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2007-07-06 11:53 PM
in reply to: #874391

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-07-06 4:18 PM

I agree on the road bike- you will never want to ride anything else again on the roads once you find a good bike. Test drive a few models, even if you end up buying your friends frame, because sometimes they just feel different and you want to make sure the size and geometry is right for you. I now have a more tri -specific geometry on the Cervelo and I can definitely tell the difference when I get off and start to run>My quads just dont feel quite the fatigue that they did on my regular road bike. Maybe its in my head but I really think i cant tell the difference. Also, adding aerobars onto a normal road bike sometimes doesnt work so well because the distance between your seat and the handlebars can be too long. So, if you plan on riding aero, consider that into your purchase too. Im sure Im telling you things you know already but the one thing I have learned is that you have to have a comfortable bike fit if you plan to be on it for more than an hour- and now that you have comitted to France- you will be looking at 6 hours!

I couldn't agree more. The difference between a well fitting bike and a nearly right bike is huge. Once it fits you it is fabulous. incidentally (and this is for boys only) I had to change the saddle once I got into regular hour+ rides as I would get off and be able to run fine but after about 2 mins would start getting pins and needles in the old wedding tackle (and not in a good way) which left me doubled up in discomfort. Something to do with trapping the nerves down there between me and the saddle. A couple of saddles later and I'm fine. Common problem I understand but not everyone changes their saddle.

I would recommend Giant and Trek as they did it for me. My boss built his own from a carbon frame but pointed out that it is a complex procedure for a first timer (I didn't mention you ran your own tri web site and was therefore a pro) and has a Focus as a second bike.

One of the tri crew here in Hong Kong runs a Planet X bike and loves it. I have riden it and it's a beaut.

Best of luck looking.

2007-07-07 7:26 AM
in reply to: #875434

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-07-06 11:53 PM

I couldn't agree more. The difference between a well fitting bike and a nearly right bike is huge. Once it fits you it is fabulous. incidentally (and this is for boys only) I had to change the saddle once I got into regular hour+ rides as I would get off and be able to run fine but after about 2 mins would start getting pins and needles in the old wedding tackle (and not in a good way) which left me doubled up in discomfort. Something to do with trapping the nerves down there between me and the saddle. A couple of saddles later and I'm fine. Common problem I understand but not everyone changes their saddle.

My saddle gives me a similar it's not just a guy thing! If I can afford to do the Oly, I'm getting a different saddle. With regular cycling shorts, it took about 40 miles to be in tri shorts, about three miles!
2007-07-07 8:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Get the BiSaddle from Look it up on the website! I called the number to place the order and the dude that invented the seat answers his own phone!! His name is Jim. Heck of a nice guy. Of course, I ordered THREE of his saddles--one for my stepdad for father's day as he has issues with hemorrhoids, prostate and other things.....and one for my mom, as her butt muscles are always tender and sore, and I thought it might help.....and one for my tribike! Yeah! No noo-noo soreness at all! None whatsoever! I have a similar design on my mountain bike called the Easy Seat. But I think I like the bisaddle better. will try attaching a photo:



bisaddle.bmp (74KB - 30 downloads)
bi2.bmp (74KB - 36 downloads)
2007-07-08 4:23 AM
in reply to: #875503

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-07-07 8:26 AM

Mark Stanley - 2007-07-06 11:53 PM

I couldn't agree more. The difference between a well fitting bike and a nearly right bike is huge. Once it fits you it is fabulous. incidentally (and this is for boys only) I had to change the saddle once I got into regular hour+ rides as I would get off and be able to run fine but after about 2 mins would start getting pins and needles in the old wedding tackle (and not in a good way) which left me doubled up in discomfort. Something to do with trapping the nerves down there between me and the saddle. A couple of saddles later and I'm fine. Common problem I understand but not everyone changes their saddle.

My saddle gives me a similar it's not just a guy thing! If I can afford to do the Oly, I'm getting a different saddle. With regular cycling shorts, it took about 40 miles to be in tri shorts, about three miles!

