BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-18 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Nothern VA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Actually, I was referring to your earlier post...and knowing others who lost limbs and eyes, etc. I am grateful.

But I don't have a job.

I just got fired.

2013-01-18 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4584959

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Dana_Scully - 2013-01-18 12:47 PM Actually, I was referring to your earlier post...and knowing others who lost limbs and eyes, etc. I am grateful.

But I don't have a job.

I just got fired.


Oh dear. Worst day ever. I hope you have some good wine handy. Big cyber hugs.

2013-01-18 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4583445

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hildebeast - 2013-01-17 6:08 PM

Wow!  Is there BEASTIENESS going on over here or WHAT!!!  Damn, who am I gonna nag to get their butt moving?  You're all doing it!  AWESOME!! 

Today was my Friday, whoo hoo!!  Doc appt tomorrow, long weekend, appt for my son on Tuesday.  For those of you that are new to me, my son Reade is 25, and just over a year ago (Nov. 19, 2011) he was at a party, had some beer and had the bright idea to play with some fireworks.  Needless to say it didn't work out well and he had his right hand amputated at the wrist.  It still hurts to think about it, but he has adapted quite well, BUT, we have yet to get a true "hand" prosthetic, and we're pretty pissed off about it.  He is getting something called an iLimb, a robotic hand, really awesome and insurance has already paid over $100,000 for the thing and he still doesn't have it.  He began fittings for it back the end of August!  So we are going to go through another prosthetic company up in Dallas who specialize in hand prosthetics.  (Hand amputations are rare compared to leg amputations).  And hope to get it all sorted out before his insurance runs out (through my husband's plan) on his 26th birthday, Feb. 11.  I'm excited to get this thing moving again, and hopefully he'll have a hand SOON!  Hardest thing we've had to go through as parents because there is NOTHING we can do to fix it.  So teach your kids to stay away from fireworks!!!!!! 

Just had a nice 3 miler myself, weather finally cracked and we got up over 60!  Shorts again!!

Is your son stil getting the iHand prosthetic? I'm a physical therapy assistant. I did my final research project on prosthetics and adaptive sports devices. Although my emphasis was on lower limb amputations I came across the iHand during my research. It is an amazing piece of medical technology. I sure hope it all works out and it's all done before his insurance expires!
2013-01-18 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4585076

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Ah @$)(;_! Scully, WTF? Yes worst day ever. I am so sorry and if I wasn't a non drinker , yeah a good drunk would be in order. Hang in there, we are here for you!
2013-01-18 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4585402

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Yes Shad, he's getting the iLimb! He did the initial training on it back in August! And while nothing can truly replace a hand, it sure will be a good tool for him. When he first put it on it was easy to forget that he couldn't feel what he was picking up. I took a video, I'll try and post a link.
2013-01-18 6:35 PM
in reply to: #4585408

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

This was Reade using the hand for the first time, he had it on about 15 minutes...

Edited by Hildebeast 2013-01-18 6:36 PM

2013-01-18 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4585412

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hildebeast - 2013-01-18 6:35 PM

This was Reade using the hand for the first time, he had it on about 15 minutes...

Very neat. I hope he gets it soon. Have you seen the recent episode on 60 minutes about robotics? Simply mind-boggling.
2013-01-18 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4585412

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Dana - that sucks all around.  Sorry you've had such a crappy week.  

Hilde - looks like he was handling it pretty well.  I hope he gets it full-time soon.  We're taking the 9 month old in next month to get him checked out and see about a prosthetic.  

Shad - very interesting final project. The new lower leg prosthetics are pretty awesome.

The VO2 test was interesting.  The treadmill decided to freak out, so I had to go on the bike.  We didn't do a good test, but I got about 30 mL/kg/min as a rough estimate doing a quick test.  So pretty crappy, but not far from what I expected.  I'll do a better test once we get the new equipment and I fix the treadmill.

Between the VO2 test (short, but still hard on the legs), sick baby, and the husband's work schedule, I decided to take today off.  Hope to get a good ride in tomorrow morning and a run on Sunday.

2013-01-19 2:01 AM
in reply to: #4584959

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Dana_Scully - 2013-01-18 1:47 PMActually, I was referring to your earlier post...and knowing others who lost limbs and eyes, etc. I am grateful.

But I don't have a job.

I just got fired.

2013-01-19 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4585705

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
2013-01-19 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4585814

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hildebeast - 2013-01-19 8:28 AMqwe

2013-01-20 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I got in a good 7.5 mile run today.  Lots of hill.  My race in May has lots of hills on the run so I am specifically training for that.

See the elevation chart below to get a good idea of the hills in my neighborhood!

The second is the elevation chart in % grade of the loop that I did last week (did it 5 times and then ran some more in the neighbor hood).  I am shooting to complete this loop 10-11 time in one run prior to my HM in March.

Hope everyone has a great day.  I will be settling down for football later today.  Rooting for the Patriots.

Edited by hoffsquared 2013-01-20 10:36 AM

(Running Route 1.jpg)

(Hill Lap.jpg)

Running Route 1.jpg (17KB - 6 downloads)
Hill Lap.jpg (24KB - 11 downloads)
2013-01-20 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4586758

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Dang Melanie, those ARE some beastie looking hills!!  You are smart to train on them, even if your race route didn't have hills, they can only make us stronger!  I did 9 miles today, that was on the plan for my end of Feb. HM... wasn't pretty, but got it done. 
2013-01-20 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4586809

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Got my ride in yesterday and run in this morning.  Nice easy ride.  Run felt fine.  I'm going to have to behave with the running.  It's tempting to crank up the mileage quickly.  I think keeping it to twice a week should suffice.

