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2011-04-29 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Two training days left in April. Who's going to make their mileage/time goals for the month? I am not. My month was sidetracked, but May is going to be great.

What are your May goals? Anyone want to throw out any challenges to the group?

2011-04-29 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3473415

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
chrisbowers - 2011-04-29 12:16 PM

Kristin, There are some good videos (on Youtube and here show the flat repair being done. You can also go to your LBS (local bike shop) because many of them have basic maintenace and repair classes for free or the mechanic will be glad to show you.

As for your car rack, do you have a trailer hitch on your vehicle or would it need to be a hang and strap type system?

Thanks for the video suggestions, I'll def check them out.  Yes, I do have a trailer hitch on my car.  I'm hoping to go car rack shopping this weekend! 

2011-04-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3473713

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
I went bike rack shopping and by far the best prices were online. So while I didn't come home with a rack I did buy a new bike jersey and some sports beans.
2011-04-30 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3474243

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-04-29 8:19 PM I went bike rack shopping and by far the best prices were online. So while I didn't come home with a rack I did buy a new bike jersey and some sports beans.


thanks for the heads up about prices.  maybe i'll just take a look to see which model i like best and then do some price research online to see where i can get best deal.  if there's not too much difference, i may still go with purchasing one at the store b/c they install for $10!  i don't trust myself to do the installation!

2011-04-30 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3474243

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-04-29 8:19 PM I went bike rack shopping and by far the best prices were online. So while I didn't come home with a rack I did buy a new bike jersey and some sports beans.


thanks for the heads up about prices.  maybe i'll just take a look to see which model i like best and then do some price research online to see where i can get best deal.  if there's not too much difference, i may still go with purchasing one at the store b/c they install for $10!  i don't trust myself to do the installation!

2011-05-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
I just signed up for the Annapolis tri on May 14th!  it's a short one, even for a sprint - so I might actually be able to treat it like a "sprint".  It'll be my first time using a wetsuit (and swimming in water that cold).  I've been thinking about it for months & finally decided to commit (and pay the outrageous entry fee).  here we go!  -Ally

2011-05-01 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3476509

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Good luck Ally!!
2011-05-02 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3473452

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Overall  volume was  not bad.  However  I started counting  my lunch time walks  as  a walking sport and not as a tri sport running.   Fell short  in  both  running and biking  for the month,  I just enjoy the swimming to much.    Have a 5k race  in two weeks  and  a then the  Brezzy Point sprint  the begining  of June.    My goal  for the 5K is to run under 35 minutes.

Looking at getting a new bike,  thinking about the Dawes Lightinging 1500 not ready to spend much more at this time.  I know its not a tru areo-bike, realy  a modified road.


2011-05-02 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3476509

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

alsiedee - 2011-05-01 8:03 PM I just signed up for the Annapolis tri on May 14th!  it's a short one, even for a sprint - so I might actually be able to treat it like a "sprint".  It'll be my first time using a wetsuit (and swimming in water that cold).  I've been thinking about it for months & finally decided to commit (and pay the outrageous entry fee).  here we go!  -Ally

Ally, congratulations on signing up! You will do great.

2011-05-02 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3467802

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Dvick - 2011-04-26 8:03 PM Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Waiting to hear: How did it go?

2011-05-02 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good luck Ally!!  David, curious how your first tri went this weekend?!

My April totals were ok - met the swimming (6100 meters), went way over on the biking (93.88 miles vs. 61.5 planned), fell short on the running (6.4 miles vs. 7.6 planned).  I'm switching to tracking time this month so my May goals are:

Swim - 3h12m

Bike - 5h2m

Run - 3h44m

Adding some strength training into the mix too.

2011-05-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3477242


O Fallon, MO
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

It was a great experience.  I finished in 2:01:50 and enjoyed every minute of it.  I swam 1:30 faster than I planned, and ran about what I expected, but it was the bike that slowed me down.  Only training on a spin bike or riding a road bike in a  flood plain is no way to train for hills.  Had a two lap 7 mile course in Columbia that had some serious hill climbs for my current level.  I was expecting to average about 14 mph on the bike and only managed 11.7.  It's time for me to start finding a course with more hills to ride in my training.

There was a timing issue yesterday so my T times aren't available but I know I could have made T1 faster than it was.

My official results are posted in my training log and my race report is public so any feedback from anyone is much appreciated.

My next race is on June 19th which will be a 500m swim 21 mile bike and 5 mile run.

2011-05-02 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Aprils goals

S-3500 actual 2700

B- 50m actual 36m 9but if you add in spin class I crushed that)

R- 30m actual 21 miles

So overall did OK. Had some extra rest days in there......

2011-05-02 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3282396

New user

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good luck on your race Ally!  I have a sprint tri this weekend in south GA - my first for the season so am looking forward to starting the road to Augusta.    The race is a 1000y swim, 18 mile bike, 4.6 run.  This will be my first time swimming in a wetsuit (depending on temps) so am a little nervous about that. 

As for April, I exceeed my goals for the most part which surprises me.  I was thinking I was behind until I looked at the totals. 

S:  20, 250y, B:  41.83, R:  30.00

For May, I plan to have a bit more biking and running as my training plan for Augusta kicks in.  Here is what is on tap assuming all goes according to plan:

S:  17,100 y, B:  225, R:  62

Lots of good tips on the bike rack.  I definitely need one and will look online as I am tired of constantly taking the bike in and out of the trunk. 

2011-05-02 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
April's totals:
Bike:6h 19m 07s  - 111.94 Mi
Run:2h 40m  - 19.12 Mi
Swim:1h 33m 43s  - 4200 Yd

From my previous expectations this was a rather disappointing total (based on my race accident and basically taking two weeks off after that). No more looking in the past for this particular month. I am looking forward to May being a lot stronger.

