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2007-07-11 11:47 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

sounds like a hell of a workout Leap! 

It has been quiet here.  I ran 5 tonight and got the opportunity for a free video running gait analysis so hopefully I'll get some good feedback.  Got 3-5 tomorrow but will be stuck on the TM...we'll see how far that gets

2007-07-12 5:50 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I have been busy at work these days and training when I am not at the office. I am coming up on my last training weekend before NYC and am getting excited. We are getting a last long bike ride in Saturday before we have to drop off our bikes at the tri shop to be transported to the race site.

I had a good swim yesterday, focusing on TI zipper drills for the first half and full stroke for the second. My stroke definitely felt smoother, so I may keep starting things off with zipper drills to get warmed up.

This morning was a 6.33 mi. run outside. The heat and humidity have broken here as Leapdog promised, and it was a great run. Of course my pace is not where it was before my thyroid issues, but I figure next season will be more about pace work. I made a compromise with myself, my husband, my father (who is a doctor) and my doctor that I could keep training and racing while we treated my thyroid issues as long as I race just to finish and stop anytime I feel off. So far it is working.

Have a great day, everyone!
2007-07-14 7:27 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Still here. Developed a knee situation directly related to running. I am off running for a bit as it is interfering with my cycle training and racing. Already blew off a race and have several big Time Trials and road races coming up....

More to follow....

Eric J
2007-07-14 7:54 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

sorry to hear about the knee Eric.  You may want to look into ART treatments(  Got me through my ITBS issue. 

Ran 11 today, felt good.  Still got a nagging blister that I can't shake, no amount of body glide or pin pricks help.  Tomorrow I ride 'n run 'n ride 


2007-07-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I'm going to work on gait and technique through the off-season. The issue is one of my love of and commitment to bike racing and my team. I starting training for tri/du mid season and that was just a bad choice.

I will Tri and Bi but my first love is bike racing and my obligation is to my team mates,(an obligation that I happily take on)....

Eric J
2007-07-15 12:35 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
It's hard - I really want to try bike racing - it just does not fit - then the risk factor is high @ my level - just dying to try one - may just get turned to the dark side (bike racing)
Had an epic ride/ run sat 4 hours on bike the hard 1 hour run 8 miles - 5 hours total over 75 miles - felt great then hit 2 party's Lake Pacid send off - the first mountain stage party for the Tour - talk about geeked up - Wow it was a perfect day!!

Just got back from 2 hours today 1:30 0- then 45 min run - off to the Arts Fest and some thai food!!

Log in later!!!

Keep workin' it -

2007-07-15 10:37 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Thinking about your running issue - shoes come to mind - also type of cycling clips can have an effect on running - the twist can sometimes cause issues.

What kind of shoes do you wear - how old are they?

2007-07-16 6:37 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
The shoes are brand new Asics fitted for me so I doubt shoes are the issue. I believe its one of too much too soon. I went from zero to sixty in a nano second. By my third run I was doing 3 sub 9 minute miles at a clip after not having run for years.

My pedals are fine as is my cleat position. I'm fit and refit a couple times a year as part of the team...

Eric J
2007-07-16 7:46 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Eric - I would not assume you are in the correct shoes just because you had a shoe fitting. I had several running shops fit me for stability shoes for years since I have a normal arch, and I struggled with ITBS on and off for that whole period. It has only been in the past couple of years that I had a full gait analysis to determine that while my arch is normal, my footstrike is as neutral as they come. My knees and legs are now soooo much happier I am in cushioned shoes. Did your local running shop fit primarily based on your arch or did they do a detailed gait analysis?
2007-07-16 10:21 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Where do you go to get a gait analysis? Would it be okay to get one even if I don't really run that much. I still do run/walk workouts. Or should I wait?

2007-07-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
My local running shop in Falls Church, Virginia (Metro Run Walk) did mine. It really consisted of having an expert watch me run and my footstrike from all angles. He crouched on the floor to watch my running stride from the front, back and each side. Not too scientific, but he put me in the correct shoes for the first time in years of having "experts" fit me. I mention it to Eric since the arch test did not work for me. The guy at the shop said he could see why they kept putting me in stability shoes, but that was wrong for me. Since changing to cushioned, my knees have stopped aching. I think getting a good running shoe fitting is a good idea for anyone who plans to run consistently, so you avoid injury. Of all three sports, running is the hardest on your body.

2007-07-17 8:36 AM
in reply to: #818033

Marble Falls, TX
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Just signing in to sign off. Devastation in Marble Falls was worse than I originally thought. Been busy trying to get disaster reflief for my business, hoping we don't lose it. Not too much time to put into training and definitly no place to ride a bike with all the roads washed out.
2007-07-17 9:14 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Ohhh - sounds bad Denise - thoughts and prayers are with you - Keep us in the loop!!

2007-07-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Just chiming in to say I'm still here! Been a C-R-A-Z-Y week! No racing this weekend just lots and lots of mileage... Will post again soon...

Eric J
2007-07-19 8:00 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I'm here also. High volume week for me as well. Hot and humid for running but OK for biking/swimmin'.

