BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-09-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
JoAnne that is good news about the weather. I'm hoping we just get a nice day since it's going to be a really, really, really long day! About the tires the Cont's GP4000's are both clincher and tubular. MIne are 700x23's and I got they for a great price online. I don't remember what website I ordered them through but I can look it up for you if you are interested.

Dina I agree with you, these WTC IM branded races cost a fortune for the long distance races and there is only a partial refund if you can't do it which is ridiculous. I think you should do the distances that you feel best with and that you can do without worrying about injury and that also challenge you. That aqua/bike HIM was great for you. I think you did a great job and you probably could've done even better had you had more time to get ready for it.

This is my final day at home and I'll be leaving tomorrow. I have plenty to do today. I was hoping to sleep in a bit my dog Luna always gets up early when I have the opportunity to do that. She was up before 7 am today! I wound up getting up and taking her out and then taking her for a walk. So much for sleeping in. Oh and she has the nerve now to go back to sleep!

I did get my checklist put together and will begin packing today. I think I have everything I need covered. I have my nutrition plan done as well. I worked out what I'm going to eat and how many calories I will take in based on the time on the course for each leg, mainly focused on the bike and the run. I feel really good about the checklist and the nutrition plan. Hopefully everything I've learned in my training will pay off on race day and I will properly execute my race plan. I'd sum it up in one word, patienence.

My friend Bobby loaned me a pair of carbon wheels which I'll use for the race as well. Should give me a better ride than my stock wheels. I will probably take them with me and have them swapped out when I get to Madison. I don't think I'm going to have time to do it today but will try if I can.

Man I feel like I should be really nervous right now and in total freakout mode lol. I can't believe the time has come to actually do this. You know when you sign up for something like this it seems like you have forever and that the day will never get here. So you spend all that time leading up to this getting ready for it still thinking that you have forever and all of sudden the time is upon you and you're surprised that it's arrived. I look back and I'm thinking where has the year gone?

There is nothing more to do now. I'll make the trip to Wisconsin and enjoy the time I have prior to the race and then I'll do what I set out to do.

2013-09-02 9:25 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Tony I have butterflies in my stomach just reading your post, knowing it is time for you to get ready to go. I can just imagine you at the start, it will feel surreal I'm sure. I will not be racing anything next weekend and you can bet I'll be on the computer tracking YOU!

2013-09-02 9:56 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa
2013-09-02 10:12 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

You need a Bon Jovi intervention lol! No more Bon Jovi concerts for you!
2013-09-02 10:16 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Tony I have butterflies in my stomach just reading your post, knowing it is time for you to get ready to go. I can just imagine you at the start, it will feel surreal I'm sure. I will not be racing anything next weekend and you can bet I'll be on the computer tracking YOU!

That's exactly how I feel right now. I'll get you guys the tracking info. I'll have the myathletelive tracker and I think they post this weekend's races on Thursday or Friday. I know my tracking device has been shipped to the hotel already. The only thing is it'll only be good for the bike and run but at least I'll know you guys can keep an eye out for me which I will greatly appreciate. Besides I'm sure you guys know I'll be thinking about everyone here while I'm out there.
2013-09-02 2:42 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

That is hysterical!

Hey check out the main forum about your lump. There is a thread started called Strategy for 112, she has a saddle sore and is getting a lot of advice from experienced people.

2013-09-02 3:11 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by Jo63 So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

That is hysterical!

Hey check out the main forum about your lump. There is a thread started called Strategy for 112, she has a saddle sore and is getting a lot of advice from experienced people.

I have heard of runners high, but runners hallucination is something new! I guess just redefining LSD...
2013-09-02 3:27 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, just wanted to check in and wish you the best! Do you have a race #? It may be posted and i missed it. You know I can't spell your last I hope you hve a safe trip out and back and an enjoyable race.

Who else is racing this weekend, i know a lot of people are.

Dina, nice race!

Vero, great job too.

2013-09-02 4:28 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by Jo63 So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

That is hysterical!

Hey check out the main forum about your lump. There is a thread started called Strategy for 112, she has a saddle sore and is getting a lot of advice from experienced people.

