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2013-05-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: jlkmommy

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Looks like we have a mixed bag happening this weekend.

Good luck to Elena, Joe and Jared!!! Looking forward to your race reports!

Pam, congrats!!!!!! 3rd AG is great! As for your hubby, good grief he IS a bouncy thing isn't he?! What is he training for?

Mike, sorry for all the roadblocks and monkey wrenches you are encountering . Hope that you did not sustain any longlasting injuries.

Julie, so glad you had a good ride today! Keep in mind I know nothing about your injury, but I would let pain (or hopefully lack thereof) be my guide. If no pain, then seems like riding 20 on Tuesday would be OK. I think it's hard for those of us who started as runners to wrap our heads around cycling distances.

Had a good day at the Cross Timbers 33 miler today. This was to be hubby's ride....his longest distance to date, and he was ready. But he caught a cold and we're about to go on vacation, so he sat this one out. After I got over my disappointment we weren't doing it together, I decided to go ahead and ride. Met up with friends there, and really enjoyed the ride. It starts with a lap around Texas Motor Speedway. Wind and hills were harder on the way out, and easier on the way back...just the way I like it . I'm really comfortable on my bike these days...just feels like it fits me like a glove.

Oh, and my ride today imported from the Garmin as a Run, even though I selected bike when I uploaded it. My log for today makes it look like I'm some sort of Kenyan wonder runner! Anyone know how to change that?

2013-05-18 3:36 PM
in reply to: squirt

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Well the race was fun and some great eats afterwards. My time was a bit disappointing at 2:27. The official results have not been posted yet and will complete a race report when they are. The water was reported to be 63 degrees but it was probably a bit colder than that. The wetsuit worked very well though and I held my own. I was in the forth of 8 or 9 waves so while I did not see many people passing they probably were still faster. Good luck all and happy training / racing.
2013-05-18 7:26 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hrm when did a 50 mile bike ride get so long. Very spent today, but haven't missed any workouts yet. Pretty spent at weak 3 of the 21 week build. Oh well recovery week next week should help. Swim was ok late lastnight, shoulder still iffy, but the swim itself felt good. Hit my fastest 100s since last fall.

Good job on your races guys. Even a slow race is way better than a day on the couch.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-18 7:27 PM
2013-05-18 7:38 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Good job Joe!

and good luck to the rest that are racing.

Mike D keep your head up. I'm sure you will be fine. Lots of aches and pains start happening toward the end there. Listen to your body and cross that line strong in a few weeks.

I did a nice 6 miler this morn at 8:15 pace. Pretty happy considering where i"m at since the broken foot. 10 weeks in and still going./ My swim is starting to feel pretty good. Just need to get my but on the bike!
2013-05-18 11:17 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hi all! I'm excited. I just received my IM bib number...582. So exciting. Weekend training is going relatively well for me, but I've had to make some adjustments due to weather, getting it all in and overall tiredness. My goal is to finish the next couple week strong even while traveling to Canada, and I realized my plan for this weekend wasn't going to work like I had hoped. So I'm gonna bump part of my training up by one day, which I think will set me up for greater overall success.

Last night I did 5k in the pool and it was such a solid swim for me. I looked at my time for 4200 yards and I was at cool. And overall I did 1:52. Other than the cold and possibility of choppy water I'm not worried about the swim at all. Yay! Today I biked 40miles and ran 4. I also decdied to sleep in today since I moved my long ride to tomorrow. What a difference that always makes for me. Plus I have been looking for a jacket for race day and today I finally found one. Tomorrow I ride 110 and hopefully swim 3000. I'm moving my long run to Monday for my sanity

Great job to the weekend racers. Looking forward to having time to read the reports.

2013-05-18 11:53 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Samantha - How exciting! I like your plan of action. Listening to your body is most important.

Steve - I'm sure your feeling it! Your build has been very quick. I love the attitude you have. We all should learn from you.

