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2013-01-22 11:35 PM
in reply to: #4589282

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BigAirT - 2013-01-22 8:57 AM As of now my first race is the Omaha Duathlon 4/28. I'm considering a half marathon 2-3 weeks before the KS 70.3, would this be enough time to recover for the 70.3? How do I do page breaks or skipped lines when I post, I try to break things up but it removes them when I post?


That's a great idea!  If it were me, I would do the 1/2 marathon slightly above training pace instead of trying to race it.  I just wouldn't want to miss out on any other planned workouts because you have to recover. YMMV

2013-01-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4590455

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
I am in the 3rd week of TI swimming.   It already feels comfortable and I can easily push out 1000yds.   Right now it is a bit slower than what I was swimming but I think the speed will come back as I get more comfortable.   The effort level has decreased dramatically.    THanks for asking.  
2013-01-23 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4590730

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Everyones first race looks very realalistic on time frame and training time to allow to get ready.   Keep working and you will succeed.   
2013-01-23 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4590494

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
littlewj - 2013-01-22 11:35 PM

BigAirT - 2013-01-22 8:57 AM As of now my first race is the Omaha Duathlon 4/28. I'm considering a half marathon 2-3 weeks before the KS 70.3, would this be enough time to recover for the 70.3? How do I do page breaks or skipped lines when I post, I try to break things up but it removes them when I post?


That's a great idea!  If it were me, I would do the 1/2 marathon slightly above training pace instead of trying to race it.  I just wouldn't want to miss out on any other planned workouts because you have to recover. YMMV

Thanks guys, I don't know if I can make myself compete at less than my best... Hammer, if you do decide to do Kansas I'd like to meet up! Tim

Edited by BigAirT 2013-01-23 9:27 PM
2013-01-23 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4592052

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I would compete at your highest level.   You will be able to gauge where you are at in your fittness level.   It is a good mental boost before another race too.   Racing lets you check fitness, nutrition, mental stability.   At the worst you take two days off to recover then on day three do an easy workout to get back in.   You can recover pretty quick and be ready for the next one.  

I will be making my decision on the HIM soon.   I have a good friend going to Lubbock, I was going to race with.   It looks like my Fire Academy may start July 1st and runing a half the day before will make that rough to get back and also feel good enough to work, so Kansas starts to look better. 

2013-01-24 6:04 AM
in reply to: #4592071


Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I am finding my motivation is really low this week. Its been frigidly cold in Saskatchewan and I think being trapped in my basement doing all my workouts on a treadmill or trainer is starting to get to me. Our pool has been closed for 3 weeks for annual maintenance so Monday I can start swimming again. I hope that adding swimming into the week will boost me again.

Low motivation to train usually coincides with a high motivation to eat I am big into inspirational messages. One of my favorites is taped to my pantry door: "Without self discipline, success is impossible. Period". Its keeping me in check, but its hard.

When your motivation to train is low, what do you do?

2013-01-24 7:29 AM
in reply to: #4592316

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Here are a few quotes I like that get me motivated to train:

The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one is watching -Anson Dorrance

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

"Sleep in today.  Skip that workout.  Just take it easy for awhile. 
----Sincerely, The Competition"

Today I will do things others won't, so that tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.

"There are two times to train, when you want to and when you don't"

If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat. -Herschel Walker


2013-01-24 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Great news ... I swam 600m nonstype today.  It was challenging but not overly hard.  I felt very comfortable and found my grove around the 150m mark.  I could probably have hit 700m but I was out of time.  I had enough energy left to sprint the last 50m.  I am going to start watching TI swimming today and start the drills next week; I am excited for warm weather to get here so I can practice open water swimming. 


Ok so onto the topic of motivation....


I will try not to sound redundant or cliche but I will tell you what has gotten me along in the last few months.  When I started my road to a healthy lifestyle I sat down and made a long outline of goals, motivations, and the bottom line of what I had to do to succeed.  Some of the things on that list are really goofy but are things I want to work for ... ie I want to look good in a suit ... a custom fitted 1930's gangster era suit.  I want to put Capone to shame lol.  Back to the subject at hand.  When my motivation starts to lower (specially during a plateau I revist that outline.  Music is another motivator for me ... when I dont feel like running I put on Metallica and I am pumped 9/10 times.  As far as quotes I personally have a theme song; the song is by DMB and its called Gaucho.  One of the main lyrics of the song is "You have do more than belive if you really want to change".  I listen to that song once a day to remind myself that only hard work will provide the changes I want to see happen. 


Keep your head up and put one foot foward at a time and the rest will fall into place!

2013-01-24 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

+1 on the music.

2013-01-24 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Dave, thanks for the Inspire. I saw it and lost it, but remembered T3 and SomethingHammer... Well I found you.

I did the St Johns Indoor on Saturday. It was my first and I am proud to have lost my virginity. With the holidays and a  gout flareup in the right knee, I had not worked out in three weeks, but felt pretty good and decided to go for it. My doc says I can start training again and I plan Claremore in April for my first sprint. How's that for a way to celebrate my 60th birthday next month.


2013-01-24 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
This week I understand the lack of motivation. Something knocked me down, I haven't made it to the gym since Sunday, I think I'll be in a position to go tomorrow.

