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2014-01-03 5:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by thor67

Okay need everyone's opinion. My wife who is a group fitness coordinator at our gym is looking at doing a tri training program in the spring(alberta=long spring)

Her thoughts are more for triathletes getting together with her having workout for them to do. 


a)1 spin class, one swim with a workout, one group run.

b) same as above except one in morning one in evening your choice.

c)Just a swim and a spin.


Would it be something you would be interested in at your gym?

If so how much would you be willing to pay. Our gym/pool/class admission is $8. We are a city of around 25,000.

If none of the above what would interest you. All answers are welcome!

Thor - question: is it $8 per class? That might make an morning/evening class expensive. Could you sell it as a 2 for 1 to do a morning AND Evening workout on the day of the week when most people could come. I would think that one of those workouts would be a swim since that is where most people would need coaching. I would also lean towards having a group cycle session because that works better in a gym environment and frankly I like running on my own.

I like (b) as a shift worker it's hard to commit to a certain time everyday but if there's a option of am or evening it makes it much easier to usually make one or the other......Could you give people that have a monthly/yearly pass a discounted rate? would it be drop in or registered program? I know the city of Calgary runs triathlon programs....Edmonton probably does too maybe check them out for pricing to see what's comparable? Or another option I've seen is triathlon swim classes, bike classes, run classes all separate and the person signs up for which ever one they want but gets a discount if they want to do swim bike or swim run classes or all 3......

2014-01-03 8:42 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: help
Happy Friday Everyone!

Wasn't able to make it to the pool today but I did get in one round of my rehab excises. On a good note - I had a good talk with my coach tonight on the phone and we agreed it was time to start ramping up my bike and swim volume. It will be nice to be on a plan again.

Hopefully, I will be able to get in a swim tomorrow. Have a nice evening everyone and go OSU!
2014-01-03 9:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: help
Tomorrow, Swim/strength at the gym. that will make 3/30.

Today, I went to wrestling practice to help coach, hoping to lose at least 2 lbs. The first live wrestle, My head went down while this kids head was going up. I got a nasty split above the eye. Da$M, there goes the moneymaker. took 20 minutes out of the 2hr. practice to get the blood to stop. Was able to get 1 hr. in of live wrestling.

Goal this week: By next Monday I will weigh <203. Started week at 205.2
2014-01-03 11:12 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE:
3/30 got my first swim in of 2014 and 4th swim since I did IM....totally sad..this is an area that I NEED to work on and is the hardest for me to drag my butt to get there.....I'm hoping once it's warm enough and I can hit the lake in our community I won't make so many excuses not to go...I feel weak at it and need to get some upper body strength back....but good to know now so I can start working on it. but on a happy note- hubby bough the Rickards winter pack and I've never tried the Oakhouse in it.. so I think I shall treat my self now!
2014-01-04 4:10 AM
in reply to: 0

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE:
^^ I can't wait to get back to swimming, but i dread going to the pool and dealing with the crowds and logistics of gym workouts! For summer time, I have made good friends with someone who lives in a neighborhood on a private lake, so hopefull I'll be doing some OWS training this season!

I didn't get one in yesterday (Still my today... I work third shift). It is supposed to be 40 degrees (f) out today so I'm gonna get a run it. After that I'm looking at a high of 0*F for a few days so with no pool allowed and no treadmill, I'll be stuck on the cycle trainer for a few days. That's ok though, I need the time in the saddle anyway, and I just started watching "Suits" on Amazon instant video, so I'm pretty excited to see the next few episodes!

What do you guys watch/do to get through your trainer workouts?

Edited by Bradleykd 2014-01-04 4:10 AM
2014-01-04 7:58 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE:
Brad: Wow - third shift? What kind of work do you do? How did the run go? Sorry to hear about the cold temps forcing you to trainer/drainer for a few days. When I'm stuck on mine, I watch biking videos on youtube because they're cheaper. Here is my favorite so far a bike ride through NYC that includes an awesome trip over the GWB. I've done sufferfest videos before and I might buy one of two for my birthday but I would recommend those as well.

Enjoy your riding this weekend!

2014-01-04 8:10 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by kevinbe

Tomorrow, Swim/strength at the gym. that will make 3/30.

