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2013-08-27 2:19 PM
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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy, you are just MEAN That is cruel talking about and actually making the pies and not sending some our way... enjoy some for all of us! lol

Edited by KWDreamun 2013-08-27 2:19 PM

2013-08-27 5:54 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I did some multitasking on my run today.  (Run, strength train on hills, foraging for food)

I pushed the munchkin in the stroller, uphill, to a blackberry picking spot.  We picked and ate berries for awhile before walking home.  I'm going to bake a couple pies now! Tongue out

When do we stop by?

Jeff, that was a great use of a day off. That place looks incredible. Reminds of some of the tucked away falls up in the mountains here.

I have no diagnosis Will but it sounds like there are some good starting points suggested. Things like that are why I feel it is important to have a team you trust to go visit when issues come up. A good PT, ART, chiro, or sports doctor can really help out when the injuries come up.

I've just finished a 2 day recovery from my race and I'm ready to hit it hard for a week before some rest. Matt, if you're out there I"m getting ready for you!
2013-08-27 7:31 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Too strange I tweak my right side yesterday working out with the trainer, I told the girls at the salon it feels like my muscle is pulling away from the bone hahahahhaaaa they all freaked out but literally that's what it feels like a burning something pain. I have been icing, and using woodlock on it and our massage therapist is too busy right now cuz we are running a special for her, can't wait until September when her special is over and for for lots of reasons! I am soooo excited to see Tony become an Ironman and to meet Brenda and her daughter along with celebrating my 50th Birthday!!! :0

I feel like Debbie Downer but I have been having some really trying weeks and am struggling with getting myself into a "happy place" thanks for the pictures Jeff that helps, that place looks amazing!

Dirk your pic cracked me up hope your tooth feels better soon nothing worse than tooth pain, same with you Brenda I think you said you were going to the dentist today too.

Tracy that's awesome that you are putting together a race! That takes a lot of time and commitment

So my plan for today was to ride when I got home but i just needed to destress and am doing nothing.... it is 88 out and it is 7:30pm which is so crazy for it to be this Iam sitting outside sucking in as much warm as I can get.

2013-08-27 7:38 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
And on this one please no laughing I could probably look it up but......explain a negative split
You guys keep posting on this and I just think I have no clue what they are talking about.
2013-08-27 10:07 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 And on this one please no laughing I could probably look it up but......explain a negative split You guys keep posting on this and I just think I have no clue what they are talking about.

It's easy!  A negative split simply means that you did the second half faster than the first half. Smile

2013-08-27 10:09 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Tracy, you are just MEAN That is cruel talking about and actually making the pies and not sending some our way... enjoy some for all of us! lol

Heeheehee!!!  I added some huckleberries to it, too, from our wild huckleberry bush at the edge of the forest.  Yum!!!! Kiss

2013-08-28 4:49 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Jeff, those pics are great.  It looks like a really great place to swim and maybe just wash your mind of all the things going on and admire creation.  I could get used to seeing that on a regular basis and the trip to get to the falls would be as enjoyable as being there too.

Derek, I cannot really provide much for your problem either.  I have had similar pains before but I've never had anything done about it, it always seemed to work itself out without any special treatment.

Will,  The article you posted was pretty interesting.  Call me a lazy runner I guess.  I feel like I made plenty of gains as described in the article.  Sadly, I think all of those easy gains are gone and I have to turn to hard work, not very normal for a "lazy runner."

Tracy, cut me off a slice of that pie too.  I'll have mine a-la-mode.

Joanne, sometimes it takes a while to find that happy place.  It'll come back just stay the course.  Do you need any recovery from workouts recently?  It could be that you've driven yourself into a recovery.  Of course there could be stress related issues too, that have robbed you of your gidde up and go.

Effort: Mod
Weather: 72/72  Wind: SW 5/5
I felt amazing for this run.  I am not sure why I ended up running so fast this morning.  I was in a bit of a hurry to make sure I got ready to go to the dentist on time and after I realized I was running so fast I continued to allow it.  I didn't think I was going faster each mile.  When I noticed the second mile was at 7:20 I felt like I set the cruise control, but apparently I didn't.  Instead I kept pressing on the gas and hauled more lead into my foot. 
At the end I still felt pretty good.  I had plenty of gas in the tank and could have easily turned this into a 10k run.  It sure felt good to allow the jets to come on for a change.
2013-08-28 6:13 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk, nice run. Hope you get your tooth pulled pain free and cheap. Is it tomorrow you are leaving for your vacation? have fun!