2013-01-24 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Tulsa, OK
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Dave, where do you work out? I'm at St Johns and look to start riding with groups when it warms up. My home and wife are at Grand Lake. I am there every weekend. During the week I have a condo in Tulsa. My week is primarily work and working out. Monday and Wednesday are swim occasionally followed by a 1-2 mile run. Tuesday and Thursday are bike or spin class followed by run or strength workout. Friday is rest. Saturday is normally a long mountain bike ride off road at the lake. Sunday is normally a 3-5 mile run or long swim if I come back to Tulsa. I am turning sixty years old and we have one daughter. I will be a grandpa in March. I weigh 215 and would like to get under 200. I do use the online training support and find it helpful, but I also don't have a tight budget. My performance doc sent me to the OU health center sports performance center for a running gait analysis. Form is good mid foot strike, but I don't get enough heel lift. My best 5k is a 29:29. Hoping to get under 29. I bike to a 90-95 cadence and need to work on endurance in this area. From there it keeps going down hill I knew how to swim, but died after 25 yards. Took lessons last summer and completed the 500 yards Saturday in 12:00 by swimming 25 freestyle and 25 sidestroke without stopping. I hope you don't mind me chiming in, but I would like to know about your T3 Racing. I can't keep up, but I can live fast vicariously.
2013-01-24 9:37 PM
in reply to: #4593472

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey guys,  

Troy I have to say I think everyone nailed it for the motivation.    some times it is just guts to go do it when we dont want.    my quote "I have never regreted a workout I made when I did not want to, I regret every workout I miss.   

Also look at your training, some time what we see of lack of motivation is really our body saying I need a recovery.   Give it a few days and then get back to it.    Hang in there we are behind you.  


2013-01-24 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4593507

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Gr8hope I use the YMCA off of 51st for my swim.  Monday is a spin class and swim at the Y.   Tues.  crossfit workout and run.    Wed. swim and core, Thursday crossfit and run.  Friday Swim and bike, Sat. bike, sun rest.   

I will have to catch up with you at the april race if not before.    Feel free to check in hear and ask any questions you need.    Do you have a bike shop in town?   Glad you stopped in.     

2013-01-25 1:10 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

This is mainly for people who don't do much or do nothing....

If you keep doing what your doing, you'll keep getting what your getting.

This is one reason I tried to find a change to my swimming because the swim squad just wasn't working for me.  I am enjoying the TI training and find a am actually enjoying swimming.

Run tomorrow and swim Sunday.

2013-01-25 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Just got back from a 10km run 57min.30s Happy with this it is my first 10km for a few years.  I kept it nice an easy and felt good at the end.

Hoping to get in the pool today or tomorrow, weathers pretty bad though looks like we might get some flooding.

Hope everyones motivation is back, happy training.

2013-01-26 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Finally back at it today! Started with a 50 min performance cycle spin class working in zones 3&4, then I backed it up with a fridgid 10.5 mile run. Still not feeling 100% but it felt good to be back at it! Hope you all have good workouts this weekend! Tim
2013-01-26 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
10.5 mile run ..... I wonder if I can ever get up to that..
2013-01-27 4:50 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Tornados and a cyclone have stopped me from training to day.  So I have called this week a recovery week.  Damn I hope the weather gets better soon.
2013-01-28 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4596249

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Alright I am back too.  worked all weekend, and had to hit the chiropractors office this morning to get two foot bones put back in place.   

If you are swimming this week,  try to time out a 200 or 400 hundred to get a baseline so we can see improvements.  

2013-01-28 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4597675

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Had a great breakthrough run today and just wanted to share.  23:59 for 3 miles. 

While I understand everything is relative and this may not be fast for many of you, this is a huge breakthrough for where I am in my training right now.  My previous best was a 25:19 back in November and recently ran a 25:42 last Monday.  This run came out of nowhere.  I had a 20 mile moderate bike ride this morning then spent an hour in the gym with a workout that included squats and lunges so I wasn't expecting much from this run.  I was only hoping for something in the mid 26's.  However I was checking my split times at each mark and just kept opening up a bigger and bigger margin against previous splits.  I felt like I was just cruising, I only really pushed it the last .3 when I realized I had a shot at under 24.  I have been a little disappointed in some of my run times recently but have been patient in understanding that most of the runs are the last workout of the day after cycling, swimming, or lifting sessions.  I know I still have a long way to go but feel today is some validation for all the hard work I have been doing thus far.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for listening.Laughing

2013-01-28 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Congrates Dominion that is an awesome PB.

I have had a break through as well.  I swam 600m non-stop today.  I was wrapped really enjoying TI training.  Can't wait to go again Thurs to a 50m pool and see how I go then.


2013-01-28 9:50 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic, you will get there! I know you have been having some low leg pain, are you stretching properly when warmed up? I have issues with that occasionally (now its occasional, it used to be constant) when I'm not stretching properly, if that doesn't work have you tried a physical therapist preferably one that specializes in running or sports injuries. Hammer, what happened to your foot? Ouch! Dominion, that's a great improvement, Congratulations! Runamrun, good job on the swim! It feels great doesn't it! Tim
2013-01-28 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Good job Dominion.  You've been putting in some hard work!!!


I did a 200 yard time trial tonight Dave.  I timed it right after my warmup @ 3:07.  If I would have waited after my main set - it would have been a heck of a lot slower Money mouth

2013-01-28 10:16 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey all, I haven't posted since asking to be in the group.  It's been a crazy January!  So far, my totals for this month are:  

January's totals:
Bike:1h 47m 44s  - 24.85 Mi
Run:8h 22m 38s  - 29.44 Mi

 Yes, that's weak, but more than pretty much the last four months.  Will be posting more in the coming weeks.  Just wondering, is the group interested in posting progress?  It is kind of motivator for me...

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