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2008-01-23 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

INSPIRE ME FOR LUNCH! I've got 90 minutes to decide...

The grocery store is across the street, I have a toaster oven, a microwave and George Foreman grill. what's the yummiest healthiest lunch anyone can suggest? Looking for a good lunch for a triathlete, since that is what I am going to be someday! 

 I like this quote that's on the BT homepage today:  "You can't think your way into a new way of living - you have to live your way into a new way of thinking." - Lady at the Front Desk of the Gym

and no, Kelly, those ravioli are NOT above your skill level... I will send both.

2008-01-23 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

That your run the only workout you have for the day?  My coach is fond of  telling us that we should ask ourselves when I'm making a decision about eating "What am I doing for the next 3-4 hours?" If the answer is sitting at a desk then have a salad, Grilled veggies or something light.  If your going to go for your afternoon workout and need energy you can work in your carbs.  When you eat and What you eat are all part of the balance.

I know that isn't what you were looking for creativity wise but I'm short on that today.  Hopefully it will help you "be good" and still enjoy lunch.   I love pasta at lunch but it's kind of pointless if I'm going to be doing nothing for 6 hours.




Edited by tri-chic 2008-01-23 10:18 AM
2008-01-23 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1171684

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
tri-chic - 2008-01-23 10:18 AM

That your run the only workout you have for the day?  My coach is fond of  telling us that we should ask ourselves when I'm making a decision about eating "What am I doing for the next 3-4 hours?" If the answer is sitting at a desk then have a salad, Grilled veggies or something light.  If your going to go for your afternoon workout and need energy you can work in your carbs.  When you eat and What you eat are all part of the balance.

I know that isn't what you were looking for creativity wise but I'm short on that today.  Hopefully it will help you "be good" and still enjoy lunch.   I love pasta at lunch but it's kind of pointless if I'm going to be doing nothing for 6 hours.


Nope - that was very inspiring and helpful. Since I may or may not ride on my trainer tonite, I opted to have a big salad with 1 oz of cheese, 1 oz of roast beef and 1 oz of turkey breast. Thanks for the inspiration when I might otherwise have gone for a turkey sandwich....and especially since I dont' know what dinner may hold yet...




2008-01-23 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Oh you guys are so healthy today!  And I've got to stop at Burger King between finishing off teaching at 12:20 and getting to a professional development meeting 30 mins. away by 1:00 -- and I hear that class, so bye!
2008-01-23 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Don't sweat BK.  I keep a bag of carrotts in the car or apples and oranges.  Then if I need to stop for fast food at least I don't feel like I need the fries to fill me up.  I can grab the healthy stuff.

FYI...I'm full of good information but I have NO will power when it comes to sweets and chocolate.  I eat ice cream several times a week and the chocolate candy jar calls my name often.  Normally all this wouldn't be an issue when I'm training hard but coming off the holidays and still base training it is getting the best of me.  A random inspire telling me to step away...wouldn't be out of line.   Stink'in donuts are still calling my name today but I think I'm over the urge. 

2008-01-23 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1172198

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!



I know- I love to eat healthy and then I get those urges........I never ate candy till I started this new job 2 years ago. I can hear Jill in my office emptying those peanut m&m's into the candy dish from a hundred paces. It's really pathetic.


I, too would love the random accountability of someone telling me to stop eating crap and start eating for fuel.  I do sometimes try to remind myself-- donut, poor choice and waste of calories...if you are going to splurge, do it for something yum like homemade something special.

Edited by aquinn 2008-01-23 2:02 PM

2008-01-23 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

LMAO!!! The girl in my office with the chocolate is named Jill too.   They are EVIL!!!!

Homemade goodies are MUCH better than anything out of a wrapper. 

Peanut M&M's-  Calories in 1 -1.75oz bag   250 Calories/ 120 FAT Calories

Chocolate Kisses are 250 Calories for 9 pieces and 180 for the Dark Chocolate.  These wreak havoc on my thighs.

Do you know how long you have to run to burn 250 Calories?  Get on the treadmill for your next run and it will show you what you burned.  It takes a while.  I always look for 120 calories and think dang, I only burned a soda with that workout.  Was it worth it?  Probably Not.

