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2011-12-22 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3950425

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I have never been to the Musselman, but Geneva is only 45 mins from my house. With so much talk of that race I might make it.......Great pics. I would love to post a before and afer, but right now all I have is before

2011-12-22 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3950406

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Viyoung - 2011-12-22 3:39 PM
russrisher - 2011-12-22 2:34 PM

Thanks - I will need it.

He's pretty good though.  He's not too fussy and sleeps better than horror stories that we've heard. 

I remember those days.  You're lucky to have an easy baby.  Take lots of pictures, they grow up too fast!Smile

x2. Your avatar made me remember having a newborn. Enjoy him when he's this little. My youngest is at the height of her terrible twos right now and I miss her being a baby.

2011-12-22 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ok. Since I've regained some weight, I might not count as a weight loss success anymore, but here are some before & afters.

Before: 2005 peak weight around 235

After: Last year after getting my new bike. I'm currently around the weight (low 170s) I was in this photo.

Edited by jpbis26 2011-12-22 4:48 PM



before.jpg (44KB - 6 downloads)
bike.jpg (82KB - 3 downloads)
2011-12-22 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


You are still a serious weight loss success!!!  Although lovely in both pics, you look outstanding in the after...ready to take on whatever challenge your bike route puts forth.  GREAT JOB ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!!!

BTW: Nice bike!

Edited by Mikeylee 2011-12-22 4:59 PM
2011-12-22 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3946975

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
scott1223 - 2011-12-20 8:51 PM

NAME: scott1223/Scott 
STORY: I am 48 years old and live outside of Annapolis Maryland.   On Christmas eve 2009 a friend and I were having a "few" drinks and he suggested we do a Triathlon Sprint.  I agreed and that was it...We did the Columbia Celebration and then signed up for a fall race "Osprey".  Since then we have recruited 3-4 more friends to join us in our races.  We have also met a number of others who love to train and race.   I love to bike and have actually come to enjoy swimming.  Running is my down fall.  I need to lose 5-10lbs and maybe after the holidays 20lbs...haha.

I did my first tri sprint in June of 2010 ( Columbia Celebration), another in October (Osprey).  I would like to sign up for the Columbia Oly, but am not sure if I will be able to put in the training.

 FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a great wife for 15 yrs.  We have a 13 yr old boy who loves lacrosse and a 10 yr old girl who love gymnastics.  Both of my kids love to bike with me and my son actually did a 50mi ride with us on the eastern shore this summer.

CURRENT TRAINING:  This winter will work on biking and swimming.  I also need to increase my distance on my runs but on a dreadmill it is difficult. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  For 2012, Sprint- Columbia, Osprey and maybe Columbia oly??  I would also like plan on a half mary to increase my running distance. 



yes, come do columbia oly with me...! i figure that if i could make it through last year on a gimpy hip & running no more than 2 slooooow miles consecutively, anyone can.



2011-12-22 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3948676

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
robingray_260 - 2011-12-21 5:10 PM

Happy Winter Solstice!!! Never paid much attention until we moved north.  It is a big deal here as a time of reflection and also looking toward the future. sunrise 10:14 and sunset at 3:43 Total of 5:28! max sun inclination at 5 1/2 degrees. looking forward to eventually seing the sun above the mountains again!

spin class finished for the day - check!


...and i thought that days were too short being all the way up north here in maryland. quite a concept. (love your sig line btw)

2011-12-22 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3949103

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metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
IceManScott - 2011-12-21 11:08 PM

Tallyho - 2011-12-21 7:33 PM I know that it can get expensive doing Tri's,but would like to get a list from ya'll what is the basics in clothes,bike equipment,,etc.


How simple do you want it? 

1. Wetsuit  (edit:  Forgot goggles)

2. Bike, shoes, helmet, tri top and tri shorts, socks, water bottles.

3. Good shoes. Don't scrimp and change every 300 miles or so to avoid injury.  

After that, you choose. I saw a Giant tri bike, a good entry level on sale today at the LBS for $850.  Regularly over $1,000.  Now is the time to get a bike if you can.  Good deals out there.  You can spend as much on a new bike as you want.  I built mine up from a great used Orbea Ordu frame and adequate components at first and then added new very good components until it is a really good bike for about half what it would have cost me if I ordered it.Most of it now is SRAM RED with Zipp return to center shifters.

