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2013-01-16 9:39 AM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
I am going to have to get creative this week as well. Time is not working in my favor. Had to skip a run last night due to work, but looking to do a bike/run brick tonight to get me back on track.

2013-01-16 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Can you guys share your first time 70.3 experience i.e. the preparations leading to it, as well as the race itself?

What things would you do differently and what do you advise the most to concentrate on...


My race is in May. I believe bricks bike+run should be done as much as possible for soar legs to get used to it.

I noticed I have difficulty with saving and properly distribute my energy through the session/s

2013-01-16 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4581259

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

I wrote this article a while ago when I did my 1st Oly after a sprint but everything in it is applicable if you're going for your first HIM.

I did my 1st HIM in September 2010. Training volume leading up to it average about 8 hrs a week, peaking at 11 hours some weeks.  I was most afraid of the swim and run.  I made sure to run a half marathon event to give myself the confidence that I can run 13 miles.  Even though the event kicked my , the mental aspect of knowing my body can do the distance helped a lot.  I was also scared about the swim so I made sure I can easily do 1.4 miles in the pool without stopping.  I'm pretty sure I did that several times leading up to the HIM so that I wouldn't freak out in the water.   

I didn't have ambitious goals for the race...was shooting for 6:45 and ending up doing 6:20. Not great  75th of 90 in my AG but it was a very hilly course so I was very happy. 

Hope this helps!

2013-01-16 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
Thanks Steve! Some great information in there!
2013-01-17 6:03 AM
in reply to: #4582016

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

mirkearn - 2013-01-17 5:03 AM Thanks Steve! Some great information in there!

Yap, some useful advices. Thx

2013-01-17 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4543955

New user
San Francisco
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Comparatively lots of running this week. 





Still nothing sorted in terms of swimming. Has anyone done a Total Immersion course? 

2013-01-17 3:47 PM
in reply to: #4583146

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Has anyone done a Total Immersion course? 

I took a TI course in '11 and a refresher in '12.  I totally love it.  They give you before and after video's and the difference (on me) was astounding.  I built up a lot of endurance to that point but had horrible form.  The course helped me so much that I highly recommend it.  I think they have an iPad APP as well.  The app is free but you have to buy a video of each drill separately.

Hows the weather in San Fran?? Freaking out that I have to race in the 50* San Fran bay in a less than two months. 

2013-01-17 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
Got a 6 mile run in this morning and 1 mile swim just a little while ago.   Creativity continues .... moving my saturday brick to tomorrow @ 5 AM because I'm going skiing for the weekend.  Last year's trip to Snow, VT was horrible was litterly zero degree's out, hopefully Killington is better.
2013-01-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4583215

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed



It was a bit cold this week, maybe in the low 40s, but the sun is out and it is back to around 60 now. Right in time for the weekend and a trip it Napa.

2013-01-19 7:39 AM
in reply to: #4583146

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
paddyirishman - 2013-01-17 10:19 PM

Comparatively lots of running this week. 

Consistency...great. Keep up the good work.

2013-01-19 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
I've had a messed up schedule this weekend, working really messed up hours.  Trying to get to the gym today to get in some sort of machine bike+run brick in, but I'm thinking that could be a pipe dream.  I know that I won't workout tomorrow after working 17 hours tonight to tomorrow morning.

2013-01-19 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4543955

New York City
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great week. It was inspiring to read everyones posts and read yoour weekly summaries. Very inspiring.

I had to make some decisions about training this week because I got a lottery entry into the NYC Half Marathon. I had been trying to do an ambitious (for me) triahtlon program plus add more running into it and I was starting to get sick/burning out. So, I decided to embark on a  running program for the half marathon and just maintain my bike and swim until it is done. Then I will do a tri focused plan leading into summer. That said, here are my totals for last week and this week:

Last week:

Swim: 3.9km

Ride: 80.9km

Run: 18.79km

This week: 32 miles running, no swimming or biking but that will change next week!



2013-01-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
Here is my weekly summary,...Training cut a little short this week due to a ski trip but still got in a sold week. I'll be driving home tomorrow so not sure when I'll post the group summary.S: 5250.00 Yd1h 47m 44sB: 66.08 Mi3h 22mR: 12.00 Mi1h 47m 31sStr: 40mOther:Skiing 6h
2013-01-20 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

2nd week:

S: 2h15min (3600m)

B (trainer): 5h

R: 41min /7.2k)

2013-01-20 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Week 2 Totals: 

S: 5,000 Yards 1hr 31m 49s

B: 49 mi 2 hr 25m

R: 1.84mi 15m


Pretty pathetic run week, and overall workout week. Already off to a good start on Week 3 though with almost 2 hours on the bike today...

