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2013-01-23 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4591807

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ken - Hope you get to feeling better soon!  I wouldn't worry to much about losing fitness you should be fine.  If your race is in early May you still have over 3 months of training.  This summer I had to take off 2 weeks due to medical reasons during my 70.3 training about 8 weeks out and I don't think it affected me to much. 

2013-01-23 6:33 PM
in reply to: #4591862

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey all, been traveling for a few days... will make it home this weekend so I'm taking an easy week of just light running ... I had an opportunity to pass through Clermont, FL today and was able to run four miles along the race course for the March Int'l distance Tri....

Emily.. so sorry to hear about the achilles.... i've been working through one also and Emile and Ken's advice is spot on..... I was also reading up on and practicing chi running that i heard in this forum and its; helping tremendously....

Bill... that's a great run....

Melissa welcome back

Ken  feel better soon...

2013-01-24 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

KenL - so sorry to hear about that long drawn out illness, and I'm glad to hear that the antibiotics are helping and you are on the mend. Take it real easy.

On Chi Running - thanks for that tip regarding moving to zero-drop shoes and working on running form. I have the Chi Running DVD and would gladly send it to anyone who is interested in working through the program. Even though the concept is fairly simple, it has taken me at least a year to really incorporate that into my own running. Changing my form and increasing my cadence has really helped my knee, I think.

Last night, I went to the first of my training group meetings for the Cooper River Bridge Run. A couple of local trainers run this group and this is the 3rd year I have done it. It's great for all levels, walkers to fast runners, there's something for everyone. We did a mile test to get our baseline, and then did a bit of speed work. Next week, we meet at the bridge (our only local "hill") and run the incline a few times.

I plan to run a 15k race this weekend, but just focusing on slow and steady, since the longest run I have had in the last month has been 8 miles. It's a fun run, though, put on by our local running club. For longer runs, I do a run/walk combination (Galloway), though I have not decided what ratio to use.

Have a great day everyone!

2013-01-24 7:42 PM
in reply to: #4546309

Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for all the support everyone I appreciate it a lot. I started with the stationary bike to day to see how my tendon would feel and it went well not a lot of pain just some pulling. I have not thought about not going barefoot around the house living in Arizona I go barefoot a lot or have on my flip flops. I have gone back to wearing my pumas that have a lot of cushion in the heel and support. This seems to help out also. Sounds like everyone has had some sort of injury or caught some bug. Next week if my Achilles is feeling better I am going to head to the pool and see how that goes at least I can get in some swim time with a pull buoy until this gets better.  My question to all of you is how many days a week do you work out? I was working out six days a week anywhere from and hour to two hours. I would go to the gym at lunch and then if I could go back in the evening to get rest of work out in. On Saturdays I was going for two to two and half hours to get my brick training in.
2013-01-25 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4593678

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emily - Living in Oklahoma we have warm weather most of the year so I love wearing flip flops too.  Since hurting my achilles I've given up wearing the cheap flip flops and replaced them with flip flops with support.  There are several really good brands out there such as Orthoheels and Soles which are two of the better ones in my opinion.

To answer your question on how many days I work out a week.  I usually train 7 days a week.  Although since switching from running to tri about the only training I do is swim/bike/run.  I just don't seem to have enough time in the week to add any significate amount of strength training.

2013-01-25 6:42 AM
in reply to: #4592417

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Melissa - Good luck on your race this weekend!  Can't wait to hear how you do!

2013-01-26 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Reporting back after my 15k this morning! It was a great day to run, starting off in the 40's and warming up to around 50. This race is held on Sullivan's Island, so even though you can't see the beach from the streets, the houses are pretty and the atmosphere is very nice, plus I got to see a huge ship heading out of port and passing by the end of the island. Some friends of ours came with us, I shaved a few minutes off of last year's time, and ended the morning with a bloody mary before heading home for a shower and a nap. Sounds like an awesome Saturday to me!

How is everyone doing today? What kind of training are you doing this weekend?

I will be out on the bike tomorrow morning. It will be chilly (by our standards).

2013-01-26 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4595807

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Fantastic .... what a day ... (I especially like the bloody mary and nap reward ;-))


went to gym this morning to lift, running 3 miles later this afternoon and will do a brick tomorrow morning (15 mile ride followed by a 4 mile run)

......and .. registered myself, wife and son up for a 5k on 2/16 (the half marathon is the next day for me).