I've got two wet suits, one long sleeve, one short.  Got both on sale at great prices.  I don't think I have $400 in both. 

I have collected a closet full of tri tops, cycling tops, running tops just from taking part in races and buying on sale. Bike shorts are pricey for ones that will make my butt suffer less.  Also I've put some money in the new fangled stuff to combat heat because I am a furnace. 

I have two really good road bikes, one I bought on sale and the other I built up from a great titanium frame.  I have a commuter bike and a good mountain bike and a used hybrid Trek I ride for cyclocross.  But I've collected this stuff over several years and took classes on bike building to keep costs down.


I bought a treadmill last winter to save the cross-town ride to the gym and to encourage my wife to work out a little.  I also have a Computrainer, which is a computer linked bike trainer that does all sorts of good things.  You don't NEED either one.  They've helped me a lot.

When people ask how much I have invested in bikes and equipment, I say I have a hell of a lot less invested in triathlon that the first ambulance ride and 24 hours in ICU with a heart attack. They usually see the point.

Good luck and have fun!


** depending on how many swims you anticipate doing in the wetsuit, can be a cheap-ish sort of route - allows you to try and return, or buy the one you wear w/ a decent discount, and they really work with you, too. tops in customer service for me, though, was xterra, and they offer nice discounts thru BT site

2011-12-22 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3949124

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-21 11:33 PM


I'm in the Columbus GA area...

gotcha. you ever do the peachtree? I lived all over metro atlanta most of my adult life, always thought folks who'd waste a perfectly good holiday - and a hot one to boot - just to run, or to watch people run, was absolutely insane, but now we drive 10 hours just so i can do it. that & tube the hooch up on the mountains.....

2011-12-22 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3949498

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metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
Viyoung - 2011-12-22 10:08 AM
MarlaS - 2011-12-21 6:34 PM Name: Marla

STORY:  I'm 49, self-employed psychologist & crazy busy so struggling to figure out the balance thing. Raised in NC, spent most of my adult life in Atlanta, and moved up here 5 years ago. 1 daughter, at the age where we're reminded daily why some species eat their young. Why G-d cursed parents to lump early adolescence, braces, and Bar/Bat Mitzvah prep all into the same 7th grade year is beyond me.Thank goodness I can run away to the gym!

When I remarried 3 1/2 years ago I weighed 215# and was pretty unhealthy.... when daughter announced on her 10th bday she was going vegan, I decided to go Jenny Craig, bought wii fit, and ultimately lost 70 pounds. To celebrate getting back to fitness, got a crazy idea to try a triathlon, Iron Girl. By the time I took the plunge to register, it was full, but I hooked up with a charity team, Team Fight, with the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. I'd spent about 15+ years volunteering with a camp for kids with cancer in Atlanta before moving up here, and it was a great fit for me. Love my teammates, love the cause, and love the idea of racing for something bigger than me. Had knee surgeries on both knees first - now at my 2 year anniversary - and last year thought i was hitting my stride then I sprained an ankle, then tore a hip muscle, and am finally getting strong in a balanced sort of way, thanks to finding PT's that are helping me to do things right.

Just started running spring 2010, and still don't like it, but love the bike & I've always been a swimmer. 2010 did a couple of tri's and some running stuff, and ended my season getting swimming induced pulmonary edema in a swim. always some drama! 2011 figured out how to beat that, but also gained back 25 pounds when pretty inactive, and i'm still slower on the run than i was a year ago, dammit.

FAMILY STATUS: remarried 3 years to a guy who loves to take pics at races, 2 dogs, + almost-13-year-old daughter who really is great most of the time, and volunteers with UCF, in addition to volunteer work with our dog as a therapy dog team.

Current Training: there's the plan, and then there's reality. I rely on local road runner club groups to keep me honest & on a schedule for running, so that resumes mid-january. now aiming to run 3 days/week, total mileage around 14, if it doesn't rain, i don't need emergency dental work, toilets don't overflow, etc. love to swim, wish could do it 2-3 days/week, realistically just getting it in now once or twice. spin class twice/week, and need to do more strength stuff - aim for 1-3 times/week, most weeks just once.

