Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-01-01 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2588073

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 4:27 PM
kcarroll - 2010-01-01 1:23 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 2:25 PM I just have to share a cool little New Years event with you guys. I'm sitting in the living room on my laptop and my 7 year old daughter is across the room jumping rope and LOGGING her exercises. So far she's done two three-set workouts and has added them up to see if she's improved (which she did - the first group of 3 totaled 104, the second was 111).

The best thing about this is she came up with it all on her own! She hadn't even seen my training log before! It looks like I've got my very own little OCD athlete in the making

LOL!!!Impressive jumpingSurprised

She says "Thank you!" I told her that I was telling my "training buddies" about her jumping log and she thought that was pretty cool.

Go Jumper Girl!

2010-01-01 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2587866

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 2:05 PM
ceilidh - 2010-01-01 7:09 AM Just had some YUMMY eggnog french toast (Thanks to Bill) and going to go WATCH the polar plunge across the lake.

I made that a couple weeks ago too. SOOO good. I posted the recipe on here a few dozen pages ago somewhere if anyone wants to try it. HIGHLY recommended!

Sorry Tom I creditied Bill. My whole family thanks you for the recipe. You are truly a Renaissance man!
2010-01-01 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2588066

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2010-01-01 4:21 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 3:36 PM
mndymond - 2010-01-01 12:15 PM Who just registered for the Calgary 70.3...oh ya...I did...

Rock on Melissa! I can't wait to hear how that goes for you.

Melissa, great way to start the New Year!

Melissa is the new way to spell Goddess!
2010-01-01 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Okay, Do you really mean running 13.1 miles all at one time... THIS month? I am not sure I could do that... YET.
I could sure try though. I think....
2010-01-01 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Hey Ghoulies...how about we see how MANY half marathons we can do each this month---like total mileage wise?
2010-01-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Thanks guys for the support!

2010-01-01 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
High on life TOPPAGE!!! WOOOO 70.3!
2010-01-01 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2587875

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 11:10 AM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 7:30 AM Good morning Ghoulies!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!

Here is the challenge for January, since it is already the 1st and we don't have anything yet.

I challenge you all to run 13.1 miles this month. That's it, you just need to run 13.1 miles. Our aqua-joggers will have to gives us minutes. If you run an 8 minute mile than 13.1 x 8 = how many aqua-jogging minutes you need.

How about that one for THE VILLAGE??!!??!!

If we keep this going until spring I've got an even better one planned. 

Off to shower then putz around until it gets a little warmer and I go for my run.


I LOVE this idea Ann! Granted, it's mostly because I'm already planning on doing it, bu 's still a sweet idea! Maybe someone can design a "Finisher T" for the January Ghoulie Half Marathon? I'd be willing to buy one!

What do you guys think?

(Ghoulie HM.jpg)

Ghoulie HM.jpg (61KB - 23 downloads)
2010-01-01 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2587900

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 2:25 PM I just have to share a cool little New Years event with you guys. I'm sitting in the living room on my laptop and my 7 year old daughter is across the room jumping rope and LOGGING her exercises. So far she's done two three-set workouts and has added them up to see if she's improved (which she did - the first group of 3 totaled 104, the second was 111).

The best thing about this is she came up with it all on her own! She hadn't even seen my training log before! It looks like I've got my very own little OCD athlete in the making

That's AWESOME!!!

Last summer my daughter was giving me lessons in the driveway on how to be FAST on my bike! 
2010-01-01 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2587976

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
mndymond - 2010-01-01 3:15 PMWho just registered for the Calgary 70.3...oh ya...I did...
2010-01-01 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2588100

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2010-01-01 4:41 PMOkay, Do you really mean running 13.1 miles all at one time... THIS month? I am not sure I could do that... YET.
I could sure try though. I think....
Um... NO. Tom and I are the only ones that have to run 13.1 miles at one time this month. You just have to run a total of 13.1 miles this month.

2010-01-01 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2588115

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
mndymond - 2010-01-01 4:56 PMHey Ghoulies...how about we see how MANY half marathons we can do each this month---like total mileage wise?
I know I'll get at least 1 in
2010-01-01 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.
2010-01-01 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2588173

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 2:28 PM Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.

Ann - you WILL be ok for Rock n Roll Half Marathon AZ. You've built your base, your body is strong, and it will fight off your illness. Don't lose heart, don't give up, and as your health returns ease back into your training so you're 100% come race day. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
2010-01-01 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2588115

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
mndymond - 2010-01-01 4:56 PM Hey Ghoulies...how about we see how MANY half marathons we can do each this month---like total mileage wise?

I like this!!!  With Ann & Tom's races, we have at least two in the bag.  I should be able to contribute enough total miles for a couple.

Edited by kcarroll 2010-01-01 5:00 PM
2010-01-01 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2588192

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 5:41 PM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 2:28 PM Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.

Ann - you WILL be ok for Rock n Roll Half Marathon AZ. You've built your base, your body is strong, and it will fight off your illness. Don't lose heart, don't give up, and as your health returns ease back into your training so you're 100% come race day. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
Thanks Tom. Love the design by the way. I may be able to print it out and use iron on's to make t-shirts.

2010-01-01 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2588173

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 5:28 PM Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.

