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2011-02-07 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Nice Tim!  What are you going to buy?

Weekend was terrible here!  I was stuck in the house the entire weekend with a sick kid.  Logan was awake from 1:30-5:30 Saturday morning and then crashed for 2 hours.  And then he did not go to sleep until 11:30 Saturday night.  Needless to say, I am exhausted!  I went out for 15 minutes Saturday evening to pick up dinner and that was it.  It was my last weekend of not working Saturdays and I could not do anything!  I just hope I don't get a phone call from daycare today to come pick him up!

How was everyone else's weekend?

2011-02-07 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-sorry to hear your weekend was so crappy.  hang in there!

My weekend was pretty good.  My in-laws were in town so I didn't get my Sat. workout in as planned, but did get my run in yesterday.  We are planning my sister-in-laws baby shower so it was fun to go buy stuff and make centerpieces and what not.  Other than that nothing too exciting.
2011-02-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been trying to sort out life these days. Looking into a new job, and maybe going back to school, so I have been up to my ears in personal crap recently. But it's slowly getting sorted out. Luckily, my training hasn't suffered much!

So I got some good news on Friday. I passed my Professional Practice Exam, so now I am one step closer to being a professional engineer! I just need to submit my paperwork for work experience, and pass a french test, and I will be considered a professional. It is very exciting! Should mean a bit of leverage when it comes to work, and a fairly sizable raise, which would be nice!

I hope everyone is doing ok! Sorry to hear about your weekend, Meggan! 
2011-02-07 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3343096

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Okay, time to catch up again.

Erica, happy belated b'day, age is nothing to be scared of, you are only ever as old as you feel

T1, grats on the win on the gift certificate, you'll have to let us know how you put it to use

Meggan, sorry about your sucky weekend, sick kids are never any fun, but especially when you are down a member of the household.

Debbie, so great to see you dive into 2011 and getting results for your efforts!

Pete, sounds like you have been keeping busy, the professional designation will be great for the wages and options available to you. 

And it looks like we are all doing well keeping up and prioritizing our training.

My weekend was a very busy. Currently my Dad lives in a suite in our basement, but he is now in the process of moving out and in with his Girlfriend, I'm very happy for him.  But, he is a bit of a pack rat and I spent Friday and part of Saturday going through his place and getting rid of "stuff" he never throws anything out!!  I also gave the place a good cleaning because with his announcement that he was moving out we determined it was a good time for us to consider downsizing and have put our house up for much to do...eek! 

The rest of the weekend was comprised of cooking(made a great crockpot turkey chili), laundry and visiting some open houses around town and my long run on Sunday(which was great, despite the crappy weather).

2011-02-08 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am pretty excited about the gift certificate.  I have been looking at getting the De Soto 400 mile bike bibs for a while but they are pricey.  I've heard nothing but good things about them.  So with the BT discount and the GC I can get the shorts for like $35.

Just like Meggan wanting accountability for her running, I am posting this b/c I need the help for my eating/weight loss.  I had been fooling myself that I was doing well this year when in reality I was not eating that well and my weight was staying about the same.  Once I got the clearance to workout again, I just ate worse b/c I convinced myself I could do it since I was working out again.  Well, I had a rough week last week and just ate badly. 

But, I hit the point where I am ready to dedicate myself to eating healthy/right again.  I have a starting weight today of 210.  Wife and I loaded up on all the good veggies yesterday and have our meals all planned out.  At the beginning of the year my goal was 205 by Feb and 200 by March.  I didn't hit the first goal so I changed the 2nd to 202 by March.  Not sure that is now realistic in only 3 weeks (3lbs per week), but I am going to go for it.  I need the goal to be challenging enough to keep me honest but still within reach.  I am thinking I might start writing out all my food in my log.  I think that will also help keep me honest.  Thanks for any help in advance!
2011-02-08 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T1 - Just be a bit careful trying to drop weight so quickly.  When I dropped 10 pounds for the wedding last fall, I gained about 5.5 back just within a few weeks.  I've finally taken it all back off and then some, but it just goes to show that slower is a good thing here!  That being said, I will try to keep you accountable, too!

Meggan - I hope Logan is feeling better!  Are you getting your workouts in this week?

Pete - Congrats on the test!  Would you believe I took 5 years of French, and can barely remember any of it to say something witty?  No fun.

Sandra - That crockpot turkey chili sounds wonderful!  I have a beautiful crockpot, and I've only used it once.  I always forget how handy they are...