Step away from the bowl.

2008-01-23 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

mmmm....all this talk about food...reminds me of the commercial (Lean Cuisine, I think?)'s all about being prepared - like Kelly said, she keeps healthy snacks in her car.  Gotta do the same at home.  Get rid of the stuff you can't resist.  Ever had a picture of yourself where you really, really like the way you look?  Post it on the fridge.  My friend keeps a pic of herself when she was over her ideal weight on her fridge.  She's pencil thin.  She also lives in NYC, has no kids and walks everywhere.  But, not a bad idea.

Anyone use Fitday?  I don't use it faithfully, but every so often I log my food just to see where I'm at.  I am sometimes quite shocked not by what I'm eating, but by the nutritional breakdown.  I eat more hidden fat than I want, and have to keep tabs on it. 

Great tip from your coach, Kelly, to consider what you are doing for the next 3-4 hours after you eat, and eat accordingly.  A big bowl of pasta for dinnner, if you are finished with training for the day, is probably a pretty bad idea for weight loss.  When I try to focus on eating, I try to eliminate all things processed, which includes the pretzels and diet sunkist I had a little while ago.    Shoulda had carrots and water but the junk was there. 

 Good to see some discussion here!  Keep it up  

2008-01-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1172265

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
tri-chic - 2008-01-23 3:23 PM

LMAO!!! The girl in my office with the chocolate is named Jill too.   They are EVIL!!!!

Homemade goodies are MUCH better than anything out of a wrapper. 

Peanut M&M's-  Calories in 1 -1.75oz bag   250 Calories/ 120 FAT Calories

Chocolate Kisses are 250 Calories for 9 pieces and 180 for the Dark Chocolate.  These wreak havoc on my thighs.

Do you know how long you have to run to burn 250 Calories?  Get on the treadmill for your next run and it will show you what you burned.  It takes a while.  I always look for 120 calories and think dang, I only burned a soda with that workout.  Was it worth it?  Probably Not.

Step away from the bowl.

Great point!  Much easier to give up that extra serving of dinner or a desert than run an EXTRA 5 miles.    Very rough estimate for calories on a run 100 calories/mile.  

2008-01-23 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Or perhaps I can use the reverse- I might make coconut and beef curry with whole wheat angel hair if I decide to ride tonight...............not a bad trade off........especially if I really beef up the veggie content on the curry...

I cannot believe your chocolate girl is named Jill, too!! TOO MUCH!

2008-01-23 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
So much to comment on....

First, Mimi, I don't think I'll be dropping and doing 20 pushup three x a day, as my suit and heels and workshop particpants might find it strange!

Swimming hair-its green, and dry, and feels mostly like straw

Snow-try upstate NY (where I lived until August), we had 10 feet last year

Food: Food for fuel is no fun, my nutritionist put me on a plan during my HIM last year that included one bag of peanut M&Ms a day. Of course I was eating 2500 calories minimum a day during training. I still eat popcorn and chocolate everyday (100 calorie bags are awesome for this!!) That said, Cooking LIght magazine has been an outstanding resource for healthy food that's easy to make and doesn't taste like doody.

Dork Report: I didn't know the little exclamation pt on the logs is a comment flag!! I didn't know you could even comment and until a week ago or so I didn't use the log. I can't promise I'll continue, mostly because I just forget to do it and I can write in my paper log easier than logging in to the computer. Also, I didnt' know I could read other people's logs.

Did you hear, they have the internet on computers now...

oh, and I have to run 7 miles

2008-01-23 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Do you accept triathletes (or someone who thought seriously about giving up triathlons at 6:15 CDT on Nov 3) struggling with motivation who are thinking more about Duathlons and a season ending marathon as opposed to getting wet in a pool?

My stats, 1st Tri, July 2004, completed 12 TRI's overall. Thought I was a solid cyclist but that ego is getting squashed. Improved running last year but have regressed over the holidays. Middle to Back of the pack swimmer, but drowning, even without a wetsuit, is no longer a concern.

40 yr old father of 3.3 kids with a wife who's tri plans for 2008 were postponed for a year.

Planned races

Mile Hi Duathlon Series (May 10, Jun 7 and July 12) (B)

Harvest Moon Long Course Tri (Sept 14) (A)

Denver Marathon (Oct 19) (A-)

assorted running races throughout the year. 

