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2007-02-09 8:37 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

Ok all of you beautiful woman that helped me climb back up and finish strong this week thank you. Feel free to read my training log for today. I really think we all should give each other a big group hug. You all have inspired the hell out of me. THanks......I hope all of you have a good weekend and Thank you again for all of the inspiration......xoxoxoxoxo

2007-02-10 10:18 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-02-10 1:58 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I agree with you Betsy......I think we should all stick together. I really appreciate everyone's support. It would be awsome to all race together someday. Not that I could ever do a whole triatholon, but we do make a good team. And besides I have a lot of girlfriends up the good work everyone!
2007-02-10 2:09 PM
in reply to: #686344

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2007-02-10 5:15 PM
in reply to: #686226

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
betsy - 2007-02-10 11:18 AM   This is not going to happen soon but if Bt does stop the mentor thread we will continue it on our own. What do you think?

Have a great weekend...I will be resting some and then will be tapering for Gasparilla 1/2 marathon on Sunday the 18th...I am going for a pr of 1:50.  My best 1/2 so far is a 1:52.  I hope I can kill it!

My reply to keeping our little Betsy's group family together is : WOOOOOHOOO YEAH!

I was hoping we might have a spin-off group from our group... when this thread gets put to bed. so yay!  And Go BETSY! I look fwd to the race report from gasparilla. I so enjoy saying that word... gasparilla...gasparilla....gasparilla  

2007-02-10 5:27 PM
in reply to: #686344

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

ffpm21 - 2007-02-10 2:58 PM I agree with you Betsy......I think we should all stick together. I really appreciate everyone's support. It would be awsome to all race together someday. Not that I could ever do a whole triatholon, but we do make a good team. And besides I have a lot of girlfriends up the good work everyone!

and yes you will do a whole TRI in time; just remember baby steps. All you gotta do is finish, before all the cones get pulled up :p hehehe. I've seen people .... who appear to be totally out of shape.... finish iron distances. let me clarify by saying ... I am not implying that you are out of shape, but.. that if seemingly out of shape folks can finish an iron distance... YOU can do a long as you train for it. Ok.. I hope that came across the right way. hehehe I'm good at sticking my foot in my mouth, when i have good intentions. in point 2... if you keep calling us your gf's your wife is going to hunt us all down and kick our butts :p

2007-02-10 10:14 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I second that (or third that)! I'd love to stay in touch to see everyone through their first triathlon and beyond!

2007-02-12 12:38 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey group! Here's to a fresh start this week. If training was rough last week, here's your chance to have more fun/put in more miles/try something new... or if you're like me, actually keep up with the challenges :P

I'm taking a little break from studying BIOCHEMISTRY and I thought I'd post a little something about my long run today Watch out! I get nerdy!

I ran 16 miles WITH MY ROUTINE WALKING BREAKS (I am living proof that Galloway's plan works... well, works for ME), walking for 30-60 seconds every 10-15 minutes.

At the very beginning of my run, let's say I started out too fast (on those hills!) and I needed lots of energy (ATP) and quick! There was no time for aerobic energy formation... so my muscles had to do things anaerobically for a bit. This is called GLYCOLYSIS (woo.) Glycolysis allows my body to break down glucose quickly (what I had in my blood stream) to get ATP quickly. It's not very efficient, but it's fast! It breaks glucose down into two molecules of pyruvate. Since I didn't have a lot of energy available (low ATP levels which are measured by our bodies by the sum of it's parts: AMP and ADP), ADP and AMP activated my all my phosphofructokinase-1 enzymes, which phosphorylated my glucoses-made-into-phosphorylated-fructoses, and increased the flux through the glycolytic pathway.

Then, since I didn't have my breathing down to a rhythm yet, my muscles started the LACTIC ACID FERMENTATIN PROCESS... Yes, you know it well. That lactic acid in your muscles that builds up (from pyruvate) and makes you feel sluggish? The product of anaerobic energy-making processes. As I continued to run, my body used up this lactic acid as another energy source and the aches in my muscles died away. (Until recently it was thought that lactic acid was simply a waste our muscles had to get rid of, but now it has been shown that lactic acid is actually one of the first fuels your body uses for energy in aerobic respiration.)

Since I depleted all my carbohydrate-storage (glycogen) early on in the run (first 30 minutes or so.. before you switch to fat breakdown), and I finally got oxygen levels at a high, steady state, my body began aerobic respiration: the oxidation of glucose all the way to CO2 and water, with oxygen as the final electron acceptor. This occurs through the Citric Acid Cycle (aka, Kreb's Cycle, after it's discoverer). Instead of the pyruvate going to lactic acid, it is converted to Acetyl-CoA (Acetyl-Coenzyme A) in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex: three enzymes that are bound together and channel the substrate from one enzyme to the next to reduce interference by other enzymes/molecules. Then Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, combining with an awaiting oxaloacetate molecule (which was formed from either phosphenolpyruvate from gluconeogenesis (another story) or from pyruvate itself with the help of the enzyme pyruvate carboxylase), and it goes around, loses 2 molecules of CO2, produces electron carrying molecules (2xNADH, 1xFADH2 which will pass their electrons down the electron transport chain in the mitochondrial membrane and make a whole truckload of ATP) and forming directly one energy molecule (either ATP or GTP). The carbon atoms are reduced to form oxaloacetate so that the cycle may continue.

