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2013-01-03 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Tim - The videos were exceptional and very moving as well as inspirational. Thanks for sharing your experience.

2013-01-03 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi all,

* On the HR monitor/GPS, I had the 310XT.  It was good but for some issues with the face going weird a few times.  I learned how to do a fix and it worked.  I upgraded to a 910XT for the open-water swim monitoring.  Love it.  Never had an issue with malfunctions over the entire year. 

* Great vids Tim! 

2013-01-03 6:01 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
LOVED the video, very well done....  Thanks for sharing!  Looks like it was an amazing experience and worth all of the hard work you put into training for it.  Congrats!
2013-01-03 6:15 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team,

looks like everyone is getting in some great workouts, nice job all!

KC - thanks for the info re your bike, what model did you end up getting? Sorry getting old and my memory is slipping! :P

KTC - great advice re the sign up, I'll check it out, thanks heaps!

Pierce - I just bought the Polar RS300x with the G1 GPS sensor and the sensor is huge even more combursome than having the iphone on your arm. I'm actually going to exchange it if I can for the RCX3 which you can find on eBay for around $250, it has HR/GPS and all the functions you need and a 12 hour battery life.

Tim - Again goosebumps my friend, you have no idea how inspiring that video is to me and others! You rock and I agree your support was amazing!

Off to the gym for me today, mercury has sored even higher!

2013-01-03 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Well I contacted the local tri coach today and she is no longer taking on athletes due to work commitments and her own training. She is however running a distance run package still, a group run one day a week starting at 8km (6:45min/km pace) and working up to half marathon distance which starts on the 30th of Jan and leads toward the Geelong Half Marathon on 7th April, so I've decided to join that to push my running speed up cause I'm painfully slow and to give me a race to work towards. Apart from that it looks like I'll be training on my own for Shep 70.3 and IM Oz which I'm a little bummed out by, but I will manage. I'm going to have a look through the BT plans and see what's on offer, I figure if I buy the gold membership I can tweak my plan to suit and I'll save money to put towards my TT bike.
2013-01-03 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4550197

New user

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Thanks for the videos, have only got to watch the first one so far but it's great! Makes me so excited about the coming season. Great motivation to get working!

After a pretty lazy month or so where I haven't been able to train as much as I should have, I start training again tomorrow. New year, new focus and commitment.  I'll prob do a good long swim to see where I stand.

2013-01-03 8:20 PM
in reply to: #4561033

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Wont take you long to get back into it Aodhan. I missed a few months swimming over winter and apart from losing some fitness, I regained it pretty quickly.

Whereabouts in Ireland are you from? My grandparents were Irish, lived in County Clare I think, they moved to New Zealand for a few years, then to Australia and had my dad and his family. I'd love to go there one day and discover some of my heritage.


Spudlander - 2013-01-04 12:53 PM

Thanks for the videos, have only got to watch the first one so far but it's great! Makes me so excited about the coming season. Great motivation to get working!

After a pretty lazy month or so where I haven't been able to train as much as I should have, I start training again tomorrow. New year, new focus and commitment.  I'll prob do a good long swim to see where I stand.

2013-01-03 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4561066

New user

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I hope you're right! My body could be in for a bit of a shock otherwise Frown

I'm from County Antrim, which is north coast of ireland.  I live on the coast so can drive/cycle along the coast through the glens which is a beautiful area. as is Clare, I've been there several times. Mind you, I find alot of Ireland has brilliant scenery apart from the weather! 

kruzmeister - 2013-01-04 2:20 AM

Wont take you long to get back into it Aodhan. I missed a few months swimming over winter and apart from losing some fitness, I regained it pretty quickly.

Whereabouts in Ireland are you from? My grandparents were Irish, lived in County Clare I think, they moved to New Zealand for a few years, then to Australia and had my dad and his family. I'd love to go there one day and discover some of my heritage.


Spudlander - 2013-01-04 12:53 PM

Thanks for the videos, have only got to watch the first one so far but it's great! Makes me so excited about the coming season. Great motivation to get working!

After a pretty lazy month or so where I haven't been able to train as much as I should have, I start training again tomorrow. New year, new focus and commitment.  I'll prob do a good long swim to see where I stand.

2013-01-03 8:47 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED


I finally managed to get the links to work. What a relief. I haven't been able to upload a pic yet but I have confidence in my self that I can figure it out eventually.

As for watches, I have the Garmin Forerunner 405. It was a bit expensive but it works great. I never have problems with satalites or with the HRM. It alows me to use it for running and cycling. I have had the watch for 4 years and it still works great.

I have been nursing some soreness in my lower back and some heel pain but I finally got a run in today.  I felt like a kid in a candy store out there on the road by my self.