I know what shorts I'd be wearing!
2007-07-08 4:51 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
So I was just very unhappy with my last few weeks of training that I set a goal (which I imagined would be almost impossible) for my running this past week. And I hit it. Which suddenly had me feeling powerful. So powerful that I had to have huge heaping amounts of Chinese food last night along with brownies and cookies to the point where I essentially passed out from a sugar induced food high. Oh, well.

Anyway, I've set 2 goals for this next week: repeat goal 1, and now goal 2, which shall remain nameless. I'll report next week to let you know how I did.

And what does this mean to you? Ah, here's the catch: I want you to set a goal -- something hard, something you're not quite sure you can do -- and hit it in 7 days. Beginning on whatever day you want, so if you need a few days to coordinate your calendar, get equipment, whatever, you have time to do it. But start that goal this week, and share it with us when you're done, even if you don't accomplish all of it. And I want the goal to be something substantive and measurable and within your control. In other words, don't give me something like "I'm going to eat better this week," or "I'm going to lose 2 pounds this week." I'm looking for a goal like "I'm going to exercise 6 hours this week" or "I'm going to swim a total of 3 miles this week."

Looking forward to hearing how you do.
2007-07-08 6:23 AM
in reply to: #876051

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof, splendid idea. I'm game on. I intend to have done an ironman by this time next week (I'll treat 4 spin sessions as the bike leg).

Local color time- I'm currently sitting on the balcony of the only indian resturant in Wanchai (downtown Honkers) watching the ladies of negotiable virtue ply their trade and eating a curry so delicate of flavour it is as though it is made from orchids. Grown on the sun.

Good luck to everyone in their week to come.

Colonial Mark signing off! Pip pip chaps.

2007-07-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well done, Prof!!! You are powerful, btw! You have all of us and we would swim to the moon if you suggested it! (Don't let that get to your head or anything).

Mark--I'm glad you are enjoying your work(vacation)! Curry always gives me a food buzz.

I did sort of achieve a goal I didn't think I could this week. I did 50 miles on Wednesday and 60 miles yesterday. True, it was all on the trainer, but I think that almost counts double because NOTHING is as boring as biking in one place staring at your living room mess to music that you are already sick of, and trying your best to put out all the little kid fires that erupt so easily when Mom's butt is stuck to that bleeping bike! Plus you don't get any coasting or downhill breaks. Your mileage is 100% dependent on moving those legs! I make myself stand and pedal too, which just plain hurts. At 40 miles my legs really hurt. By 56 miles I almost couldn't keep going and had to count out each 60 pedals per tenth of a mile for the last two miles. (maybe it's part of the obsessive nature of my brain, but counting always helps me to get through anything including child birth and really painful BM's....TMI??)

I'm taking some new stuff after doing more research into why I've been feeling like fainting all the time. It's alot like overtraining syndrome, except my mileage, although great for me, is not exactly in the range that most athletes develop this syndrome, so no one has really been taking my diagnosis seriously. But overtraining syndrome results in high cortisol levels, which is my weakness--adrenal failure a few years back. I started to pray every time I got in the car because I would feel it come on and then have to pull over FAST. My poor kids haven't been very far lately because it just doesn't feel safe. And one night I even prayed I'd wake up again. That's the way I used to feel when I was really sick with the adrenals and taking those shots. So, I did research on adrenals and took this little online test and it was in the moderate phase, not the severe one, so it was recommended I take vitamins/minerals, including fish oil, eat less carbs and caffeine, and use progesterone cream to help my body make DHEA. Well, they wanted $70 a month for that. And I have some vitamins that I'm already taking, including the oils, I have the progesterone cream, and even some sublingual spray that has the DHEA and some growth hormone in it. I also am using clary sage oil to balance hormones, taking a lot of cleansing herbs and I upped my thyroid meds as I realized since switching from plain T3 to a med with T3 and T4, I'm lower in my overall T3 than I was by quite a bit. Sucks to have an endocrine system from hell. But, I think I've got the winning combination, as I pulled off a good bike week

My hamstring tear is still healing, so I'm not going to push it with any running just yet. But at least I don't feel it bleeding internally much anymore. Yeah!! And the bump on my head from hitting the pool hard the other day is getting smaller. My neck still hurts, but no piercing headaches, so that is also a blessing.

