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2011-01-17 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3304630

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2011-01-17 2:10 PM I just got done planning out my triathlon season.  I planned it as if I was totally healthy and what I would want to do this year.  I am (hopefully) doing a series of 6 races throughout the year beginning in April with a mini sprint and ending in Oct with a HIM.  I also added in an Oly in May.  This way I can build up to the Oly then begin the HIM training after that.  It seems a little ambitious and I hope I can do it.  I've never done more than 4 in one season.  That series also gives you credit if you decide to volunteer for one instead of racing, and they have a big finishers party at the end of the year where I hear they give away some awesome prizes. 

Sounds like a great plan!  Now get that knee taken care of!!

I am still on the fence about what tris I want to do.  So far I just have the runs planned and registered for.  The tris are hard because I never know when we are going to be home in the summer.  Right now I have a 10 mile race the end of March, full marathon mid May, and a half marathon end of August.  I will do a fall marathon too.  It all depends if I get in through the NYC lottery.

I am kinda waiting to plan any tris to see what my tri club does/encourages.  We have a kick off meeting planned the beginning of next month. 

2011-01-17 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sitting at work also - I am in the construction industry and lucky that the owner of the company even gives us X-mas off.

Meggan - Nice job on the outside run.  You'll get used to it eventually and then before you know it it is warm again.  I did an 11 miler on Sunday in 6 degrees and the whole time I was running I just kept telling myself that this is only making me stronger and then when it is 60 degrees for my marathon it will be a piece of cake.  Its all mental - which is exactly what people in cars that drive by us think we are -haha

Tim - Good news that you can bike and swim again.  Hopefully the MRI will give you some results adn at least allow a plan of attack instead of just not running.
2011-01-17 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3304630

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Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2011-01-17 12:10 PM I just got done planning out my triathlon season.  I planned it as if I was totally healthy and what I would want to do this year.  I am (hopefully) doing a series of 6 races throughout the year beginning in April with a mini sprint and ending in Oct with a HIM.  I also added in an Oly in May.  This way I can build up to the Oly then begin the HIM training after that.  It seems a little ambitious and I hope I can do it.  I've never done more than 4 in one season.  That series also gives you credit if you decide to volunteer for one instead of racing, and they have a big finishers party at the end of the year where I hear they give away some awesome prizes. 

I'm glad to see you planning out your year, despite your current issues.  You have been vigilent in finding a resolution to your knee problem and I am sure you will figure it out.  Be persistent and get second/third opinions if you can. 

I am only planning one tri this year, since most of our race resources are going into my husbands IM in August.  So I am doing a local sprint, just too have the experience and something to force me to keep my swimming up a bit.
2011-01-17 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-great job on the run!!!  That is awesome!

T1-that sucks about the knee!  Hang in there.

I am back into the swing of things again and loving it!  Don't know if I told you guys I went back to WW and so far I am down 3 lbs.  I really like the new pointsplus!  It is awesome and I have been making way better food choices.

Hope everyone is doing well!
2011-01-18 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY!  I don't know if I'm excited or nervous.  I'll let you know...

2011-01-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Only you guys will understand my excitement!  I do most of my online shopping for running stuff at  I just checked the deal of the day and they are my running sneaks!!  I have the Aisics gel evolution 5 and this is the 6.  I bought one pair but I am seriously considering buying a second pair by the end of the day.  I know the two pairs I have right now are not going to make it through the marathon training right now.  They are 30% off and I am a VIP so I get free shipping!!!

2011-01-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3305835

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2011-01-18 7:57 AM Only you guys will understand my excitement!  I do most of my online shopping for running stuff at  I just checked the deal of the day and they are my running sneaks!!  I have the Aisics gel evolution 5 and this is the 6.  I bought one pair but I am seriously considering buying a second pair by the end of the day.  I know the two pairs I have right now are not going to make it through the marathon training right now.  They are 30% off and I am a VIP so I get free shipping!!!

