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2007-06-07 3:26 PM
in reply to: #834530

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Marvarnett - 2007-06-07 2:10 PM
willie05 - 2007-06-07 1:47 PM

I can't quite remember - Is a fartlick basically picking a point and running fast to get to it, then slowing down for a bit, then picking another point and running fast again?

Fartleck literally means "to play with speed".  It is essentially what you said.  Alternating speed work.  The purpose is to work on form for short durations of high speed and turnover.  It also allows your body to work on processing Lactic Acid better.  You push hard and Lactic Acid builds up, then you slow down, but don't stop this increase the rate at which your body flushes out the acid.  You become more efficient at it while being able to keep a high threshold.

The speed increases are not all out, but fast so that you can keep proper form.

Your answer to that was not nearly as fun as the one I came up with (but chose not to post).   But was a lot more informational (is that a word?).


Sorry guys... it been one of those days.

2007-06-07 6:27 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Thanks to all who commented on the fartlick/fartlek issue........I needed a good laugh

 Went out today for one last OWS before the race on Sunday. This time in a lake which was much easier than the river I had been practicing in. My swim on Sunday is in a lake as well, so I'm feeling much better. I was reading one of the other threads about feeling panicky in the OWS....its nice to know other people go through the same struggles and get through them.

2007-06-07 10:49 PM
in reply to: #834978

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Have a great time and enjoy your race! Oh, and Happy Birthday!
2007-06-07 10:58 PM
in reply to: #835201

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!!!
2007-06-08 6:39 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Good luck Kristen - have a great race! Smile

Kirk and Aaron - it's been great keeping up with each other during this year - hope you both do great!  Cool  

2007-06-08 7:20 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

For a final word on Fartleck's...if you're doing them right, about 3/4 of the way through you will have rather licked a fart than continue.

There...I said it!

2007-06-08 7:22 AM
in reply to: #835346

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Marvarnett - 2007-06-08 8:20 AM

For a final word on Fartleck's...if you're doing them right, about 3/4 of the way through you will have rather licked a fart than continue.

There...I said it!

Cool!  Now we have a new training goal to shoot for! Laughing

2007-06-08 7:42 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Sooooo... who do we have racing this weekend???

I should be racing, but no.... just jockstrapping.  But that's ok. 

2007-06-08 10:26 AM
in reply to: #835201

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

vmax3000 - 2007-06-07 11:49 PM Kristen, Have a great time and enjoy your race! Oh, and Happy Birthday! Vanessa


Thank you!

2007-06-08 2:55 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Where is everyone today?

Edited by triOK 2007-06-08 2:55 PM
2007-06-08 3:11 PM
in reply to: #836557

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

triOK - 2007-06-08 3:55 PM Where is everyone today?

I believe the Rochester Police Force are busy singing Journey to each other getting ready for Sunday...

2007-06-08 3:17 PM
in reply to: #836599

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
willie05 - 2007-06-08 4:11 PM

triOK - 2007-06-08 3:55 PM Where is everyone today?

I believe the Rochester Police Force are busy singing Journey to each other getting ready for Sunday...

HA!  Very funny!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! 

2007-06-08 4:48 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED


I have the BEST husband!  I have been bummed because my biking is stupid slow.  I was all set to buy a wetsuit, then started toying with the idea of going to see Vern, the bike tech/fit guy that I met when we bought my bike.  The bike shop is out of business, so by the grace of God, I googled "Vern bike fit" and he was the second one listed!  Turns out it was going to be $285.  To make a long story a little faster, Doug (husband) said schedule and appointment AND order the wetsuit.  He said that I make an income just like he does and he supports my training 100%.  Wow....I am blessed!

Heading out to try to get used to riding with a correct fit.....LOTS of changes! 

2007-06-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #836599

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
willie05 - 2007-06-08 3:11 PM

triOK - 2007-06-08 3:55 PM Where is everyone today?

I believe the Rochester Police Force are busy singing Journey to each other getting ready for Sunday...

We are!! Huge race this weekend as I break my cherry....
2007-06-08 7:19 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Gator22 and I will be racing on Sunday at Keuka.  Should I eat like a hog the next 24 hours and join the Clydesdale's?  I don't feel to stealth at 195#
2007-06-08 8:51 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to all you with races this weekend!

I finally got a bike and had it assembled. I'm going to take a short ride in the morning, but after my husband got it all together he tested it out around the neighborhood. He said that the gears don't shift as smooth as they should but it is definately rideable for a little while. Anyone have any ideas of about how much it will cost to take it to a bike shop and have it looked at?

I'm so tired of being a poor college's getting old.

2007-06-08 9:16 PM
in reply to: #836920

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

erhoffma - 2007-06-08 9:51 PM Good luck to all you with races this weekend! I finally got a bike and had it assembled. I'm going to take a short ride in the morning, but after my husband got it all together he tested it out around the neighborhood. He said that the gears don't shift as smooth as they should but it is definately rideable for a little while. Anyone have any ideas of about how much it will cost to take it to a bike shop and have it looked at? I'm so tired of being a poor college's getting old.

Sorry, I know nothing about bikes, but I can related to poor college student. I am still cruising the MTB for a while.