Today, I went to wrestling practice to help coach, hoping to lose at least 2 lbs. The first live wrestle, My head went down while this kids head was going up. I got a nasty split above the eye. Da$M, there goes the moneymaker. took 20 minutes out of the 2hr. practice to get the blood to stop. Was able to get 1 hr. in of live wrestling.

Goal this week: By next Monday I will weigh <203. Started week at 205.2

Love the fact that you're wrestling! That'll help you drop the weight in no time. I think we need a "weight loss competition" similar to the challenge... Thoughts? I'm looking to drop weight so I can be at my race weight in time for IMMT in August. I need to lose a pound a week in order to make 165 by August 17th a reality. I need something to get me reved up because my eating has been in the crapper since my son went into the hospital. Not an excuse - just saying its harder to eat well in here.
2014-01-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: help
Good Morning BDAS! One thing I want to make a habit this year is setting weekly goals. We did it sporadically last year and I want to do a better job of doing it consistently. Setting short term goals will help us stay motivated, which is especially important since race season seems so far away, and will keep us accountable to ourselves and each other.

I did a little exploring and found a good article on how to set good weekly goals - here is the link:

Tomorrow - I will start a thread in here where I will outline my weekly goals and you can add yours. Putting all of our goals on the same page will allow us to cheer each other on during the course of the week. and we can give each other crap if we need a good kick in the pants (for a Molsen Canadian light drinker, Thor is amazingly good at this form of motivation) On Wednesday or Thursday we can check in as a group and see how we are doing.

So today - take some time to come up with 3-4 goals for the week. Since this is the first week, try really hard to set goals that are easily attainable so you can get off to a good start. Finding a good training plan or working out 2 times in one discipline would be something that you could easily accomplish and build momentum for the season. Also, set specific goals. Instead of saying, I want to run faster, a better goal might be to do 1 speed or hill workout during the week. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
2014-01-04 9:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: help

Originally posted by Qua17 Good Morning BDAS! One thing I want to make a habit this year is setting weekly goals. We did it sporadically last year and I want to do a better job of doing it consistently. Setting short term goals will help us stay motivated, which is especially important since race season seems so far away, and will keep us accountable to ourselves and each other. I did a little exploring and found a good article on how to set good weekly goals - here is the link: Tomorrow - I will start a thread in here where I will outline my weekly goals and you can add yours. Putting all of our goals on the same page will allow us to cheer each other on during the course of the week. and we can give each other crap if we need a good kick in the pants (for a Molsen Canadian light drinker, Thor is amazingly good at this form of motivation) On Wednesday or Thursday we can check in as a group and see how we are doing. So today - take some time to come up with 3-4 goals for the week. Since this is the first week, try really hard to set goals that are easily attainable so you can get off to a good start. Finding a good training plan or working out 2 times in one discipline would be something that you could easily accomplish and build momentum for the season. Also, set specific goals. Instead of saying, I want to run faster, a better goal might be to do 1 speed or hill workout during the week. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Love it! We did real well on tracking our goals for the first half then kinda died off. Did they ever add back in the ability to make the charts?

ETA:  Nevermind I found where to turn on the editing and it looks like we have them back.  Guess I should read first  Only problem is it seems to take out spacing when quoting text.  (see above quote)

Edited by Burd 2014-01-04 10:07 AM
2014-01-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: help
I am doing the rolling and stretching for my ITB but it's weird. I went to my PT for an eval and 2 runs later it was like this. It was only after I started the stretches and rolling that it got this bad. Could it just be a flare up caused by the rolling that needed to happen to get better overall? I have absolutely no pain during or after cycling so is it OK to continue? I figure if it doesn't cause any pain it should be fine.
2014-01-04 10:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: help
Great workout this morning makine me 3/30 for the month! Got an 11 mile run in before doing a half marathon in two weeks. I was really happy about the pace, I kept it right at an 8:10/mile, so i think on race day I can probably keep at an 8:05. During my run i experimented with two different energy supplements and like both of them really well, powerbar performance energy blends (great if you can carry them, their packet is a lttle large) and cytomax energy drops. The only downside to the workout was I could have done without the Dobermans!

I'm going to pick up my bike and get it bike fitted this afternoon!