Jo, I understand about finding your "happy" place. I understand and i feel that way abot the swim now, the instructor has taken all the fun out of swimming, if there ever was any and I hate getting in the pool now.

Tracy, how were the pie's? as my stomach is growling....

Tony, how are you feeling leading up to IM?
2013-08-28 6:39 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Karl stick with the swimming lessons. It will get better. You have to retrain your muscle memory and develop a whole new feel for the water. I've gone through several changes in my swim stroke over the years and it is not easy. My first adult swim instructor was old school and he taught me the S stroke. I worked and worked to pull through the water that way then the next instructor told me that was all wrong so I had to start over!

Jeff those pics are beautiful! I want to go there!

Dirk that run had to feel great! Maybe you should start posting your crappy workouts so the rest of us can feel human .

Jo hang in there. I go through phases like you are in where I just don't have the motivation. Sometimes just telling myself a half hour is better than nothing helps me get out the door then I wind up doing more.

2013-08-28 6:41 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy good luck with the race organization. I have helped friends who have organized races around here and it is a lot of work! And next time you make a pie at least post a pic for us Wink.
2013-08-28 7:01 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Things are heating up around here with temps expected to reach 98 degrees today and continuing to be in the 90's through the weekend. Water temp at the lake for the race is already 84 degrees so no wetsuit for me this time either!

I just heard from Tiff that another local lady in my age group has decided to do this race. She is a bit of a yo-yo personality, one minute triathlon is the best thing ever, the next she is all about running, then weight training but she always wants fast results and does not stick with things to see the progression that dedicated training can provide. So Tiff says "you have to beat her". I hate that, and yo-yo lady has all the bells and whistles on her tri bike with fast wheels and an aero helmet so even though I have been busting my rump over this last month she will probably still be faster than me on the bike. So I guess I need some Junkie focus to fight the negative messages getting in my head.

The good news is I finally broke the 20 mph barrier with my last 40 mile ride. 20.1 mph average for 41 miles. Now I just need to keep my head on straight for race day.

2013-08-28 7:50 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Karl, remember we all were where you are right now, you will get it, one of my clients ( he wants to start doing tris) started working with the guy who trains me but he didn't know how to swim correctly, They have been working 1 day a week for about 4 months and he finally got it! So just keep thinking positive!

Dirk nice run and with a tooth ache?

Dina 20 mph you are soooo gonna kill it on the bike and beat yo yo lady you've got this!!!!!

As for me it's all work stress, long story....back in 2007 when we got our first business loan when all of the banking world was doing well, we were mislead by the banker we had, and there were some things that were not fully disclosed to us, the loan was written to make it seem like we qualified, when in fact we didnt, unaware of this, things were rolling and so we get location and loan 2. Had we known what we know now that we shouldn't have qualified for loan 1 and now we have loan 2 oh what a mess. So a few years back when everything crashed, our loan guy gets fired, the entire board of directors are let go because i believe it was the fcc that stepped in and the bank had to clean house etc etc, so we met with them last week and they are going back over all our board meeting notes, and we have to get all this informatiion to them and we were told by the new bankers " lets be honest here what went on in the bank back then wasnt exactly on the up and up" I am thinking no fooling..... Anyway at this point Iam done, I mentally can not keep this up making sure evrything and everyone gets paid by juggling from this account to that account, luckily iam a great budgeter and along with this our building had some big issues that need fixing and the landlord tells me he doesn't have the money to fix them. I am beyond frustrated, and honestly training and having this group to vent to is the only thing that keeps me sane. And thank god my husband and I have a strong marriage cuz man this is a lot of crap right now! Other than that life is good my sister had her last radiation treatment and she is doing good so I have to keep reminding myself to look at the bright side and the things that matter!
2013-08-28 9:00 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina, yo yo girl may have the bells and whistles but you have the ENGINE! Kick butt!!!!

Jo, I understand. Don't let the bank bully you around, you have the contract (loan). If the bank was fraudulent, you should be good. I do understand the stress though, we have a bunch of rental houses and I'm sick of them all and they are all for sale but the problem is, no one is buying at this time. Good Luck and keep us posted and you can vent any time.