2011-05-02 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

These are my planned numbers for May (per training plans):

S:  30550.00 Yd - 9h 20m
B:  TBD Mi - 20h 05m
R:  TBD Mi - 11h 20m

I have just spliced two training plans together from the BT program pages for my Olympic at the end of the month (May 22).  I took the last three weeks of one of the Oly Plans and imported them from today through 5/22.  Then I imported my next HIM plan from 5/23 through 9/10. You can customize these plans and move them around as needed. Let me know if you have any questions about doing that.

2011-05-02 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

My planned goals for April in green.  Actual in red:

Swim: 4 1/2 hrs. (actual 4:17, 10800 yards)

Bike: 6 1/2 hrs. (actual 6:02, 123.05 miles)

Run: 34.75 miles (actual 4:41, 29.8 miles)

Close, but I fell a bit short in April...  Hope to do better in May!!

2011-05-02 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

My plan for May:

Swim - 5h16m

Bike - 7h

Run - 38 miles

2011-05-02 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3477293

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Dvick - 2011-05-02 10:27 AM

It was a great experience.  I finished in 2:01:50 and enjoyed every minute of it.  I swam 1:30 faster than I planned, and ran about what I expected, but it was the bike that slowed me down.  Only training on a spin bike or riding a road bike in a  flood plain is no way to train for hills.  Had a two lap 7 mile course in Columbia that had some serious hill climbs for my current level.  I was expecting to average about 14 mph on the bike and only managed 11.7.  It's time for me to start finding a course with more hills to ride in my training.

There was a timing issue yesterday so my T times aren't available but I know I could have made T1 faster than it was.

My official results are posted in my training log and my race report is public so any feedback from anyone is much appreciated.

My next race is on June 19th which will be a 500m swim 21 mile bike and 5 mile run.

Congrats on your race!  That's great that you had fun!  Thanks for posting your race report, I enjoyed reading it. Sounds like your bike ride was windy and hilly, huh?!!  You mentioned in your report that you didn't feel like you had enough to drink on the bike leg.  Did you have any drinks on your bike with you?  I'm wondering what I need to bring with me on my bike for my first tri - 1 water bottle and 1 gatorade?  Just 1 water bottle??  What would you have done differently in terms of drinking while biking?  Thanks!  And congrats again, nice job!!

2011-05-03 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3478718


O Fallon, MO
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

I had a water bottle on the bike but I had to unscrew the top to get a drink which made it really hard to ride with just the side of my hands while I unscrewed the top and put it back on.  For my next race I'll have a real water bottle with a sport top so I can do everything with one hand and my teeth.  The other thing I could have done and will make sure to do during warmer races is to drink plenty of water before the race.  I went into this one without breakfast or drinking after waking up, so it was a totally empty stomach.  Not something I would recommend, I learned that even after the transition area closes I'll have over an hour to wait before my wave starts, which is plenty of time to digest some food if I eat before I get to Transition to set up.

Depending upon the length of your race, you may only need water. If you're going to do an Oly I'd take in Gatorade instead of just water unless you plan on eating also. Your body will need to replace the electrolytes your using as well and water alone won't do that.

Edited by Dvick 2011-05-03 8:00 AM
2011-05-03 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3479246

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Congrats on your race!  Sounds like it went great.On to the next one!  I have a sprint around the same time - June 5 which will be my first OWS.  Kind of nervous...


I am trying to figure out the whole nutrition/fluid thing too.  Kind of tough to drink enough while on the bike but pretty important.  Are there any sports drinks out there that are better than others? Some of them seem to have a slimely feel in your mouth. YUCK!

2011-05-03 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Guys, bike time is the best time of all to take in hydration and nutrition. The key is practicing with it in training to get good at using it without letting it slow you down in anyway and to figure out what agrees witrh your stomach, taste buds, etc... while under the stress of hard activity.

Definitely use a bike bottle or a sport top throwaway bottle instead of a screw top. For those of you with a TT bike, you may want to try out a aero drink set up. I use one by Profile Design like this: that makes it easy to lean over and take a drink. With practice bottles you should be able to:  reach down with one hand, open the bottle with your teeth, and squirt into your mouth, close the bottle against your leg and then put back in your bottle cages without slowing down.

With gels, you can figure out what works for you. I have taped them to my top tube by the top so that when I lift them up the top rips off and stays attached to the bike and the gel pack is in my hand and ready to squeeze. Easy one handed. I have also used gel flasks in my jersey pocket with a sport top and again just opened and squeezed.

Defintely try to get good nutrition and hydration into your body before your race. Use the morning of the race to kind of "Top off" your carbs and calories stored.  But make sure the few days before the race that you are hydrating well.

2011-05-03 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Want to stimulate some conversation today. What are your top 2 questions about training, racing, nutrition, etc...?
2011-05-03 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3480197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

chrisbowers - 2011-05-03 3:14 PM Want to stimulate some conversation today. What are your top 2 questions about training, racing, nutrition, etc...?

1) When do you put your wetsuit on?  How long before your wave is set to begin?

2) Goggles over or under swim cap? I train with them over my swim cap but someone mentioned they're better off under cap so your goggles don't get kicked off?

Ok, I have three...

3) Where do you apply the body glide??

2011-05-03 10:39 PM
in reply to: #3480617

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New user
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
I have the same question about body glide. Not that I have put a lot of miles into my training but why do I need body glide? I haven't had any chafing or discomfort to speak of. Also i am confused on what to wear for the Tri. I can't imagine wearing bike shorts in the water so do I just throw a towel around my to change from swimsuit to bike shorts to running shorts? PS. I am hoping not to wear a wetsuit.
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