2014-01-04 10:46 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Burd

Originally posted by Qua17 Good Morning BDAS! One thing I want to make a habit this year is setting weekly goals. We did it sporadically last year and I want to do a better job of doing it consistently. Setting short term goals will help us stay motivated, which is especially important since race season seems so far away, and will keep us accountable to ourselves and each other. I did a little exploring and found a good article on how to set good weekly goals - here is the link: Tomorrow - I will start a thread in here where I will outline my weekly goals and you can add yours. Putting all of our goals on the same page will allow us to cheer each other on during the course of the week. and we can give each other crap if we need a good kick in the pants (for a Molsen Canadian light drinker, Thor is amazingly good at this form of motivation) On Wednesday or Thursday we can check in as a group and see how we are doing. So today - take some time to come up with 3-4 goals for the week. Since this is the first week, try really hard to set goals that are easily attainable so you can get off to a good start. Finding a good training plan or working out 2 times in one discipline would be something that you could easily accomplish and build momentum for the season. Also, set specific goals. Instead of saying, I want to run faster, a better goal might be to do 1 speed or hill workout during the week. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Love it! We did real well on tracking our goals for the first half then kinda died off. Did they ever add back in the ability to make the charts?

ETA:  Nevermind I found where to turn on the editing and it looks like we have them back.  Guess I should read first  Only problem is it seems to take out spacing when quoting text.  (see above quote)

Sorry Alex - while they have restored the ability to add tables to your log page - I still don't think it's possible to add a table to a post in the forum.

So let's try this for a week - I made a google doc where everyone can post their goals for the week. To get there - click on the link below. Then add your goals underneath your name. Remember - your mission is to create goals that you know you can achieve this week in order to get off on the right foot for the year. So, it's ok to only list one goal if you want. Please be sure to post your goals before you hit the sack on Sunday night.
Here is the link:

During the course of the week - let me know if I need to tweak anything and I will make the changes for next week if the majority of us approve. How does that sound?
2014-01-04 12:35 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I want in....

A few years back I found this website and forum and got in on a weight loss challenge. I believe it was 20 pounds in 20 weeks or something like that. Anyway I went from a lifetime high of 255 pounds down to a much more fit 205 pounds over about 18 months. In that time I also completed 2 Half Ironman events. Well, that was (wow I just looked back) the end of 2009. 2010 was a transitional year and I started with some pretty big goals, hired a local coach and she shot down my goal of 4 HIMs as unrealistic. In hindsight, I should have picked a different coach right away or explained to her that my goal was to complete them, improving my times from one to the next, nothing more. After all, I had completed 2 in one year (My first to tri's to boot) without any coaching at all, purely self motivation, so doubling that with a professional coach should have been easy.

Well, my training intensity tapered off as I couldn't wrap my head around a new set of solid goals and by the end of 2010 I had put on about 10 pounds and was training only 2-3 times per week.

Since then, I've gradually tipped the scale back up and even though my body composition is a little better from occasional workouts, I'm back to tipping the scale near the 250 mark.

So, starting Monday, January 6th 2014 it's back on. By the end of January my goal is to be down to 240. The first 10 pounds seems to always be the easiest. If I can lose 10 the first month, 8 the second, 6 the third and 4 the fourth, I'll hit May 1st around 220 pounds and be ready to get serious for the summer.....

So, if you've read all of this, feel free to give pointers and advice and make me stick to it.....

Simple Facts about me:

I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years, we have 5 kids of our own with the oldest being 20 and we have a niece and nephew that we're also the guardians of.

I developed my love of cycling when I was about 14 using my bicycle as a way to go anywhere I wanted including a 10 mile trip to high school (until I was old enough to drive a car)

My swimming love came in college where I'd spend probably 8-10 hours a week either in a swimming class or just swimming because I loved it.

Running is the discipline that I only learned to enjoy when I was into my HIM training.

My long term goal is to compete in a full ironman.

2014-01-04 3:13 PM
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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

I want in....

A few years back I found this website and forum and got in on a weight loss challenge. I believe it was 20 pounds in 20 weeks or something like that. Anyway I went from a lifetime high of 255 pounds down to a much more fit 205 pounds over about 18 months. In that time I also completed 2 Half Ironman events. Well, that was (wow I just looked back) the end of 2009. 2010 was a transitional year and I started with some pretty big goals, hired a local coach and she shot down my goal of 4 HIMs as unrealistic. In hindsight, I should have picked a different coach right away or explained to her that my goal was to complete them, improving my times from one to the next, nothing more. After all, I had completed 2 in one year (My first to tri's to boot) without any coaching at all, purely self motivation, so doubling that with a professional coach should have been easy.

