BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-06-30 5:46 PM
in reply to: tla

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by tla

Got to the end of my first triathlon today! The weather was pretty bad, raining and 10C / 50F. I did the sprint distance, with the swim in a pool, but the Olympic distance had its lake swim cancelled because the water was too cold. (Still. In nearly-July.) The pool was heated to 24C / 75F, so felt nice.

My swim was terrible (as I expected, basically) but the cycling was pretty okay and the run went really well! I posted a race report ("Spiezathlon sprint") on the board too.

Weirdest/funniest moment to this triathlon newbie: when I turned up to collect my number and rack my bike in transition, I discovered that they wouldn't let us in transition even to *rack* our bikes unless we put our helmets on first! I would understand being made to show a helmet, but wearing it to walk the bike over to the rack and leave it there? I mean, come on. What if you forget to take it off your head before you leave the transition area?

People actually DO forget they have it on. during the race... I actually got on my bike with my goggles on my head in the first race. I tried to toss them aside and they fell down and hung on my pedal. I did the first couple of miles with the goggles slapping the ground with every revolution. ::sigh::

2013-07-01 5:00 AM
in reply to: stephsprint

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Finish Time 1:20:28- Overall place 37/145- AG place 4/8- 600yd Swim 10:44 - T1- 1:38- 14mi Bike 44:39- T2- 0:48- 5K Run 22:41

Too much fun. When I was warming up on the bike someone stole my transition spot, but they were nice enough to move. I should have seeded my self better in the swim, but I was nervous and confused by the whole thing. It was my first mass start ever. First time with a cap on my head too. Only a little tickle on my feet for contact. Could have gone faster, will next time
The bike was rolling hills. EVERYONE with an aero setup was passing me like I was riding in sand. I got to familiarize myself with the sound of those funny disc wheels coming up behind me. Every time someone would pass me I said to myself "keep up with them", but they were zipping by. I only passed one person on the bike.
The run was cool. Out and back on the beginning of the bike course. I actually got close to a PR on this one. I was clapping and cheering for everybody I saw on the course, so if I just shut up and focused I could have gone a little faster. Passed quite a few people, not passed at all. Guess my twisted ankle did not hurt my run. (I turn my ankles alot, and this time it hurt really bad)
Spent the afternoon at the local pool with my kids. I wanted to be that guy with his race number still marked on his arm, but I thought better of it and took it off.
SO what do you you do with all the free promo stuff you get in the goody bags? I end up giving a lot of it to my kids. Water bottles, stickers, key chains, lip balm, etc... I kept the Hammer Gels and gel flask for myself though.
Can't wait for the next one.
2013-07-04 12:00 AM
in reply to: skibummer

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
skibummer - great job! Sounds like a blast. People are always passing me on the bike, too, and it is hard to accept sometimes that I'm just not that fast...

Getting nervous for my race on Saturday! I had an OWS today and a run, and a 20 mile bikeride yesterday. I think I'm going to take it pretty easy the next two days and just do a short bike/run Friday to loosen up. I hope I'm ready!


2013-07-04 1:40 PM
in reply to: CaptainStripey

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by CaptainStripey

skibummer - great job! Sounds like a blast. People are always passing me on the bike, too, and it is hard to accept sometimes that I'm just not that fast...

Getting nervous for my race on Saturday! I had an OWS today and a run, and a 20 mile bikeride yesterday. I think I'm going to take it pretty easy the next two days and just do a short bike/run Friday to loosen up. I hope I'm ready!


You will do awesome. I learned a whole lot just from being out there one time. The reality is, the psych out leading up to it is worse than the race itself. Just relax and have fun. AND... smile at the cameras.

Raced in a local run called "4 on the 4th" this morning. Supposed to be 4 miles but it was more like 3.5 due to poor signage and everyone cutting a significant portion of mile 2. My first mile was 6:45. I was hurting bad, but held on, warded off an attack, and passed a few people. It was HOT HOT HOT!!!! Some kid came in after me all heat stroked and I helped him by getting ice and water. By coincidence, the event was put on at the local ice rink, so we moved him inside and laid him on the floor next to the little kids playing hockey. After that the RD's were handing out bags of ice to racers. I took 13th overall and 2nd in my AG. Gots me a pretty red ribbon.

I rode my bike there and back, about 8 miles round trip, going back home was torturous uphill. Went to the lake for a .5 mile swim and some family time. We'll see if I make it to fireworks.
2013-07-05 9:14 AM
in reply to: skibummer

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN

Congratulations, skibummer! That is great. So glad your ankle was not a problem.