Thanks everybody for the "inspires," too!  I'm sorry I've been slacking on them.  I haven't been on here a ton lately, but that's a good thing because I've been figuring out my schedule for this semester.  It's SO nice to be done with work.  Such a weight off my shoulders.  And I've been focusing a ton on staying consistent with my workouts.  Every time I don't want to do it, I just tell myself that it will hurt me on July 17 (HIM) if I don't.  It's really good motivation. 

But, at the same time, I'm petrified of it!  I have a mini panic attack about it already, just because I have no idea what to expect.  I know I can do the bike, and I know I can do the run, but I'm not sure about all three together or just the swim itself even... 

Also, with my weight loss, it's a slower progress now, but frustrating nonetheless.  My upper body has almost nothing left to it (no joke, you can see my ribs).  But my rear and thighs just are not shrinking quickly at all.  I'm getting irked!  I know, be patient, right?  Easier said than done!

Anyway, everything else is going very well right now!  I hope you all are doing well, too!

2011-02-10 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ok, so who has races coming up? 

This is a tough time of year.  The weather across the continent has been pretty crazy this year and it's just that time of year after the new year buzz has worn off, work/school is in full swing, and tri season is still a month or two away.  Thats's why I need to know who is racing so I can cheer them on to help keep my spirits up.  

With no running right now my soonest event is a bike ride in April.  Starting Tue Feb 22nd, I'll be riding a weekly ride with my bike group.  And then beginning Feb 28th I'll be starting my twice a week swim efficiency class (birthday present from wife) on Mon and Wed for 6 weeks.  So I have a little something to look forward to. 

Oh, and I've had 2 good days of eating right and working out and have already dropped 4lbs.  But, my body does that then will level off.  I am happy but don't want to get too confident and think I can cheat too much.  It's all about mental focus right now.

Happy Thursday!
2011-02-10 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3348335

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
It's amazing how eating right can have such a dramatic effect, and then how easy we can talk ourselves into cheating "just a little" because we promise ourselves that we will eat better the next day.  Just seeing you say that below was good for me, as I have been doing pretty good with diet since the beginning of the year and although I have lost 7lbs so far because of it, I know it could be more, if I didn't sneak in a "treat" more often then I should.  Keep at it Tim, I know you can meet your goals if you keep your mind on track!

Looks like you have your schedule worked out for the next while, with biking and swimming.

I have a race this coming weekend, but not really treating it as a race.  It is a training run and I'll be running it with the friend I am training for the Full Marathon with in May.  We'll probably run it a little faster than our normal Sunday run pace, but certainly not trying for any personal bests.  I hear now that the weather is supposed to be awful as well, and this is an oceanside run, so rain and wind will probably be what we are in times!

Next week I am going to try out a new fitness facility that offers yoga, trx and tabatta classes in one studio, I have been enjoying the yoga and really feel the benefits in my running so won't give it up, but I have been lacking on the strength/cardio training of late and need a jump start.  They offer a 2 month for $99 unlimited classes deal for new students, so I'm going to give it a try. I hear the TRX classes are killer!

chichitao - 2011-02-10 6:05 AM Ok, so who has races coming up? 

This is a tough time of year.  The weather across the continent has been pretty crazy this year and it's just that time of year after the new year buzz has worn off, work/school is in full swing, and tri season is still a month or two away.  Thats's why I need to know who is racing so I can cheer them on to help keep my spirits up.  

With no running right now my soonest event is a bike ride in April.  Starting Tue Feb 22nd, I'll be riding a weekly ride with my bike group.  And then beginning Feb 28th I'll be starting my twice a week swim efficiency class (birthday present from wife) on Mon and Wed for 6 weeks.  So I have a little something to look forward to. 

Oh, and I've had 2 good days of eating right and working out and have already dropped 4lbs.  But, my body does that then will level off.  I am happy but don't want to get too confident and think I can cheat too much.  It's all about mental focus right now.

Happy Thursday!
2011-02-10 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have a 5k the end of the month, whatever the last Sunday of February is.  And then the 10 miler the last Sunday of March.
2011-02-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3348577

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well good luck with the race/run Sandra!  Even though it is just a training run, it's hard not to get a little bit worked up for it.  Hope the weather cooperates a bit for ya and doesn't make things too miserable. 

Wife and I are volunteering for a water stop for a half marathon here on the 20th.  Thought I could at least get out and support those that are running!  They want us there by 530am, so it will be an early day, but we are at mile 4 so should be done fairly quickly.
2011-02-11 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T1 - Congrats on the new WETSUIT!!!  I'm going to have to start doing gear reviews now...