2011 races: all in my logs - will open those up. started/ended with oly races, a couple of sprints in the middle, and some runs.

2012 races: daughter's bat mitzvah 3/31 (yep, also requires endurance training), then my 1st half mar (inaugural Iron Girl 1/2 mar) in April, Columbia Triathlon (oly) in May. Celebration Sprint & Iron Girl (2 sprints June & Aug), Peachtree RR in Atlanta July 4th. 24 Hours of Booty in August. Probably more running stuff. Most psyched that my 1st HIM will be my 50th bday weekend & the Ulman Cancer Fund's Half-Full Triathlon - can't think of a more perfect way to celebrate a milestone bday than by celebrating health & survivorship and kicking cancer's @ss.

Weight stuff: don't want those 25 pounds back so looking to lose them again. tried paleo, and weight creeped up. hmmmmm. yeah, i know, need to keep a log of what & how much & when. thought about going back to jenny, but not enough protein to keep me full while training intensely.

Speaking of weight, need to go fry up more yummy but unhealthy latkes. Happy holidays!





We may know each other.  I raced with UCF Team Fight last year in the Iron Girl, my first tri.  We should try to hook up and train together.  I'd love to know when and where you will be running.  Running is also my weak sport.

[email protected]


I think I remember you! Absolutely should - and are you racing w/ TF again? I don't make it up that way much in the winter - I'm a total wuss in dark and cold - but will hit columbia area more on weekends in the spring...though I go to HCCC for Thursday night swims whenever I can - love that group. Very cool we landed here together!

2011-12-22 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I also got a wet suit from and agree that they have great customer service. They let you rent with the option to buy, which was nice because I got to try the wetsuit out & didn't have to make a decision right away. I ended up buyng my wetsuit and was glad I did.
2011-12-22 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3949934

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 12:52 PM

NAME: Mikeylee/ Mike Miller

A HIM in October is a wish, actually more of a dream, but I doubt I could be prepared by then.

Mike, I know a great HIM in October...come join me!

2011-12-22 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3950164

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-22 2:19 PM

Welcome aboard everyone. 

Interesting to see how many people are addressing weight through triathlon.  I did.  I LOVE it.  I do understand the necessity of routine.  Having goals and a training plan are critical for me.  My wife Kathy even knows, it's Tuesday, he's with Masters in the morning and on the bike after work...It's Saturday, a brick day....Sunday, a long ride...  Every day but Friday which is our date night there's something going on.  If I lose the routine, I fear it's easier to fall off altogether.  And knowing a day is coming when I have to put up or shut up doesn't hurt either.  It's like auto pilot...home, change clothes, run or bike... 

thank you. i need to re-read this daily. talk about a role model....

2011-12-22 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

wow, that was a lot of posts to catch up on. i guess that's the upside of emergency dental hill & abscesses - else it would've been run/swim-not-read day. ok, there's really no upside. it sucks. going in search of frozen margarita to kill pain in multiple dimensions.


2011-12-22 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3950425

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
acv - 2011-12-22 4:58 PM

Hey Ken,

I'd love to join your group again. I really need to get going again........

Sure Adam, post a bio when you can!

2011-12-22 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

The before and after pictures are impressive!! Way to go you two!  I have to see if I have any before pictures on the computer. 

This group is going to be easy to mentor, the conversation just comes easy! 

Edited by kenj 2011-12-22 5:56 PM
2011-12-22 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3950499

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN



UOTE]MarlaS - 2011-12-22 6:08 PM

shake-n-bake - 2011-12-21 11:33 PM


I'm in the Columbus GA area...

gotcha. you ever do the peachtree? I lived all over metro atlanta most of my adult life, always thought folks who'd waste a perfectly good holiday - and a hot one to boot - just to run, or to watch people run, was absolutely insane, but now we drive 10 hours just so i can do it. that & tube the hooch up on the mountains.....


Yes I did the International and the sprint last year..International 2:44:49 and the Sprint 1:13:41 was118/964 overall and 22/133 AG..They were both good races I didn't carry my wetsuit for the May race and the water was cold so that slowed my time down some..Looking at doing them again this year...I have a lot of good races to choose from down here in Georgia..