I'll keep my goal for this week a surprise and let you know if I made it or not. Good idea!

QUIANA--hey girl, are we on for the 21st?? I think we need to know what time to register for? You feeling okay with little baby and all??? Jeanette, you could drive to my place and then ride with us the rest of the way if you want--saves a little gas and makes the trip go faster with company
2007-07-08 12:37 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
My goal is going to be to finally hit 100km in running for the month.  As long as I stick somewhat to my running plan I should hit it with ease, but I have yet to get there yet so I hope finally do.
2007-07-09 10:48 AM
in reply to: #876250

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
My goal this week is to get enough training in to add up to an Oly, maybe more....we'll see! I just got back from my second tri (Danskin Chicagoland) last night, so I'm exhausted right now (6 hour drive but I take lots of breaks, so it was 8 hours).
2007-07-09 11:02 AM
in reply to: #877274

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
This challenge certainly seems to have given me a bit of a kick because I just finished a 13.1 mile run around the Happy Valley racetrack (15 laps of an 0.89 mile circuit). It was 29 degrees and 92 percent humidity so a 2:03 time was OK. One more of those and I've nailed the hardest part of the challenge.

I can honestly say that I never thought I would ever be able to do a half marathon, let alone just turn one out on demand. Who am I?
2007-07-09 2:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
HOLY CATS!! First Prof does a Half mary and then Mark pulls one off, too! Dunno how you cats do that so easily!! Very well done indeed.

So guys, how do you feel after you do something hard like that? Do you feel kind of tough for a day or two after? Like you could sleep standing up and like your body is sore from one end to the other and your spirit would just like to leave it until homeostasis is once again achieved? I always feel great right at first and then my soul just says "enough" and goes out into the ethers for a bit. Just the time I start to re-enter my body, I go and put it through the ringer again, and I'm out there again. Is that just a weirdo Pene thing or do you guys experience it too? There was one other woman who put something about that on her logs and then I didn't feel all alone with my weirdness. She did acupuncture for it. I haven't made time to try that yet.

What do you do to baby your body after hard workouts?? Please share.

Well done

Lofty goals folks!!

2007-07-09 11:31 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well, I hope everyone is dealing with the heat ok!  It is like 80% humidity here and stinkin' hot out.  I eventually sucked it up and went out for a 5k run at night but it was still stuffy out.

One nice thing about the heat though, is you feel so loose.  Your muscles are not tense or sore, and it actually feels good to move them.  You just have to deal with the sweat factory that comes along for the ride (see my log to see what I mean :P

2007-07-10 1:01 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

In answer to your question, when I got back I lay on the floor gasping like a fish. I noticed that I was sweating s much that I was making the carpet wet. One set of sweat angels later I showered and ordered some French onion soup. Long sleep (with fabulous dreams) and woke up sore from my knees down this morning. Another shower and a gentle walk to work (about 20 mins) and, so long as I don’t sit still for too long I’m fine.

Booked myself into the Hong Kong Dragons triathlon club training session for tomorrow night so that will be interesting!

Emotionally, felt absolutely over the moon. So pleased with myself I even told Satan and she was pleased! For the first time I honestly feel as though I can do this Monaco thingy.


I have full sympathy on the humidity. I have never experienced anything that saps your strength as much as humidity! I hadn’t appreciated that humidity had the side effect of making your tongue swell! I’ll have to watch out for that one.