2013-01-26 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4593975

Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED


 I usually buy a couple of pairs of Tevas. I will look into finding some with a better heel support. I looked into the foam rolls. and are going to try those. Over all the tendon part feels better it is just my leg gets tight as the day progresses. I have been working on core exercises.

2013-01-27 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4595807

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry - How did the brick go?

Emily - How is the achilles feeling?

Melissa - Awesome job on beating your time from last year! It sounds like a great race and a great day!  I always get jealous when I hear about cool races on islands, through space centers, along the coast, etc.  Living in Oklahoma we have a lot of great races but the scenery is always going to be pretty bland.

Ken - How are your feeling?

Mike - Hows the knee?

It has been a busy weekend for me.  All day yesterday (6:30am - 9:00pm) I was at our conference wrestling tournament.  Although I did get up early so I could get in a 3mi run.  Today it is raining this morning if it clears up I will ride outside today if not it will be riding on the trainer.

2013-01-27 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4596355

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

the brick.....

I did ten miles on bike then about 3 miles run. I uploaded the Garmin info on my logs.

I really struggle on the run portion today, about .25 miles into it my legs felt like a ton of weight. Then about another half mile the calves/shins started cramping really bad.  After 1.5 - 2 miles everything settles down.  

That's my normal experience with bricks and triathlons.... During the run - after 1.5 - 2 miles I can usually get it together and run my normal race minute pace but oh my gosh it is very painful...... I just keep walking and running through it. 

without brick - about a 30 minute 5k -- with a brick about a 38 minute 5k.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?



2013-01-27 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4596385

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Terry - Somethings that help me with running off the bike is keeping my pace and HR down for the first mile   If I run by feel coming off the bike I will be running a much faster pace than planned and HR will sky rocket due to pace.  When training for my 70.3 last year my goal was to keep my HR 150 and under during the bike leg and run a 9min mile pace on the run.  So when doing bricks during training I would keep my HR 150 and under during the bike and during the runs my goal was to run about 9:30 pace for the first mile.  Although if HR got over 150 during the first mile I kept slowing pace.  After the first mile it seemed like my legs got to feeling normal and my HR would get back under control and I would pick it up and fall into race pace.  Another thing that helped was about 1 mile before the end of the bike ride I would gear down a couple of gears and pick up cadence and spin.
2013-01-28 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4596566

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

EKH - 2013-01-27 1:00 PM Terry - Somethings that help me with running off the bike is keeping my pace and HR down for the first mile   If I run by feel coming off the bike I will be running a much faster pace than planned and HR will sky rocket due to pace.  When training for my 70.3 last year my goal was to keep my HR 150 and under during the bike leg and run a 9min mile pace on the run.  So when doing bricks during training I would keep my HR 150 and under during the bike and during the runs my goal was to run about 9:30 pace for the first mile.  Although if HR got over 150 during the first mile I kept slowing pace.  After the first mile it seemed like my legs got to feeling normal and my HR would get back under control and I would pick it up and fall into race pace.  Another thing that helped was about 1 mile before the end of the bike ride I would gear down a couple of gears and pick up cadence and spin.


That sounds like a good strategy for dealing with dead legs coming off the bike. I have not used my HR monitor for ages, but it might be time to get it back out and try something new.

Bike workout on the trainer yesterday - I did the second workout of those that you sent, Mike. Ouch, is all I can say :-)

I really want to run and swim today, but my computer is giving me some grief, slowing work down. Hopefully, all will be resolved and work done in time to get a workout in before the kids get home from school, though if not, there's always the treadmill.

2013-01-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emily - I had achilles issues when I first started running on a regular basis in the late 90s.  I ended up getting custom orthotics and they have done the trick for me.  I currently have 2 pair, one is hard silicon with a leather covering, the other is softer material more like a very stiff foam.  I also wear stability running shoes.  I have no issues with biking, walking, hiking only with running. 

Melissa - Nice job on the 15k!  Always great to go faster than the last time. 

All - One of the features of BT is race reports.  I have been using these for a few years, mainly for myself.  There is a form for each type of race and you can as much or as little info as you want.  I find it useful to go back and look at these when I have the same race coming up again.  The same way logs are useful, race reports can be another tool for your racing history.