2013-01-20 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
Having problems with the website and my training log.  Lost 2 workouts and a lot of riding and running.  Will try to get it together tomorrow.

2013-01-21 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Not much this week:

Run: 7.5 1h 6m

Bike: 29.5 1h 48m

Swim: 1200yds. 45m, practicing bi-lateral breathing, swallowed half the pool.

Strength: 3hrs.

2013-01-21 5:32 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Edgewater, Maryland
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed


Last week was a wash for me.. I went on vacation for a week and ended up sitting on a plain full of sick people.. I was sick most of the week . I went to the Doc today who rightly so chewed on my for messing with this thing for so long.. I am now on meds and hope I can kick this thing soon.. At lest I still have some breathing room for my races.. On another note I also went on the patch today and am trying to quit smoking..   

I hope to get a work out in his week .. I am going to try tomorrow . I will let you all know how it goes.. as well how my not smoking goes..  Have a great week all Be safe 


2013-01-21 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
49.63 Mi              2h 40m 30s
10.26 Mi             2h 01m 13s
1h 12m
Still no pool. I'm hoping it's open this week but I also just took the whole rest of the week off from work. That might screw up my scheduled workouts.  I've got hockey scheduled 4 times this week, so at least my cardio will be super taken care of.
I'd like to get my Bike time over 60 miles a week and my Run time over 12 miles, and finally get my swim going.
2013-01-22 7:22 AM
in reply to: #4588398

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
agrin2005 - 2013-01-21 6:32 PM

On another note I also went on the patch today and am trying to quit smoking..   

Good lick quitting that habit! You can do it. There are no ashtrays in T1 or T2 Smile 

2013-01-22 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4543955

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Here is the summary for week 2.  Hope I didn't miss anyone.   Good work folks, keep it up!

    Total -- SWIM ---  - BIKE   -- RUN ----  Strength ---- OTHER -----
useridNameLocation Time YardsTime MilesTime MilesTime Time TimeDetails
stevepivStevenNew Jersey 13:37:15 52501:47:44 66.083:22:00 121:47:31 0:40:00 6:00Skiing
Schwartzie   5:53:43    49.632:40:30 10.262:01:13 1:12   
mirkeanMikeChicago 4:11:49 50001:31:49 492:25:00 1.850:15:00     
kylsterKylieNew York 0:00:00 3900  50.1  11.6      
Gladiador Croatia 7:56:00 36002:15:00  5:00:00 4.40:41:00     
Steve Irwin 5Steve  6:39:00 12000:45:00 29.51:48:00 7.51:06:00 3:00:00   
Totals   38:17:47  18,9506:19:33  24415:15:30  485:50:44 4:52:00   


2013-01-22 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

So far its been a good week, but I am absolutely dreading the thought of my scheduled run tonight. I think I might need to just use the treadmill even though I don't like to. It's a brisk 2F here right now in Chicago, but the good news is the weather is expected to warm into the 20's later this week.  

How cold before you move your runs inside? I can do the teens, but the single digits starts to get a little cold. Not to mention I run on Lake Michigan which usually has  10 mile an hour winds. AWESOME in the summer....not so much in the winter.

2013-01-22 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4589891

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
Thanks for the forecast :-). Going to be in Chicago on Thursday. I wouldn't run outside under 30 in the past but that's when I hated my ancient treadmill. Ever since I got a new one with iFit I think I run indoors at least 50% of the time.
2013-01-22 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4543955

New user
San Francisco
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed
+1 on Chicago being cold. I was there over the weekend and almost kissed the ground when I landed back here in California.
2013-01-22 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Closed

Hi's in AZ went from 50's to 81 in just a few days and that of course always makes my allergies flare up.  I've been out of commission the last 2 days and feel like garbage.  Not to mention that I have to save my legs for a Charity Hockey game with NHL Alumni this weekend.

Other than my skates, I'll be out of it this week.  I slept 14 hours last night. Slept again today and I am still tired.

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