working with you and getting this racing season started!!
Sounds like you're doing great! I've always had trouble connecting with groups for training too - most people are training in the hours before or after work, and that's the time that's hardest for me, with getting kids off to school in the morning & homework, dinner, after school activity shuttle service, etc.... so I do most of my training solo, too. How do you like P90X? I have the program too, and I've done a bit of it, but I seem to have trouble following through and finishing the whole program. I think I'll take a stab at it again starting tomorrow. Which training plan are you following? Maybe I can help fill in some of the questions you have.... Some of the BT training programs are pretty basic, and the simplest ones are usually time based, and may or may not give instruction on structure for a given workout. If you're following a basic plan that doesn't offer specific workouts for training sessions, and you would like to have more specific workouts to follow, I have found the Swimplan website useful for generating swim workouts. And there's a coach who posts frequently on BT who has put together a fantastic Winter Cycling Program that you could use or modify to guide bike workouts. Keep up the good work!!

Good morning!  Still getting the hang of this site!!  I don't recall what program I chose but it does break everything down into minutes.  I have been researching different cycling programs and have been doing some of those (one leg drills, sets of increased speed/resistance and things of that nature).  I will check out the website and program that you suggested - thank you!  I have noticed an increase in my ability to swim longer and no have no sore bottom after biking - yea to both!!

As for P90x - I LOVE it!!  My upper body strength has greatly increased which can only help with all aspects of a tri!  What I really enjoy is having the guess work taken out of lifting.  I have no prior experience in lifting so I had no clue as to what to do.  I follow the program as best I can but switch up days depending on my running schedule and how my lower body feels.  Too much plyo or lower body leaves me with aching knees - not good!  Did you start back up again?
2011-02-01 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3327682

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
ewengler - 2011-01-28 5:51 PM
ajbrown - 2011-01-28 12:55 PM  I take about 20 or so laps to feel comfortable with my breathing and the breathing is my biggest struggle.  I would like to take a few more lessons from a tri coach but we have not been able to get our schedules together due to snow and ice school delays and cancellations.  I printed out a tri schedule here to work on but either I don't understand it or it is vague.  I am not sure what exactly I should be doing with my swimming and biking.  It gives a distance to complete but does not say how it should be broken down.  

The free plans at BT are very general, but you can find a variety of swim workouts to plug in at

Thank you - checking this out now!
2011-02-01 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3332491

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
ajbrown - 2011-02-01 6:40 AM As for P90x - I LOVE it!!  My upper body strength has greatly increased which can only help with all aspects of a tri!  What I really enjoy is having the guess work taken out of lifting.  I have no prior experience in lifting so I had no clue as to what to do.  I follow the program as best I can but switch up days depending on my running schedule and how my lower body feels.  Too much plyo or lower body leaves me with aching knees - not good!  Did you start back up again?

I did a round of P90X last year and also loved it!! 

2011-02-01 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Just an update: My bike is now happily on the trainer.  It took some doing - the biggest challenge was locating my pump.  My husband had put it in a strange place, so it took me longer than it should have!

I don't know how much I will actually ride it, but at least it's an easy option now. 

2011-02-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Swimming will just take time.  I was a new freestyler like I said in 2008 and just swam.  I was selfconcious at the pool and felt like the lifeguard was going to jump in at any minute and suggest I try a different stroke.  I was taking on water when I tried to breath and just verry awkward.  Once I was able to breath a little more reliably things came along better.  So from just starting to learn in June of 08 I swam for an Oly in July and a HIM in September 08 and an IM in 09. 

I took a 2 day TI clinic and that is really the only instruction I have had.  So yes I can say it was helpful.  I am still very slow in the water and would love to have access to a swim coach, but the closest pool for 10 months out of the year (other than my home) is 100 miles away.  So getting a swim coach is something I would love to be able to do some day. 

This year for swimming it is realy just recovering from the broken colar bone, regaining some flexibility and restrengthening that left side. 

A thought for those starting out, do not focus on speed in any of the 3 sports.  Just get in the miles.  Yes you can go a little harder, but no speed work per se.  All of my muscle issues (other than the crash) have been from trying to go too hard too fast on the bike.  The same can be done on the run. I did no speed work on running for a year (1000 miles).  Even running 180 miles a month, I can really feel hill workouts and only do them every 3 weeks.  Just take it slow, get in the miles or minutes and it will all fall into place, even swimming. 
2011-02-01 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3333069

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-02-01 11:32 AM

Swimming will just take time.  I was a new freestyler like I said in 2008 and just swam.  I was selfconcious at the pool and felt like the lifeguard was going to jump in at any minute and suggest I try a different stroke.  I was taking on water when I tried to breath and just verry awkward.  Once I was able to breath a little more reliably things came along better.  So from just starting to learn in June of 08 I swam for an Oly in July and a HIM in September 08 and an IM in 09. 