I’ve really got to get myself a bit more technically savvy so I can post gross pictures on this site as well although I may have to save the ones of me in my new tri shorts (boy are they short shorts) for personal humiliation!
2007-07-10 1:12 AM
in reply to: #876050

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-08 10:23 AM

androgenie - 2007-07-07 8:26 AM

Mark Stanley - 2007-07-06 11:53 PM

I couldn't agree more. The difference between a well fitting bike and a nearly right bike is huge. Once it fits you it is fabulous. incidentally (and this is for boys only) I had to change the saddle once I got into regular hour+ rides as I would get off and be able to run fine but after about 2 mins would start getting pins and needles in the old wedding tackle (and not in a good way) which left me doubled up in discomfort. Something to do with trapping the nerves down there between me and the saddle. A couple of saddles later and I'm fine. Common problem I understand but not everyone changes their saddle.

My saddle gives me a similar it's not just a guy thing! If I can afford to do the Oly, I'm getting a different saddle. With regular cycling shorts, it took about 40 miles to be in tri shorts, about three miles!

I know what shorts I'd be wearing!

Horses for courses seems to be true here. Once I changed my saddle for a Specialized Toupe Team World Champion Saddle and changed my shorts for a pair of competion ironman shorts the experience has never come back. For me it was a case of less was more. It may well be that I now spend more time out of the saddle but try out lots of things before you settle on one solution.

I have tried to attach my saddle below...

I must say that the Bycycle made me titter. Brilliant solution but it really appealed to my british sense of humour!

(Specialised saddle.jpg)

Specialised saddle.jpg (15KB - 20 downloads)
2007-07-10 4:43 AM
in reply to: #876250

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-08 1:37 PM

My goal is going to be to finally hit 100km in running for the month.  As long as I stick somewhat to my running plan I should hit it with ease, but I have yet to get there yet so I hope finally do.

So how many are you going to run in your 7-day period?
2007-07-10 4:45 AM
in reply to: #877274

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-07-09 11:48 AM

My goal this week is to get enough training in to add up to an Oly, maybe more....we'll see! I just got back from my second tri (Danskin Chicagoland) last night, so I'm exhausted right now (6 hour drive but I take lots of breaks, so it was 8 hours).

Don't push too hard. Tired muscles need to rest, you know.

2007-07-10 4:56 AM
in reply to: #877712

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-09 3:09 PM

HOLY CATS!! First Prof does a Half mary and then Mark pulls one off, too! Dunno how you cats do that so easily!! Very well done indeed.

So guys, how do you feel after you do something hard like that? Do you feel kind of tough for a day or two after? Like you could sleep standing up and like your body is sore from one end to the other and your spirit would just like to leave it until homeostasis is once again achieved? I always feel great right at first and then my soul just says "enough" and goes out into the ethers for a bit. Just the time I start to re-enter my body, I go and put it through the ringer again, and I'm out there again. Is that just a weirdo Pene thing or do you guys experience it too? There was one other woman who put something about that on her logs and then I didn't feel all alone with my weirdness. She did acupuncture for it. I haven't made time to try that yet.

What do you do to baby your body after hard workouts?? Please share.

Well done

Lofty goals folks!!

I feel a sense of accomplishment, and then set my next goal. I put Icy-Hot on the sore muscles. And if I'm dragging, I make a pot of coffee. Nothing too high tech or scientific for me.
2007-07-10 5:04 AM
in reply to: #877295

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-07-09 12:02 PM

This challenge certainly seems to have given me a bit of a kick because I just finished a 13.1 mile run around the Happy Valley racetrack (15 laps of an 0.89 mile circuit). It was 29 degrees and 92 percent humidity so a 2:03 time was OK. One more of those and I've nailed the hardest part of the challenge.

I can honestly say that I never thought I would ever be able to do a half marathon, let alone just turn one out on demand. Who am I?

Feels great, doesn't it, when it all starts to click, and the experience goes from "I'm going to try a 1/2" to "I can't do a 1/2" to "What the f*** was I thinking when I signed up for this 1/2" to "Well, at least I know I can do the components of this 1/2" to "Hey, I wonder how fast I can do this 1/2 in".

