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2007-01-30 12:12 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
PGilger darn good idea. Yes they are off the rack, I never thought of that. Thanks, I'll have to go check it out this weekend.

2007-01-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: #672846

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Let us know what they say.
2007-01-30 7:21 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Jetpack where's those recipes? Just the descriptions making me hungry.
2007-01-30 10:00 PM
in reply to: #673475

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Sorry I can't help ya. I usually do a turkey chilli. Lower in fat. Sure not what you are looking for.
2007-01-31 7:24 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Where did everybody else go? Big Guy, Kim, Police you guys out there?
2007-01-31 2:15 PM
in reply to: #673475

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Buddaha1964 - 2007-01-30 8:21 PM Hey Jetpack where's those recipes? Just the descriptions making me hungry.

Here you go guys.  Be warned.  You lose valueble training hours not only preparing this but devouring it. 

Mom's Mexican Corn Salsa.

4 Vine Ripen'd Tomatoes.
2 Jalepeno's (remove seeds if you can't handle them)
1 small red onion
8 scallions
1/2 cup cilantro (shopped fine)
1 can - shoepeg corn (strained & rinse)

salt - as much as you like
pepper - as much as you like
cayanne red pepper - to make er spicy
1/4 cup vegatable oil
1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar

Tomato preperation - You chop up all the tomatoes fine. Here's the key. Mom's secret (Sorry mom). She has a roll of paper towels standing by. As you chop up the tomatoes you use paper towels to "suck up" the juices with paper towels. You don't want the tomatoes all mushy in their own juices. Chop all 4 and set aside in the final mixing bowl.

Now just chop up all the other ingredients very fine (except shoepeg corn) & add. Stir in oil, red wine vinegar, salt & pepper. Add cayenne pepper for spicyness. The red wine vinager is the "sweetner". Best to let this sit for a few hours to let it all "come together." But you won't be able to.

Eat with Tostito Scoops. You can also add black beans to the mix and really be in lala land.

Edited by tydarby 2007-01-31 2:18 PM


Salsa.jpg (55KB - 27 downloads)

2007-01-31 11:30 PM
in reply to: #673766

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Buddaha1964 - 2007-01-31 8:24 AM Where did everybody else go? Big Guy, Kim, Police you guys out there?

Funny I was just thnking the same thing.  Hope everyone is still interested and active here.  I know that you can't get on here alot, ( I prob spend way 2 much time on this thing).  but please don't lose steam if that might be the case.  Certainly poke your head in here and see what the latest is. So here's a few thing.  I promised some neat info on lactate & rpe that I learned on my trip to Colorado Center for Sports Medicine.  I scanned it so you guys and see it.  There's more.    Second,  I've got my first race of the "season" starting up this coming Saturday. A 10k in Saint Pete, FL.  Hope to beat my PR of 57 mins.

So here's the file in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for you guys.



Edited by tydarby 2007-01-31 11:38 PM
2007-02-01 1:27 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
The recipe looks great, going to try it for the superbowl. I've started the 0 to 1650 training plan, it looks like a winner. I'm currently in the walk/run phase for the run. As for the bike, I'm riding 2-3 times a week in gym and if it's nice on the weekend I ride outdoors, if not @ the gym again. I definitely am checking the site but don't post that often. I am getting a lot of good information that's making a difference.
2007-02-01 1:54 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey everyone. Yes, I'm still with ya. We've had about three feet of snow fall on us since the weekend. My kids had two snow days and the roads still aren't very clear in some areas. It's too cold to melt so it looks like all my training has moved indoors until....August??? You can see some pictures at:

I did get to the Y today to swim. 1050 yards in 32 minutes. Still working on some drills to keep my form nice and smooth.

I did do several sets of 100 with flip turns! I think coach Mike Ricci was spot on when he said the flip turn will teach you to swim with a missed breath. I'm hoping that having to hold by breath a little longer during the turn will come in handy at a triathlon. I've been known to gasp for air when another swimmer has swum right over me or I've gotten an elbow or foot to the head or body....sounds like a bar fight (and we call it fun :0)).

Looks like everyone is doing a great job with their workouts.
Tyler, that salsa looks amazing. I'll be mixing some of that up this weekend.
2007-02-01 8:08 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Ok I have to ask why is a swimmers mile only 1650 yards and not 1760?

Also the menu is set for the Superbowl: Pizza, Tylers Corn salsa, Baked hot wings and zucchini crab cakes. The last two are from the three fat chicks on a diet website. I think just putting all that down I gained three pounds.
2007-02-01 10:07 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
No idea why a swimmers mile is less than a normal mile. One for the ages.

2007-02-02 2:36 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Ok I did some research. According to the United States Masters Swimming organization a mile is equal to 1760 yards or 1610 meters. Either way I'll be counting the longer distance so I'm sure to get enough in.
2007-02-03 1:25 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Made the corn salsa today for tomorrow. That is unbelievably good. I don't know if i'll be able to let it sit overnight. Thanks for the receipe.

Today is a great day I was able to wear the 38 waist pants I've had in the closet. Started at 40 and am down to 38, now I'm eyeing up the 36's that were sitting next to them.

3.48 miles on the treadmill 38 minutes.
2007-02-03 9:09 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Did my 3rd swim day of my first week of my swim program. Will up the yardage on Tuesday. Running indoors tomorrow because of the cold and windchill.

2007-02-03 9:26 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Started first day of 0 to 1650, forgot how ragged the stroke gets after a few minutes. Biking & running in the am.
2007-02-04 3:49 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Anybody interested in the blue bracelet. I purchased two larges last year and now they are to big. I have one that is still in the wrapper that is unopen. I am going to order a medium tomorrow. It will fit a big arm. If you would like the new one let me know. $3 plus a self address stamped envelope. On the other side it says  "swim bike run".