2013-01-04 3:54 AM
in reply to: #4561110

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Gil, to upload an image just click on the settings button at the top of your page (wrench pic) then Click on the Account Settings tab and then the Profile image tab, then just upload a small pic from your computer.

Nice work getting out for a run, I'm like you, I like running on my own.


gdelamora - 2013-01-04 1:47 PM


I finally managed to get the links to work. What a relief. I haven't been able to upload a pic yet but I have confidence in my self that I can figure it out eventually.

As for watches, I have the Garmin Forerunner 405. It was a bit expensive but it works great. I never have problems with satalites or with the HRM. It alows me to use it for running and cycling. I have had the watch for 4 years and it still works great.

I have been nursing some soreness in my lower back and some heel pain but I finally got a run in today.  I felt like a kid in a candy store out there on the road by my self.


2013-01-04 4:10 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Well I just entered my very first half marathon, actually I entered two, Geelong HM on 7th April and Run Melbourne HM on 21st July. I wanted to have a couple of races over winter to keep me honest and they will hopefully be a good lead up to Shep 70.3 in November.

I also found a running and riding buddy at the gym! One of the trainers at the gym is looking to gain some fitness back after being hit with glandular fever and she is keen as ever to do some running and riding with me in preparation for my HIM. I'm totally wrapped cause she is a fire cracker and will totally flog me into a machine! We also managed to get use of the university's athletics track, so we can do some speed work.

I had a really great session today, it was over 41C (105.8F) with strong hot winds, so I opted for an indoor session on the treadmill & trainer and then a session of weights. I'm starting to feel really strong again and my core strength is definitely improving. I am so excited about this year, I cannot believe how everything is starting to fall into place for me.

Hope everyone else had a great day!

2013-01-04 5:21 AM
in reply to: #4561104

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Sounds like a beautiful area and the ideal place to train. I do landscape photography and would love to live on the coast. I've heard from a lot of people just how stunning Ireland is.


Spudlander - 2013-01-04 1:44 PM

I hope you're right! My body could be in for a bit of a shock otherwise Frown

I'm from County Antrim, which is north coast of ireland.  I live on the coast so can drive/cycle along the coast through the glens which is a beautiful area. as is Clare, I've been there several times. Mind you, I find alot of Ireland has brilliant scenery apart from the weather! 

2013-01-04 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4561362

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - It's funny that you mention that it is 41C over by you because it is currently -18C over by me and I also decided to run indoors today but because it is to cold.

It sounds like you have your race plan set. I have only registered for one and that is a half marathon in March.

BTW, thanks for the advise on the pic. I will work on it as soon as I can.

2013-01-04 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Been base building my runs for the last few weeks with about 15 - 18 miles a week.  Easy pace mostly and mixing in some hills a couple times a week.  Started a 12 week marathon plan this week for an April 6th race.  Will be mixing swims and bikes in a couple times each week as this progresses.

My goal for 2013 is to compete in the Muncie, IN 1/2 IM in July.  I took on this marathon as more of a base building and motivational step to get me pushing hard in the winter months. 

Would I be smarter entering a 1/2 marathon or two spread out in April and May to save the mileage on my legs when my real focus is the 1/2 IM in July?  I feel like I am dedicating too much of my training alotment to running between now and April.

Expecially, considering running is my strong suit followed by swimming with biking a distant third.

Any thoughts?

PS:  The copying and pasting of the links to my blog is still kicking my butt!

2013-01-04 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I am also in the research and decision stages of a personal training monitor.  Bugdet is a concern so I have been looking at all of them but am leaning towards the Garmin 310.

I have been interogating my friends on thier choices and have had no negative returns on the 310.

Any horror stories from you guys?

2013-01-04 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4561362

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I love how your winter is our summer - I always forget that!  Good news on finding the training buddy - especially a trainer.  I am sure that will really help.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-04 4:10 AM

Well I just entered my very first half marathon, actually I entered two, Geelong HM on 7th April and Run Melbourne HM on 21st July. I wanted to have a couple of races over winter to keep me honest and they will hopefully be a good lead up to Shep 70.3 in November.

I also found a running and riding buddy at the gym! One of the trainers at the gym is looking to gain some fitness back after being hit with glandular fever and she is keen as ever to do some running and riding with me in preparation for my HIM. I'm totally wrapped cause she is a fire cracker and will totally flog me into a machine! We also managed to get use of the university's athletics track, so we can do some speed work.

I had a really great session today, it was over 41C (105.8F) with strong hot winds, so I opted for an indoor session on the treadmill & trainer and then a session of weights. I'm starting to feel really strong again and my core strength is definitely improving. I am so excited about this year, I cannot believe how everything is starting to fall into place for me.

Hope everyone else had a great day!

