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2008-01-08 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
My plan is going well. I have been able to make every workout and keep up with the rest of life at the same time. I have picked out my first Tri date in late April. It is a very short race geared toward beginners. My major concern is sleep, although it has not affected me yet my days seem to have less and less time for sleep.

2008-01-10 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Hi Guy's sorry I haven't been to active thsi week on the forum getting killed at work and wife and son have been really sick so been playing Mr Dad, Bread Winner and triathlete, whew I am tired.

Going to answer questiosn above now and try and get new swimming post in by the end of the week. 


2008-01-10 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1141391

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

"2.I have two main concerns. First is motivation...right now its pretty year, new training program, new goals, but I definitely know that I am the type of person who is very gung ho at the start of something new, then my motivation slips and I find it so hard to push myself through and train anyway. The second concern I have, and it probably shouldn't be a concern, is my speed. I know I shouldn't compare myself to anyone else, but I look at all the training logs and see that I am comparatively very slow in all three disciplines, and that bugs me. It actually feeds into my first I'm so freakin' slow, why do I even bother? What do you all do when motivation is an issue?


Kristen - In my opinion you need to step back and ask yourself the following questions. 1/ Why did I get into this sport? 2/ What do I want to acheive out of it?

Unfortunately not everyone can be front of the pack athlete's and I some times am very envious of back of the pack athlete's they always seem to enjoy them selves very much during the races have plenty of company on the run and bike. I find racing very lonely. I am usually in the first wave as men  35-39 is usually the fastest so I get out of the water in 5-7th pace in my AG finish the bike having seen no one then run and maybe pass 1-2 people in my AG and that is it. In my Half IM I rode 56miles without talking to anyone 8-)

Kristen motivation comes from your goals I believe, restablish what those are. Is it to Lose weight, feel healthy, set a good image for your children? If so then quantify those i.e. "A goal is to fit into those Size 8 jeans I used to fit out of college etc then put in place the solution over time to hit that goal. If your goal is to be fast then you need to commit to achieving these by commiting to actions that will make you fast. Anyone can be fast just need to commit 100% to that goal only you can decide if you want that and the sacrifices in terms of family time, money, sleep etc. My recommendation is if you really want it hire a coach.

Hope this helps a little. If you have specific questions on how to improve hopefully they are being answered in the articles.








2008-01-10 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1141936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

aarondavidson - 2008-01-08 11:15 AM My training is going well (bike/run), I have a long 2hr run planned for tomorrow. Building a bigger /faster base for biking and running as well. My only real concern is my lack of swimming, just gotta start scheduling it again, so that this is not a dualthon/marathon season.

Aaron - My advice is get in the pool now and swim if you can't make yourself do it in winter while it is cold outside then you have no chance in summer when all we want to do is run and ride outside when the weather is warm 8-)

2008-01-10 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1142966

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-01-08 3:11 PM 1. my training is going well, but I am still in the winter phase of my program. I don't start my actual training program until April since I don't have my first race until the end of June 2. concerns are swimming obviously. TT today was a little discouraging. I thought after 2 months of a solid base I would be faster than I am. other concerns are staying injury free until June - there are a lot of hours in these training programs and I'm not getting any younger

A wise lady (My old Coach) once told me it takes 6 years to hit your potential in traithlon and patience is the key. Molly in terms of swimming yes it is frustrating but you are putting the building blocks in place at the moment for a strong swim come race season. As you say it is winter just carry on working on the technique and base, when you start your summer program you will be amazed how fast you are when you start adding some speed sessions, I hear you on the aging front I am definitely not getting younger 8-)

2008-01-10 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1144083

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Ram Run - 2008-01-08 9:30 PM My plan is going well. I have been able to make every workout and keep up with the rest of life at the same time. I have picked out my first Tri date in late April. It is a very short race geared toward beginners. My major concern is sleep, although it has not affected me yet my days seem to have less and less time for sleep.

Mitch you said it buddy you have made every work-out as you all know in my opinion consistency is the key.