Well, my training intensity tapered off as I couldn't wrap my head around a new set of solid goals and by the end of 2010 I had put on about 10 pounds and was training only 2-3 times per week.

Since then, I've gradually tipped the scale back up and even though my body composition is a little better from occasional workouts, I'm back to tipping the scale near the 250 mark.

So, starting Monday, January 6th 2014 it's back on. By the end of January my goal is to be down to 240. The first 10 pounds seems to always be the easiest. If I can lose 10 the first month, 8 the second, 6 the third and 4 the fourth, I'll hit May 1st around 220 pounds and be ready to get serious for the summer.....

So, if you've read all of this, feel free to give pointers and advice and make me stick to it.....

Simple Facts about me:

I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years, we have 5 kids of our own with the oldest being 20 and we have a niece and nephew that we're also the guardians of.

I developed my love of cycling when I was about 14 using my bicycle as a way to go anywhere I wanted including a 10 mile trip to high school (until I was old enough to drive a car)

My swimming love came in college where I'd spend probably 8-10 hours a week either in a swimming class or just swimming because I loved it.

Running is the discipline that I only learned to enjoy when I was into my HIM training.

My long term goal is to compete in a full ironman.

I'm with you on the weight loss front, and I love how your aggressively attacking it in the first month with a full frontal assault. I wish you well in that endeavor and will offer you this encouragement. If for some unseen reason it does not come off as easy as you want or expect, don't give up. Keep at it. We're here to support in any way we can. Many on this board (myself included) will be right there with you trying to shed pounds as we chase after the ultimate prize of living a more healthy and fulfilling life. That's what it's about. Welcome.

Edits to add, do you have a first name, and what kind of beverage do you enjoy? Some here use beverages as a motivator, because they can be motivating.

Edited by kevinbe 2014-01-04 3:15 PM
2014-01-04 3:20 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
3/30 today. I swam. Swimming is beginning to get easier again. I'm able to do a little more with each week that moves bye. I managed to inadvertently tick someone off at the pool today, so I guess I'm back up to my old tricks again. It was a lane squabble. I tried to apologize for my part, but she wasn't having any of that.

I enjoyed a Scuttlebutt 2 below last evening. I should still be on for losing my 2lb. goal for this week. Will weigh tomorrow and report. This accountability really is helpful for me to reach my weightloss goal of 165. I'd like to see that # by the summer.
2014-01-04 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4915725

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
My beer of choice is simple, Mich Ultra. Although I'm open to about anything. My wife and spent a week in Japan a few years ago and the beer was Sapporo. In Austria this summer it was Steigl, and in Mexico is was Dos Equis.... And a good friend of mine is a serious home bewer. But like I said, my go to drink is either Mich Ultra or Crown & Diet coke.

Looking forward to getting fit again


2014-01-04 4:37 PM
in reply to: #4924146

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Do you still call it a brick if you go from the bike to an elliptical? I did 40mins on the bike 35min HIIT on the elliptical. Only had to pause once to moderate an argument over Skylanders (it's a kid thing...) I bought new runners and they made my feet go numb 5 mins into the elliptical I will have to play with my laces I think.
I love the idea of posting your weekly goal, I am in for that!
What do folks here think of total immersion swimming? People in my old club weren't sold on it. I think it's the cats pyjamas
2014-01-04 4:58 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ripariangal

Do you still call it a brick if you go from the bike to an elliptical? I did 40mins on the bike 35min HIIT on the elliptical. Only had to pause once to moderate an argument over Skylanders (it's a kid thing...) I bought new runners and they made my feet go numb 5 mins into the elliptical I will have to play with my laces I think.
I love the idea of posting your weekly goal, I am in for that!
What do folks here think of total immersion swimming? People in my old club weren't sold on it. I think it's the cats pyjamas

I tried the first session...I liked that it relaxed me in the water but I couldn't get past the using the nose clip...I get it for learning the mechanics behind TI.... but when I asked how do you race without it I didn't get a straightforward I didn't go onto the next session.
2014-01-04 5:45 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Well 4/31 after a 45 minute ride watching the hockey game. My wife put the headphones on and listened to music...guess next time we will have to find something we both enjoy!  No real game plan, just some saddle time. That damn trainer kills me. I would much rather be riding down the road to somewhere...anywhere! Managed to get an extra hockey game in last night but it was a late one. I am too old to be up past midnight! Swimming tomorrow and another hockey game tomorrow night! Gotta sit down and get my game plan for January!