Ann, I'm not a very good liar.  You'll not only be ok.  You'll be terrific.  The best thing you can do right now is rest.  You have the base and this is a different version of a taper.  My first sprint tri several years ago, I was sick as a dog two weeks before the race.  I finished WAY faster than some of my training partners who should have finished with me.  I'm convinced it's because I had a forced taper and they kept squeezing every bit of training in they could.

Lots of rest and fluids. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. This you will need and it can't be done in a day.  Phoenix will be a bit warmer than what you're used to. Stock up on fluids now.  I'm excited for you!  You're going to have a blast.
2010-01-01 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2588206

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 2:59 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 5:41 PM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 2:28 PM Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.

Ann - you WILL be ok for Rock n Roll Half Marathon AZ. You've built your base, your body is strong, and it will fight off your illness. Don't lose heart, don't give up, and as your health returns ease back into your training so you're 100% come race day. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
Thanks Tom. Love the design by the way. I may be able to print it out and use iron on's to make t-shirts.

Sweet! I was thinking about checking out runningbanana.com but that's probably pretty spendy.
2010-01-01 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2588143

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 5:08 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 11:10 AM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 7:30 AM Good morning Ghoulies!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!

Here is the challenge for January, since it is already the 1st and we don't have anything yet.

I challenge you all to run 13.1 miles this month. That's it, you just need to run 13.1 miles. Our aqua-joggers will have to gives us minutes. If you run an 8 minute mile than 13.1 x 8 = how many aqua-jogging minutes you need.

How about that one for THE VILLAGE??!!??!!

Count me in.  Size Medium.  Most of my race shirts wind up in the rag bag.  This is one I'd wear!!!

If we keep this going until spring I've got an even better one planned. 

Off to shower then putz around until it gets a little warmer and I go for my run.


I LOVE this idea Ann! Granted, it's mostly because I'm already planning on doing it, bu 's still a sweet idea! Maybe someone can design a "Finisher T" for the January Ghoulie Half Marathon? I'd be willing to buy one!

What do you guys think?
2010-01-01 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2588222

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2010-01-01 6:12 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 5:08 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 11:10 AM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 7:30 AM Good morning Ghoulies!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!

Here is the challenge for January, since it is already the 1st and we don't have anything yet.

I challenge you all to run 13.1 miles this month. That's it, you just need to run 13.1 miles. Our aqua-joggers will have to gives us minutes. If you run an 8 minute mile than 13.1 x 8 = how many aqua-jogging minutes you need.

How about that one for THE VILLAGE??!!??!!

Count me in.  Size Medium.  Most of my race shirts wind up in the rag bag.  This is one I'd wear!!!

If we keep this going until spring I've got an even better one planned. 

Off to shower then putz around until it gets a little warmer and I go for my run.


I LOVE this idea Ann! Granted, it's mostly because I'm already planning on doing it, bu 's still a sweet idea! Maybe someone can design a "Finisher T" for the January Ghoulie Half Marathon? I'd be willing to buy one!

What do you guys think?

OK, quote in the middle...not so smart.  Count me in Tom!!! I love it and it's one I"d wear.  Most of my race t-shirts wind up in the rag bag.  Not gonna happen with a ghoulie shirt.
2010-01-01 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
WOO! I love how we are going to have a tshirt and everything!

2010-01-01 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2587976

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
mndymond - 2010-01-01 2:15 PM Who just registered for the Calgary 70.3...oh ya...I did...

Congrats on signing up!  Exciting, exciting!
2010-01-01 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2588143

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2010-01-01 4:08 PM
iowagander - 2010-01-01 11:10 AM
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 7:30 AM Good morning Ghoulies!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!

Here is the challenge for January, since it is already the 1st and we don't have anything yet.

I challenge you all to run 13.1 miles this month. That's it, you just need to run 13.1 miles. Our aqua-joggers will have to gives us minutes. If you run an 8 minute mile than 13.1 x 8 = how many aqua-jogging minutes you need.

How about that one for THE VILLAGE??!!??!!

If we keep this going until spring I've got an even better one planned. 

Off to shower then putz around until it gets a little warmer and I go for my run.


I LOVE this idea Ann! Granted, it's mostly because I'm already planning on doing it, bu 's still a sweet idea! Maybe someone can design a "Finisher T" for the January Ghoulie Half Marathon? I'd be willing to buy one!

What do you guys think?

Cool design Tom.  Put me down for one!
2010-01-01 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2588173

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2010-01-01 4:28 PM Ok Village here's the dealMy half marathon is in 2 weeks. I have not run at all this week because I have been running a low grade fever and coughing my head off. I want to run, I just get so winded just walking from one end of my house to the other.Tell me I'll be ok for my HM in 2 weeks. You can lie to me, that's ok, I'll believe you, just tell me not to worry about it.

Just trust in all of the hard work and training that you have already put in.  Missing one week of training is not going to erase all of the fitness gains you've made up to this point.  Ease back into training but don't do anything too strenuous in the next two weeks and I am sure you will have a fantastic race!
2010-01-01 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Ive just had an unplanned 90min nap...or shall I say started to sleep 90min earlier than originally planned....oh ya for tiredness...
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