Awesome!!!  Go for it.  If I ever found my Brooks on a great deal like that, I would probably buy 2-3 pairs!
2011-01-18 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3305835

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Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2011-01-18 5:57 AM Only you guys will understand my excitement!  I do most of my online shopping for running stuff at  I just checked the deal of the day and they are my running sneaks!!  I have the Aisics gel evolution 5 and this is the 6.  I bought one pair but I am seriously considering buying a second pair by the end of the day.  I know the two pairs I have right now are not going to make it through the marathon training right now.  They are 30% off and I am a VIP so I get free shipping!!!

Nice, I love a good deal especially when it comes to sports gear!  I just picked up another pair of progrid 8's because I had a 30% off coupon, a $10 certificate and a $100 gift card I got for Christmas, it was like getting them for free...almost

Take advantage while you can!

Edited by corstan 2011-01-18 10:25 AM
2011-01-18 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Schedule change!  Turns out, my first class of the semester this morning didn't really count because I just dropped the course! Ha!  A spot opened up on the waitlist for the contracts course I wanted, so even though it doesn't give me as much time on Wednesday to study, THEN workout (T1!), it'll be better overall because I can get workouts in on TR mornings before I go to school, so not on the treadmill!

Monday - day off!
Tuesday - 2-3:15pm Patent and Trade Secret Law
                5:30-6:50pm Education Law
                7-8:20pm Professional Sports Law
Wednesday - 10:20am-12:00pm Drafting and Negotiating Business Contracts
                      3:40-5:20pm Representing Professional Athletes and Coaches
Thursday - same as Tuesdsay
Friday - 10am-12pm Sports Sponsorship and Marketing

Now I think I really am excited for the semester!

2011-01-18 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3306567

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Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2011-01-18 10:15 AM Schedule change!  Turns out, my first class of the semester this morning didn't really count because I just dropped the course! Ha!  A spot opened up on the waitlist for the contracts course I wanted, so even though it doesn't give me as much time on Wednesday to study, THEN workout (T1!), it'll be better overall because I can get workouts in on TR mornings before I go to school, so not on the treadmill!

Monday - day off!
Tuesday - 2-3:15pm Patent and Trade Secret Law
                5:30-6:50pm Education Law
                7-8:20pm Professional Sports Law
Wednesday - 10:20am-12:00pm Drafting and Negotiating Business Contracts
                      3:40-5:20pm Representing Professional Athletes and Coaches
Thursday - same as Tuesdsay
Friday - 10am-12pm Sports Sponsorship and Marketing

Now I think I really am excited for the semester!

Nice that your schedule is set and you have room for everything, don't forget to plan a little R&R into that schedule:-)
2011-01-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Erica-that looks like a tough schedule! 

Meggan-That is a fabulous deal!  I love deals!!  I would get the second pair.

didn't get my 2.5 in, only had 20 min to crank out on the treadmill and I did 2 miles in 20 min.!!!!!  I cannot believe it!  That is a record for me!

oh and I weighed in and only lost .2!  What is up with that I don't know.  I tracked and ate good and didn't go over my points and only .2  I wonder if it is because i ran right before I went and weighed in.  I was still sweating....who knows.  Going to keep pushing though!

2011-01-18 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3307723

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2011-01-18 8:44 PM Erica-that looks like a tough schedule! 

Meggan-That is a fabulous deal!  I love deals!!  I would get the second pair.

didn't get my 2.5 in, only had 20 min to crank out on the treadmill and I did 2 miles in 20 min.!!!!!  I cannot believe it!  That is a record for me!

oh and I weighed in and only lost .2!  What is up with that I don't know.  I tracked and ate good and didn't go over my points and only .2  I wonder if it is because i ran right before I went and weighed in.  I was still sweating....who knows.  Going to keep pushing though!

AWESOME work on the 2 miler!  Keep cranking out those runs and you'll keep cranking out those records!