Yes a beginner tri is a good start. The key for your first tri is to not set any time goals. Goal should be in my opinion. "To finish the race and enjoy myself and not feel like death afterward"

We all only once ever get to do our first tri, try and enjoy the experience, no matter how fast we are in training etc we will all make mistakes in our first tri, we will all be nervous and anxious don't heap more pressure on ourselves by setting time goals. Think of it this way how do we know what our potential time is when we have never done a tri before? doesn't make sense in my opinion. Go out there smile, thank the volunteers enjoy the race and then afterward say you know what I could have easily knocked 10 minutes off if I had done things differently and then start setting some time goals for your second race.

This is the approach I am taking for my first IM, I am going to enjoy teh day and suck up the atmosphere. I will worry about time goals in my second race if I do one.








2008-01-12 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I have felt great since my long run the other day. Unfortunately I havent had the chance to do much training since. Busy with family stuff, hoping my daughter falls asleep soon, so I can hop on the trainer for a while.
2008-01-12 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had a question to present to the group and wanted some thoughts. My mom's trainer is a triathlete - done many IM, HIM, marathons etc. She is very very fast on the bike and a certified coach for tris. She has decided to put together a clinic for those doing Rage in the Sage (this is the race my sister signed up for in April). I thought about signing up for the clinic (cost $325) which includes a training program, planned brick workouts on Saturdays and 2 other workouts during the week, various clinics and some other extras.

I am wondering if it is really worth the money to sign up for the clinic. She is a great trainer and has trained several of my friends who have competed in IM, HIm etc. including one who qualified and went to Hawaii World Championships. I would really like to do the clinic but the problem is that it does not fit with my goals for this season of triathlon. I really do not want to do Rage in the Sage as I had a horrible experience with this race last year and NO desire to do it again ever! Plus I have already signed up for and paid for all of my races this season so I really don't want to change my race schedule. I know I could benefit from the program, but I also cannot guarantee I will make the majority of the sessions and for the price I am wondering if it is worth rather than just doing a master swim class and maybe some one on one training with her.

Thoughts are appreciated. I am also interested to know if anyone else is working with a coach or tri club and what your thoughts are on that.

Thanks all!
2008-01-13 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1152622

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-01-12 10:49 PM

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had a question to present to the group and wanted some thoughts. My mom's trainer is a triathlete - done many IM, HIM, marathons etc. She is very very fast on the bike and a certified coach for tris. She has decided to put together a clinic for those doing Rage in the Sage (this is the race my sister signed up for in April). I thought about signing up for the clinic (cost $325) which includes a training program, planned brick workouts on Saturdays and 2 other workouts during the week, various clinics and some other extras.

I am wondering if it is really worth the money to sign up for the clinic. She is a great trainer and has trained several of my friends who have competed in IM, HIm etc. including one who qualified and went to Hawaii World Championships. I would really like to do the clinic but the problem is that it does not fit with my goals for this season of triathlon. I really do not want to do Rage in the Sage as I had a horrible experience with this race last year and NO desire to do it again ever! Plus I have already signed up for and paid for all of my races this season so I really don't want to change my race schedule. I know I could benefit from the program, but I also cannot guarantee I will make the majority of the sessions and for the price I am wondering if it is worth rather than just doing a master swim class and maybe some one on one training with her.

Thoughts are appreciated. I am also interested to know if anyone else is working with a coach or tri club and what your thoughts are on that.

Thanks all!

How long does the clinic last for? Sounds like it lasts a while, if it is a month I would say for sure, shorter I would be torn. Sounds like you could get some great advice.

Edited by aarondavidson 2008-01-13 5:18 PM
2008-01-13 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
It lasts 2-3 months I think may be 8 - 12 weeks but not confirmed
2008-01-14 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1152622

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-01-12 9:49 PM Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had a question to present to the group and wanted some thoughts. My mom's trainer is a triathlete - done many IM, HIM, marathons etc. She is very very fast on the bike and a certified coach for tris. She has decided to put together a clinic for those doing Rage in the Sage (this is the race my sister signed up for in April). I thought about signing up for the clinic (cost $325) which includes a training program, planned brick workouts on Saturdays and 2 other workouts during the week, various clinics and some other extras. I am wondering if it is really worth the money to sign up for the clinic. She is a great trainer and has trained several of my friends who have competed in IM, HIm etc. including one who qualified and went to Hawaii World Championships. I would really like to do the clinic but the problem is that it does not fit with my goals for this season of triathlon. I really do not want to do Rage in the Sage as I had a horrible experience with this race last year and NO desire to do it again ever! Plus I have already signed up for and paid for all of my races this season so I really don't want to change my race schedule. I know I could benefit from the program, but I also cannot guarantee I will make the majority of the sessions and for the price I am wondering if it is worth rather than just doing a master swim class and maybe some one on one training with her. Thoughts are appreciated. I am also interested to know if anyone else is working with a coach or tri club and what your thoughts are on that. Thanks all!