Congrats to your sister, I know she will be glad it is over. I pray she is cured!

We had our 1st baseball meeting of the year and one of the player's mother has terminal cancer at another highschool. We play them at our school and when we do, our players are going to wear pink shirts and give the proceeds from the admissions to the game to the "make a wish foundation". That was so nice of them, I am so glad to be a part of that environment and it is good for the boys as well.
2013-08-28 9:59 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy I agree with Dina if you are going to make us all hungary and envious of your homemade pies and fresh berries at least post the picture of it!

Karl I am just like you. I want to love swimming, I actually like it but am still having trouble finding my happy place doing it. I also need to work harder this offseason to improve. Stick with the lessons and instruction it is probably the best thing you can do. You'll get better give it time.

Dirk nice run today especially with the toothache. I hope everything goes well for you at the dentist today. I know you can't be looking forward to that.

Dina you're gonna kill it in your upcoming race. Don't worry about yo yo girl you'll wind up smoking her in the race. You just worry about getting yourself ready and everything else will fall into place for you.

JoAnne I can't imagine the stress you've got dealing with that mess and fallout with the bank no wonder you are feeling the way you are. Keep hanging tough and things will get better for in time. You know you can sound off here anytime you need to and we'll support you in anyway that we can.

For me I think the reality is really starting to hit home. I have spent so much time training it seems like I've been doing it forever, like this day would never come and now it's getting so close. The taper really starts to mess with you and the head games have begun. I'm trying not to think about it. I don't want any doubts and fears to set in. I literally keep telling myself I'm ready I can do it. I'm just trying not to get nervous about it now. As much as love not having to train 16 to 19 hours this week there is just too much time now for my mind to wander. I'll be happy once the weekend is over and I'm on my way to Madison. From that point on it'll be all business for me and my focus will be to do what I set out to do, becoman an Ironman.
2013-08-28 8:32 PM
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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Hey Gang! Excuse my lack of a good segue from today's discussions to this post. Also, excuse my ignorance on all things related to bike mechanics but after reading the discussion on the IMWI forum I have a question on cassettes.  I know you have talked about it before but I didn't pay attention because I wasn't at a place where I cared.  I'm sorry for this duplication but now all my decisions on what to get for my bike are predicated on the IMWI event next year.  With that in mind I took my bike about a month ago to the shop in Dirk's town and asked them to put on the best cassette for that course.  Stupid me hadn't done any research or talked to you all first - I trusted them to know.   Because I don't know what they put on I just went and counted the teeth.  the smallest is a 12 and the largest is a 27.  So is that a 12/27 cassette?   They told me that was the best and it came in a 105 but not Ultegra.  I remember them telling me the Durace was too expensive and I'd never tell the difference.  The original cassette is Ultegra and is a 12/25 (if I've counted the teeth correctly).   I have a 53/39 chain wheel (is that what it's called?).   Most folks on the IMWI forum (Tony included) say they have a 11/28.    So, short story made long.... I don't have confidence in what I was told and sold and am looking for some guidance.   Any help you can give would be appreciated. 

Side note - ever since they put on the 105 my bike has shifted really clunky.  It could be something else unrelated but I've equated the two since it happened when they put it on.  

Edited by bswcpa 2013-08-28 8:32 PM
2013-08-28 9:04 PM
in reply to: 0

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

First off, I am not sure how I posted my run from yesterday morning on the post today.  Obviously I did it, but I don't remember doing it at all.  I guess it could be the Vicodin from the tooth pain I've been having that caused my delirium induced post.

Brenda,  There are others who can answer for the size of your cassette in better terminology than I but I'll give it a shot.  You are looking for gearing on the front and back that will provide you with the ability to climb at IMWI without having to get out of the saddle and waste energy.  It is really hard to determine what cassette is best because your specific abilities are a large part of the equation.  (I'll allow Jeff or Warrn to provide more specific terminology.)

As far as shifting more clunky, that would be expected if they didn't adjust the rear derailleur after putting the new cassette on.  You may be able to make the adjustments yourself by turning the adjustment barrel on the rear of the derailleur.  Turn it 1 or 2 clicks and see if that makes it better.  I honestly don't know if it is normal for a bike shop to install a new cassette without adjusting the derailleur, if you took your bike in with and not just the rear wheel.  The adjustments really aren't hard to do.  You can find a good youtube video as a guide.  I can hunt for one later.  Right now I'm about to pass out.

