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2007-07-11 3:32 PM
in reply to: #880460

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-11 12:09 AM

You know I was thinking today, the more races you do the better.  And not just so you get lots of free t-shirts (which is awesome), but I feel that every race I do, the calmer I feel leading up to it.

I mean I did my first race this April, and compared to the one I am doing next week it is a whole different story.  I hardly even think about it.  Its like it is part of my training.  


Prof you must know what I mean as you have done more than any of us.  Do you remember your first race?  And the difference you feel in terms of your nerves and anxiety compared to local races you do now?   

I think its like doing interviews.  Whether you get the job or not, its great experience going through the process.  Races are great experience whether you win or come DFL. 

I know exactly what you mean. And I'm lucky enough to be at the point where if I wanted to race this weekend, I could drive down and just do it. Not a lot of thought about it, other than sorting my gear and throwing it into my bag.

Compare that to my first sprint tri, where I had no idea of what I'd even need/want/wish for at a race. I also remember feeling like I was going to die as I pulled myself out of the pool after 400 meters, resisting the urge to roll onto my back and suck at the air. At least I made it outside before I plopped on the ground next to my bike. I don't even think I made it half-way through the run before I gave up and started walking.

Now I have concerns about little aspects of the race, but not the race itself. For instance, at Alcatraz I was curious how I'd like ocean swimming, but wasn't worried about doing the swim. In a 1/2 IM distance I did last year, I was trying new foods. I may do an Xterra in a few weeks, which will require some mountain biking, but I'm not nervous -- more like excited contemplating the new challenge.

Don't misinterpret these feelings as me being cocky. I've never won a race, and I'm not Mr. Triathlon. But for me, these are fun. How can you be anxious when you're having a great time?

Oh, and if you're up for it, go for the puke factor this weekend. It's an experience suffering the heaves when you've totally expended all of your energy.

2007-07-12 2:11 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

ugh, legs are soooore today lol.  Yesterday was a lot of hard riding and I am feeling it today (in a good way).


I had an interview for a company, and actually walked out before it was over lol

Here why

-it is an hour away from me
-pay was less than I was told over the phone
-no dress code in the office (this bothers me very much)
-on the way to the interview I got a call from a place 3 blocks from where I live with a semi-job offer (go in tomorrow to finalize).

So I was halfway in and was just like, you know what this isn't going to work for me, and just left.  Felt great :D

It was just odd because I actually took my training into consideration.  I thought, if I am working 9hrs/day, plus driving 2 1/2, that doesn't leave much time to run, bike, swim, and sleep and eat.  Something has to go!   


2007-07-12 4:16 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
yes, Its interesting how your priorities change when training becomes ingrained in your lifestyle. I took a job with evening hours ( I work 1p-9p) because I have the entire morning to train! I have to say it hasnt helped my social life, i barely go out anymore, but Im married now so its not like Id be going out that much anyway! Its gives me no excuse to miss a workout, i almost always have time before I work now. It used to be so hard to get up early or get off work and workout. Good luck to you on the job search, it sounds like you will find the perfect one soon.

Ive been trying all week to come up with a goal like the professor and I just havent! I dont have a race scheduled until Aug 19th and its been hard to be motivated. I mean, Im still working out 5 days a week but its just not the same. Part of me thinks i should sign up for a race sooner just so I know I'll be on track. But, it seems like its just more money. A few weeks ago I did the course of my favorite sprint tri, just as a long workout. I guess i could just do that every few weeks and try and improve my times for myself. I havent been logging my workouts on this site, which Im kind of mad at myself for, because it was really nice to see the cumulative totals. I guess Ill start again....

OH- I just thought of a goal. I havent been doing any strength training or even yoga in months. I would love to start again, so maybe my goal will be to do 3 sessions of strenght training or yoga over the next week.

I never got a chance to put in my 2cents about "things Ive learned while racing" - i know that was SO 2 pages ago but I finally came up with some valuable things I wanted to share:

1) Wear earplugs for open water swimming- if the water is cold it makes it bearable and if its not, it helps reduce dizziness when you get out of the water. Thats not a scientifically proven fact, its just personal experience. I used to be wicked dizzy when I stood up to start running after my swim. Earplugs seem to completely reduce that.