Molly here is my 2 cents, for what that might be worth.

I spent all of 2007 training with a triathlon group that my coach ran and am a big believer in these types of groups very good for getting motivation and improving your skills by learning from more experienced people and a coach. But:

I think in your case this isn't going to work for you. You are already following a plan and from what I can see from your logs this is working well for you. I wouldn't try to complicate things by adding a mix and match of two programs. Forget that the coach has gone to Hawaii your goals are sprints for 2008 and as you say you have your racces mapped out for 2008 and the funds paid. I don't personally see much value in training with an endurance coach when you are concentrating on short distance.

Maybe what you might want to do is talk to this coach and see if you can attend some of the specific clinics she is going to conduct and see if you can pay on a per session basis or use the money to get a one to one session with a run/swim coach or as you say join masters swim squad...

Any ways just my thoughts!!! 








2008-01-15 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Check this artice out? As you know I am a big beliver in building base at this time of year....Thsi is quiet a useful article just posted today worth a read. I think the only thing he didn't cover off is training at high intensity frequently causes injury. I also like to build technique specific skills in base period, such as one legged drills on the bike, lots of drills swimming and strides during running...

I really like the point he makes at the end about slowing down let's you enjoy looking around and taking in the scenery!!!



2008-01-15 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Guy's - Wanted to share with you the attached article, it is about IM racing and mental toughness but I believe the concept/approach can be used for all distances, believe me in some of my races last year My mind and body were arguing hugely about continuing.....

I must have read this article 2 -3 times I really like it and I am going to use the "One thing" Approach at my HIM and IM this year. Some of you have already doen tris and running races how so you deal with your body when you hit the wall? 

I know I still owe some swimming articles as soon as I am done I will post...






2008-01-15 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1158109

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
jamesG - 2008-01-15 3:54 PM

in some of my races last year My mind and body were arguing hugely about continuing.....

 Sounds like me every day during training....


Great article! Thank you.

2008-01-16 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I finally got back in the pool earlier today. It was rough, my legs felt very heavy afterwards. It was good to be back in the pool, just hate that my breathing sticks, and that my heart was racing.
2008-01-18 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1159634

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

aarondavidson - 2008-01-16 11:55 AM I finally got back in the pool earlier today. It was rough, my legs felt very heavy afterwards. It was good to be back in the pool, just hate that my breathing sticks, and that my heart was racing.

Aaron, good job on the swimming remember it only gets easier the more you do it 8-)

2008-01-18 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

So what's on tap for the long weekend?

For Me

Saturday - Early 8am ride with Mossman Tri Group.

Sunday -  early 6.30am trail run with a couple of buddies 7+ miles.

Sunday afternoon Football and lots fo beer and snacks 8-)


2008-01-18 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Sat: Swim 1700 drills; long ride 30+ miles with club; drive to CA to pick up my daughter from the in-laws

Sun: 7 miles run and cheer on my sister (Beth) who is running the Carlsbad Marathon; SD Wild Animal Park in the afternoon

Have a good weekend everyone!
2008-01-18 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I have family coming in, so not sure how much I will actually get it in.

Saturday: Long run
Sunday: Swim/Bike
Monday: Bike/Run
2008-01-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
After a Swim/Bike Brick later today.
Saturday - Short Run
Sunday - Long Bike Ride
Monday - Long Swim

Have a good weekend.

2008-01-18 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Let me just say how consistent your guy's training has been of late, keep it up and you guys will have amazing success this year.