I just want to share my excitement over my latest hardware purchase: new wheels!



I've only tried them on a couple rides, but they seem to ride well. They're a bit different than stockers when it comes to side winds. Jury is out on how much time they'll save me at IM but I'm excited to find out.

Have a good day folks!

2007-07-19 8:09 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Those are awesome Jeff!!

OK, question - why not the 3 spoke design both front and back??

Anyone - anyone?? Buehler lol


2007-07-19 9:10 AM
in reply to: #892336

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
The configuration I purchased was what the HED technical rep recommended for what would work best for the IMWI course as well as for everyday use.

I didn't question the rep, but have a feeling the combo had something to do with how the tris spokes are affected by the wind. He had a line of questioning around how much I weighed, whether I ride in hills, etc.

The tri spokes have a unique whirring sound that takes a bit to get used to. I think I can adapt.
2007-07-19 9:23 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Yeah - I've heard the whirring sound - flying past me at races - over and over on those loop courses - I'm sure you will adapt JUST FINE!!! Only to be topped by the Whooosh sound of passing people!!! Can't wait to hear more reviews on those...
Last long weekend of training for me...

Now just the anticipation of... have I done enough?? - don't do too much.. stay away from sick people... eat healthy - no alcohol - have I done enough?? Don't freak about gaining extra 2#,
Don't fall off bike, trip while running. Keep swimming... have I done enough??

2007-07-19 9:36 AM
in reply to: #892496

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I've got about 5 more weekends of long training then a couple weeks of rest prior to Moo.

It's good to have anticipation...just don't let it turn into anxiety! Definitely stay away from young kids (walking germ factories) and sick people.

I went to Masters swim last night and did their workout. I get my butt whooped when I swim 50's in the pool, but feel fine when I do a 2 mi OWS? I realize I've lost my ability to swim fast but am prepped for the combat swim of the mass start.

2007-07-19 10:48 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I am here, too. I am in taper week for Nautica NYC Triathlon on Sunday - my first Olympic distance! I am feeling all of what Michelle said! I keep reminding myself that I am just racing to finish and have fun this year as my thyroid sorts itself out (that's why my doctor and my father [who is a doctor] sanctioned racing for me this year). However, it would be nice to finish under 3 hours . . . I feel pretty good about the bike and the run - the swim is a bit of a wildcard. I know 3 hours is pretty slow compared to many of you, but next year will be more about the speed.

Michelle - are you also racing this weekend?
2007-07-19 10:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

sweet wheels!!  Makes my mt bike look kinda clunky LOL

ran a HOT 5 last night, and got an even hotter hill workout tonight.  Tomorrow I'll do a really long (for me) ride.  Still having touble with the riding.  I like to ride in a slow hard gear but think I'd do better  off in a faster one but don't think my legs turn over fast enough. 


2007-07-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #892684

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

When I started biking I felt the same as you with respect to cadence - I was always pushing a harder gear than I should. Keep working on a smaller gear and higher cadence - faster turnover will come with time.

Cooler temps and low humidity are heading your way folks!

2007-07-19 10:59 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
GOOD LUCK Jessica - you'll always remember the first!!! ENJOY THE RACE AND HAVE FUN!!

Not racing till next week - Duathlon -Short Course Nationals, Mason, Ohio (near Cincinnati (about 4 hour drive for me) - 6.2 run/24.8 bike/3.1 run

Then following weekend is the 1/2 Ironman in Benton Harbor, Michigan

Working on positive visualization for the races - relaxing - executing the plan!!
Should be easy right??? lol Deep breath

I picture myself finishing the race - with my time goal overhead - arms up and smiling!!!
I try to focus on each segment of the race - always looking forward to the run...
very zen!!!
2007-07-19 11:22 AM
in reply to: #892684

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
batmomm - 2007-07-19 10:49 AM

sweet wheels!!  Makes my mt bike look kinda clunky LOL

ran a HOT 5 last night, and got an even hotter hill workout tonight.  Tomorrow I'll do a really long (for me) ride.  Still having touble with the riding.  I like to ride in a slow hard gear but think I'd do better  off in a faster one but don't think my legs turn over fast enough. 


bat- Cadence is everything... or at least a very large chunk. Constantly mashing big gears will also hurt your knees eventually. Work in a gear where you can spin at 70rpm's then work it up to 90. 90 is where you should try to stay when you get to that point.

My cadence when I'm just spinning along is usually round 110.... I have hit 145+ on my rollers which clocked me at, and I'm not kidding, 49mph. Have never been able to duplicate on the road, too much friction I imagine....

Eric J
2007-07-19 11:23 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

now forgive my ignorance, I'm sure technology is way past where I am but part of my cadence problem is with the pedals.  I can push down but can't pull up as I pedal, I assume that it woudl be easier with the pedal straps or something to keep the foot and pedal together. 

now I showed my old school ways, somebody point me in a new direction.  Without spending a zillion, what can I do to my mt bike to correct for this problem?? 


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