I have another training question. The entire training plan groups running and swimming on a single day and biking and weight training on the other days. Is there a reason for this? I have switched a few days and biked before my swim instead of running.

Is there a benefit to grouping certain cardio exercises? It is best to be true to the training plan or is it okay to move things around? I am terrible at keeping up with the plan. I do great three days a week, but I work 4 ten hour days and find myself too wiped at the end of the day to work out. I am going to try to work out before work (eek) and see if I can maintain that schedule.

My first tri will be September 7. I am confident that I can get into the shape I need to by then. But, if I am not getting as much benefit out of bike/swim as I would a run/swim, I will stop switching them around.


2013-07-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: rosy8skimmer

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by rosy8skimmer

Congratulations, skibummer! That is great. So glad your ankle was not a problem.


I have another training question. The entire training plan groups running and swimming on a single day and biking and weight training on the other days. Is there a reason for this? I have switched a few days and biked before my swim instead of running.

Is there a benefit to grouping certain cardio exercises? It is best to be true to the training plan or is it okay to move things around? I am terrible at keeping up with the plan. I do great three days a week, but I work 4 ten hour days and find myself too wiped at the end of the day to work out. I am going to try to work out before work (eek) and see if I can maintain that schedule.

My first tri will be September 7. I am confident that I can get into the shape I need to by then. But, if I am not getting as much benefit out of bike/swim as I would a run/swim, I will stop switching them around.


I tried following a plan once, and the first time I couldn't do the scheduled workout due to other life stuff I threw the dern thing out the proverbial window.
So now I make up my own training which allows me to take days off whenever, and affords me the chance to do whatever workouts time and weather presents me with. I run 4-5x week (low mileage 1-4 miles each) bike 2x a week, and swim 2x week. I rarely do anything over 2.5 hours combined per day. Usually I'm in the 45 minute-1.5 hr per day. Most training plans break down individual workouts into three types : long and slow, short and fast, medium.

The thing about doing two (or more) in one day is TIME: I don't seem to have enough of it, so if I can do two (or more) in one session it allows me to get in the required workouts without having to miss one, or doing this 6-7 days/week. Besides that, brick workouts are awesome practice. BUT... I am doing lower mileage on everything.

I have an Oly in August, so maybe I better start ramping some miles soon.

2013-07-06 1:12 PM
in reply to: skibummer

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Great time on your sprint skibummer! (I kept my race number on my arms for a day because it impressed the toddler so much. )
2013-07-06 1:48 PM
in reply to: stephsprint

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by stephsprint

People actually DO forget they have it on. during the race... I actually got on my bike with my goggles on my head in the first race. I tried to toss them aside and they fell down and hung on my pedal. I did the first couple of miles with the goggles slapping the ground with every revolution. ::sigh::

That must have been hilariously annoying. And yes I totally believe people forget about the helmet - I had to concentrate myself to remember to take it off after the bike segment!

I've meanwhile been looking around at other events, and found one with a 2100m swim down the Rhine river. Any idea what it's like to swim in a river current for a triathlon?
2013-07-06 8:38 PM
in reply to: stephsprint

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New Brunswick
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN

Hi Suz and Steph,

Just finished my first sprint triathlon and am looking for a mentor group to join so I thought that this would be a great place to start if you are still open to new members.

I'm a 36 year old father of two so finding the time to train is somewhat difficult, but am doing OK so far. The sprint triathlon that I completed on the weekend was an absolute blast so I am really motivated to get back to the training plan and shoot for a longer distance.

2013-07-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: skibummer

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
skibummer-Congrats on finishing your first TRI and what awesome times you posted! WOW! 14 mile and you were done in 44 min-whoa...mine is 14 mile too and those bikes are going to cruise past me too! UGH! Congrats!!!!
2013-07-08 11:54 AM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by baileykiko

skibummer-Congrats on finishing your first TRI and what awesome times you posted! WOW! 14 mile and you were done in 44 min-whoa...mine is 14 mile too and those bikes are going to cruise past me too! UGH! Congrats!!!!

Thanks. I closed on a house today, so that means I can put stuff on credit again. That means new bike day is near and probably half as many people pass me next tri.

In related news: I CLOSED ON MY HOUSE TODAY!!!!

Edit: Grammar and spelling not gooder than in past.

