Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's Rss Feed  
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2007-11-04 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
alright fellas. i have total of:
10.1 miles run (need 19 or so for 25%)
35 minutes on the bike (i need 45 to be at 25%)
i'm thinking i MIGHT not count the weight loss as part of the 25% since i don't have QUITE as much control over that. anyway, you'll probably catch me since dh's working OT today AND tomorrow. next time i'll get to work out will be tuesday. at which time, i'll PROBABLY hit 25% but that will have to be one heck of a run i'll probably hit it wednesday or thursday. boo hoo, i got beat by the fellas. (i'll make ya work for it tho!!)

a new team member?! hooray! (can't remember the screen name just now, and i can't see it from here) but welcome new team member!! (was it johndeere??) post your goals on here so we know what you're doing

2007-11-04 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
dee the spreadsheet is AWESOME. great job on it. we have team members we haven't heard from yet. still hoping we will tho.

jealous of the leg thing going on in twisnibins. should start your pic gathering on this thread as well, i'm sure you'd have some real contenders. AND I LIKE TO SEE LEGS!!!!!! i'll volenteer for the judges panel for sure.
2007-11-04 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

Heya guys ... checking in.

I lifted on Friday...and yes Cat I did get quite sore (she asked via an inspire). I usually lift upper body and then do 4 core exercises, but I decided to do the killer core routine that I found on BT with a number of different core exercises . And while my form likely sucked for much of them, I definitely got a better workout, because my abs are still a bit sore today (yesterday was killer but that might have had something to do with not getting a full night's sleep Friday to Saturday thanks to being at the firehouse and running calls at all hours).

I thought I was being smart by checking when the kids' swimming classes were and then changing my mind about swimming Saturday morning...so I did my walking/running then instead. My calves followed my abs in the sore department after that, but glad to say running 2 minutes straight was alot easier endurance wise than it was earlier in the week...just my legs were killing me (again might be thanks to lack of sleep too). Well, went to swim today and turns out there's a swim team practice first thing Sunday morning which sucks because you have college kids yelling at these little kids as they take them through their practice while all the lap swimmers are crammed into a few lanes...so learned to go a little later on Sundays. But I swam a total of 1100 yards (I think...might have miscounted a lap in there)...was in the pool about 75 minutes total but only timed when I was actually swimming so that took me just a hair of 30 minutes. And the whirlpool was good on my sore muscles that's for sure.

So, glad to say I'm right on track. And even more glad to say that tomorrow is a rest day...definitely need it.

But have to say the exercise is perhaps really working as I took my blood pressure at the grocery store today and it was really low. I'm wondering if the machine is off, but I have been having little bouts of dizziness when I stand up too fast so could be the case. I'll have someone check it at the firehouse when I get there this afternoon...it'd be cool if that's the case because then I could come off some meds...granted I just spent $150 on 3 months worth of blood pressure meds so it would be a bit of a waste of money, but really not complaining!

You guys are really doing awesome, especially you nuts who are around 25% already...don't you realize it's only day 4?

Keep going Hippos, Sevens, or whatever we are!!


2007-11-04 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1037123

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-04 9:20 AM

You guys are really doing awesome, especially you nuts who are around 25% already...don't you realize it's only day 4?

Keep going Hippos, Sevens, or whatever we are!!


day 4 turns in to day 10 REAL fast!! LOL

great work outs kelley! you're doing SO awesome, and it would be SO COOL if your blood pressure worked itself out. mine's always been almost frightningly low (it's a family thing) so i've never really thought about it, but coming OFF medication (safely) ALWAYS seems like a good thing!! great job, keep it up!!
2007-11-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1037074

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
Hi Everyone!

It’s Sunday, the day when you’d usually be reporting your achievements for the week. So even though the spreadsheets aren’t due this week, please feel free to brag about how great your workouts have been! This challenge is about achieving your goals -- so let's hear how you've done!

Each week, I'll give you a quick summary of what's been happening. This is another idea that I stole borrowed from Cat. (Thanks Cat!)