Good luck everyone racing! I can't wait to hear out it goes. I am so excited to race I would go out and do it this weekend... of course I would prolly drown... :p

2007-06-08 9:21 PM
in reply to: #836920

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
A derailer adjustment is usually around $10-$15
2007-06-09 12:11 AM
in reply to: #836920

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

erhoffma - 2007-06-08 9:51 PM Good luck to all you with races this weekend! I finally got a bike and had it assembled. I'm going to take a short ride in the morning, but after my husband got it all together he tested it out around the neighborhood. He said that the gears don't shift as smooth as they should but it is definately rideable for a little while. Anyone have any ideas of about how much it will cost to take it to a bike shop and have it looked at? I'm so tired of being a poor college's getting old.

It's probably a good idea to go to a shop and have them adjust the fit for you as well as checking out the bike.  A good seat position will make a world of difference.  Definitely worth the price of admission!

2007-06-09 7:38 AM
in reply to: #837002

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I have noticed that bike shop people in general are snobs too. The guy that firstriguy hooked me up with to buy my bike (GIANT OCR 3 "The Banshee") was awesome, but he is over an hour away. So, I have been just popping in to other LBS. Maybe they hate cops because I usually go in when I am working, but it seems like they are all so uppity and every question you have is beneath them.

I did find a good place this week though..Bike Zone on Long Pond in Greece, NY. The owner shot the with me forever the other day even when they were busy. They have a web site and ship stuff so I will plug them.

I am so nervous here, I am just babbling avoiding packing up my stuff....
2007-06-09 7:49 AM
in reply to: #837046

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

gator22 - 2007-06-09 8:38 AM I have noticed that bike shop people in general are snobs too. The guy that firstriguy hooked me up with to buy my bike (GIANT OCR 3 "The Banshee" was awesome, but he is over an hour away. So, I have been just popping in to other LBS. Maybe they hate cops because I usually go in when I am working, but it seems like they are all so uppity and every question you have is beneath them. I did find a good place this week though..Bike Zone on Long Pond in Greece, NY. The owner shot the with me forever the other day even when they were busy. They have a web site and ship stuff so I will plug them. I am so nervous here, I am just babbling avoiding packing up my stuff....

 I know the feeling....I dreamed about the race all last night...of course in my dream I forgot every single piece of equipment I needed (other than my trisuit...LOL). I guess the real deal can't be worse than that.

I blogged you, but let me say again...Good Luck tomorrow...You'll do great!

2007-06-09 9:39 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
OK..another issue.

Ideally, I'd like to get out of the water, take off my wet suit (riding gear underneath) and then just put on my shoes and socks and jump on the bike.

The problem: I'm fair skinned and burn easily.

Is there a way to put on sunscreen quickly? Or is there a sunscreen that won't wash off in the water? Or do I just use zinc and paint my face up in funny colors?
2007-06-09 10:47 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Hopefully you folks that are competing today are kicking some butt, or at least having a great time (that's why we are doing this, right??)!!

I'm in California this weekend and haven't been online to see how everyone is doing....I did go running this morning at least!

I am being given a bike--so if anyone has opinions on a good entry level road bike, let me know. I don't know my budget yet but probably not too expensive. It will be faster than my mountain bike, though, no matter what. My local bike shop is family-run and full of cute young boys, which to an old mama is pretty fun! They are all really nice, since their mom and dad are there running the store.

Another question--many of the tri books I have been reading (everything I can get my hands on at the library) talks about heart rate monitors. How many of you use them, and do you find them as awesome as the books say they are? And if you find them useful, what type do you use? Final question, I promise--if you are busty, where do you put the monitor? (More on that in my log)....
2007-06-09 11:00 AM
in reply to: #837094

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

grnidone - 2007-06-09 10:39 AM OK..another issue. Ideally, I'd like to get out of the water, take off my wet suit (riding gear underneath) and then just put on my shoes and socks and jump on the bike. The problem: I'm fair skinned and burn easily. Is there a way to put on sunscreen quickly? Or is there a sunscreen that won't wash off in the water? Or do I just use zinc and paint my face up in funny colors?

One issue about putting on sunscreen before your wet suit is will it cause any deterioration in it. If you want something to put on after, they have lots of spray on sunscreens now you just spray give a quick rub and go. Perhaps practice with a few different types and see what works best.

2007-06-09 11:01 AM
in reply to: #837112

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Medusa_Ann - 2007-06-09 11:47 AM I am being given a bike--so if anyone has opinions on a good entry level road bike, let me know. I don't know my budget yet but probably not too expensive. It will be faster than my mountain bike, though, no matter what. My local bike shop is family-run and full of cute young boys, which to an old mama is pretty fun! They are all really nice, since their mom and dad are there running the store. Another question--many of the tri books I have been reading (everything I can get my hands on at the library) talks about heart rate monitors. How many of you use them, and do you find them as awesome as the books say they are? And if you find them useful, what type do you use? Final question, I promise--if you are busty, where do you put the monitor? (More on that in my log)....

Congrats on the bike! I am curious about the HR monitor as well. I have been considering the purchase and would like to hear more. 

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