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2013-02-21 10:42 PM
in reply to: #4629474

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
thekonas - 2013-02-19 11:16 PM

Ok Joshua, thx!

1. Bang for buck- why do average carbon wheels cost as much as a bike? Are we suckers?

2. How can we tell when our rear cassette is shot?

3. How much does bike weight really matter if I weigh in at 200+ and will probably add a couple of water bottles- it seems obsessing over ounces on a frame is time lost.

4. During a swim start I prefer to wait out the herd and find an outside lane- any major disadvantages?

5. What is the shortest interval you would prescribe between a HIM and a full distance IM?

Sorry for the stream of consciousness!

BTW if you are riding a road bike, and you switch to a TT bike with aero bars, if properly fitted, you can save minutes, Asa opposed to seconds in a 40k. This is a proven fact.2. You can tell by looking at the teeth on your cassette, when they are getting worn. I usually get an average of about 2,500-3000 miles out of a cassette. Chains go bad due to stretching, more frequently than the cassette usually.3. There are lot of people who thin weight is super important, but if you put an extra 8lbs of water on your bike, why spend money to save 9 ounces on the bike weight.

2013-02-21 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4629474

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
thekonas - 2013-02-19 11:16 PM

Ok Joshua, thx!

1. Bang for buck- why do average carbon wheels cost as much as a bike? Are we suckers?

2. How can we tell when our rear cassette is shot?

3. How much does bike weight really matter if I weigh in at 200+ and will probably add a couple of water bottles- it seems obsessing over ounces on a frame is time lost.

4. During a swim start I prefer to wait out the herd and find an outside lane- any major disadvantages?

5. What is the shortest interval you would prescribe between a HIM and a full distance IM?

Sorry for the stream of consciousness!

4. Everyone has a different level of comfort swimming in a pack. I personally am very comfortable swimming close in a pack. I practice that a lot though. My personal irritation, is getting boxed in at a slower pace than I want to swim. For that reason I either swim at the very front, or I go to the outside so I can pass without getting boxed in. When I was first racing, I always went to the outside, it is much less congested usually than the middle or inside, so I always recommend less experienced people to go outside lane.5. I don't think I understand the question. If you mean how much time between races, I personally won't do them closer together than 6 -7 weeks. When I am training for a 140.6 I have generally spent a pile of money, and want to deliver my best possible performance, so I get focused and try not to get side tracked on any less important races once I get inside of 2 months or so. Plus that gives me plenty of time for recovery, although two days after the half I pick up right where I left off on my IM training plan.
2013-02-21 11:04 PM
in reply to: #4630953

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-20 8:45 PM

I've been googling everything. Lots of info on bikes. Learned how to change a tire with presta valves by watching youtube. So much information to know and learn when doing a triathlon.

1. Do people train with one set of wheels/tires and then race with another set?

2. How do you clean your feet when in T1? Bucket or water bottles???

3. Can someone tell me their setup in the transition area?

Looks like you got some ideas already, but her is my $.02 worth. I have one set of wheels for training, and another set for racing, because my race wheels cost $3k I don't want to risk damage during training. As for cleaning my feet... I have worked really hard on cutting down my transition times in the past year. So I no longer do anything more than wipe my feet on a towel, then slip my socks on, then my bike shoes (most races will not allow amateurs to start with their shoes already clipped in the bike) snap my helmet, grab my glasses (never - ever ride without eye protection) which with some practice can be done in under 20 seconds. Watch the transitions in the Olympics from last year, they are like 8-12 seconds, absurdly fast.
2013-02-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Funny where / how motiviation can be found.  Last night on my way home I knew I needed to get in my ride and figured I would just do it on the trainer.  Well I got home and my new Giro helmet had been delivered.  Now I could have put it on and still road on the trainer, but how stupid would that have looked.Tongue out So instead it motivated me to put it on and hit the road for an almost 13 mile ride before dark.Laughing

Briefly about the helmet, I got a Giro Atmos, which I really like, it's lightweight / ventilated well.  I have had a one size fits all Bell helmet from Walmart for over three years now and all I can say is what a difference.

Another thing for anyone interested in a new helmet, I got mine through Jenson USA (never heard of them before this purchase).  It was regularly 180 and on sale for $84.99.  I then used a promo code NewCust12 and got another $5 off.  They gave me free shipping, which brought the total purchase to $79.99 for a $180 dollar helmet.  Best of all it was order Monday and received Thur.  I would have had to pay almost $20 to several others to have the helmet delivered that quickly.  I know the helmet is an older model, but if the pro's use to wear it (what my research showed) then I'm sure it's plenty good enough for me.  Like I said I knew nothing about Jensen, but was highly impressed with their cost and service.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-02-22 8:25 AM
2013-02-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Thanks for all of the great info Joshua- That's a big help!