2011-12-22 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

2011-12-22 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

wow, this group is really active!  I have been so busy with work and other crap that I havent even had time to run this week- NOT GOOD for my marathon training or my mental well being.  I am preparing for my last long run  tomorrow then taper before the marathon in Jan.  My last 2 long runs have been great, I hope i feel as good on this 20 miler.  Sounds like there will be a few of us in Geneva for the Mussleman- that's cool!!

As for weightloss for me- We had a biggest loser contest at work from may-july last year and I won it with 25 pounds lost and a gazillion miles run/walked.  I kept going and am now down 35 pounds.  I need to loose7-10 more but they are being stubborn.  I am a distributor for Visalus- its a meal replacement shake that has really helped me out.  I didnt start it until August, but without it I think I would have put on some weight vs lost more. I do 1-2 shakes a day depending on my training schedule.  You can mix it with just about anything so its pretty cool to have a shake that tastes like butterfinger for breakfast!  If anyone is interested- check out the website- I would love to help you suceed on your journey! 

Hope everyone has a great holiday!


2011-12-22 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3950507

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-22 3:14 PM
Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 12:52 PM

NAME: Mikeylee/ Mike Miller

A HIM in October is a wish, actually more of a dream, but I doubt I could be prepared by then.

Mike, I know a great HIM in October...come join me!

Marla,Which HIM might that be?
2011-12-22 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3950642

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 6:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

I can barely walk without getting my hr over 140. How do you run seven miles like that?

2011-12-22 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3950691

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2011-12-22 7:39 PM
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 6:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

I can barely walk without getting my hr over 140. How do you run seven miles like that?

For me...going really really slow.

Edited by robingray_260 2011-12-22 8:07 PM

2011-12-22 10:12 PM
in reply to: #3950465

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-12-22 4:38 PM

Ok. Since I've regained some weight, I might not count as a weight loss success anymore, but here are some before & afters.

Before: 2005 peak weight around 235

After: Last year after getting my new bike. I'm currently around the weight (low 170s) I was in this photo.


Nice work.  You are looking great. 

2011-12-22 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3950895

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-22 10:12 PM
jpbis26 - 2011-12-22 4:38 PM

Ok. Since I've regained some weight, I might not count as a weight loss success anymore, but here are some before & afters.

Before: 2005 peak weight around 235

After: Last year after getting my new bike. I'm currently around the weight (low 170s) I was in this photo.


Nice work.  You are looking great. 



2011-12-23 5:27 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Good morning and TGIF!!

What is everyone doing this holiday weekend?  Traveling?  Training? Both? Neither?

I dont go far, and with 3 days it is even easier this year.  Run this morning, if I can get motivated to head to the treadmill. If work goes smooth and I can sneak out I will hit the pool on the way home.  Some quality time with my bike and trainer tomorrow and a medium run Sunday, outside with any luck!

I also need to get you guys a chart to easily link each other and add some of you to my friends list. 

2011-12-23 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3950617

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 7:38 PM



UOTE]MarlaS - 2011-12-22 6:08 PM

shake-n-bake - 2011-12-21 11:33 PM


I'm in the Columbus GA area...

gotcha. you ever do the peachtree? I lived all over metro atlanta most of my adult life, always thought folks who'd waste a perfectly good holiday - and a hot one to boot - just to run, or to watch people run, was absolutely insane, but now we drive 10 hours just so i can do it. that & tube the hooch up on the mountains.....


Yes I did the International and the sprint last year..International 2:44:49 and the Sprint 1:13:41 was118/964 overall and 22/133 AG..They were both good races I didn't carry my wetsuit for the May race and the water was cold so that slowed my time down some..Looking at doing them again this year...I have a lot of good races to choose from down here in Georgia..

Sorry I wasn't specific - I meant 7/4 Peachtree Road Race...though I'd love to do a tri down there. You know about 24 Hours of Booty in Atlanta? Best fun on a bike I've ever had up here....24 hour low key charity bike ride benefitting livestrong foundation & children's healthcare of atlanta. great training ride, too...

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