2) Body Glide is a must. This is the anti-chafing stuff that looks like a deodorant. It stops wetsuit rub, chafing from clothing, and chafing in those delicate nether regions. I basically did a practice race without it, figured out all the spots that were susceptible, and then gobbed it on when race day came in those spots.

3) Always bring a pair of backup goggles and test the fit BEFORE you are standing at the start line. Also, if its sunny, have a pair of goggles that have reflective lens. Helps immensely to see where you are going.
4) if you can, bring your own air pump for your tires to the race morning. Standing in line to get air in your tires with 10 min to race time is nerve racking. Even if you just check your tires at the car and leave the pump there.
5) Have a Plan B for those areas of the race that worry you whether it be nutrition, weather, gear, etc. The last race I did I was obsessed that I might get a flat tire. I finally realized that I had to just carry stuff to change my flat and I practiced it once. I also bought those CO2 cartiridges so I dont have to pump air on the race course. They are awesome if you havent used them! (ask you local bike shop). Luckily, I didnt get a flat at that race, but my best friend did and she didnt have a plan B. A week later, I was out on a ride in the middle of a unfamiliar road, without my cell phone, and I got a flat. But I didnt even freak out, I just changed my tube, inflated it in 2 seconds with my CO2, and went on. Now I know my Plan B works!

Ok, thats all for now!
2007-07-12 5:37 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

" 1) Wear earplugs for open water swimming- if the water is cold it makes it bearable and if its not, it helps reduce dizziness when you get out of the water. Thats not a scientifically proven fact, its just personal experience. I used to be wicked dizzy when I stood up to start running after my swim. Earplugs seem to completely reduce that."

I will have to try that.  I get dizzy in indoor pools a bit now too. 


2007-07-13 5:15 AM
in reply to: #883395

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-12 3:11 PM

I thought, if I am working 9hrs/day, plus driving 2 1/2, that doesn't leave much time to run, bike, swim, and sleep and eat.  Something has to go!   


Make sure you reserve time for dating, or you'll become a seriously cranky triathlete!
2007-07-13 5:43 AM
in reply to: #883693

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-07-12 5:16 PM

Ive been trying all week to come up with a goal like the professor and I just havent! ...Part of me thinks i should sign up for a race sooner just so I know I'll be on track. But, it seems like its just more money. ...I havent been logging my workouts on this site, which Im kind of mad at myself for, because it was really nice to see the cumulative totals. I guess Ill start again....

OH- I just thought of a goal. I havent been doing any strength training or even yoga in months. I would love to start again, so maybe my goal will be to do 3 sessions of strenght training or yoga over the next week.

Ok, thats all for now!

It sounds like you've chosen 2: in the next seven days, you shall log your workouts, and do strength/yoga three times. See, that wasn't too hard!

Lifting is my second goal for this week. I vowed to do it 4x in 7 days, and on Saturday, I'll complete that goal. Come to think of it, you're the one I had in mind when I added it. I recall you motivating me to lift some months back!

I know what you mean about signing up for races just to sign up for them. Why spend $30 on something that you can just go out and do yourself? And why drive 2-3 hours roundtrip for a race that you can complete in less time than that? Yes, I know, you get the shirt, the comraderie, the race experience. But you also get the expense. Do I sound too much like Scrooge?

2007-07-13 5:45 AM
in reply to: #881009

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-11 4:50 PM

Awesome thanks for the link Mark!  That is kind of the plan I was going to take as I had read similar things lately.  They usually mark each KM of the race so I am going to push for ~5:50/km for the first 3, then just try to finish the last 2 in a decent time.

If I don't make sub-30 this race, I plan to actually do another one on August 17th which is a much more flat course in the evening.  I will be my fall back :D

It's always good to have a plan. I'm going out training this evening with the local tri club. They are all 5'5", weigh about 25lbs and run like the wind. I am worth four of them!

I love your story about the interview. I once interviewed a chap who got the nods during the interview and when he was waiting outside to see a colleague of mine, he had to be woken twice by the receptionist! Turned out he had just become a dad for the fourth time and was struggling a bit. Needless to say (as we worked for the MoD at the time) we hired him. Thought he would be perfect in charge of an early warning system or something!

Best of luck with the job hunting. That reminds me, I should really change my job at some point but I haven't seen an advertisement for a vacancy that would suit me (overpaid underacheiving layabout required for international role; must have passport and the gift of the gab). Hey ho!

It seems like non of us have a race until Robb's PB race next week. Who's up for an on line tri?