Who are you? The freakin' Man, that's who.
2007-07-10 8:09 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
QUIANA here, tunny monster makes life hard, memory is gone. Food id bad, filled with shame, make poor choices.
7-21-07 YES i want to swim with you guys. I want to swim later like, 5-7, I am bringing some peeps with me and need time to sleep after Harry and time to go get them in st paul. I only read enough to see Pene's question will try to read more and respond more later.
2007-07-10 10:24 AM
in reply to: #878499

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-10 4:45 AM

androgenie - 2007-07-09 11:48 AM
My goal this week is to get enough training in to add up to an Oly, maybe more....we'll see! I just got back from my second tri (Danskin Chicagoland) last night, so I'm exhausted right now (6 hour drive but I take lots of breaks, so it was 8 hours).

Don't push too hard. Tired muscles need to rest, you know.

I took a good rest yesterday, and I've been catching up on sleep. Tonight is going to be a gentle swim, in whatever strokes I want to do, without regard to speed :-) My week is going to be about gentle training since my knees are really bothering me (more from the driving than the tri).
2007-07-10 11:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

You know I was thinking today, the more races you do the better.  And not just so you get lots of free t-shirts (which is awesome), but I feel that every race I do, the calmer I feel leading up to it.

I mean I did my first race this April, and compared to the one I am doing next week it is a whole different story.  I hardly even think about it.  Its like it is part of my training.  


Prof you must know what I mean as you have done more than any of us.  Do you remember your first race?  And the difference you feel in terms of your nerves and anxiety compared to local races you do now?   

I think its like doing interviews.  Whether you get the job or not, its great experience going through the process.  Races are great experience whether you win or come DFL. 

2007-07-10 11:13 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

On a side note, I have a 5k race in about 10days from now.  I am really going to try and break 30mins, even with the rough hills (which there will be at least 1).  I did my first 5k in -7 snow in pants, jacket, wind, hat, the works, in 32mins.  So even with some damn elevation I better be able to improve.

I am just going to push it.   None of this "feel great lets go for a ride" after crap.  I am going to try and give it  full race pace.

2007-07-10 11:43 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Go Rob Go!!

It is the nerves that are the hardest part for me. I just did an underwater swim cam deal with the ball busters/super human aliens come to earth to observe whether we humans are worth saving or not. There's an alien named Trixie whose blog I study and when I see her at IMMOO next year, I'll bow to her so she saves us from destruction (at least from her planet's rulers).

My form is better than I feared, and I'm not even as fat as I thought. I could even see some definition in my legs. Who knew?

So, Quiana, I'm IN for that swim! And you ladies may feel free to coach me with it. I don't think I'll hyperventilate now. That was my fear

I have a run the end of the month and I'm trying to place it in the "wonderful learning experience to manage my nerves" category. Unlike the mighty Rob, I'm not in the "give it all I've got" stage yet. But that's okay. I'll get there
2007-07-11 12:49 AM
in reply to: #880462

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-11 5:13 AM

On a side note, I have a 5k race in about 10days from now.  I am really going to try and break 30mins, even with the rough hills (which there will be at least 1).  I did my first 5k in -7 snow in pants, jacket, wind, hat, the works, in 32mins.  So even with some damn elevation I better be able to improve.

I am just going to push it.   None of this "feel great lets go for a ride" after crap.  I am going to try and give it  full race pace.

Fabulous idea. I read an article a while back about the best plan to set a personal best in a race and was quite surprised at what it suggested (run the first mile faster and then the rest at race pace) until I tried it and over 5 to 10k it works.

Here is an article written from the same source (God I love the internet). You may want to try it before race day!,7120,s6-238-244-259-11404-0,0...

Whatever you do, really good luck.
2007-07-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Awesome thanks for the link Mark!  That is kind of the plan I was going to take as I had read similar things lately.  They usually mark each KM of the race so I am going to push for ~5:50/km for the first 3, then just try to finish the last 2 in a decent time.

If I don't make sub-30 this race, I plan to actually do another one on August 17th which is a much more flat course in the evening.  I will be my fall back :D

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