A couple of nights with restless sleep because of my tooth pain, or lack of a tooth pain, and I'm kind of wiped out.

Edited by DirkP 2013-08-29 4:30 AM

2013-08-29 4:38 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Things are heating up around here with temps expected to reach 98 degrees today and continuing to be in the 90's through the weekend. Water temp at the lake for the race is already 84 degrees so no wetsuit for me this time either!

I just heard from Tiff that another local lady in my age group has decided to do this race. She is a bit of a yo-yo personality, one minute triathlon is the best thing ever, the next she is all about running, then weight training but she always wants fast results and does not stick with things to see the progression that dedicated training can provide. So Tiff says "you have to beat her". I hate that, and yo-yo lady has all the bells and whistles on her tri bike with fast wheels and an aero helmet so even though I have been busting my rump over this last month she will probably still be faster than me on the bike. So I guess I need some Junkie focus to fight the negative messages getting in my head.

The good news is I finally broke the 20 mph barrier with my last 40 mile ride. 20.1 mph average for 41 miles. Now I just need to keep my head on straight for race day.

We've had plenty of heat here too.  The heat indexes have been in the mid 90's all week.  I have taken a couple of days off to get ready for Florida and the oral surgeon but they have been very reluctantly taken.

About your upcoming race: Don't let the yo-yo lady get into your head would be the biggest advice I would give.  Sometimes when we allow ourselves to become distracted by something like this it can have race ruining effects.  The distraction can seem to cause minor errors that eventually add up to time lost that may not have occurred had your focus been pointed in the right direction.  Race your race and enjoy the day, but race hard!  Racing hard and letting something get into your head are two different animals.......

.......And a 20 MPH ride (which is absolutely amazing!!) will leave you with a great set up to heave a great race AND beat the yo-yo!

2013-08-29 4:49 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63  As for me it's all work stress, long story....back in 2007 when we got our first business loan when all of the banking world was doing well, we were mislead by the banker we had, and there were some things that were not fully disclosed to us, the loan was written to make it seem like we qualified, when in fact we didnt, unaware of this, things were rolling and so we get location and loan 2. Had we known what we know now that we shouldn't have qualified for loan 1 and now we have loan 2 oh what a mess. So a few years back when everything crashed, our loan guy gets fired, the entire board of directors are let go because i believe it was the fcc that stepped in and the bank had to clean house etc etc, so we met with them last week and they are going back over all our board meeting notes, and we have to get all this informatiion to them and we were told by the new bankers " lets be honest here what went on in the bank back then wasnt exactly on the up and up" I am thinking no fooling..... Anyway at this point Iam done, I mentally can not keep this up making sure evrything and everyone gets paid by juggling from this account to that account, luckily iam a great budgeter and along with this our building had some big issues that need fixing and the landlord tells me he doesn't have the money to fix them. I am beyond frustrated, and honestly training and having this group to vent to is the only thing that keeps me sane. And thank god my husband and I have a strong marriage cuz man this is a lot of crap right now! Other than that life is good my sister had her last radiation treatment and she is doing good so I have to keep reminding myself to look at the bright side and the things that matter!

This certainly sounds like it would be stress inducing!!!  I am inclined to fall in line with Karl's statement.  If hey have issued you a contract, it would seem to me that they are bound by that contract.  And, since you've been up and running for about 6 years they should have to count that as something.  The trouble is that the government is involved and, quite frankly, I don't trust the government at all.  It would appear to me that they try, and get away with, almost anything they want anymore, legal or illegal.  Be patient, says the guy who's sitting 2 states away, and let things roll out.

It's really great news that your sister's had her treatment.  I'll continue to pray that she's found to be in remission.

And, continue to lean on your husband.  That's what he's supposed to be there for.  And don't be afraid of leaning on him.  When Lis was going through her breast cancer scare last year she wouldn't talk to me about it to me because she was afraid she would worry me.  I am not afraid to admit that when I found out that she had been hiding her fears from me, I was greatly hurt by that.  I told her to never do that again!  If I am her husband and I am a real man, I should always want, and need, to hear about her struggles.  If you husband is worth his salt, he is the same way.  And by your admission I would say he does want to hear what's going on with you.