We each set our own distance but pick the same time to start on the same day and then we report back our times. Kind of like when we all raced together when it was cherry popping time for some of us.

Anyone interested?

I'm up for an olympic distance race next Sunday when i'll be back in the UK.
2007-07-13 10:31 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof- thanks for pointing out my 2nd goal, I just finished logging this week's workouts so far so Im already half way there! Im glad I inspired you to strength train, now I just have to inspire myself. I did already plan to meet someone at yoga tomorrow morning so I cant back out now.
I also figured out my next goal, I printed out my half-marathon training program from the Runners World website and I am going to start on MOnday.

Mark- great idea about the tri but Sunday might not work for me scheduling wise. I am about to do a brick workout now, I havent done one in weeks. We'll see how it feels.

CmMkee- Thanks for all the inspirations! I decided not to do the race this Sunday for multiple reasons. I am considering a sprint now on July 28th. I cant use the excuse that its a pain to drive so far because I am blessed with tons of races in my area.

So, it reached a record temp here in Seattle on Wed. 98 degrees F !!! What has the weather been like for y'all?? ( mark, i know that is nothing compared to Hong Kong) How have you all been staying cool? I went to the lake 3 days this week, it was pretty nice.
2007-07-13 11:31 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

It has actually cooled down considerably.  Monday/tuesday was around 90F (before the humidity) and was pretty gross.  Today is low 70s though which is perfect IMO.


Mark, I am up for that idea.  So you want to try and do 1500m/40k/10k this Sunday?  I am up for the bike/run for sure.  I hate my pool so instead of the swim I am going to add 5k to the run.  I won't be going at race pace by any means though.

2007-07-13 5:00 PM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sunday morning, eh? Because of other commitments, I'll probably pass, but I'm oh so tempted to chuck the plans and just do it.

2007-07-13 9:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

dooo it prof.  :P


Well my happened.

I tried to fight it

I tried to avoid it

But unfortunately I am joining you all again in the suck-fest that is work   I start the new job August 6th at 6:30am (yuck!).  So I have about 3 weeks left of serious training and then I am going to turn the first work week into a semi-rest week.

Oh well, this will allow me to seriously consider buying that road bike now :D 

2007-07-13 9:32 PM
in reply to: #885621

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-14 3:01 AM

dooo it prof.  :P


Well my happened.

I tried to fight it

I tried to avoid it

But unfortunately I am joining you all again in the suck-fest that is work   I start the new job August 6th at 6:30am (yuck!).  So I have about 3 weeks left of serious training and then I am going to turn the first work week into a semi-rest week.

Oh well, this will allow me to seriously consider buying that road bike now :D 

Welcome back to the fold fellow lemming.

Seriously, work can be fun if you remember why you do it. I work because I enjoy the lifestyle that having money brings. If I wasn't working I would be happy for a while but as soon as the cash ran out, I would have to go back to work. Provided you do nothing immoral or illegal work is great. Pene works for herself which is a huge plus but would require me to have a strength of purpose that I absolutely do not have; prof is, I believe, a teacher of some sorts, a role that I would love but in the UK it doesn't get paid enough so I am stuck with what I do. I have come to terms with that by using it as one would use a car. My work allows me to go places, see things and do stuff that I would otherwise not be able to do. A fair enough swop to have to deal with the occassional grumbles from the engine, grinding noises from the gearbox and have to deal with the fact that the wheels don't get on with each other.

On the other hand, I hope that you really enjoyed your time off and you won't look back on the last couple of months with a regret that you could have done more with it. If so, it's not too late to give it a burst and if that doesn't work, ignore the above and sponge off society until you feel the time is right for you to take up the reins of power once more.

2007-07-13 9:46 PM
in reply to: #884743

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-13 5:31 PM

It has actually cooled down considerably.  Monday/tuesday was around 90F (before the humidity) and was pretty gross.  Today is low 70s though which is perfect IMO.


Mark, I am up for that idea.  So you want to try and do 1500m/40k/10k this Sunday?  I am up for the bike/run for sure.  I hate my pool so instead of the swim I am going to add 5k to the run.  I won't be going at race pace by any means though.

Robb my boy, let's get busy!