Don't worry about the weightloss so much, it will come in spurts.  What have you been eating?  How many calories are you netting every day?  When I was on a 1200 calorie/day diet for the wedding, I was actually losing less than I am now at about 1500/day.  I think most of this is attributed to the fact that I've been working out so much, so then I was netting only about 600-700 calories per day, which isn't enough for your body to sustain itself.  Now, I'm netting between 1000-1200 per day, which seems to be treating my body better.  I will eventually make sure I'm netting at least 1200 per day, but I have about 7 more pounds to lose before I want to do that.
2011-01-19 5:44 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good job on the run Debbie!  I have found that those quick sprints can be some of my favorite runs.

I accepted a challenge by a blogger.  It is Run for the Bling of it.  The challenge is to complete 12 races this year.  Ideally it would a race a month.  I will not get a race in this month.  I know that.  We are booked solid this weekend.  It is crazy how much we are trying to pack into this weekend.  We have plans with friends Saturday night and they may need to cancel.  The husband might have torn his Achilles.  While I hope that is not the case, I would not be upset if they cancel.  The next two months are going to get interesting around the Chach household!!  John is down a manager at work and won't get a new one for 8 weeks.  It means a lot of late nights, longer shifts (he already does 5 10 hour days) and some 6 day weeks.  I start working some evenings and Saturday the beginning of next month.  Anyway, this is John's last full weekend  off until further notice.  He has to work every weekend next month starting with next weekend. 

There is no way I can get a 5k race in this weekend.  I would have to find someone to watch the boys next weekend and I already plan to so I can get a 10 mile run in.  Hmmmm....if I can find a 5k close, could I do the 5k and then another 7 miles after it to finish my 10 miles?

I am looking forward to the challenge because it will force me to do more 5ks. 
2011-01-19 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Happy Hump Day, all!

I got in my first swim since AUGUST last night.  I was very happy with how it went, even though it was only short sets.  If I want to do 1.2 this summer, I really need to focus on it, sooo here goes nothing.

On another good note, I only have 7 more days of work after today!  Cannot. be. done. soon. enough.  Funny thing is, we only have had ONE applicant for my position so far, so my boss keeps hinting he wants me to work longer, but I absolutely refuse.  If 4 weeks isn't enough, it's just not my problem.  Oh well!

Meggan - If I lived closer, I would definitely take care of the kids for you while you raced!  I wish I could!  But that challenge sounds intense.  What races are you thinking?
2011-01-19 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3308573

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2011-01-19 9:44 AM Happy Hump Day, all!

I got in my first swim since AUGUST last night.  I was very happy with how it went, even though it was only short sets.  If I want to do 1.2 this summer, I really need to focus on it, sooo here goes nothing.

On another good note, I only have 7 more days of work after today!  Cannot. be. done. soon. enough.  Funny thing is, we only have had ONE applicant for my position so far, so my boss keeps hinting he wants me to work longer, but I absolutely refuse.  If 4 weeks isn't enough, it's just not my problem.  Oh well!

Meggan - If I lived closer, I would definitely take care of the kids for you while you raced!  I wish I could!  But that challenge sounds intense.  What races are you thinking?

Right now I have a 10 mile in March, a marathon in May, a half marathon in August, and hopefully another fall marathon.  I am planning 2 sprint tris and will fill the rest in with 5ks.
2011-01-19 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3307817

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2011-01-18 9:47 PM
debbiereid06 - 2011-01-18 8:44 PM Erica-that looks like a tough schedule! 

Meggan-That is a fabulous deal!  I love deals!!  I would get the second pair.

didn't get my 2.5 in, only had 20 min to crank out on the treadmill and I did 2 miles in 20 min.!!!!!  I cannot believe it!  That is a record for me!

oh and I weighed in and only lost .2!  What is up with that I don't know.  I tracked and ate good and didn't go over my points and only .2  I wonder if it is because i ran right before I went and weighed in.  I was still sweating....who knows.  Going to keep pushing though!

AWESOME work on the 2 miler!  Keep cranking out those runs and you'll keep cranking out those records!

Don't worry about the weightloss so much, it will come in spurts.  What have you been eating?  How many calories are you netting every day?  When I was on a 1200 calorie/day diet for the wedding, I was actually losing less than I am now at about 1500/day.  I think most of this is attributed to the fact that I've been working out so much, so then I was netting only about 600-700 calories per day, which isn't enough for your body to sustain itself.  Now, I'm netting between 1000-1200 per day, which seems to be treating my body better.  I will eventually make sure I'm netting at least 1200 per day, but I have about 7 more pounds to lose before I want to do that.