There are now 96 people participating in the challenge! We have 7 teams, so each of the teams has gotten quite large. (Team leaders, if you want help compiling everyone's results, feel free to ask for an assistant-captain!)

While you've been assigned to a team, please DO feel free to visit the other teams! In fact, Teams 6, 7 and 8 seem to have merged into one large extended "BT Party Central." If you haven't already done so, stop by and join the party!

Team1 - The Moscateers
This entire team is together by request! There are about a million members of the Mosc family here, resulting in the team's adopting a new name and motto: The "Moscateers" all for one and one for all. This team also has our youngest participant, 9 year old gidgetintraining. Comet_the_dog had jury duty and his Dad is in the hospital, however it's also his 15th Wedding Anniversary. What a week, huh?

Team2 - The Vigilantes
Lawyerchick (Meredith) is a newlywed. (Congratulations!) Fielding (Erin) will be doing her first Tri on Nov 11th! (Good luck, Erin!) And Jessicacrouchrt (Jessica) recently completed her own first Tri. (Great job, Jess!)

Team3 - The Turkey Terrors
After much debate, the team decided to call themselves The Turkey Terrors. Team Leader nccgrap (Ryan) is a high school science teacher, so he should be able to whip motivate this team into shape! Atlantia (Laura) is training for her first marathon in January, so she's set a high running goal this month. And we learned that SAHM means "Stay At Home Mom."

Team4 - The Nonexistant Team
When I combined Team4 and Team5, I put them under the Team5 name. So this team exists only in your imagination!

Team5 - 5 For Fighting
This team has members from all over the world! (Yes, I know the Dynamic Aussie Duo is on a different team. I'll get to them in a minute.) This team even has the BT tri-talk, iron-distance, and COJ forums moderator, rkreuser (Rick). He claims to have read every post on BT for the last 3 years. (I don't believe him however, as keeping up with my posts alone is nearly an impossible task!) Bhoover10001 (Brian) announced his secret goal of beating his 16 year old daughter in a triathlon. Whoops, so much for secrets! When Rzzqb8 (Robin) decared her running goal, she thought she was crazy, until she looked at her team's goals, and saw they're just as insane.

Team6 - They Who Shall Not Be Named (TWSNBN)
Ooooh boy. Where to start? This is BT Party Central Headquarters. Also known as "They Who Shall Not Be Quiet", this team is currently on page 18 of their thread. (Plus, these "BT addicts" also have an additional 4 pages on their previous "generic team" thread. Can they talk, or what?) So far, the women of TWSNBN have gotten all 3 male teammates to post photos of their naked legs. Wow! Now there's discussion of a BT Calendar. (Seriously!) HCS5QA (Hector) even tells us when he's about to jump in the shower. Team leader LastCall2003 (Beth) has her hands full with this team. (Or maybe she's the one instigating the trouble!) If you haven't already done so, stop by and enjoy the fun!

Team7 - Team Wild Hippos
Home of two hot Aussie women, kaqphin ("Super Cat") and light_sabe_r (Maddy), this team also features a bunch of former Posion Apples, the first team to achieve 100% of the goals in last month's challenge. Look out everyone, this team is MOTIVATED. In fact, Lyssa-gator (Lyssa) has issued a challenge --> Who can be the first person to 25% of their goals? Want to take her up on this? Stop by the Team 7 thread and let her know. Better hurry, because jasonbohn9 (Jason) has already counterchallenged by saying he could achieve 25% by Tuesday!

Team8 - Hard Core Tri Corps
Led by fearless leader BunnyB (Melissa) aka "General Bunny", this team has four California members! TriAya (Yanti) finished a 23 mile run, and delcared it "sweet and smooth." Mbmoran2 (Brian) declared his long term goals are to qualify for the Boston Marathon and tackle the Ironman. This team has some impressive performers! Crabsrule (Brenda) discovered what it's like to race on hills and in hot weather. This team always welcomes visitors, so come in and say hello. If you stop by though, be forewarned that TriAya (Yanti) aka "Sergeant Doberman" may assign you a team job! (Don't worry, you can handle it!)

From BT News Headquarters, this has been your weekly Challenge update.