Also one final thing Kirsten left me message regarding riding on a trainer. It is recognised that training on a trainer is harder than riding outside there is no coasting on a trainer you are riding all the time and the resistance is constant. So in my opinion and my old coaches opinion a two hour ride on the trainer is equivalent to a 2 1/2 hour ride on the road.

Anyone got any suggestions fo how to relieve the boredom on the trainer?  I tend to ride outside as much as possible in winter for my long rides but if it is unbearable I will watch Lord of the Rings On DVD, works everytime nice long movie with lots of action. Also another good option is to get the spinnerval DVD's or invite some friends over to ride as a group time passed very quickly. I have NEVER ridden longer than 2 hours on a trainer just can't bear it. Aaron maybe you can chip something in here your ability to ride long on the trainer is second to none 8-)


Edited by jamesG 2008-01-19 9:08 AM

2008-01-18 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Weekend for me:

Saturday: Long noted above probably have to do it on the trainer so 2 hr rather than 2 1/2. and a 30 minute recovery run.

Sunday: 30 minute run and 1 hr trainer ride in small chain ring.

Monday: 45 minute swim

2008-01-18 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1164738

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
jamesG - 2008-01-18 5:01 PM

Anyone got any suggestions fo how to relieve the boredom on the trainer? I tend to ride outside as much as possible in winter for my long rides but if it is unbearable I will watch Lord of the Rings On DVD, works everytime nice long movie with lots of action. Also another good option is to get the spinnerval DVD's or invite some friends over to ride as a group time passed very quickly. I have NEVER ridden longer than 2 hours on a trainer just can't bear it. Aaron maybe you can chip something in here your ability to ride long on the trainer is second to none 8-)

I did 2hours tonight. I love movies, so I tend to pop-in a movie and ride through the movie, I can not monitor cadence, so I just try to keep my speed up. I do not get bored to too often during a movie unless the movie is terrible.

Another thing you can do is get entire seasons of a TV show that you enjoyed but havent seen or have heard a lot about. That way you can at least break your sessions into 30-60min sections. I just finished catching up the other day on the british show Top Gear, missed the last season.

During Top Gear I do a few things, whenever there is a car on the track I try to sprint. When a celebrity is on the track or a car is being speed tested on their track, I sprint. I try not to give myself breaks, I just do my best to keep my average speed above 17mph and as close to 18mph as possible unless I decide before I even start that I will take it easy which means average speed of under 17mph.

I just do my best to fight the boredom, and somehow in my mind I think that if I ride faster, I will finish faster.
2008-01-19 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Does anyone have a computrainer for the bike? I am thinking about investing in one but it is terrinly expensive. I have tried it once and it seems like it is good for specific training on various courses since you can load the specific course into the computer and train it. I am wondering 2 things though: (1) is it worth the $1,000+ dollars and (2) if anyone has used it consistently is it really the same as getting outside for a ride? I think it could help with the boredom factor too - I hate the trainer and unless its super windy or raining, I will always go outside.
2008-01-22 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1165395

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-01-19 9:59 AM Does anyone have a computrainer for the bike? I am thinking about investing in one but it is terrinly expensive. I have tried it once and it seems like it is good for specific training on various courses since you can load the specific course into the computer and train it. I am wondering 2 things though: (1) is it worth the $1,000+ dollars and (2) if anyone has used it consistently is it really the same as getting outside for a ride? I think it could help with the boredom factor too - I hate the trainer and unless its super windy or raining, I will always go outside.

Hey Molly - Hope all is going well? your training is looking very solid. I don't have a computrainer but have heard good things about them. But as you say they are really expensive around $1,500 each for a good one. To answer your questions.

In your case I don't think it is worth it, you live in a warm climate so can bike outside 90% of the time. If you say lived in the North East and would use this thing 3 - 4 months of the year then probably worth it. In my opinion nothing is as good as riding out-side for bike handling and strength building. As you say riding a trainer is boreing. If I were you I would put the spare $1,000 aside and look to contribute it to things you would use more and make a bigger difference to you. i.e. Tri bike/Race wheels/Power meter/Aero Helmet etc.

Note: I have never used a computrainer or seen one so you may want to talk to people who use these. But to my way of thinking these just can't be as good as riding outside we race outside so I think we should be training outside as much as possible.

Anyone else got any questions? 







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