2013-05-19 12:51 AM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Samantha your weekend workouts are a bit um over the top, wouldn't put that much of a workout on one day. You probably have time constraints but you are lite on the recovery over your weekend. I do go with long swim Fri, long bike Sat and long run Sun, but I don't do a moderate bike and swim on Sunday in addition. At this point drop a short workout if you need to get your long in at some point during the week and then make it to taper healthy ). Your swill will probably be 1:30 to 1:40 depending on waves and your sighting. Sounds like you will come out of the water strong for the bike though which is the main thing for the swim. You will have 40-50 min banked from your swim 8). So swim 1:35 (transition 10) bike (15 mph+) 7:30, (transition 5) and your long runs are 13:00 ish mpm (5:30 ish) (total 15 hours) reasonably gives you a 2 hour cushion on the run. So if you can run the first half 2:50, that leaves 4:40 for the last half 12:15 mpm. Ya I did this before but looked at your last 4 weeks of workouts... you have this Samantha. 15:30 is not out of your reach if you can keep the run going the whole way.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-19 1:04 AM
2013-05-19 6:11 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Samantha - New gear is always exciting. Have you done OWS in the cold? Yesterday they said the water temp was 63 and took me a bit by surprise for the first few hundred yards. No problems though and exiting the water with your speed will be a big confidence booster.

Mitch - Keep that recovery going.
Steve - 21 weeks, yeah. What is your wife saying? If I was in your spot, I can see her just shaking her head.

Ok Race report finally ready
This was a great race even if the time result was not in my favor. I learned a lot and had a great time. I am off the couch and accomplishing what many people think are amazing things. I would still like to get more competitive and in the meantime I will enjoy the ride. There were a few times yesterday when I did pick my head up and look at the scenery. NJ can be a very beautiful place with lots of horses and nature.
Good luck all whatever you are doing!
2013-05-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: Tri-solar

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
workouts done for the day and all seems to be OK. Did a 6 mile run then a 24 mile group bike ride. Felt great on both. When I finished, it occured to me I'd just done 2/3 of an Oly race .

Have a great Sunday everyone!!
2013-05-19 8:49 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Joe, great job on your race!!! You had a lot of first on this one. Will go over and read your report shortly.

Elena, best of luck on your sprint tri today.

Carol, so glad that you went yesterday and had fun on the ride. Hope your hubby feels better and feels good for your vaca. As for my hubby, he really wants to do a HIM next year but he has zero swim confidence. A year and a half ago, he had no bike, couldn't swim, and ran only a couple of miles at a time. He bought a bike and feel in love with biking. He's got his running up to a better base than me now (Grrrr). He swims about 5 or 6 times a week now and is a better swimmer than me but that zero confidence thing is holding him back from even an oly.

Mike, so glad that you didn't have lasting damage from the stumble/fall.

Steve, I can't tell you how much fun I'm having watching you get ready for Tahoe. You were so patient in your recovery and now it's just amazing watching you ramp it up into hyperdrive.

Julie, wish I could give you advice on the bike ride but I'm pathetic on cycling so I can't speak. 15 mph for 30 miles sounds to me tho like you are a much better cyclist than I will ever be.

Oh Samantha, you are doing so amazing!!! I can't wait to watch you during your IM.

Well, I messed up last night. Some of my furniture jumped out at me in the dark and I'm sure that I broke my 4th toe. It is amazing the amount of pain that can cause. Pretty funny tho because while I can't run, I can swim and bike, can't I? Guess it's a way to force me to really consider that tri.

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-05-19 8:51 AM
2013-05-19 4:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Ouche Pam. Was a member a couple years ago did the same thing 2 weeks before his IM and put him on the bench. Be careful of your furniture!!

8 mile run for me today, low energy, slow speed, but got it done. Looking forward to recovery week next week.