The above is basically what I did for all 2.5 hours of my run. Oh, and I sang and air guitarred around mile 8.

Afterwards, my body was sending itself the following biochemical signals:

low insulin + high glucagon levels (indicate low blood sugar.. I hadn't eaten in a while):
*glucagon (through a few enzymes) decreases levels of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (which is simply a blood-glucose indicator molecule), which in turn decreases the activity of the enzyme Phosphofructokinase-1, decreasing the flux through glycolysis, meaning, STOP BREAKING DOWN SUGAR AND REPLENISHING BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS.

But at the same time, since my glycogen stores were completely gone, once I had eaten and raised blood glucose levels again, my body's insulin levels rose, and insulin activated this enzyme PP1 (I have NO clue which one that is), which dephosphorylated all my glycogen synthases, so that they could run around my liver and muscle cells and MAKE LOTS OF GLYCOGEN. This takes up quite a bit of energy (1 ATP per addition glucose molecule to a glycogen branch), which explains why ALL I WANT(ED) TO DO IS SLEEP!

Ok, that was WAY out of hand, but it kind of helped me study. Thanks for your patience!
2007-02-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I'm in for a spin off thread if it comes to that. Accountability is huge for me and motivating as well. Reading everyone’s progress keeps me going and so inspired. I would LOVE to meet you guys someday and do a tri-together. I heard that the sprint-tri at Disneyland is a blast! Several friends of mine here at work took a week off, competed in the Tri at the park and then staid a few days to enjoy and relax. Just a thought.

Go Betsy, I'm a BIG fan of yours. We're the same age and knowing that you can do it at 35, means I can do it as well!

Christina, your BIOCHEMISTRY post was very interesting although I had no idea what it all meant. I've always found that the best way to learn something is to teach it so if it helps, more power to you...keep them coming. BTW, impressed with your run.

Eric, you're a doll and if calling us your girlfriends helps keep you motivated then go boy, go!

I'm pumped and ready to train this week. I had my bike grips re-wrapped and my brakes replaced....can't wait to get on the saddle and ride again.

Train hard!

2007-02-12 2:38 PM
in reply to: #687360

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2007-02-12 2:39 PM
in reply to: #687486

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2007-02-15 10:43 AM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Bump! wake up ... every one check in and give the latest scoop on your training
2007-02-15 3:59 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-02-15 5:47 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Haha, ok Dana, ok Betsy, way to keep us on track...

My training's going good. Trying to keep my weekly volume high while balancing --yes-- being a biochem (and math) major. In fact, I have a probability exam Friday (biochem went ok- low A on the exam!) which I should be studying for.

This Sunday is the Lost Dutchman half marathon. Really excited; it will be my first race in a whole year. (This same race is actually the last race I ran... My last time was 2:30 due to my IT band injury. I'm shooting for 2:10 this time.)

March 3: Aquathlon. I think I'll do it for the swimming-under-pressure practice. 825yd swim + 3 mile run.

March 11: MY FRIST TRIATHLON! (sprint distance)

March 24: MIGHT do the Havasu collegiate tri (Olympic distance)

April 22nd: USAT COLLEGIATE NATIONAL TRIATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS! I'm registered and the race is, as of today, FULL!

I'm super nervous about all the above races, and I think the race schedule is a bit aggressive for a beginner, but I'm RACING FOR EXPERIENCE, RACING TO FINISH, and RACING TO BEAT *MY* TIMES, not anybody else's. I'm participating for fun, and I don't FREAKIN' CARE if I'm the last one to cross the finish line!

I'm super excited... What is everyone else up to?

Edited by cbirchrun 2007-02-15 5:48 PM
2007-02-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

Hey Girlfriends how is everyone doing? I hope all of you had a HAPPY VALENTINES . I worked on valentines, nothing to special. Looks like everyone is doing really well with there training. Looking at everyone's workouts is so inspiring. I hope I can run and swim like some of you.

My progress is coming along well. I am still lifting weights on a routine basis. I have noticed some increases on weight that I am able to lift. Some days I go a bit too far, I would definately like that muscular appearance. I wish I could eat better so the muscles underneath would show through. It is soooo hard. I am maintaining my weight right around 241ish. Depending on hydration i have been as low as 239 but usually I am 241-242. According to my bodyfat scale here at home my bodyfat is still  30%. I feel less, I am what i am.

Running I have made huge gains. Everytime I jump on the treadmill now its for a run. I have been trying to get consistantly running 5k. After I adjust to that distance I will try to increase the run. The way I feel while running on most days is that wouldnt be a problem. Yesterday I became a bit sore and stiff while running. Never out of breath, legs were tired. Maybe because I increased the speed to get my time down.

Swimming just swam for the first time the other day. In my plans to swimm today.