I am doing weight watchers again, so i know that I am eating enough.  I really am going to attribute it to the fact that I ran and then went and immediately weighed in.  We shall see how next week goes.  I am definately eating better and making better food choices.  I had not been incorporating much fruit and/or veggies into my daily intake and now I am so it is just a matter of time before it starts to come off.  Slowly but surely!

meggan-that race thing sounds neat, but if you don't make it a month don't worry.  Sounds like you have a lot on your plate already!

2011-01-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
And I don't plan on letting the challenge be intense.  I am using it as a way to do more races than I have in the past.  I am hoping I can enlist some friends for the 5ks.  A few of the moms from my moms group have started running and have a 5k as their goal.  I don't care if I do a 5k with them at their pace.  I know some of the ladies from my tri club do various 5ks too.  I am really looking at this as a way to meet other runners and get out in the running community here more.
2011-01-19 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3309141

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2011-01-19 10:41 AMAnd I don't plan on letting the challenge be intense.  I am using it as a way to do more races than I have in the past.  I am hoping I can enlist some friends for the 5ks.  A few of the moms from my moms group have started running and have a 5k as their goal.  I don't care if I do a 5k with them at their pace.  I know some of the ladies from my tri club do various 5ks too.  I am really looking at this as a way to meet other runners and get out in the running community here more.

I think that is a great goal Meggan, my husband and I have thoroughly entrenched ourselves in our local run community and it makes running that much more enjoyable, especially on those days that suck _ _ _ (you can fill in the blanks).  I got started last January when I took the 1/2 marathon clinic through our local Running store.  The store is also the meeting place for Wednesday night and Sunday morning runs where everyone meets up and then break up into different groups based on distances and one ever gets left behind. 

Edited by corstan 2011-01-19 12:58 PM
2011-01-20 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Damn you, Hyundai...

So my car is starting to fall apart, and I am going to need a new one sometime in the next year. Well, Hyundai is coming out with a new car, called the Veloster. It is the new generation of Tiburon, kinda sporty, fun, cool, for the active young crowd (me). Looks are kinda funky, but I kinda like it. Velo = bike in French (but apparently that wasn't even taken into account when they named it). Veloster = Velocity + Roadster. Sounds fun.

So I was reading an article about them, and the colours are Century White, Ironman Silver, Triathlon Gray, Ultra Black, Marathon Blue, Electrolyte Green, 26.2 Yellow, Vitamin C and Boston Red.


Just had to vent   
2011-01-21 5:39 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
What is everyone up to this weekend?

I am working today but not sure if it will be the whole day.  My mom's hip popped out again Wednesday morning and she was in the hospital until yesterday afternoon.  She was sent him after being fitted for a brace.  She thinks she will be ok with the boys today but I am not sure.  We are taking John's parents to dinner tonight for their 40th anniversary.  Tomorrow is a freezing cold run in the morning, Joe's karate at 10:30 and then bedroom furniture shopping in the late afternoon.  Sunday is another cold run and then a birthday party at 11:30.

I am tired just thinking about our weekend.  We are trying to squeeze so much into the weekend because it is John's last full weekend off until further notice.  I will barely see him at all next week.  He is working 2pm-close so he won't be home til 1ish all next week.  Tons of fun!  I can actually say in the 7 years we have been together, I am finally getting a taste of what it feels like to be married to a restaurant manager. 
2011-01-21 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3311797

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2011-01-20 2:53 PM Damn you, Hyundai...

So my car is starting to fall apart, and I am going to need a new one sometime in the next year. Well, Hyundai is coming out with a new car, called the Veloster. It is the new generation of Tiburon, kinda sporty, fun, cool, for the active young crowd (me). Looks are kinda funky, but I kinda like it. Velo = bike in French (but apparently that wasn't even taken into account when they named it). Veloster = Velocity + Roadster. Sounds fun.