^Sounds like a great helmet too- funny how cool gear can keep us going. I am in the process of upgrading my ultegra drivetrain to dura-ace... more for the experience of DIY maintenance, and a little bit for the "cool" factor. Either way, it will keep me riding!


Today I knocked out my longest swim ever- doubling my previous distance. I made it 4300 yards this morning in 1h35min... the training is already paying off!

Edited by thekonas 2013-02-22 12:06 PM
2013-02-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4632643

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

discipleguideservice - 2013-02-22 5:04 AM

(most races will not allow amateurs to start with their shoes already clipped in the bike)


that must be a US rule - here in Ireland its not a issue - transition is usually split 50-50 between those clipped in and not. Must remember that if & when I ever race over there!! Undecided

Edited by grahamclarke_6 2013-02-22 3:10 PM

2013-02-22 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Josh / everyone - can i ask what your IM nutrition looks like - its one of the (many!) areas that I'm really worried about. I've no problem eating or drinking on the bike so far (up to 100km cycles) - regularly use gels, flapjacks, protein bars, bananas, sweets etc but doen't have a set plan.
2013-02-22 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Didn't sleep well last night but pushed myself to workout this am. I got into the pool and swam my first mile ever. I felt great once I got into the pool and just kept going. Have you ever felt like you were too tired to train but then once you get going you actually do more than you thought you would? I don't know if it was a will power thing or if my body is actually saying I can do more now.
2013-02-23 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4633677

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-22 4:04 PMDidn't sleep well last night but pushed myself to workout this am. I got into the pool and swam my first mile ever. I felt great once I got into the pool and just kept going. Have you ever felt like you were too tired to train but then once you get going you actually do more than you thought you would? I don't know if it was a will power thing or if my body is actually saying I can do more now.
way to motivate yourself. My wife always tells new people this. Everyone has times that they don't "feel" like working out. But it's just like when you don't feel like going to work... You do it anyways. You will get the race that you train for. Want good results on race day, do the work. -------- Plus you are probably able to do more than you think now also. If you can swim a full mile continuously, your body is most likely able to do double that, you just have to convince your mind.
2013-02-23 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4633083

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
grahamclarke_6 - 2013-02-22 9:59 AMJosh / everyone - can i ask what your IM nutrition looks like - its one of the (many!) areas that I'm really worried about. I've no problem eating or drinking on the bike so far (up to 100km cycles) - regularly use gels, flapjacks, protein bars, bananas, sweets etc but doen't have a set plan.
Every single person is completely different. I can only tell you what works for me, and it may be completely wrong for you. Around 5-6 in the afternoon I eat a high calorie meal the night before, one that will set well on my stomached. I also drink at least 4-5 big glasses of water before bedtime. Then i get some sort of cherry pie to take back to my room to eat right before bed. For breakfast (I'm done eating no less than 2 hours before the starting gun) coffee first (helps wake up and get a good start to my final trip to the bathroom on its way then I eat cottage cheese, and a small can of crushed pineapple, I also take one package of shaved ham and divide it into 3 parts, and then roll the shaved ham around some pieces of Swiss cheese (3 slices) and I drink at least 20 oz of water. --------- then about 30 minutes before the starting gun, I drink about 10 oz serving of Hammer Perpetuem. (Then I can pee one more time right before the race). ------------ I eat as much solid foods as possible on my bike (I personally eat who.e wheat pita bread with half of an avocado, and sliced turkey) just as I am getting going on my bike. I drink Hammer Head, on the bike, as well as Cliff Shot gu and I also take endourolytes with anti fatigue caps (Hammer products). You will need between 250-350 calories per hour while racing. Then in my special needs bag I have another pita/avocado/turkey and a Diet Mountain Dew. ------------ Once I'm on the run, that is the end of the solid foods for me. I go with chicken broth, water, coke, and galore aid, all the things found at the aid stations ( there will be one every mile - and I force myself to take a drink at every water station). ------------- Again, this may be completely wrong for you, you just need to practice your nutrition every single time you have a long ride. NEVER try something new on raceday, go with what you have practiced.
2013-02-23 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
In case there are any English teachers reading our thread, I want to be very clear. I know the proper way to lay out a paragraph, but apparently BT does not like my iPad. I type messages with spaces, paragraph breaks, and indentation, but you see how it looks after I hit the submit button. Sorry everyone.

2013-02-24 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Great Weekend for me,

25 Mile Ride - Averaged over 17 and did so without killing myself (Saturday)

5K - 27:44; Under 9 Min mile average, which was faster than I planned but I did not stop and did not feel bad or kill myself doing so.  (Sunday)

After the two I have a slight ache behind my left leg, but I think it's more from the past three weeks and should be fine after this recovery week.