And thanks for the support. It was hard last round in the mentor group to have everyone playing when I was benched. It looks like most of us are healthier and getting back in that saddle.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-19 4:15 PM

2013-05-19 9:45 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
It was a long day for me. My ride went quite well all things considered. I did have a very scary moment riding on the highway when a charter bus passed me and I was on a very narrow shoulder. Gave me a good scare and I went off the shoulder; it took me a bit to get back on the road and I'm surprised I didn't fall over. Most of the highway has really wide shoulders, but I'd never gone as far south as I did today. Anyway, I did an out and back and at the halfway point I couldn't resist the urge to go one more mile to make the ride 112. The hardest part was saddle soreness. I can't tell you have many times I have to readjust or stand or whatever. I think it actually slows me down more than it should, but it is overwhelming uncomfortable. I bought some ride glide and that seemed to help for the first bit, but I didn't have more to reapply. Gonna take extra next time and see if that will make a difference. My total time was 8:09, which is 13+mph. I started my ride at 9, which is the latest I want to start riding on race day and if I don't go any faster I don't think I'll make it. I'm choosing to trust that my body will be rested and able to do much more; it does make me nervous because I can't see past where I am right now. But Steve says I will be okay, so I will be okay

Steve - I am so very glad you are back out there training. I was impressed at how well you stuck with us through it all and so very thankful. Yes, my weekend training is ridiculous. I'm trying to fit it all in and I rarely have recovery time, or not much, between all my workouts. I do them all when I get off work with a few hours in between if possible. Plus I am one of those people that really does need to sleep like 8hrs or more. So I'll look at my last build week and see what I can adjust. I hope you are right Steve. 15:30 would blow my mind. Right now I'm so tired I'm not sure I'll make it, but right now isn't where I'll be race day.

Mitch - Nice run pace! I like the new profile pic; the little girl is cute!

Joe - The jacket is interesting. I love it and I hate it. I have not been into the lake past my knees yet. I expect to do my first OWS on Wednesday; I'm just not certain it'll be in CDA lake. But the time is definitely here to start getting acclimated to the temp. Yay to you for another day off-the-couch! And consider your time result a good goal to set and surpass next time.

Pam - I'm so sorry about your toe. That is probably one of the most painful parts of the body to smash into. Glad you see it as an opportunity to bike and swim.

Recovery week and trip to see my dear friend...woohoo! Happy Monday!
2013-05-19 11:51 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
K math game again 1:35 swim, 10:00 t1, call it 8:00 bike, t2 5:00, =9:50. Leaves 6:10 for your marathon or a 14:20 mpm pace which is decent walk pace, but if you jog any of it you bank some time for later, jog 13:00 for 7-8 miles then walk 15:00 mpm the rest of the way. But you will be rested so I bet you go faster on the bike and farther than 7 miles jogging on the run. You have put in the training, you will finish within the 17 hours. Don't make me come up an pace you 8).
2013-05-20 12:13 AM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Lets see if this worked. My Hill repeat hill. Having trouble getting the photo in. Oh well it is in there ya can look at one of my run loops. You will know the hill when you find it.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-20 1:10 AM
2013-05-20 7:24 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Nice hill, Steve! Are all of those shots of where you run? Beautiful views of the mountains! The ruts in the road look like real ankle breakers.

Longest swim session ever for me this AM -- 3400 yards. Wasn't straight swim, just a regular, but long session. I am really tired from it. Now I need to go get breakfast!
2013-05-20 9:25 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Those mountain pics are awesome.

Well I had my first Sprint Tri Saturday Moring
The tri went great had a blast! I freaked a little midway
through swim I got out of rhythm but I got it back. I did it in
1:13.27. Pretty happy for the first.
Swim 10:11
T1 1:50
Bike 38:01 avg 19mph
T2 51 seconds
Run 22:23 7.25 avg.

Learned a lot I need to hit bike more
Had fun

2013-05-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: jhight

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by jhight

Those mountain pics are awesome.