2013-08-29 6:13 AM
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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

x2 on Dirk's advice to you DINA.   The one race that I had a certain competitor in my sights still leaves a bad taste in my mouth and although I did beat her, I didn't enjoy the feeling.  I hated racing that way mentally and vowed never to do it again.   Congrats on your bike pace - that's super!   Go into the race with confidence and give it all you got. 

x2 also on Dirk's words to you, JOANNE.   I'm sorry that you're going through the bank and building stress but thankful you have a loving family support.  Be firm in your dealings with the bank and your landlord and make sure you document everything. 

Glad you're at least lucid enough to type out some coherent sentences while being on Vicodin, DIRK.   Laughing   It's also nice to know you took a couple days off physical activity.   Praying you have a safe trip south.  Hope it works out that you're able to meet up with JEFF for a ride.  Have a wonderful vacation!

Checking on-line I see that Ultegra makes a 11/28 cassette that I can pick up new for less than what I paid at Summit for the 105 12/27.  I'm kicking myself for not doing any research before taking it to them and I'm mad at them for not talking me through all options.  Really, though, I'm the one to blame so I'll just keep yelling at myself.  Yell   DIRK - I assume you highly recommend Human Motor Works instead of Summit, right?   I think I'll call them today.

TONY -  I wondered if you'd share what items you plan on putting in your various gear and special needs bags?   I found it interesting and helpful in the IMWI forum when the one guy shared what he planned to do.   I'm just soaking in all this information and storing it for next year.  Also, since you plan to live off the course aid stations, have you been training with Perform, Bonk Breakers, GU, Roctane?   I read through the athlete guide and there's just so much information.   Hopefully you're remaining calm and collected.   I'm a nervous wreck and I'm just volunteering.  Foot in mouth



Edited by bswcpa 2013-08-29 6:15 AM
2013-08-29 6:21 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by Jo63  As for me it's all work stress, long story....back in 2007 when we got our first business loan when all of the banking world was doing well, we were mislead by the banker we had, and there were some things that were not fully disclosed to us, the loan was written to make it seem like we qualified, when in fact we didnt, unaware of this, things were rolling and so we get location and loan 2. Had we known what we know now that we shouldn't have qualified for loan 1 and now we have loan 2 oh what a mess. So a few years back when everything crashed, our loan guy gets fired, the entire board of directors are let go because i believe it was the fcc that stepped in and the bank had to clean house etc etc, so we met with them last week and they are going back over all our board meeting notes, and we have to get all this informatiion to them and we were told by the new bankers " lets be honest here what went on in the bank back then wasnt exactly on the up and up" I am thinking no fooling..... Anyway at this point Iam done, I mentally can not keep this up making sure evrything and everyone gets paid by juggling from this account to that account, luckily iam a great budgeter and along with this our building had some big issues that need fixing and the landlord tells me he doesn't have the money to fix them. I am beyond frustrated, and honestly training and having this group to vent to is the only thing that keeps me sane. And thank god my husband and I have a strong marriage cuz man this is a lot of crap right now! Other than that life is good my sister had her last radiation treatment and she is doing good so I have to keep reminding myself to look at the bright side and the things that matter!

This certainly sounds like it would be stress inducing!!!  I am inclined to fall in line with Karl's statement.  If hey have issued you a contract, it would seem to me that they are bound by that contract.  And, since you've been up and running for about 6 years they should have to count that as something.  The trouble is that the government is involved and, quite frankly, I don't trust the government at all.  It would appear to me that they try, and get away with, almost anything they want anymore, legal or illegal.  Be patient, says the guy who's sitting 2 states away, and let things roll out.

It's really great news that your sister's had her treatment.  I'll continue to pray that she's found to be in remission.

And, continue to lean on your husband.  That's what he's supposed to be there for.  And don't be afraid of leaning on him.  When Lis was going through her breast cancer scare last year she wouldn't talk to me about it to me because she was afraid she would worry me.  I am not afraid to admit that when I found out that she had been hiding her fears from me, I was greatly hurt by that.  I told her to never do that again!  If I am her husband and I am a real man, I should always want, and need, to hear about her struggles.  If you husband is worth his salt, he is the same way.  And by your admission I would say he does want to hear what's going on with you.

That is excellent news about your sister!

I hope this all gets worked out for you and I agree with Dirk.