2007-11-04 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1037097

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 11:37 AM

dee the spreadsheet is AWESOME. great job on it. we have team members we haven't heard from yet. still hoping we will tho.

jealous of the leg thing going on in twisnibins. should start your pic gathering on this thread as well, i'm sure you'd have some real contenders. AND I LIKE TO SEE LEGS!!!!!! i'll volenteer for the judges panel for sure.

Have SoapQueen2 or JohnDeere checked in yet?

JohnDeere may not know he's on your team yet. I sent him a PM yesterday, but it hasn't been read. So he probably just hasn't been online yet. He should be here soon though.

As for the leg thing... Well, TWSNBN got its men to post photos. No reason why TWH (Team Wild Hippo, right?) can't do the same! You've got a lot more guys on your team too. That means lots of pics for you! If they balk, ask Yanti to help you out. And consider yourself hired for the judging position, too.

2007-11-04 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
hey guys, i stole these from pat (hope it's ok)
but i thought they were awesome!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

awesome pics pat!! thanks
2007-11-04 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!!
you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL
(ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!!

i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!

Edited by lyssa-gator 2007-11-04 12:13 PM
2007-11-04 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1037189

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 12:12 PM also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!! you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL (ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!! i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!


You can be sure I will be lurking in this thread more often!

Show those legs! ;-)

2007-11-04 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1037005

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
jasonbohn9 - 2007-11-04 9:06 AM

had another little walk/jog this morning. more of a walk then a jog, but still logging miles, and i wasn't going to push it too hard after working 13 hours (gotta LOVE working through the time change)

so i'm at

11.1 miles biking (19%)
7.2 miles jogging (18%)
1000 yd swimming (20%)

IF I am able to get in a workout after working my part time job, I shall be at 25% TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, but, thats pretty unlikely. I may be able to hit the fitness center at work and get the biking and jogging done, but if the pool is closed I'll be out of luck on that. I may have to hop down there Monday and finish the measly 250 yards of swimming that would put me at 25%

GFI, Jason!

Besides, once you achieve 100%, we'll just raise your goals again. Nice how it works, huh? LOL

2007-11-04 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1037189

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 1:12 PM

also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!!
you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL
(ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!!

i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!

Hm. For the next challenge, I think Lyssa and Yanti need to be teammates.....

2007-11-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

Trust me, you really don't wanna see my legs...way too big (and not muscley big), way too white...they look like the stay puff marshmallow man's legs.  Can I take a raincheck for, oh say, a year or so?  maybe then they won't be that bad.

But if you have good looking legs, please post...I can dream my legs will look like that one day! 

2007-11-04 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1037240

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-04 10:41 AM

, way too white...they look like the stay puff marshmallow man's legs. 

HAHAHA you think YOUR legs are white!!!!
i'll post my legs, BUT i won't post FIRST. my right as team PITA!!
2007-11-04 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
in FACT, since we seem to be a team of so many fine fellas, i think we really ought to see some fine man flesh before us girls have to start posting. tee hee
2007-11-04 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
come on, i KNOW some of you guys are proud of your fine legs. and i KNOW some of you are DYING to post so we girls can ooh and ahhhh, i know, it's hard to be first, but i have faith in ya!! you'll be rewarded with much female affirmation. promise.
2007-11-04 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1037289

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-05 5:29 AM come on, i KNOW some of you guys are proud of your fine legs. and i KNOW some of you are DYING to post so we girls can ooh and ahhhh, i know, it's hard to be first, but i have faith in ya!! you'll be rewarded with much female affirmation. promise.

Love it!!! Come on boys!!!

I have to wear a dress to work tomorrow for a Melbourne cup thing... so since my legs will be out anyway I will try and remember to take a pic  

2007-11-04 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1037224

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

D001 - 2007-11-05 4:28 AM
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 1:12 PM also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!! you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL (ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!! i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!
Hm. For the next challenge, I think Lyssa and Yanti need to be teammates.....

Already volunteering for another one Dee? 