Edited by skibummer 2013-07-08 11:55 AM

2013-07-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: CaptainStripey

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN

How did your race go this past weekend???

2013-07-11 12:23 AM
in reply to: baileykiko

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Hi Bailey, The race went great! I was pretty slow (1:39!) but it was a lot of fun. I think I could have gone faster... I'm thinking about signing up for a second sprint next month to see if I can improve on my racing. This week's training has been good, too - I find that races always inspire me to train so much better. I swam about 1800 yards in open water tonight and then ran a few miles. I'm starting to feel a little more ready for my oly in September.

Skibummer, congrats on the house - that is super exciting. Hope you still have time to to run/bike/swim!

2013-07-11 11:37 AM
in reply to: CaptainStripey

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Congrats Julia!!!! And I don't think that is a slow time at had a PR!!!! And it sounds like you got the TRI bug! lol

I am hoping to come in anytime under 2 hours for my first sprint tri this weekend (Sunday) goal is just to finish and not finish last! So, tonight is my last training-swimming...and then the last few days will be rest up and continue to drink up on my water and eat healthy. Ive done all I can thus far!
2013-07-11 5:38 PM
in reply to: CaptainStripey

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Good job on the race!!

17.5 bike/4 run (remember: OLD RUSTY FAT TIRE MTN. BIKE on HILLY ROADS)

I'm trying to figure out how to add more distance without injury, I may have to go 6 days a week soon just to keep increasing without doing too much at once.

Back to moving into the new house.
2013-07-11 8:13 PM
in reply to: skibummer

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Still on the MT Bike... you are gonna FLY when you get a road bike!

2013-07-11 8:14 PM
in reply to: baileykiko

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
You are ready!
2013-07-11 8:21 PM
in reply to: skibummer

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by skibummer

Finish Time 1:20:28- Overall place 37/145- AG place 4/8- 600yd Swim 10:44 - T1- 1:38- 14mi Bike 44:39- T2- 0:48- 5K Run 22:41

Too much fun. When I was warming up on the bike someone stole my transition spot, but they were nice enough to move. I should have seeded my self better in the swim, but I was nervous and confused by the whole thing. It was my first mass start ever. First time with a cap on my head too. Only a little tickle on my feet for contact. Could have gone faster, will next time
The bike was rolling hills. EVERYONE with an aero setup was passing me like I was riding in sand. I got to familiarize myself with the sound of those funny disc wheels coming up behind me. Every time someone would pass me I said to myself "keep up with them", but they were zipping by. I only passed one person on the bike.
The run was cool. Out and back on the beginning of the bike course. I actually got close to a PR on this one. I was clapping and cheering for everybody I saw on the course, so if I just shut up and focused I could have gone a little faster. Passed quite a few people, not passed at all. Guess my twisted ankle did not hurt my run. (I turn my ankles alot, and this time it hurt really bad)
Spent the afternoon at the local pool with my kids. I wanted to be that guy with his race number still marked on his arm, but I thought better of it and took it off.
SO what do you you do with all the free promo stuff you get in the goody bags? I end up giving a lot of it to my kids. Water bottles, stickers, key chains, lip balm, etc... I kept the Hammer Gels and gel flask for myself though.
Can't wait for the next one.

2013-07-11 8:22 PM
in reply to: CaptainStripey

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by CaptainStripey

Hi Bailey, The race went great! I was pretty slow (1:39!) but it was a lot of fun. I think I could have gone faster... I'm thinking about signing up for a second sprint next month to see if I can improve on my racing. This week's training has been good, too - I find that races always inspire me to train so much better. I swam about 1800 yards in open water tonight and then ran a few miles. I'm starting to feel a little more ready for my oly in September.

Skibummer, congrats on the house - that is super exciting. Hope you still have time to to run/bike/swim!


2013-07-15 9:03 AM
in reply to: stephsprint

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
I am officially a Triathalete! Wow! It was an amazing day!!! Woke up at 3am as transition open at 4:30am. Got to transition with plenty of time to park and set up. Spoke with others around me. My nerves were under good control! Time to put on my wet suit and wait for my wave. Kind of stinks I was in the second to last wave start . Oh well...

Overall I feel I did great for my first TRI. I was dialed in for the swim and the bike. The was HOT and HILLY and they had no porta potties! Ugh! So the run was my weakest...

1/4 mile swim I finished-11:41. Which I'm happy for. I originally gave myself 15 min. And no anxiety! And I passed other swimmers too!!!!