This Sunday I will still be in Hong Kong (currently mid 90s and 71% humidity at 1030) so lets set the time carefully. There is exactly 12 hours between us (I am 12 hours ahead which frankly is a pretty good handicap for an Oly!) so are you game on for an early start on Sunday (say 9am)? That way I can run it in the evening where, allegedly, it is a bit cooler.

Let me know.

Prof, an oly should take a supreme athlete such as yourself only about the time it takes to boil an egg so come on...

As far as race pace goes, I'm not pushing it overly as I chased my puke running last night (prof you're right it does feel good to voluntarily push yourself that hard) and as a side effect, both my kneecaps feel as they are slightly detached!

If anyone fancied this but can't do it this weekend, I would love to do this again next weekend where I will have the advantage of being back home where I understand it to be like the middle of winter!
2007-07-13 10:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

I am game for Sunday at 9:00 EST.  I will set my alarm for 8:45 :D

Going to head out for a run down the river, loop around and come home and try to make the transition to the bike within 10mins (live in an apartment, might be longer).


As far as not working, I truly enjoy it more than anything.  I am not one of those people who can work 50 years at the same job, taking 2 weeks holiday each summer to cut the grass.  I need to explore the world and take time to myself.  I enjoy what money brings as well, so its a balance of working for enough money to support that, but still stop and smell the flowers :D


Anyway, new pics from today for you all :D





The rest can be found here



Hope everyone else is in good form.  Where is our resident cheerleader Pene?  Hope the kids don't have you tied up in the basement!

2007-07-14 5:15 AM
in reply to: #885665

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-07-13 10:46 PM

Robb - 2007-07-13 5:31 PM

Prof, an oly should take a supreme athlete such as yourself only about the time it takes to boil an egg so come on...

I do believe I've been challenged. 9am start, huh? Mind if I get going a bit earlier?
2007-07-14 5:16 AM
in reply to: #885665

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-07-13 10:46 PM

Robb - 2007-07-13 5:31 PM

Prof, an oly should take a supreme athlete such as yourself only about the time it takes to boil an egg so come on...


I do believe I've been challenged. 9am start, huh? Mind if I get going a bit earlier?

2007-07-14 7:09 AM
in reply to: #885728

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-14 11:16 AM

Mark Stanley - 2007-07-13 10:46 PM

Robb - 2007-07-13 5:31 PM

Prof, an oly should take a supreme athlete such as yourself only about the time it takes to boil an egg so come on...


I do believe I've been challenged. 9am start, huh? Mind if I get going a bit earlier?
well chaps

Well, it looks like we have ourselves a convoy!

Let the inaugral tri mations tri commence at 9am(ish) your time. That give me the whole day to work out how I can do this without a bike! I too may do it a bit earlier as by 9pm it is darker than a politicians heart so probably not safe unless I end up doing the bike section in the gym (which at the moment is the most likely).

Untill tomorrow racers...
2007-07-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: #885653

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-07-13 7:32 PM

[Welcome back to the fold fellow lemming.

Seriously, work can be fun if you remember why you do it. I work because I enjoy the lifestyle that having money brings. If I wasn't working I would be happy for a while but as soon as the cash ran out, I would have to go back to work. Provided you do nothing immoral or illegal work is great. Pene works for herself which is a huge plus but would require me to have a strength of purpose that I absolutely do not have; prof is, I believe, a teacher of some sorts, a role that I would love but in the UK it doesn't get paid enough so I am stuck with what I do. I have come to terms with that by using it as one would use a car. My work allows me to go places, see things and do stuff that I would otherwise not be able to do. A fair enough swop to have to deal with the occassional grumbles from the engine, grinding noises from the gearbox and have to deal with the fact that the wheels don't get on with each other.

On the other hand, I hope that you really enjoyed your time off and you won't look back on the last couple of months with a regret that you could have done more with it. If so, it's not too late to give it a burst and if that doesn't work, ignore the above and sponge off society until you feel the time is right for you to take up the reins of power once more.


Mark I have to say that paragraphs like these make me realize that the British truly have a way of stating things that just doesnt compare to our N.American vernancular. You have mastered the art of hitting the nail on the head but with eloquence, wit, and just a touch of sarcasm. I am always thouroughly entertained by your postings!

Anyway, I also feel completely lame now that Im not going to participate in the group tri so I have rethought my schedule and have decided that I could get swim and bike in tomorrow. Maybe not quite olympic distance...I will ride my bike to the lake (about 4 miles), swim about half a mile, and then ride as much as time allows. Maybe another 10. I especially am feeling lame because I really would love to do the sprint tri that I had wanted to do tomorrow but it just isnt realistic with timing and logistics. ugh.