2013-02-24 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Now it's Offical and Public Knowledge that I can be held to.
Thank you! Your registration is complete.
You will receive an email confirmation of your registration shortly.
Message from the Event Director

2013 IRONMAN 70.3 Racine

Congratulations! Sealed

2013-02-25 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4635363

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Hunting Triathlete - 2013-02-24 10:03 PM
Now it's Offical and Public Knowledge that I can be held to.
Thank you! Your registration is complete.
You will receive an email confirmation of your registration shortly.
Message from the Event Director

2013 IRONMAN 70.3 Racine

Congratulations! Sealed


Grats man! After all your training this will be a piece of cake. Well as easy as an Ironman can be, with cake at the end!

2013-02-26 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
The sprint tri I entered is 12 days away. I have not been able to swim in open water due to schedule and bad weather here. Is there anything I can do in the pool to somewhat help me come race day? I may be able to get a swim in this weekend open water but just in case I can't. Any tips or advice would help.
2013-02-26 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Before my first and a few after that, I made sure to do the full race distance +100 yards a few times before the race.  It did not tax me and helped to give me the confidence to know I could do the distance.  Plus it felt a lot easier during the race because I did not have to turn around every 25 yardsWink and you have that great race energyCool

edit:  Also if you are going to swim in a wetsuit make sure you've swam in it a few times.  You can even do this in the pool, just make sure to wash it off good after you get done. 

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-02-27 7:50 AM

2013-02-27 8:51 PM
in reply to: #4638403

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Hunting Triathlete - 2013-02-26 9:16 PM

Before my first and a few after that, I made sure to do the full race distance +100 yards a few times before the race.  It did not tax me and helped to give me the confidence to know I could do the distance.  Plus it felt a lot easier during the race because I did not have to turn around every 25 yardsWink and you have that great race energyCool

edit:  Also if you are going to swim in a wetsuit make sure you've swam in it a few times.  You can even do this in the pool, just make sure to wash it off good after you get done. 

Great advise.  Plus I suggest staying to the outside of other swimmers on your first race.  It can get a bit punchy in the middle and inside.  Come out easy, do not sprint to start with, you will be suprised at how fast you will get tired if you come out too strong, just do the same in the race as you do in practice. 


Also, this video may help

2013-02-27 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Got a question on clothing for bike ride. The weather looks like it will be 60-65*. What would you wear at this temperature? If it were colder what would you wear?
2013-02-28 1:05 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Stupid Man Flu!!!!Cry
2013-02-28 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4639881

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-28 3:32 AM Got a question on clothing for bike ride. The weather looks like it will be 60-65*. What would you wear at this temperature? If it were colder what would you wear?


Definately swim in your wetsuit a few times - makes a difference to your body position in the water - will feel like your floating on top of it after regular swims!!


For clothing in that temp (could only dream of that here in Ireland!) I'd def go with a tri suit. If it gets much colder or very windy maybe a light, tight bike jacket. Only time I've not just worn my tri suit was on the bike leg of my half IM when it was raining / foggy - I was glad of my jacket that day!!

2013-02-28 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Just wear your jersey and bike / tri shorts.  The ride I did last weekend was 43 when we took out and roughly 49 when I finished.  I am not very tolerant of cold weather but did the ride in my short sleeve cycling jersey and bike shorts and felt fine after 1 mile or so.  Remember your boby tempeture will be up when you get out of the water. 

2013-02-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I just did a bike/run in 48 degree weather. It was cold for me. I do much better when its warmer. Getting a feel for what to wear. I had cycling pants, a tri top, cycling jersey, and gloves on. Someone told me to use a plastic bag underneath my jersey on my chest to act as a windbreaker. It actually seemed to work. I don't think it will be as cold next week but wanted to prepare just in case. Working on transitions too.
2013-02-28 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4640415

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-28 10:48 AMI just did a bike/run in 48 degree weather. It was cold for me. I do much better when its warmer. Getting a feel for what to wear. I had cycling pants, a tri top, cycling jersey, and gloves on. Someone told me to use a plastic bag underneath my jersey on my chest to act as a windbreaker. It actually seemed to work. I don't think it will be as cold next week but wanted to prepare just in case. Working on transitions too.
I always say this: never change ANYTHING on race day. So wear what you practice in, or at least practice a couple of time in what you will race in. Shorts and singlet, or trisuit should be fine for those temps. It is much easier to overheat than you will realize. I doubt you will even notice the cool air once you get on your bike.
2013-02-28 9:39 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Did anyone watch the video? I try to show you all a little of my sense of humor and you guys all just leave me hanging? What the heck
2013-02-28 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Hahaha I enjoyed the video
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