2007-11-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1037304

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
kaqphin - 2007-11-04 2:07 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-05 5:29 AM come on, i KNOW some of you guys are proud of your fine legs. and i KNOW some of you are DYING to post so we girls can ooh and ahhhh, i know, it's hard to be first, but i have faith in ya!! you'll be rewarded with much female affirmation. promise.

Love it!!! Come on boys!!!

I have to wear a dress to work tomorrow for a Melbourne cup thing... so since my legs will be out anyway I will try and remember to take a pic  

Remember to take your camera!

penguin taking a picture

2007-11-04 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
i have a picture, right here, all ready to go........just waiting for the fellas.
2007-11-04 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7


Final Results for the run challenge are : http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=95359&posts=1#M1037394

thought some of you might want to know!


2007-11-04 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1037305

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
kaqphin - 2007-11-04 3:07 PM

D001 - 2007-11-05 4:28 AM
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 1:12 PM also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!! you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL (ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!! i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!
Hm. For the next challenge, I think Lyssa and Yanti need to be teammates.....

Already volunteering for another one Dee?


I'd keep on yelling, but the last time I did that, it made the screen really w-i-d-e.

So pretend that I'm STILL yelling.

To everyone else --- Let me tell you, setting up these challenges is a HUGE amount of work!

That said, it's pretty cool because you also get to meet a lot of really amazing people.

So yeah, it's been a lot of work, but it's been a lot of fun, too.

2007-11-04 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1037446

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
D001 - 2007-11-04 2:27 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-04 3:07 PM

D001 - 2007-11-05 4:28 AM
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 1:12 PM also--(ahem) i have decided that it's time to see some legs! winning team notwithstanding. i want to see legs. post a pic, show off those muscles, i'm ready to see all kinds of great triathlete legs on THIS thread. tired of running off to twisnibins to see the leg shots!! you work hard for your legs, now SHOW THEM TO YOUR TEAMATES!!! LOL (ok, i guess if arms abs or something else is your thing, that would be fine too) but come on, lets see it!! i know i know. i'm the team PITA (pain in the a$$) but i'm PROUD!!
Hm. For the next challenge, I think Lyssa and Yanti need to be teammates.....

Already volunteering for another one Dee?

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... I'd keep on yelling, but the last time I did that, it made the screen really w-i-d-e. So pretend that I'm STILL yelling. To everyone else --- Let me tell you, setting up these challenges is a HUGE amount of work! That said, it's pretty cool because you also get to meet a lot of really amazing people. So yeah, it's been a lot of work, but it's been a lot of fun, too.

Eh, it's like horrible long endurance events ... during and after, you're thinking, NEVER AGAIN ... and then after it's all over and you come down and get postrace blues, you're like, but when is there gonna be another one?

Lyssa rocks. I can just see BT blowing up if we were on the same team.

Yep, I always do pop my head up exactly at the right moments!

2007-11-04 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1037453

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

Lyssa posted her legs!

Well, her leg actually. Singular.

Great leg, Lyssa! All that running and biking has paid off!

For those of you who would like to see Lyssa's leg, the price will be....... Ah well, you can see it for free - TWSNBN thread, page 20.

2007-11-04 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1037504

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7
D001 - 2007-11-04 3:15 PM

Lyssa posted her legs!

Well, her leg actually. Singular.

Great leg, Lyssa! All that running and biking has paid off!

For those of you who would like to see Lyssa's leg, the price will be....... Ah well, you can see it for free - TWSNBN thread, page 20.

AHHH!! you squealed!!! oh there's gonna be some payback dee! you're in SUCH trouble LOL

Edited by lyssa-gator 2007-11-04 5:19 PM
2007-11-04 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1037507

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team 7

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-04 5:17 PM
D001 - 2007-11-04 3:15 PM Lyssa posted her legs! Well, her leg actually. Singular. Great leg, Lyssa! All that running and biking has paid off! For those of you who would like to see Lyssa's leg, the price will be....... Ah well, you can see it for free - TWSNBN thread, page 20.
AHHH!! you squealed!!! oh there's gonna be some payback dee! you're in SUCH trouble LOL

Watch as the drama unfolds - LOLOLOL


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