Oh- I have one question to Mark (and the group) about that running article you referenced- the one that recommends running your first mile the fastest. Do you think that that applies to your running portion of a tri too? I mean, usually, the first mile of the run leg is the slowest since you are just trying to get warmed up after getting off the bike. The training plan I followed recommended negative splits so thats kind of the way I had always tryed to race (like it really happened, i usually just try and finish!)

Ok- off to yoga! I think this will be more painful than any recent workout!
2007-07-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: #885814

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey it's nice to be appreciated! Ever since we gave up our empire to democracy we have tried to reconquer it using charm and sarcasm! Not hugely succesful I grant you but there you go!

As far as that running question goes I tried it last night after swimming. 1500 metres and I intended to run 5000 metres. I set off at race pace + about 15% and managed it no problem. I think quite a bit of it is psycholgical because I ran the first K in 5 dead, the next three K at 5.45s and the final K at 4.50! Surprised the poo poo out of me. Try it, don't over work yourself but I think (and this is not scientifically proven fact!) that a high percentage of this is mental. The other thing I did was I dumped the mp3 player; the sound of your own breathing and footfalls is better sometimes to listening to Avril Bloody Lavinge. Returning to the car analogy (and I apologise for the spelling but I am typing this on my Blackberry after a large quantity of knock off Scotch) but when you are coming up to that bit of your run when your body says hey, let's walk for a bit, shout out loud, "who's driving this car?". Admittedly this may work better in a country where English is not the first language as people do tend to stare! This does get me motivated however and it seperates the desire to walk from the need to walk. You will find that run hard enough for long enough to puke is actually quite good fun!

Turning to tomorrow, well done for getting on board and rising to a totally inappropriate challenge. The challenge was to race, not to do an Oly so whatever you do it's better than nothing. Incidentally I am seriously jealous of your cycle to the lake and swim morning! All the open water here is either full of sewage or sharks and the lakes at home are only ice free for twelve minutes a year! Well done for getting out and I look forward to reading your race report!

Well prof it looks like the US now has a team! The game is afoot as Sherlock Holmes used to say.

PS I hope you enjoyed your yoga. It reminds me that I really should do some whilst I am here.
2007-07-15 4:44 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thoughts for the week:

I did the first mile fast yesterday on my run, and ended up having the fastest run I've had in a while. It hurt, of course, as I usually ease into my run on the first mile, but mile 2 felt almost easy when I pulled back a bit. Add a few 1/4 mile sprints and I was on my way. Thanks for the tip!

Be careful of yelling out loud during a run that "you're driving this car" or anything else for that matter. While I have never said this phrase, I do have a motivational one that oh so eloquently uses some lovely choice hyphenated swear words, something like "come on, you m-f'er, move your a s s ." Which works great for me, but isn't so good when I unknowingly say it aloud, usually as I'm passing someone.

I've now completed 2 weeks of goal-oriented exercising, and it's been great. The first week, the goal was to run 40 miles -- done. The second week, the goal was to run 40 miles and lift 4x -- done. This week, I'm cutting back a bit on the running, but I still have 2 goals -- lift 3x (M, W, F) and ride 150 miles. I'll keep you posted on how I do. If you haven't adopted a short term goal plan, I suggest that you try it. Definitely has kept me focused.

And I'm signing up for some local races. I had dinner last night with friends who truly seemed interested in this hobby. I felt like a dolt having no excuse for skipping the local events other than the old "I can't be bothered to spend $30." I could read their reactions in their eyes -- "he's a wimp, he's chicken, he is soooo cheap." So Watergirl, bothered I now am, and I'm pulling out the checkbook this afternoon. Well, actually I'm not. No one takes checks anymore, as it's all on, which is the Ticketmaster of triathlon registrations. So I'm pulling out my Visa. At least I'll earn frequent flyer miles.

Off to make coffee and then do this triathlon challenge from Mark. Which seemed like a really good idea yesterday. As I sit here, I'm trying to remember where I stuffed all my gear when I cleaned up the garage.