If you would like to see if the gentleman has anyother sizes I wrote him off of the original thread.  He told me he has quite a few mediums left, not sure about other sizes.

2007-02-05 6:37 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Net loss of 1 pound for the week. Planned day off today and am morning for Da Bears.
2007-02-06 9:27 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Started my seconds week of my swim program today. Feel that I am inproving my stroke and my speed. Going to do a little brick workout tomorrow.

WEEK two:
200 for 12 breaths
100 for 10 breaths...repeat 4 times
60 for 6 breaths...repeat 3 times
20 for 4 breaths...repeat 3 times
total: 1020 yards

2007-02-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL


Sorry about Da Bears.  I was hoping man.  I'm not a fan of Indiana or Dingy.


 Glad to see your improving with your swimming.  Of course one of the most important things to remember about the swim to be comfortable and relaxed.  Like they say the race is not won in the swim but it sure can be lost in the swim.  Blow up in the swim and you've ruined the bike and run.  I sure as heck am not placing in the top of the swim pace so I just go for a nice comfortable stroke.  I finish when I finish.


Just did my first brick of the year yesterday afternoon.  Felt great.  Slow 2000 yard swim with some speed work in there and then followed it up with a 10 mins transition in the locker room and then hit the treadmill for 6 miles.  HR at about 140 steady. 

Going to really start to put in the miles on the bike now.  Missed out alot in Jan since I didn't have my bike.  Here's pic of Kelley and I going on our first ride together.  She is new to biking and jsut got a Cannondale R700.  Loves it.   I love that she loves it.  Are your significant others involved with your training?

 A friend of mine runs a spin class (road bikes on your trainer) and has some good 90 mins programs worked out on the stationary that I am going to see if I can get a hold of for you guys.  Good stuff that isolates legs, intervals, spin ups, standing & sitting sprints, etc...



(tylerkelbike (Small).jpg)

tylerkelbike (Small).jpg (71KB - 24 downloads)
2007-02-07 7:33 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
My wife is only involved in a supporting role. She actually hates sweat and sweating, which of course requires me to give her a big bear hug after a particularly heavy workout.

I'm following the 20 week international plan from begginer triathlete and am at the recovery week of the first month. I'm actually starting the month over but my question is.
During a recovery week where the training time amounts are reduced what do you do with intensity? Do you keep it the same as the regular work outs? Ease up? Or go harder becaouse the times are shorter?

My plan is to finish this training plan then do the half IM them the full IM. This should finish right before the CDA IM which is my ultimate goal along with a 60 lb. loss.
2007-02-07 10:32 AM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Well, I got on the treadmill today and did 4 miles. Most of it was walking.

My kids had another 4 day weekend thanks to the weather. When I checked to see if they had school today I grinned with relief....yes they did.

This is my first full winter training. I feel like it's not going so well. Everything has to be done indoors.....which I really don't like....In fact, Tyler, if you post another picture of yourself doing a nice outdoor ride, I might just have to come and hunt you down.

When the weather permits, my husband and I train together as much as possible. He's a great training partner when he's home (he does what Tyler does). And yes he does Triathlons too.

What do you guys watch while on the treadmill? Movies, videos?? Help me get out of this deep freeze!


2007-02-07 10:47 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Running on the treadmill or riding on the trainer drives me crazy. I finally had to join a gym, listening to my MP3 player and watching the tv's and the other people gets me through the workout. I've decided the first Sunday that's above freezing I'm getting the bike out, cabin fever sucks.

2007-02-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I listen to my MP3 when I run. In the club they face outside so it sort of feels like you are outside but not really. I don't have a trainer but plan on getting one soon as I go see my brother. He has one that I can have because he got a new one. Just do spinning classes for my bike workout. Great workout.
2007-02-07 11:11 AM
in reply to: #682625

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

adamo - 2007-02-07 11:32 AM\, Tyler, if you post another picture of yourself doing a nice outdoor ride, I might just have to come and hunt you down.

What do you guys watch while on the treadmill? Movies, videos?? Help me get out of this deep freeze! Kim

 Sorry   You don't even want to know what the temp is here today.  Don't even ask.

OK so to step up to the plate and help in my "mentoring" I'm going to offer more of motivation and offer up my collection of IRONMAN dvd's  Talk about inspirational!!  I have a copy of every IM from 1991 to present on DVD.  90 mins recaps.  GREAT STUFF for in front of the tube on the bike.  So here's what I am going to do.  I'm going to send them to you guys.  Kinda of like our own little Netflix.  Just free.  When your done with it, send it to the next guy in our group.  I'll send three at a time.  If this is something you guys would like to get and watch, just PM your address's.  I'll provide you with the name and address of the next person to send them to when your done watching them.  I'm guessing 3 per week.  PLEASE please don't lose them.  Sound like a kewl idea?



2007-02-07 12:33 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey guys!!

Been a few weeks since I've actually responded but I have been checking out the site and reading your posts.

The dvd thing sounds FANTASTIC, I would really like to be inspired here in Michigan. Like others, I'm dying in the gym. Spinning classes twice a week, treadmill 4 times and swimming... The dvd's are right up my alley.

I'm still having a difficult time with the training swims. I'm trying to build up, but have to say pretty pathetic in the pool. For real guys, whats the best way to continue training in the pool, being persistent?? I am able to swim 50 meters at a time, unable to do flip turns. The breathing is the worst for me. I'm trying to stay positive, seriously! The running isn't the problem, knocking the treadmill out like crazy and spinning classes for an hour isn't an issue for me. The swimming is!! HELP
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jetpack's Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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