I took a 2 day TI clinic and that is really the only instruction I have had.  So yes I can say it was helpful.  I am still very slow in the water and would love to have access to a swim coach, but the closest pool for 10 months out of the year (other than my home) is 100 miles away.  So getting a swim coach is something I would love to be able to do some day. 

This year for swimming it is realy just recovering from the broken colar bone, regaining some flexibility and restrengthening that left side. 

A thought for those starting out, do not focus on speed in any of the 3 sports.  Just get in the miles.  Yes you can go a little harder, but no speed work per se.  All of my muscle issues (other than the crash) have been from trying to go too hard too fast on the bike.  The same can be done on the run. I did no speed work on running for a year (1000 miles).  Even running 180 miles a month, I can really feel hill workouts and only do them every 3 weeks.  Just take it slow, get in the miles or minutes and it will all fall into place, even swimming. 

^^^ This is EXCELLENT advice, and I thoroughly agree.... IMO more injuries result from trying to go to hard/fast than from trying to go too long/far. I think this is especially true for running - at least for me.
2011-02-01 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Short run for me today. I have one kid home sick. She's old enough to be home alone for a bit, but I didn't want to stay out too long... The run was very slow & easy. We had a bit of mixed icy/sleety stuff last night in our area. The roads were mostly well salted and mainly wet, but there were still a few slick spots here and there, so I just took it easy.

What's everyone else up to today?
2011-02-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3332747

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tribeagle - 2011-02-01 9:49 AM

Just an update: My bike is now happily on the trainer.  It took some doing - the biggest challenge was locating my pump.  My husband had put it in a strange place, so it took me longer than it should have!

I don't know how much I will actually ride it, but at least it's an easy option now. 

Where's the little "Like" thumbs up button when you need it?

Good job getting the trainer set up! Now you just gotta ride it!!

2011-02-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Tribeagle, way to go getting your trainer set up!  I didn't even get a chance to join the nagging .

Ice and snow here in north texas today, so I risked life an limb to drive 2 miles to the gym.  It's not often that I regret exercising, but today I think I should have skipped it.  Planned 5 turned into 3.  I had not been on a treadmill in quite a while, and just felt terrible.  I know...I hoo. 

2011-02-01 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
I got out to run (walk/jog) last night for the first time in years.  The weather was sligtly cold ( high40's) which was good since I built up to a slow sweat.  I was only out 20 min - following the "13 weeks to Sprint" program - but it was just right!  I woke a tiny bit tender  in my back but now several hours later I feel like I'm alive! I am so thrilled that I have made this commitment!

I am finding a public pool today to get my short swim in not matter what!  It's humbling to be in this state of (no) fitness, but exciting that I still have ability to fix it!
2011-02-01 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3333122

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
jsnowash - 2011-02-01 11:49 AM Short run for me today. I have one kid home sick. She's old enough to be home alone for a bit, but I didn't want to stay out too long... The run was very slow & easy. We had a bit of mixed icy/sleety stuff last night in our area. The roads were mostly well salted and mainly wet, but there were still a few slick spots here and there, so I just took it easy. What's everyone else up to today?

I too have a sick one at home - not that he was going anywhere anyway as we are in the Midwest and were hit with snow last night and being poured on again as we speak.  After a 4am start to the day and following a late night and therefore little sleep - I stole a nap and then did speed drills on the bike followed by hills and speed on the treadmill.  Now it is time to kick back and relax and wait for the blizzard that is supposed to hit us - up to 10 inches of snow can be expected tonight!!  Anyone else in the path of the storm?
2011-02-01 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3332747

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tribeagle - 2011-02-01 9:49 AM

Just an update: My bike is now happily on the trainer.  It took some doing - the biggest challenge was locating my pump.  My husband had put it in a strange place, so it took me longer than it should have!

I don't know how much I will actually ride it, but at least it's an easy option now. 

Just do it - you will feel great when you are done!!  I hate the trainer but found doing one leg drills and burst of speed makes it go fast and I love the challenge - especially those KILLER one leg drills - ugh!!!  Come on spring!!!  I cannot wait to bike outside again.
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