Well I had my first Sprint Tri Saturday Moring
The tri went great had a blast! I freaked a little midway
through swim I got out of rhythm but I got it back. I did it in
1:13.27. Pretty happy for the first.
Swim 10:11
T1 1:50
Bike 38:01 avg 19mph
T2 51 seconds
Run 22:23 7.25 avg.

Learned a lot I need to hit bike more
Had fun

Congrats, Triathlete!!!!

Now go sign up for another one!
2013-05-20 9:42 AM
in reply to: jhight

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by jhight

Those mountain pics are awesome.

Well I had my first Sprint Tri Saturday Moring
The tri went great had a blast! I freaked a little midway
through swim I got out of rhythm but I got it back. I did it in
1:13.27. Pretty happy for the first.
Swim 10:11
T1 1:50
Bike 38:01 avg 19mph
T2 51 seconds
Run 22:23 7.25 avg.

Learned a lot I need to hit bike more
Had fun

Very solid race! Now your hooked!
2013-05-20 9:52 AM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Some nice paces in that sprint. Well done!

Ya those are all from an 8 mile loop behind my house. And yes the rocks and the ruts are challenging.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-20 9:53 AM
2013-05-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Wish I had that view for sure!
I scheduled my next Tri on June 28th

Its a .5 mile swim, 24 mile bike, and 4 mile run.
Pretty hilly.
I am going to try to focus on logging some more bike miles and practice more open water swimming.
I started the swim on Saturday with a 4 stroke then 1 breath and just went out way to fast.
I eventually got in a rhythm with a 2 stroke then breath.
2013-05-20 10:04 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Jared - Congrats! A very solid first race. When are you due?

Mike - I tried out the step and pull with the wetsuit last Thursday and again during the event yesterday. Did not see any cute strippers but your step and pull method worked great.

Steve - Those are some great pictures. I would have to spend a month or two walking those hills before I could even think about running them.

Spent yesterday resting and foam rolling. Still dragging a bit today but want to get an easy run in today.My next Sprint is July 27th.

2013-05-20 1:15 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Jared - Fantastic job on your first tri! Youre smokin fast in all 3.

Edited by anthalynn 2013-05-20 5:47 PM
2013-05-21 5:49 AM
in reply to: Tri-solar

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by Tri-solar

Jared - Congrats! A very solid first race. When are you due?

Mike - I tried out the step and pull with the wetsuit last Thursday and again during the event yesterday. Did not see any cute strippers but your step and pull method worked great.

Steve - Those are some great pictures. I would have to spend a month or two walking those hills before I could even think about running them.

Spent yesterday resting and foam rolling. Still dragging a bit today but want to get an easy run in today.My next Sprint is July 27th.

Learned that trick right here on BT, so I'm just passing it along. Glad it worked for you
2013-05-21 7:42 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Forgot to mention -- had a 'first' this AM --- a run postponed due to fog. Really. I live about 1/4 - 1/2 mile from the ocean and the weather has been humid & warm the past couple days. Pair that with an easterly breeze off the cool ocean, and its pea soup unlike anything I've seen in ages. It just wasn't safe on the roads this AM as I couldn't even see from one telephone pole from the next. I'll need to try to get it in tonight after the fog dissipates. Its still socked in here. My office is across Boston harbor from the airport, and I can't see more than 50 feet out the window due to the fog. Airport is silent as well.
2013-05-21 8:27 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Welp, my first triathlon of the season did not happen. Iron Girl Atlanta was cancelled due to a really bad storm on Sunday. However Iron Girl handled it with great professionalism even if some of the participants did not :-(. As such I will more than likely register for The Trybee Island Sprint at Tybee Island in a couple of weeks. The swim is almost double The Iron Girl Distance but I should be fine. I'm also in the early stages of my Augusta 70.3 training. In a couple of weeks I will add my marathon training and then all free time will disappear :-). Hope everyone s having a great week thus far!

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