2011-02-11 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Did I win a wetsuit too?!  
2011-02-11 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3351319

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2011-02-11 7:20 PM Did I win a wetsuit too?!  

Well, I THOUGHT you did!  Tongue out

Ryan texted me while I was at class to tell me that you won, so I didn't check the post myself, I just got on to post a message to you! 

Congrats anyway!
2011-02-12 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3351323

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
hahaha, thanks!  I've only wrote a few gear reviews so I guess it paid off!
2011-02-13 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How was the race Sandra?

Went to PT Fri.  Knee feels better in general and I rarely feel it now unless after a hard stretch or bike session.  Even then it goes away pretty quickly.  She still doesn't want me running and seriously wants me to consider getting a steroid shot.  I am thinking I should at least give it a try at this point.  Been still doing the stretching and foam rolling 2-3 times a day.
2011-02-13 5:13 PM
in reply to: #3352947

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Overall, it was an awesome run, my legs felt good throughout.  Unfortunately my GI issues were acting up a bit and I had to stop twice during the run to deal with them, costing me probably about 5 minutes.  We were technically on a training run and weren't racing, but we did decide to try for a time.  The course was gorgeous, the weather was perfect(we even saw sun) and after we finished and were in the car heading home, the heaven's opened up and it poured buckets!  Life has been very crazy with getting our house in order and moving my Dad out and I am wiped now...seeing a nap in my future.

T1, so glad to hear that your knee is feeling so much better, I think the shot might be a good idea, it's not like you will become a meathead gym rat because of one shot:-p 

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

chichitao - 2011-02-13 1:05 PM How was the race Sandra?

Went to PT Fri.  Knee feels better in general and I rarely feel it now unless after a hard stretch or bike session.  Even then it goes away pretty quickly.  She still doesn't want me running and seriously wants me to consider getting a steroid shot.  I am thinking I should at least give it a try at this point.  Been still doing the stretching and foam rolling 2-3 times a day.

2011-02-14 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!  it was beautiful here in St. Louis yesterday and this week is supposed to be gorgeous!  Had a really good run yesterday...4.75...the longest to date in over a year.  I know it isn't too far, but I am feeling great about it.
I have a race March 12th (5 miles) and then another April 10 (10k).  I am looking for a couple more 10K's in May and June.

T1-glad the knee is feeling good!

Oh and Happy Valentines Day!
2011-02-14 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone Hope we all had a good weekend. My GF was in town, so no training was done, but it was a nice, relaxing weekend, none the less Back in the saddle for this 4 day week, then a second 3 day weekend in a row. I love the end of the vacation-year, when I have to start using up all of my left over days! haha
2011-02-14 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Nothing much going on here.  Just getting busy here at the office!  I am still in denial that it is tax season.  Logan and I are both getting over colds and we have a lingering cough.  Because of being under the weather, I cut 3 of my runs short this week.  I was 4 miles under what I should have been.  I hope to make it up but we will see. 
2011-02-14 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3353798

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just checking in - I took a little break from BT the last few weeks.  This weather is just killing me and my training.  I am the kind of person that needs a set schedule and when something gets messed up it throws my whole week off.  It was finally in the 40's yesterday so I was able to get my long run in OUTSIDE!!

Seems like everybody is doing good.  Glad to see everyone still posting.

I had a HUGE show last weekend (2/5) at the Navy Pier Grand Ballroom, which has to be one of the coolest rooms in Chicago.  The event sold out at 1500 people and was a total "Rockstar" show-haha.  The response we have gotten is unbelievable.  Just this past week we have had 4 wedding requests, Joes Bar (the best live music venue in Chicago that I have been trying to get into for 10 years) actually e-mailed me about booking a bunch of dates this summer, a huge charity event at Illinois State University booked us and then we were contacted about an event at the House of Blues. Crazy!  It has kept me kind of busy though.

Here is some video from the show:

2011-02-14 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

That is great news Tim.  I know you have put a lot of work and effort into the band and to really get rewarded like this is awesome.  Keep it up and you'll be able to quit your day job!

2011-02-15 6:09 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sandra - Nice run!  I get GI issues a lot on those runs, too.  I haven't figured out how to prevent it yet! 

T1 - Is that a cortizone shot that they want to give you?  I've had a few of those for my back...and I hated them.  They hurt like heck, and it's not guaranteed that they'll do anything.  But everybody has VERY different experiences with those kinds of things.  Did she give you some reasons for wanting you to get it?  Keep us posted on what you decide, though! 