Edited by jcjsc00 2008-01-23 2:49 PM
2008-01-23 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1172312

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Oh, sister- I AM in the upstatey-ist of upstate- but we mostly get the cold and not the snow. You must have been near Buffalo/Syracuse/Rochester/Tug Hill plateau - aka lake effect- it never quite reaches us here in the mountains of Lake Placid- though I love it and wish it would.

I am also in heels but relatively private (work as attorney in judge's chambers) so if want to drop and give 'em 20, only Rick (the judge) and Jill (our secretary) will think me crazy.

2008-01-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Hi everyone

You girls are writing faster than I can read, but now I'm through all your posts.

Had a good swim tonigth and tomorrow I'm out for an early run before work, just 5 km.

All this talk about chocolate and ice cream, makes we wonder if this group is rigth for me. I just got it out of my head, but I have several homemade icecreams in the fridge. Now I have to go out and get some. And the candy? I leave that to Jette.

It's getting late here in Denmark, so I'm off to bed. Better be ready in the morning.

2008-01-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
You got it! Just west of Syracuse, where walls of snow are cleared daily by the plows. These Detroiters just don't know how good they have it! When the whole city shut down for 6-8 inches, including mass purchases of bread and milk I was shocked. I drove to the gym that day, to find that it was closed. Who closes a gym? And if my Versa could get there, certainly the SUV driving suburbanites can.

My last trip to Lake Placid area (the adirondacks, really) was for the Adirondack Marathon. I love this one, despite the hills. 400 or fewer runners, no spectators and lots of fall foliage. Funny how your memory gets fuzzier and happier with time.
2008-01-23 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1172320

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN. FOR REAL THIS TIME
jcjsc00 - 2008-01-23 3:46 PM

Do you accept triathletes (or someone who thought seriously about giving up triathlons at 6:15 CDT on Nov 3) struggling with motivation who are thinking more about Duathlons and a season ending marathon as opposed to getting wet in a pool?

My stats, 1st Tri, July 2004, completed 12 TRI's overall. Thought I was a solid cyclist but that ego is getting squashed. Improved running last year but have regressed over the holidays. Middle to Back of the pack swimmer, but drowning, even without a wetsuit, is no longer a concern.

40 yr old father of 3.3 kids with a wife who's tri plans for 2008 were postponed for a year.

Planned races

Mile Hi Duathlon Series (May 10, Jun 7 and July 12) (B)

Harvest Moon Long Course Tri (Sept 14) (A)

Denver Marathon (Oct 19) (A-)

assorted running races throughout the year. 

WELL!!!  Of course we do   Plus, I already sort of "know" you!   I have to go take my daughter to SWIM practice, and meet a client, but SCOTT is the last and final for real member of this group.  Welcome to the fold!  We'll get you back to LOVING the tri.  I don't even want to hear the D word in your brain anymore!!! 

2008-01-23 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Does anyone have any tips for self-flagellation? This is about all I can do until I can breathe again. Maybe I can find a good hairshirt to train in.

I actually slept about EIGHT hours last night, with good and cool dreams, the whole shot. This is so rare for me these days so I was LOVIN' EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!

Great to have some new people on the ride! You guys are funny, too, and funny is awesome.

Today is the last day of the teaching semester so it's a showing of "Hairspray" for all of my classes today. Nice easy day for me, allowing me to sit at my desk and review my training schedule. Yeah. I'll get a swim in as well.

If anyone ever comes to Korea, the Doenjang-chigae is on me.

Have good days everyone (or evenings where you are)!

Edited by Krakatoa 2008-01-23 3:42 PM
2008-01-23 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1172394

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

So you did the Schroon Lake marathon?  I try to do the half there. I really like it. But having only done relatively tiny halves and one tiny full (by tiny, I mean not many racers) I am JONESING to do NYC! Where do you live now, Kelly?  And what particular part of Syracuse area did you live in?

 FYI- I've got a full plate tonight as far as being a mom, and household duties and possibly some work from the office-- so I may not be able to ride. Will strive to put in 30 anyway. This being the case, I bagged on the curry and its associated pasta- and had a big fat omelette with about a pound of mushrooms, plus spinach, shallots and herbed goat cheese. 