2007-07-15 5:58 AM
in reply to: #886235

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-15 10:44 AM

Thoughts for the week:

I did the first mile fast yesterday on my run, and ended up having the fastest run I've had in a while. It hurt, of course, as I usually ease into my run on the first mile, but mile 2 felt almost easy when I pulled back a bit. Add a few 1/4 mile sprints and I was on my way. Thanks for the tip!

Be careful of yelling out loud during a run that "you're driving this car" or anything else for that matter. While I have never said this phrase, I do have a motivational one that oh so eloquently uses some lovely choice hyphenated swear words, something like "come on, you m-f'er, move your a s s ." Which works great for me, but isn't so good when I unknowingly say it aloud, usually as I'm passing someone.

I've now completed 2 weeks of goal-oriented exercising, and it's been great. The first week, the goal was to run 40 miles -- done. The second week, the goal was to run 40 miles and lift 4x -- done. This week, I'm cutting back a bit on the running, but I still have 2 goals -- lift 3x (M, W, F) and ride 150 miles. I'll keep you posted on how I do. If you haven't adopted a short term goal plan, I suggest that you try it. Definitely has kept me focused.

And I'm signing up for some local races. I had dinner last night with friends who truly seemed interested in this hobby. I felt like a dolt having no excuse for skipping the local events other than the old "I can't be bothered to spend $30." I could read their reactions in their eyes -- "he's a wimp, he's chicken, he is soooo cheap." So Watergirl, bothered I now am, and I'm pulling out the checkbook this afternoon. Well, actually I'm not. No one takes checks anymore, as it's all on, which is the Ticketmaster of triathlon registrations. So I'm pulling out my Visa. At least I'll earn frequent flyer miles.

Off to make coffee and then do this triathlon challenge from Mark. Which seemed like a really good idea yesterday. As I sit here, I'm trying to remember where I stuffed all my gear when I cleaned up the garage.

All this sounds good. I love the fact that this running plan from Robb is working for everyone. It does hurt and it will hurt whenever you run because you are doing 10-15% faster than your normal time but I agree that the second mile or kilometre is a blast!

Anyhoo, I'm sitting in my hotel room drinking a can of flat coke because I just came back from doing the Team UK leg of the tri nations tri.

24/1hr20/66 giving a total time of 2hr50.

I borrowed a bike of one of the tri shops here and gave it to an old Chinese guy to look after when I was swimming so managed to come straight out of the pool and onto the bike and away. Only problem was that I had no real idea where I was going and Hong Kong is not exactly built for bikes so I went from Morrison Hill pool through Wanchai, Central and Kennedy Town, Puk Fu Lam, Wah Fu and Wong Chuk Hang back to Morrison Hill. Twice. Exactly 40kms. The middle section was quite hilly and I was passing cars on the way down but it is effectivley a motorway, hence the reasonable time as I was scared half to death!

The run was a different matter as I was absolutely drained having totally overcooked the bike. I ran the first kilo dead quick, but it was downhill from there. I sank to my lowest when I started to walk at the 8k stage but then picked it back up for the for the final two laps of the jockey club so was actually running quite fast when I crossed my personal finish line. Complete with raised arms and a little cheer!

I reckon 2.50 is a beatable time so let's here how you get on and good luck Watergirl with your divine sounding bike to the lake and swim tri. I bet when you're done you don't smell as badly as I do right now. Cup of green tea and a long shower for me lthough the shower was fitted by a local so I can only shower the whole of me if I sit on the floor and in my current state, I doublt I could get back up again.

Toodles y'all


2007-07-15 7:43 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well done everyone! Job for Rob, lofty goals for Prof, go like a shark for Mark, do the Yoga biz for Liz. Okay---I know.

Well, my goal was a hard one for the week. Very hard. It was to take a complete recovery week no matter how BAD I wanted to join in challenges or challenge myself. When you are no longer in your body for extended periods of time such that driving is not possible-- then it is time to slow down, actually to STOP, and rest that body! I'm back in my body now and not enjoying the state of affairs in there. Very very achy and inflamed. Everywhere. I'm feeling muscles I didn't know I had, like the small teres minor muscles on the back of your scapulae. Mercy. But that's what the poor bod needs to heal and repair. So I'll swallow copious amounts of MSM and oils to help with the inflammation and get back into things again. One week of recovery is about all I can handle! Oh, the depression! Wouldn't recommend it unless you are truly overcooked. Made myself nap and everything. Horrible experience. Very grueling.
2007-07-15 7:59 AM
in reply to: #886276

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-15 1:43 PM

Well done everyone! Job for Rob, lofty goals for Prof, go like a shark for Mark, do the Yoga biz for Liz. Okay---I know.