Terry - 5k and HM on back-to-back days, is an aggressive schedule.  My advice would be to determine which race has priority and make sure you take it easy on the other one.  Running issues off the bike - I may be in the minority but I do not feel bricks are the answer, especially for shorter distance sprint and Olympics.  I think it comes down to bike fitness and bike pace.  Yes, your legs may feel like jelly or funny coming off the bike but surprisingly I've found my pace is fine, in fact sometimes too fast as Emile mentions.  Definitely pace yourself by some means at the start of the run.  As your bike fitness improves you will be able to go faster on the bike while maintaining a good run pace as well.  When I am training for sprints and Olys I rarely do bricks, I separate my run and bike on double workout days and try to get in 2 quality workouts.  My races are my bricks.  Bricks are more helpful in training for longer distances but I still don't do many of them.  If you are time constrained and cannot separate your workouts then by all means do some bricks.  Remember this is my advice based on my experience so your mileage may vary (YMMV).  

Emile - My knee is feeling better, I actually ran 5 miles 3 x last week in addition to my 2 bball games.  Based on what I've been told by the docs I will have knee issues at some point (and probably should have by now).  Post knee surgery I ramped up slowly and had a year of only sprints with only one Oly.  Last year I ran a lot, 1260 miles and completed my Ironman and a fall marathon.  I qualified and hope to get into Boston again in 2014.  I plan on reducing my run mileage this year.  I saw your post on the main triathlon thread and I mount my Garmin 910XT on my s-bend aero bars just in front of my Profile Designs aero drink using a hexagonal computer mount stub, similar to one the pics posted.  It's easy to see with a quick glance and doesn't get in the way.       

2013-01-28 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Almost a month into 2013, how's it going for everyone?  It's interesting hearing some of you doing races, this is definitely the off season in MN.  There are some running races but weather can be brutal.  I ran yesterday in freezing rain but had good traction using some YakTrax, some steel studs mounted onto rubber webbing which stretch onto the toe and heel of your running shoes.  

Here's some swimming questions for everyone: 

1) Where do you swim?  If a pool, how long is it? 

2) How often do you OWS - not in a pool but in a river/lake/ocean? 

3) Do you have a wetsuit, if so what type and brand?

4) Do you bi-lateral breath - breath off the right and left side - or only one side? 

2013-01-28 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4597984

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Here's some swimming questions for everyone: 

1) Where do you swim?  If a pool, how long is it? 

2) How often do you OWS - not in a pool but in a river/lake/ocean? 

3) Do you have a wetsuit, if so what type and brand?

4) Do you bi-lateral breath - breath off the right and left side - or only one side? 


1. Swim in a pool - 25 yds 

2. Try to OWS once a week in the ocean.

3. Xterra* Vortex 4 full sleeve wetsuit

4. Yes - bilateral breathing - the number of strokes between breaths can change depending on the circumstances


* MIAMITRI is a 60% discount code offered by a race coordinator here in Miami.  (most on line discount are 55-57%)

2013-01-28 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi all, I thought all was well untill i started feeling some discomfort in my lower abdomen. So i went to the doctor. They tested for a hernia and testicular cancer with an ultra sound and found some fluid buildup, now i gotta see the urologist. The doc thinks the bike could be partially to blame for the fluid but at this point i must wait for an appointment and see what an expert thinks. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road. 
2013-01-28 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4598389

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill:  I hope you find out that its just a bump in the road!


I just had my followup appointment for this !@#$!@#$ pneumonia.  Doctor says I have quite a bit left in my right lung and no running for two weeks until my next appointment.  If I get cleared in two weeks, that will be 11 weeks out from the marathon. Going to have to adjust my sub-3 goal for sure.... I guess the disappointments make it that much better when things go well.  When I get better, at least I'll be able to do more triathlon training with that pesky sub-3 goal becoming pretty much impossible short-term.

2013-01-28 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4598475

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill - hope all works out and  its just a little bump in the road.

Ken - You could run with full on pneumonia and still do better than me in any race...... I hope it all works it's way out of you soon. 


2013-01-28 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4597984

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

I don't get to do any swimming until after wrestling season because the pool is 30 min away and is closed by the time I get out of practice.  Although it looks like they may start a YMCA in my home town which would be very cool to get access to a pool.