14 mile bike I finished-54:53 (15.3 mph). I'm happy with that as I gave myself 60 min. I felt completely dialed in and again I was able to pass others and yes there were a few that passed me as well.

5K I finished 37:39. Disappointed in this time. But again, hot, humid, hilly and no bathrooms!!! But...I finished!!!!!!

Total time: 1:55. My transitions were a bit longer than I would like. That is something that will get better with practice. Everything overall went well-had no major issues! I remembered everything! So I'm happy with my times and my accomplishments!

In fact-in T2 others around me stated they were amazed I was a rookie because I was doing extremely well! That made me feel good :-) I felt that Triathaletes as a whole were encouraging and wonderful!!!!
2013-07-15 8:23 PM
in reply to: baileykiko

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by baileykiko

I am officially a Triathalete! Wow! It was an amazing day!!! Woke up at 3am as transition open at 4:30am. Got to transition with plenty of time to park and set up. Spoke with others around me. My nerves were under good control! Time to put on my wet suit and wait for my wave. Kind of stinks I was in the second to last wave start . Oh well...

Overall I feel I did great for my first TRI. I was dialed in for the swim and the bike. The was HOT and HILLY and they had no porta potties! Ugh! So the run was my weakest...

1/4 mile swim I finished-11:41. Which I'm happy for. I originally gave myself 15 min. And no anxiety! And I passed other swimmers too!!!!

14 mile bike I finished-54:53 (15.3 mph). I'm happy with that as I gave myself 60 min. I felt completely dialed in and again I was able to pass others and yes there were a few that passed me as well.

5K I finished 37:39. Disappointed in this time. But again, hot, humid, hilly and no bathrooms!!! But...I finished!!!!!!

Total time: 1:55. My transitions were a bit longer than I would like. That is something that will get better with practice. Everything overall went well-had no major issues! I remembered everything! So I'm happy with my times and my accomplishments!

In fact-in T2 others around me stated they were amazed I was a rookie because I was doing extremely well! That made me feel good :-) I felt that Triathaletes as a whole were encouraging and wonderful!!!!

YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you spanked it! way to go!!! so happy for you... isn't just a rush?!? so when is the next one? what will you work on for the next few weeks?

2013-07-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: baileykiko

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN

Hey, great job! Congrats on having such a fun & successful first race. Do you have plans to race again yet???
2013-07-15 8:52 PM
in reply to: stephsprint

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Yes! I told hubby I plan on doing another one! Nothing planned yet. I am now in training for my third half marathon, which is end of Sept. I may end up doing a duathlon with my hubby...mid-sept.

Can you believe that I am actually "thinking" I MAY want to do HIM 70.3 July 2014!?!?! What is wrong with me?!?! Lol. I will want to do an Olympic distance first for sure before I committ.
2013-07-17 6:56 AM
in reply to: baileykiko

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
Originally posted by baileykiko

Yes! I told hubby I plan on doing another one! Nothing planned yet. I am now in training for my third half marathon, which is end of Sept. I may end up doing a duathlon with my hubby...mid-sept.

Can you believe that I am actually "thinking" I MAY want to do HIM 70.3 July 2014!?!?! What is wrong with me?!?! Lol. I will want to do an Olympic distance first for sure before I committ.

AWESOME JOB ON THE RACE!! Go for the OLY. ** There's a good read on the main forum about triathlete spouses.

I've got a 70.3 in my sights for next September. I plan on getting a treadmill and a bike trainer for the Winter, because it gets cold, icy, and dark around here.

I am getting tired of starting over from scratch every spring so I hope to keep it going.

I can get back into respectable swim fitness relatively quick by mid-July/early August.

Did a 1 mile OWS last night. Second of the Summer so far. GAWWD I can't believe how freaked out I get when I see a big fish (freshwater, so the biggest fish is about the length of my forearm) or swim into some kind of debris. I get the creepy creepy when I swim over a big rock too.
2013-07-17 7:00 AM
in reply to: skibummer

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph's Sprint, Oly and First Tri group! OPEN
I get tired of starting over every quarter. BLECH

Strength training and laundry this morning... is that a brick? Yep it's raining in Miami and the hotel gym is awful.

Anybody need a BSA Analyst.. Compliance officer? I could use a new gig.

Anyway, enough of my whining. gggrrrrrr

You'll love the trainer... cause there's no coasting, it's ALL WORK. The pros use them religiously, who has time to ride 4 hours every weekend?
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