2013-01-04 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4561615

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Dennis - Since you have a running background background I think you will be ok with the marathon.  Just keep your priorities in line.  Triathletes are mostly type A personalities and have a hard time "backing off" haha.  If the 70.3 is your main focus then make sure to keep that through out your marathon training.  Just be careful not to burn your self out going for a marathon PR.  In 2011 I did the same schedule - April marathon with July 70.3 and pushed myself really hard on the marathon training trying to PR - I took one day off after race and went right into my 70.3 training and by June I was so burned out that even the thought of a workout made me tired and stressed out.  

Just keep a balanced approach to your marathon training by keeping up the biking/swimming, don't push yourself too hard and avoid getting injured, and remember your the 70.3 is your 2013 "A" race and you will be fine.

LDC - 2013-01-04 8:40 AM

Would I be smarter entering a 1/2 marathon or two spread out in April and May to save the mileage on my legs when my real focus is the 1/2 IM in July?  I feel like I am dedicating too much of my training alotment to running between now and April.

Expecially, considering running is my strong suit followed by swimming with biking a distant third.

Any thoughts?

PS:  The copying and pasting of the links to my blog is still kicking my butt!

2013-01-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4561104

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Wow that sounds like some great riding areas. All I get to see is cornfields Cry

Spudlander - 2013-01-03 8:44 PM

I'm from County Antrim, which is north coast of ireland.  I live on the coast so can drive/cycle along the coast through the glens which is a beautiful area. as is Clare, I've been there several times. Mind you, I find alot of Ireland has brilliant scenery apart from the weather! 

2013-01-04 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4561110

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Gil - is your 405 older or newer? I got mine about 5-6 years ago and it has that old bezel that requires me to lock the screen if I am going to be sweating.  Other than that it has been a great watch (mostly from a running aspect).  I got the cadence/speed sensor last year and that has really made the watch great.  Do you have one of those?  If not I highly recommend it for like $40 -GARMIN GSC10 SPEED/CADENCE SENSOR

Although I used my friends 310 for IMWI and really liked it especially since I can swim with it so I will most likely get that this year - plus my battery on the 405 is finally starting to goCry

gdelamora - 2013-01-03 8:47 PM

As for watches, I have the Garmin Forerunner 405. It was a bit expensive but it works great. I never have problems with satalites or with the HRM. It alows me to use it for running and cycling. I have had the watch for 4 years and it still works great.

2013-01-04 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Glad everyone enjoyed the video!  Thanks!

You guys are making me very envious on your workouts!  Great job! Can't wait for my doc appointment on the 8th and hopefully I get cleared to start up again.

2013-01-04 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

For the others that are looking at gear, I found a good site by a triathlete with very detailed reviews.

I just read the Timex Global Trainer Review and started the 310xt review.

Today is a swim/strength day for me. Thanks to Tim, I have a nice couch to Olympic training schedule for the swim portion that actually makes my last workout (that I thought was shameful and lame) look right in line with week 1, day 1. Thanks Tim! For others, the article is on Search for 12-week swim workout for olympic

2013-01-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4561716

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Thanks Tim. I think I was more or less looking for an excuse to dodge the marathon!!!!

I just plan to be competitive in the marathon. Not worried about a PR.

Thanks for the push!
2013-01-04 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4561746

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Cool website - thanks for sharing.  Gonna have to spend some time that since I am a tech freak haha.  I have always been a Timex Ironman watch guy and was so pumped when they came out with the Global Trainer GPS watch.  I am hesitant because I have not heard good things about the GPS function (long time to find satellites and accuracy).  Glad you were able find that swim plan on Active.  They have some good stuff on their. 

Here is another great site for some swim workout ideas -

phishinphan - 2013-01-04 9:23 AM

For the others that are looking at gear, I found a good site by a triathlete with very detailed reviews.

I just read the Timex Global Trainer Review and started the 310xt review.

Today is a swim/strength day for me. Thanks to Tim, I have a nice couch to Olympic training schedule for the swim portion that actually makes my last workout (that I thought was shameful and lame) look right in line with week 1, day 1. Thanks Tim! For others, the article is on Search for 12-week swim workout for olympic

2013-01-04 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4561748

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

well if you are not that into I might reconsider - but its all personal decision.  Your body might hold up well to distance running but for me marathons DESTROY me haha.  It is a miracle if I can get to the start line fully healthy.  That is why I switched to triathlons 4 years ago! Keep up with the cross training and you will be fine. 

LDC - 2013-01-04 9:24 AM Thanks Tim. I think I was more or less looking for an excuse to dodge the marathon!!!! I just plan to be competitive in the marathon. Not worried about a PR. Thanks for the push!

2013-01-04 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I 'think' Rainmaker is a BT'er, too. He also has a FB page to 'like' where he posts new reviews.
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