 Tomorrow is back in the pool- have I told you guys that my pool closes in a week and then I have to travel about 20 minutes west of my house (I work 30 miles southeast) to a pool with very bad hours (none in the morning) and very cold water. I need to buy me a wetsuit PRONTO!!  Still, small matter-- this pool thing is not going to slow me down. Just gotta plan for it........that's what I'm telling myself. 

2008-01-23 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

I know we are already a couple of days into it, but here is my plan for the week. Now to get the motivation to be on the trainer.  (The numbers are minutes of activity)


1/22 1/23
1/24   1/25
 1/26  1/27

Running 20



Edited by jcjsc00 2008-01-23 5:31 PM
2008-01-23 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!


I'm in San Antonio where it's nice and warm.... .  I think you were talking to Kim about Syracuse.

Your omelette sounds yummy and healthy.  Good Job!!!

Well the swim is done and now I'm off to Exh. B's basketball game.

More tomorrow....

2008-01-23 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1172718

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
jcjsc00 - 2008-01-23 4:28 PM

I know we are already a couple of days into it, but here is my plan for the week. Now to get the motivation to be on the trainer. 

Tell me about it!  I've got a trainer ride scheduled for this PM  (after my girls are in bed - about 8PM) and I am tired and sore.  However, I know y'all are going to be checking to see if I did it, so I wll get my tush on that saddle and get it done.  Can't promise that all of the strength training will get done, but I will at least do my 20 push-ups! 

2008-01-23 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1172702

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 1 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!


Yeah- duh- I knew that- Kelly = Texas, Kim = Detroit by way of Syracuse region.whoops.

2008-01-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


I've got an easy 3 solid months to go on this trainer till I can hit the real road (though I think I am shipping my bike to Florida for my 2 week spring break in March) This means I've got a long time to concentrate on form on this bike before I need to worrry about traffic or potholes or what have you. Hope I can turn that into a benefit- instead of the bummer that it feels like.  Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- my question is-- how fast (as in revolutions per minute, I guess- is that how yoy measure cycling cadence??) should I be going? On a 30 minute ride, let's say? And then on a 90 minute ride? I have next to no biking base- just random spinning classes here and there. Just hooked the trainer up last week and feel embarassed about saying that I never even took the bike outside last year. Yeah, I KNOW that's bad-- I love my bike! I think I can gain quickly=- I have other seasons. But I am not sure how fast I should really be pedaling this baby. Cause seriously? There is no bloody way I can keep up what I just did for 30 for 90 on Friday. Yikes.

 I have a LONG AXX way to GO before I am in the league of a triathlete. Holy Christmas!

2008-01-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Scott, let's not forget...YOU ARE AN IRONMAN! You can put in 35 minutes on the trainer...remember the good feelings you had when training - how it made you feel, what it did for your body, mind and spirit, and get er done!
2008-01-23 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1173016

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
aquinn - 2008-01-23 9:26 PM


I've got an easy 3 solid months to go on this trainer till I can hit the real road (though I think I am shipping my bike to Florida for my 2 week spring break in March) This means I've got a long time to concentrate on form on this bike before I need to worrry about traffic or potholes or what have you. Hope I can turn that into a benefit- instead of the bummer that it feels like.  Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- my question is-- how fast (as in revolutions per minute, I guess- is that how yoy measure cycling cadence??) should I be going? On a 30 minute ride, let's say? And then on a 90 minute ride? I have next to no biking base- just random spinning classes here and there. Just hooked the trainer up last week and feel embarassed about saying that I never even took the bike outside last year. Yeah, I KNOW that's bad-- I love my bike! I think I can gain quickly=- I have other seasons. But I am not sure how fast I should really be pedaling this baby. Cause seriously? There is no bloody way I can keep up what I just did for 30 for 90 on Friday. Yikes.

 I have a LONG AXX way to GO before I am in the league of a triathlete. Holy Christmas!

most of my rides at this point are zone 1-2...keeing rpms in the 85-95 ride.  For the shorter rides, you could do an easy spin, do 10 minutes of big ring, small cog, then 10 min of easy spinning. 

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