My husband has started the school year with the weight of every decision towards cutting the budget on his shoulders. He is really stressed out and unloads on me every night. It is fine, but an additional factor of why I am not actively looking for work. I am putting my efforts into home stuff which, let's face it, is not my thing Wink but I am trying. Cooking dinner, meal planning, making sure the kids are on top of their homework and all that so when he gets home he can relax, play with the kids and not deal with more hassles. Sometime, hopefully soon, this problem with the loans will go away but you will still have each other and that is what matters.

2013-08-29 7:50 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

First off, I am not sure how I posted my run from yesterday morning on the post today.  Obviously I did it, but I don't remember doing it at all.  I guess it could be the Vicodin from the tooth pain I've been having that caused my delirium induced post.

Brenda,  There are others who can answer for the size of your cassette in better terminology than I but I'll give it a shot.  You are looking for gearing on the front and back that will provide you with the ability to climb at IMWI without having to get out of the saddle and waste energy.  It is really hard to determine what cassette is best because your specific abilities are a large part of the equation.  (I'll allow Jeff or Warrn to provide more specific terminology.)

As far as shifting more clunky, that would be expected if they didn't adjust the rear derailleur after putting the new cassette on.  You may be able to make the adjustments yourself by turning the adjustment barrel on the rear of the derailleur.  Turn it 1 or 2 clicks and see if that makes it better.  I honestly don't know if it is normal for a bike shop to install a new cassette without adjusting the derailleur, if you took your bike in with and not just the rear wheel.  The adjustments really aren't hard to do.  You can find a good youtube video as a guide.  I can hunt for one later.  Right now I'm about to pass out.

A couple of nights with restless sleep because of my tooth pain, or lack of a tooth pain, and I'm kind of wiped out.

Brenda I think you would be good with a 12/27 cassette. I think for Wisconsin you'd want some thing more than the 12/25 for the hills. Having a 27 or 28 gear is going to be a big help with that as Dirk stated. Also upfront I know I have a compact crank a 50/34 so I can go front ring 34 rear ring 28 which makes climbing the hills a lot easier.

I also second that the bike shop should have adjusted the derallieur and I know I had them replace the chain as well. The chain needed to be longer than what I had when I was running the 12/25 cassette. It was a little worn as well. What I did was I ordered the 11/28 ultegra cassette I think I found it for like $65 online and took it to the bike shop to install for me.

I think the gearing is all going to be based on your skill and preference like Dirk said. I know others here can elaborate more on this and probably a lot better than I can but I really wanted the biggest advantage I could get so I went with the 11/28 cassette and I can tell you it makes life much easier especially at the end of a long hills ride knowing you've got an easy gear you can spin up a hill in.

2013-08-29 8:24 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

x2 on Dirk's advice to you DINA.   The one race that I had a certain competitor in my sights still leaves a bad taste in my mouth and although I did beat her, I didn't enjoy the feeling.  I hated racing that way mentally and vowed never to do it again.   Congrats on your bike pace - that's super!   Go into the race with confidence and give it all you got. 

x2 also on Dirk's words to you, JOANNE.   I'm sorry that you're going through the bank and building stress but thankful you have a loving family support.  Be firm in your dealings with the bank and your landlord and make sure you document everything. 

Glad you're at least lucid enough to type out some coherent sentences while being on Vicodin, DIRK.   Laughing   It's also nice to know you took a couple days off physical activity.   Praying you have a safe trip south.  Hope it works out that you're able to meet up with JEFF for a ride.  Have a wonderful vacation!

Checking on-line I see that Ultegra makes a 11/28 cassette that I can pick up new for less than what I paid at Summit for the 105 12/27.  I'm kicking myself for not doing any research before taking it to them and I'm mad at them for not talking me through all options.  Really, though, I'm the one to blame so I'll just keep yelling at myself.  Yell   DIRK - I assume you highly recommend Human Motor Works instead of Summit, right?   I think I'll call them today.

TONY -  I wondered if you'd share what items you plan on putting in your various gear and special needs bags?   I found it interesting and helpful in the IMWI forum when the one guy shared what he planned to do.   I'm just soaking in all this information and storing it for next year.  Also, since you plan to live off the course aid stations, have you been training with Perform, Bonk Breakers, GU, Roctane?   I read through the athlete guide and there's just so much information.   Hopefully you're remaining calm and collected.   I'm a nervous wreck and I'm just volunteering.  Foot in mouth



Brenda I'm honestly trying my best to not think about the actual race. I get major anxiety when I start doing that. It happened on my run last night, the first loop was miserable for me. I have decided to focus on everything I need to do before I leave for Madison on Tuesday. So that includes going over my checklist for my gear, planning my nutrition for the race, taking care of my final few training sessons and planning on what I will put in my T1/T2 bags and my special needs bags for the bike and run. The one thing I was told about the special needs bags was don't put anything in there that you plan to get back. You may not get your special needs bag back so that is what I am thinking about doing.