1. I swim in a pool that is about 30 min away and it is 25m.  I also do a lot of swimming in a local lake when it warms up.

2. I try and ows once a week once the water warms up enough.  I know it is not ideal but I do most of my ows by myself.  I swim along the bouys of the swimming area in the lake.  When the water is cool enough I wear my wetsuit which is almost like a life jacket.  Once it is to warm for the wetsuit I have made up my own safety device.  I've taken a surfers leash and attached it to a boat bumper.  So I drag the bumper around when I swim.  You really can't even tell it is attached to you when you are swimming but if you ever get in trouble once you get into treading water position it just pulls the bumper right to you.

3. Xterra Vortex 4 full sleeve wetsuit.  This is my first wetsuit and I have been very happy with it.

4. No I do not bi-lateral breath.  I have tried to master it but just can't seem to breath on my left.

2013-01-29 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4598622

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Bill - My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sure its just a little bump in the road. If it turns out cycling is causing it you might do some research and find the best bike fitter in your area. It would probably be money well spent.Ken - sorry to hear you have to adjust goals. Would doctor allow you to do some spinning on trainer? Might help with keeping some of your conditioning.

Edited by EKH 2013-01-29 6:42 AM

2013-01-29 6:43 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sorry my last post is all bunched together posted it using phone.
2013-01-29 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill - how long do you have to wait to see a specialist? Good that the dr. caught that, and hopefully it turns out to be something easily fixable.

KenL - frustrating how long that pneumonia takes to clear up. It's definitely better to follow dr's orders, though. Do you always shoot for a spring marathon? Maybe you'll get another shot at that goal later in the year.

Terry, thanks for that discount code. See my answer #3 below :-)


1. I also swim in a 25 yard pool. It is our local rec department and less than 10 minutes from my house. There are certain times when no lap swimming is allowed, but it's generally a great place to train and the price is right.

2. I don't get out for OWS very often, usually just one or two OWSs outside of the actual triathlons I do. I try to get one ocean OWS done per year, but I have to do that as either an organized event or with a tri-training group. Emile, I like that idea about using a boat bumper.

3. Not yet, but thanks to Terry, I might look into the Xterra!

4. Yes, I do like to bilateral breathe in training. In the actual races, though, I usually only breathe right.

2013-01-29 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

1) Where do you swim?  If a pool, how long is it?  25 yard pool about 10 min away.  Also includes gym with treadmills, .10 mile track, ellipticals, weight machines, etc.  The neat thing is, the more we go the cheaper the price.  30 times in 3 months gets us the cheapest price, $17/month.   

2) How often do you OWS - not in a pool but in a river/lake/ocean? The lake where our local tri is held is 10 minutes away and offers free swimming.  I used to get stuffed up real bad after OWS but started using a generic Flonase nasal spray last year and my allergies cleared up.  I swam in the lake a lot in prep for IMWI.    

3) Do you have a wetsuit, if so what type and brand?  Desoto 2-piece Black Pearl.  Bibs with a jacket.  I can swim in only the bibs when it is real hot.  Almost all races in MN are wetsuit legal.

4) Do you bi-lateral breath - breath off the right and left side - or only one side? My natural side is my left but after a few unsuccessful tries I finally mastered bi-lateral breathing.  I think it really helped when I focused in my body rotation.  I feel bi-lateral is the way to go - it helps balance your stroke and gives you options in a variety of conditions on race day.  My typical breathing pattern is 3-2-3-2.  

5) Flip turns - forgot to add this one.  I have tried and can kind of do them but not very well.  There are posts every once in awhile on the main forum about the benefits of flip turns.  It's on my list of things I should probably master.   

Bill - good luck with your medical issues

KenL - Very unfortunate with the pneumonia.  Sub 3 hour is rocking it!  If not this one, there will always be another race. 

2013-01-29 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4598365

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED


I swim in a pool 25meters long in winter. I swim when i can in Lake Raystown, with a boat trailing me or along the buoy rope in the swim area.

I have a full length, sleeveless Xterra wetsuit which i ordered twice for because it was too small and i was going by thier sizing standards. 

I only breath to my left, at first it pulled me off course but got better at it as i practiced.

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