Well, my goal was a hard one for the week. Very hard. It was to take a complete recovery week no matter how BAD I wanted to join in challenges or challenge myself. When you are no longer in your body for extended periods of time such that driving is not possible-- then it is time to slow down, actually to STOP, and rest that body! I'm back in my body now and not enjoying the state of affairs in there. Very very achy and inflamed. Everywhere. I'm feeling muscles I didn't know I had, like the small teres minor muscles on the back of your scapulae. Mercy. But that's what the poor bod needs to heal and repair. So I'll swallow copious amounts of MSM and oils to help with the inflammation and get back into things again. One week of recovery is about all I can handle! Oh, the depression! Wouldn't recommend it unless you are truly overcooked. Made myself nap and everything. Horrible experience. Very grueling.

Now why didn't I think of that for my challenge this week! Well done for sticking with it. I can't even take a scheduled day off so to do that for a week is a true acheivement.

Incidentally, having just done my race I decided to go to the "Happy Joy Foot Massage Shop" next to my hotel where I spent a very happy hour in the company of what, I can only assume to be as I could only see the feet, was a hobbit. Fabulous massage though complete with hot towels, stones and the full thumping thai thingy. Being offered a happy ending by a hobbit is a bit unusual though. I'll never look at Lord of the Rings in the same way again.

Anyway, I'm going out now ot make some seriously bad food choices! Now there's ambition for you!
2007-07-15 12:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
yay team! and, Pene, I think its GREAT you took a recovery week. Your workouts next week will feel awesome.

Ok, so when I woke up this morning I felt like i had been run over by a truck. I ached everywhere from yoga, I had 2.5 drinks at the wedding I was at last night (about 1.5 more than usual!), and I felt like I woke up every hour last night. I was very prepared to roll over and go back to sleep but I looked at the clock, realized that Mark and Robb and the Prof had probably all finished their "race" and I better get my butt moving. If we hadnt said we were going to do this, there would have been no way in hell I would have done any sort of excercise today at all! I drank my coffee, read all your posts to get motivated, and got on my bike. It was a slow but steady workout today, no record setting....I rode 9 miles, then swam about 1/2 mile, then rode 4 miles back home. I think my ride took me about 50 min total and the swim about 16 minutes.
Im still sore everywhere but I have to say, Im extremely proud of myself for getting out of bed and thankful I have you guys to keep me moving. I know this workout will pay off at some point, right?? . And, its my 1 year wedding anniversary today!! People say that the first year of marriage is the hard but I have to say that I think training for an olympic distance tri seemed a tad bit harder...

Final note: I wore a dress last night that I wore 1 year ago for my rehearsal dinner; My mother said to me "oh, that dress looks like it fits you much better this year" . I actually think I weigh a few more pounds now than I did then, but when your mother tells you look better, I guess you believe it.
2007-07-15 2:04 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

"Incidentally, having just done my race I decided to go to the "Happy Joy Foot Massage Shop" next to my hotel where I spent a very happy hour in the company of what, I can only assume to be as I could only see the feet, was a hobbit. Fabulous massage though complete with hot towels, stones and the full thumping thai thingy. Being offered a happy ending by a hobbit is a bit unusual though. I'll never look at Lord of the Rings in the same way again."

hahaha I actually laughed out loud at that one.   


Well for me, I got up at 9am, had some breakfast and started getting the bike ready.  I figured I would do it first.  So I set out and about 4k in my left knee started to hurt on the climbs.  It is a really hilly path system with some short 30%+ climbs and each one was killing my knee.  It was like whenever I put a lot of torque down it was pinching just underneath my knee. 

Anyway, so I finished and came home to change and just gave up.  I was thinking of just doing a 5k but my training plan calls for a 16k this week so I figured I will rest up today, RICE the knee, and go for the longer run tomorrow.

So Mark, you win chap.  I will have to get you back in France  

Good challenge though, I like the idea of doing a long brick.  I am going to try it again next week with the swim included.


Pene, welcome back!  Rest is the hardest part of training IMO.  I don't like it and it sounds like you don't either.  Hope you are doing well catwoman. 

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