We are still going round and round on the triathlon class at our rec centre. I think we will probably end up going with a couch to tri a tri course. I am not willing to give up a morning and evening training session to run the morning and evening swim classes. Of course she may tell me differently...

Thanks for all the input on that topic.

Lastly, enjoying a Nasty Habit IPA, my go to easy drinking 650ml beer.(Tera, this one you can get Mt. Begbie brewing out of Revelstoke)

May follow up with a Big Rock IPA.



Edited by thor67 2014-01-04 5:52 PM
2014-01-04 5:47 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by MSURDYKE My beer of choice is simple, Mich Ultra. Although I'm open to about anything. My wife and spent a week in Japan a few years ago and the beer was Sapporo. In Austria this summer it was Steigl, and in Mexico is was Dos Equis.... And a good friend of mine is a serious home bewer. But like I said, my go to drink is either Mich Ultra or Crown & Diet coke. Looking forward to getting fit again Matt
We will show you the error of your ways in beer...and you will get fit again! Just don't touch the fruit beers that David is raving about... 

2014-01-04 5:50 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by ripariangal Do you still call it a brick if you go from the bike to an elliptical? I did 40mins on the bike 35min HIIT on the elliptical. Only had to pause once to moderate an argument over Skylanders (it's a kid thing...) I bought new runners and they made my feet go numb 5 mins into the elliptical I will have to play with my laces I think. I love the idea of posting your weekly goal, I am in for that! What do folks here think of total immersion swimming? People in my old club weren't sold on it. I think it's the cats pyjamas
Definitely a brick. Know all about the skylanders, mine craft, clan of something or other etc. I have an 11 year old boy! What kind of runners? Do you use the supplied laces? Have you tried yanks or any other of that type of laces? I picked up some of the laces you don't them for races and everyday use!

2014-01-04 5:53 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by kevinbe 3/30 today. I swam. Swimming is beginning to get easier again. I'm able to do a little more with each week that moves bye. I managed to inadvertently tick someone off at the pool today, so I guess I'm back up to my old tricks again. It was a lane squabble. I tried to apologize for my part, but she wasn't having any of that. I enjoyed a Scuttlebutt 2 below last evening. I should still be on for losing my 2lb. goal for this week. Will weigh tomorrow and report. This accountability really is helpful for me to reach my weightloss goal of 165. I'd like to see that # by the summer.
Nice job on the swim!

She was probably scared of you! Your cut from wrestling probably just ruined your modelling career...

2014-01-04 6:00 PM
in reply to: drewmarcus15

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: help

Originally posted by drewmarcus15 Great workout this morning makine me 3/30 for the month! Got an 11 mile run in before doing a half marathon in two weeks. I was really happy about the pace, I kept it right at an 8:10/mile, so i think on race day I can probably keep at an 8:05. During my run i experimented with two different energy supplements and like both of them really well, powerbar performance energy blends (great if you can carry them, their packet is a lttle large) and cytomax energy drops. The only downside to the workout was I could have done without the Dobermans! I'm going to pick up my bike and get it bike fitted this afternoon!
Nice job! Dobermans are an even better incentive than beer! Have fun with the bike fitting!

2014-01-04 6:05 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: help

Great job David, unfortunately i am computer challenged...I cannot type into chart...anyone else having issues?

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by Burd


Sorry Alex - while they have restored the ability to add tables to your log page - I still don't think it's possible to add a table to a post in the forum. So let's try this for a week - I made a google doc where everyone can post their goals for the week. To get there - click on the link below. Then add your goals underneath your name. Remember - your mission is to create goals that you know you can achieve this week in order to get off on the right foot for the year. So, it's ok to only list one goal if you want. Please be sure to post your goals before you hit the sack on Sunday night. Here is the link: During the course of the week - let me know if I need to tweak anything and I will make the changes for next week if the majority of us approve. How does that sound?

2014-01-04 7:15 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: help
It has to be shared to your email address and you have to sign up with google docs with that email address to get to it.... Otherwise you can only view it...
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
of 59
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