Biking that is going well, I flucuate the resistance on the bike. From my logs you can see I ride from 8-12 miles when I ride.

All and all I think I am doing well. Much better than I initially thought I would a month and half ago. If its even been that. I owe all of my progress to this group. If it was not for the support and encouragement I recieve, I would definatley lack motivation. All of you have given me that drive that I needed....Thank you. As far as signing up for a race my wife is signing us up. I have no Idea which race were doing. I just listen to her and what she says.....unless it deals with my girlfriends......then I listen to you.....xoxoxoxo

2007-02-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
This has been a good week of training but didn't swim as much as I needed kept getting in the way.

As far as races go, I'm participating in a 5k at the end of March and my 10 year old is running with me so it should be a lot of fun. My husband and I are encourage family fitness and good nutrition with our kids and they enjoy doing events with us when it works out.

I started a 12 week training schedule this week with 22 women that I work with here at LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority). We are all getting ready for the Danskin Sprint Tri schedule for June 10th. Our rally was yesterday and it was a BLAST! Several women are breast cancer survivors and others of us are participating in honor of a mother, sister, friend that have been effected by breast cancer. My Mom is a 15 year survivor and this race is for her. Anyway, I'm looking forward to having support and encouragement from so many incredible women...many are back for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th time. Our group will be working on all 3 events; open water swims, bike training for beginners, 3 miles runs around town lake, etc. I've been training a lone for several months now but look forward to having partners to push me.

That's pretty much it for me. Oh, I do have a question. I'm having trouble with clipping in/out on my new bike and I'm paranoid about falling when I stop. Once I get going it takes my a while to get my cleats clicked in. I never worried about this on my cruiser but a road bike is a whole new ball game. Any suggestions that can help me? What about toe straps? I've heard mix opinions.

2007-02-16 11:04 AM
in reply to: #692678

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

Tri questions on my mind... for more experienced folks...

My first Sprint is coming up in July, the swim is in a lake. ... warmth is not going to be a factor where i live .. however... :

-- do you think pool training will be adequate preparation for a lake swim ?

--can/do/should/does one wear aqua shoes in the water? or is that illegal and or silly ?

--any other tips?

--I've swum in a lake b4, so I have an idea of things but it's been quite a few yrs since...

2007-02-16 2:54 PM
in reply to: #692909

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2007-02-16 2:58 PM
in reply to: #692678

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2007-02-16 4:30 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

spkg of the clipless pedal thing.. search the forums, there is a really great thread on them and how to practice and then there is one very scandalous but FUNNY as can be thread that may cause you to fall in the floor laughing.

2007-02-17 4:20 PM
in reply to: #693221

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

thanks for the feedback betsy---definitely going to practice having fast transitions.

another question...@ present, I have a little apprehension about getting kicked in the face or elbowed during the swim; i've heard it's something that tends to happen during tri's etc.. but, where is the best place to be for a newbie? My race is a triangular shaped swim course in a lake ; no info on the site about a staggered start or anything.

2007-02-18 3:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Oh guys! I really could use some comfort and support right now... I just had an AWFUL race this morning. And, yeah, a lot of it is because of a problem that could not have been predicted, but I just feel AWFUL.

I'm a VERY competitive person, and I always like to do my best... So I was looking forward to this race because it's still relatively small and I thought with all my training I had a shot at placing (top 3) in my age group. I'm no longer in the 15-19 group, but in 20-24, which is when people really start to peak, so it's difficult to find races where I even have a shot of doing well standing-wise.

Well, a couple hundred of us went off course (blame it on whatever, bad markings, unknowing policemen, our cattle-like tendencies) and I ended up running (with a large group) back to where we went astray. So my 13.1 turned into about 15. It got hot, I was tired, and I just had a bad race, even considering the detour.

D***it! I really wanted to place! I haven't done that since high school when I was 2nd in the 14-19 group.

What sucks worst is my bad luck/bad race/inability to medal stands out even more by the fact that of my Tricat teammates I recruited for the race...

-Cameron won the 10k in 35:49.
-Andy (who was completely undertrained) took 1st in 14-19 guys.
-Chris took 2nd in 14-19 guys (even though he's technically 20; there was a mistake made on his application)
-Phalyn took 1st for 14-19 girls.

And I finished about half an hour after Phalyn, who also had a short little detour. By the sounds of it, not quite 2 miles, but still. I feel really down... I used to be fast! :/
2007-02-18 7:30 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Ok guys, I BIT IT HARD this afternoon on my bike. So much for being paranoid about falling...and fall I did. Not to mention is was in front of about 10 + cars and 2 runners, both were kind enough to help me back up. I thought I had clipped in my right side and when I pushed off, my foot slipped when I tried to clip in on my left. I fell right over bruising my knee, and scratching my elbow and hand. No damage to my bike, just my pride. I did have a good ride (until the fall) and even after I got back up I finished another 3 miles. Total ride was about 7 miles and I felt strong. Lessons learned.
2007-02-19 3:15 PM
in reply to: #694630

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2007-02-19 3:19 PM
in reply to: #694867

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