So I was reading an article about them, and the colours are Century White, Ironman Silver, Triathlon Gray, Ultra Black, Marathon Blue, Electrolyte Green, 26.2 Yellow, Vitamin C and Boston Red.


Just had to vent   

I used to have a Hyundai Tiburon!  Her name was the Shark, and I loved her very much.  However, now I have Ivy, my Jeep Patriot, and I love her more!  I had to get rid of Shark though because she just wasn't good in the snow, and with my hour long commute each way every day, I knew she wouldn't handle these Wisconsin winters.  Also, she had been in a pretty rough accident in the fall 2009 (not by me because I left her at my parents' house when we lived in the city from summer '09-summer '10), and she was never the same again.  A lot of those lower end cars can't take much after a bad accident like that.  So away she went!

Anyway, cool names!  Are you getting one for sure?

2011-01-21 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3313129

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2011-01-21 10:28 AM
LockOut - 2011-01-20 2:53 PM Damn you, Hyundai...

So my car is starting to fall apart, and I am going to need a new one sometime in the next year. Well, Hyundai is coming out with a new car, called the Veloster. It is the new generation of Tiburon, kinda sporty, fun, cool, for the active young crowd (me). Looks are kinda funky, but I kinda like it. Velo = bike in French (but apparently that wasn't even taken into account when they named it). Veloster = Velocity + Roadster. Sounds fun.

So I was reading an article about them, and the colours are Century White, Ironman Silver, Triathlon Gray, Ultra Black, Marathon Blue, Electrolyte Green, 26.2 Yellow, Vitamin C and Boston Red.


Just had to vent   

I used to have a Hyundai Tiburon!  Her name was the Shark, and I loved her very much.  However, now I have Ivy, my Jeep Patriot, and I love her more!  I had to get rid of Shark though because she just wasn't good in the snow, and with my hour long commute each way every day, I knew she wouldn't handle these Wisconsin winters.  Also, she had been in a pretty rough accident in the fall 2009 (not by me because I left her at my parents' house when we lived in the city from summer '09-summer '10), and she was never the same again.  A lot of those lower end cars can't take much after a bad accident like that.  So away she went!

Anyway, cool names!  Are you getting one for sure?

I'm not FOR SURE getting one... They aren't even on sale yet, so I haven't been able to drive one or even see one in person for that matter. They also haven't announced pricing, but they say that it's going to be fairly cheap, which is my budget... Once they come out, we'll see how it drives, if I like it, etc. and what the price point is.

Also, I have to see if my car will survive until they come out :P 
2011-01-21 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3312745

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sounds like life is going to get a little crazy for you for a while Meggan, make the most of this weekend with your hubby!

I haven't got much planned, this afternoon I am going with a gf to get my hair done and then dinner and a martini after,  my husband is in school tomorrow, so I'm trapped at home.  I have a friend coming over for a doggy playdate and walk, which I'm looking forward to, and Sunday I have my long run in the morning and laundry/preparations for the work week ahead the rest of the day and candlelight yoga in the evening.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2011-01-21 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan - I know the feeling about the restaurant manager thing.  My bro-in-law is also one and his wife is always complaining about the long hours and constant phone calls when home.  It is tough making plans with them b/c of his schedule.

Pete - I'll say a little prayer for your car to last!

Erica - Only 5 more days of work left!

Sandra - That sounds like a nice/fun weekend.  Enjoy it!

Wife and I have absolutely nothing planned.  Last night I had half a bottle of wine and I was toast.  Lightweight!   We'll probably find a nice place for lunch tomorrow (for the month of Jan we are only allowing ourselves one lunch out during the work week and one eating out on the weekend) and the usual cleaning the house and laundry.  It'll be nice to just be lazy for a change.  I had my PT session this morning and the MRI afterwards.  I go back to PT on Wed for the results.  I am going for a swim this afternoon and then a bike ride on Sat or Sun.  Enjoy your weekends!
2011-01-22 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ryan and I officially signed up for the Door County Half Iron Tri in July! 

*cue excitement and nervousness*
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