Keep up the good work everyone.

2013-01-21 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Good morning Beasties! I had to work a full day yesterday so I took the day off from training. Our pool is closed for MLK day so I'll be doing my least favorite thing this evening; a trainer ride in the garage. There's no heat out there so maybe that will make me ride faster! Happy Training Everyone!!
2013-01-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4586809

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hildebeast - 2013-01-20 11:42 AM Dang Melanie, those ARE some beastie looking hills!!  You are smart to train on them, even if your race route didn't have hills, they can only make us stronger!  I did 9 miles today, that was on the plan for my end of Feb. HM... wasn't pretty, but got it done. 

Yeahaa!!  Good job.  You are on track.  When you count in weekends, it sure seems like there not much time left.

2013-01-21 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4588044

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
So today is a holiday, no school, and I'm not feeling motivated... was going to swim, but sleeping in seemed like a better idea.  Was about to change and go run and daughter called with an invitation to go out to lunch, seemed like a better idea.... could change and go for a bike, but reading a book seems like a better idea, haha!  Even mentors deal with this crap, sigh....
2013-01-21 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4553673

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Start of my recovery week, so just went for a walk with the family. Still dealing with the nagging cough I seem to get with every cold. Planning a couple of easy rides, runs, and lifting sessions for this week.

Keep up the good work everyone.
2013-01-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4588151

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hildebeast - 2013-01-21 2:27 PM So today is a holiday, no school, and I'm not feeling motivated... was going to swim, but sleeping in seemed like a better idea.  Was about to change and go run and daughter called with an invitation to go out to lunch, seemed like a better idea.... could change and go for a bike, but reading a book seems like a better idea, haha!  Even mentors deal with this crap, sigh....


It's called recharging!!!  Hope you had a great day.

2013-01-22 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4588487

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

apglave - 2013-01-21 7:00 PM Start of my recovery week, so just went for a walk with the family. Still dealing with the nagging cough I seem to get with every cold. Planning a couple of easy rides, runs, and lifting sessions for this week.

Keep up the good work everyone.


I have heard lots of folks have the lingering cough.  Hope it goes away soon.

2013-01-22 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

So I had a very chilly commute this morning but was pretty toasty.  I have figured out all the right layering so I am not too cold but not too hot.  This is a terrific thing.  Too cold is a bummer but too hot can be just as bad.  Being too hot leads to too much sweating that leaves me chilled when I get to a certain part of the commuter where there are lots of stops and starts.

I wore my new full face balaclava.  Feel like a ninja rider.


balaclava.JPG (16KB - 21 downloads)

2013-01-22 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4553673

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Got in a good run today.  But before I started two bottles of my not inexpensive beauty products fell out of my locker and onto the tile floor.  Broken glass bottles everywhere.  Bummer.  Cry

This is the 2nd time this has happened.  I may have to transfer the stuff into small plastic travel size containers to prevent further mishaps.

2013-01-22 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4553673

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Apologies for slacking on the log last week, gang-- recovery from the bug took a while, and then wouldn't you know it, several projects suddenly demanded immediate attention, as did annual reports etc...oy. Ended up going to bed really early all week and sleeping at least 9 hrs/night. I'll take it, after last year's near-constant insomnia, but it did rather cut down on time for things like logs and inspires. So sorry-- am hoping things won't pile up like that again for a while!

Time to go get caught up on the forum and see what shenanigans you've all been up to while I've been away...

2013-01-22 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4589159

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
hoffsquared - 2013-01-22 9:57 AM

So I had a very chilly commute this morning but was pretty toasty.  I have figured out all the right layering so I am not too cold but not too hot.  This is a terrific thing.  Too cold is a bummer but too hot can be just as bad.  Being too hot leads to too much sweating that leaves me chilled when I get to a certain part of the commuter where there are lots of stops and starts.

I wore my new full face balaclava.  Feel like a ninja rider.

Grin-- I have one of these, too! Ninja Beasts, unite!

2013-01-22 5:14 PM
in reply to: #4579850

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Bearhawk - 2013-01-15 3:02 PM

I registered for my first Triathlon. The Tri-Shark Sprint in Bloomington, Il on 01 June 2013. That gives me 20 weeks to train. By registering for the race I figure it will set a goal and keep me honest in my training. I have done all the distances of each leg in the past but never consecutively. I have no clue what to expect since I have never even seen a Tri in progress let alone participate in one. I suppose you just follow the crowd? LOL
Please check in with me and inquire on my training progress. I will need the encouragement.
I'm so excited! --- and nervous.


A bit late to the party, but YAY STAN!!! Way to go-- and I've heard nothing but good things about Tri-Shark: a lot of people from the Chicago Tri Club do it, I think. They're a good group to hang out with, too, by the way-- they do group runs and rides, and even open water swims in the lake in the summertime. I should be around Chicago most of this summer (first time in a while!), so hope to be able to do more of their events while I train. Have fun as you head toward your goal, and don't be afraid to ask questions-- that's what we're here for!


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