Debbie - Almost 5 miles, that's AWESOME!  Don't put it down.  It's exciting!  Keep it up.

T2 - Hoping to watch those videos tonight.  How funny that we were at McCormick this weekend and you were just right up the shore!  I'm glad that's all going well for you.  Pretty cool that we know someone famous!

So, this week is a light week and then next week is the beginning of my half-mary training plan!  I'm excited for it, and very ready.  I'm still trying to beef up my swim, but my running and biking are both slowly falling into place where I want them to be.  Yesterday, I had my LAST test for this year's Jorge's Winter Maintenance Plan.  When I started 4 months ago, I was at 16.7mph for 30 minutes, averaging 172 HR.  Yesterday, I was at 20.52 mph with an average HR of 165!  I am VERY happy with that change in just four months!!!  If you need improvement on the bike, I HIGHLY recommend his program.  It is awesome.  I'm actually thinking about starting it over from the beginning now and doing it again, but just lengthening each ride a bit to prepare for the HIM, and then throwing in the optional 4th ride more often.

Ryan and I are shopping around for a fluid trainer for me now, too.  I don't know much about biking stuff, but he thinks I'm starting to "ride out of the abilities of" my mag trainer.  I'm also itching to get aero bars on my bike. 

Happy Tuesday!
2011-02-15 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3355509

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2011-02-15 6:09 AM

T1 - Is that a cortizone shot that they want to give you?  I've had a few of those for my back...and I hated them.  They hurt like heck, and it's not guaranteed that they'll do anything.  But everybody has VERY different experiences with those kinds of things.  Did she give you some reasons for wanting you to get it?  Keep us posted on what you decide, though! 

I believe it would be cortizone.  She told me it is not very painful in the knee.  I had some 2 years ago for a rib cage injury and it helped a lot.  She feels that my inflammation is not going away 100% and so wants to do the shot before she gives me the go ahead to start running again.  I go back on Fri and will probably agree to do it, but can't do it until after the 22nd b/c I am donating blood that day.
2011-02-15 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3355509

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I've really heard great things about Jorge's winter plan,  I think I will try it next winter as it seems that my focus is really on running this year.  It is great to see your results Erica and your enthusiasm for your training in all 3 disciplines!

And yes the GI issues are a pain, and I have played with my diet and race nutrition a lot to try and figure it out.  One of my running friends said that she has friends with the same issue and they take Immodium the night before their long runs and then they don't have any problems.  I don't know if that is the answer, but I'm thinking of trying it once on one of my long runs to see if it works.  I wouldn't want to become reliant on that for my long runs, but it would be nice to know if something like that could work for me on race day.  Has anyone tried this?

SoccerGK - 2011-02-15 4:09 AM Sandra - Nice run!  I get GI issues a lot on those runs, too.  I haven't figured out how to prevent it yet! 

T1 - Is that a cortizone shot that they want to give you?  I've had a few of those for my back...and I hated them.  They hurt like heck, and it's not guaranteed that they'll do anything.  But everybody has VERY different experiences with those kinds of things.  Did she give you some reasons for wanting you to get it?  Keep us posted on what you decide, though! 

Debbie - Almost 5 miles, that's AWESOME!  Don't put it down.  It's exciting!  Keep it up.

T2 - Hoping to watch those videos tonight.  How funny that we were at McCormick this weekend and you were just right up the shore!  I'm glad that's all going well for you.  Pretty cool that we know someone famous!

So, this week is a light week and then next week is the beginning of my half-mary training plan!  I'm excited for it, and very ready.  I'm still trying to beef up my swim, but my running and biking are both slowly falling into place where I want them to be.  Yesterday, I had my LAST test for this year's Jorge's Winter Maintenance Plan.  When I started 4 months ago, I was at 16.7mph for 30 minutes, averaging 172 HR.  Yesterday, I was at 20.52 mph with an average HR of 165!  I am VERY happy with that change in just four months!!!  If you need improvement on the bike, I HIGHLY recommend his program.  It is awesome.  I'm actually thinking about starting it over from the beginning now and doing it again, but just lengthening each ride a bit to prepare for the HIM, and then throwing in the optional 4th ride more often.

Ryan and I are shopping around for a fluid trainer for me now, too.  I don't know much about biking stuff, but he thinks I'm starting to "ride out of the abilities of" my mag trainer.  I'm also itching to get aero bars on my bike. 

Happy Tuesday!
2011-02-16 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I tried finding info on the Jorge's winter plan but looked for a while and ended up giving up as I could never find the actual plan or wher i could get it.
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