Bike Special Needs:
Spare tire tube - I will carry two tubes on the bike
CO2 maybe - I am going to carry a mini pump in my jersey.
1 or 2 bottles of Infinit just the mix - will fill with water, I think I will need 6 bottles total 8 if it's really hot, carry 4 on the bike.
Clif shot blocks - prefer them over the chomps
Motivating snacks of some sort - something not on the course that I eat that I will look forward to. Chocolate Oreos perhaps!
Depending on weather I may carry something that would help if need be, TBD

Run Special Needs:
Depending on weather I could have something there that would help, long sleeved jersey, gloves etc, TBD
More motivating snacks - you can bet there will be some oreos in there, maybe the banana split ones!
Cliff shot blocks - prefer them over the chomps.
Motivational letter to self - to be opened only if I'm on the verge of quitting or if I need a kick in the butt. I may just leave this on in my T2 bag as I have to have this with me for the run.

I'm sure there are other things that I may want or need. I will get it figured out once I pack my stuff and figure out what I need for my T1 and T2 bags.
Also I have been training like I can live off the course. So I will go with bonk breaker bars, powerbar perform, water, ice and coke off the course. The only two items I will carry are Infinit for the bike leg and Cliff shot blocks. I will have plenty of Cliffs for the bike and run. I am going to try and not do gels but will take them off the course if need be. The other thing I may do is the soup if I'm out there long enough and I need it. The two other things I may have is my Oreo cookies and maybe some nutri grain bars in SN bags. I think I will have this all finalized over the weekend.

Now if I can just remain calm and collected like you said this would all be easy but it's like I read in the ironman taper post. Doing Ironman is like landing a man on the moon, blindfolded by remote control! And if you've never read that see this link below, it is the most inspirational thing I've ever read and when I start to freak out about all this stuff I just read it. JoAnne thanks for sending that to me it is the best thing I've read.

2013-08-29 8:59 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Oh, my goodness, TONY (and JOANNE) thanks for sharing that link.   I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.   So motivational!

Thanks for sharing about your bike set-up and where you are mentally.  I so appreciate you letting me know about your bags - the idea of a note to yourself is a great one!  I'm praying for you to remain calm and confident as you pack.

2013-08-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Brenda, a 12x27 cassette is a perfectly sound choice and getting the 105 cassette is a smart move too.
I don't see any mistakes being made by the shop when steering you that way.

Shimano makes the 105 cassette in 12x27 as well as 11x28. Because you have a 53/29 crank, I would probably have opted for the 11x28, but it's pretty rare to find that in stock at a bike shop, especially in I'm pretty sure the one they gave you was the best one they had in stock for you.

There is nothing about the 105 cassette that is lower quality than the Ultegra...just a slight bit heavier. And since cassettes and chains are wear parts, replacing those items with 105 quality items is very smart and done by a LOT of racers that have Dura Ace on their bikes.

Dirk was right on when he said that the deciding factor is really going to be your riding style and fitness. And I'm not personally acquainted with the IMWI course except that I hear it's hilly.

Your 'clunky' shifting should be able to be adjusted out. I really wouldn't expect there to be any difference that you could feel between your 105 cassette and your old ultegra cassette....except the fact that you changed cog sizes will change the shifting a little bit...You see, your old cassette never changed more than 2 teeth in size from cog to cog. The new cassette changes 3 teeth from cog to cog at the very top. That larger change in cog sizes makes for a rougher shift at those cogs....That may be what you are describing. But between the 7 smallest cogs the changes are not more than 2 and should not be worse than your old cassette. Are you noticing your 'clunky' shifts just between those 3 larger ones?
2013-08-29 9:58 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, don't go nuts! Everyone has a crisis of faith during their IM taper!
I hope your taper is a sensible one and not an OVER taper.

Are you still going out and getting in an hour of easy training every day this week?
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