Thanks Dina for sending me to that forum. So my issue isn't a saddle sore but painful none the less and ..what was recommended by John Cobb,( Cobb bike seats) was to try to lower the seat 2-3 cm......interestingly, I had a quick bike fit I believe it was no more than a week before Syracuse and my issue started right after the race. Yep I have been dealing with this for 2 months
I had put on a different seat on the tri bike yesterday and had a better ride but we had also changed the height on my road bike and I road that inside this morning with some issues so we will be lowering both bikes and putting the Adamo back on the tri bike and hope that's the fix!

Edited by Jo63 2013-09-02 4:44 PM
2013-09-02 7:00 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Tony, just wanted to check in and wish you the best! Do you have a race #? It may be posted and i missed it. You know I can't spell your last I hope you hve a safe trip out and back and an enjoyable race.

Who else is racing this weekend, i know a lot of people are.

Dina, nice race!

Vero, great job too.

Karl I'll be rockin 2315 for IMWI. Like I said I'll post the link for Myathletelive once they have me up on the site this way you'll be able to track me real time after the swim. The IM site is slow. I think I'll have my wife also try and post updates via facebook via my account if she can do that.
2013-09-02 9:52 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Quick fly-by post.  I haven't read anything.

Vero....I hope the race went well.  Did you like it?

I've had a cold.  It hit on Wednesday during my run.  I know that in retrospect.  I'm on the upswing now.

I'm eating some super yummy abalone that my husband dove for TODAY!  He BBQed it like no one else.  It's so tender that it melts in your mouth.  I'm enjoying it on quinoa with some kale and avocado.  He and the munchkin are across the street at a neighbor's sharing the wealth.  (One abalone can feed four people or two greedy people.)  He got his limit of three!  The shells are beautiful, too!

2013-09-02 9:55 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Race results are up and OMG, pro triathlete Thomas Gerlach was at our little country race and I didn't even know it!!!!!!!!!!!! He just raced IM LOU last weekend where he finished 3rd overall then smashed this course. 25.1 mph average on the bike. How do you do that?!

Cool!  Mike Pigg is a local around here.  I'm always in the same races as him.  We're not going to talk about the time I was seeded into the same swim wave as him. Undecided

2013-09-02 9:58 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

I'm home from the race now. I really did this race just to say I've done it, so I wasn't expecting great things. What really happed was I got my butt kicked. 10th out of 13 in my age group. Though the top 5 in my age group were around top 30 overall out of 300. There are some fast 40-44 year olds out there.

I came out of the craziest swim I've ever been in among the top half, then hammered on the bike until my calves started to threaten cramping. They held off full on cramping until the long uphill during the first mile of the run. Then, the left one especially, they went into full pain mode. The rest of mile one was ugly: walk/stretch/jog/walk/stretch/jog. After that it was a slow uphill second mile+. Once turned around and coming downhill I was able to stretch the legs out better and run. My transitions went pretty quick, but I did forget to put my sunglasses back on when starting the run.


I made several mistakes leading up to not having a great day.

1. I did not train enough for hills on the bike or the run for this race.

2. I needed to hydrate better the day before

3. I needed to get more than 4.5 hours of sleep last night


Yep!  It's a doosie of a race!  Fun, huh???  Good thing I didn't do it this year since I have been sick.

2013-09-02 10:36 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony - one thing I thought of today that might be nice to have around is an extra pair of socks... in case of rain, heavy sweat, etc. Not sure if that's something people keep in transition or special needs but I can remember wishing I had a fresh pair half way through the run during my HIM a few years back.
I'd love to see all your lists and it would be nice to know what you are keeping in transition & special needs... since I will be in your shoes soon. But you can let me know after the race if you want!

Well, I had a key WO today. 107 miles on the bike followed by a 3 mile run. I rode w/ a small group but did not draft any. We rode through a thunderstorm and were rained on for over 3 hrs of the ride! SO I'm ready if it rains on race day... ha! Actually, it was a welcomed change from the normal heat... even with no drafting and slowing because of rain, puddles, etc, I still managed to avg over 17mph. And I felt better than ever on the brick run. I had mud/dirt/sand all over me and my bike...
2013-09-03 7:22 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini
Originally posted by JonnyVero

I'm home from the race now. I really did this race just to say I've done it, so I wasn't expecting great things. What really happed was I got my butt kicked. 10th out of 13 in my age group. Though the top 5 in my age group were around top 30 overall out of 300. There are some fast 40-44 year olds out there.

I came out of the craziest swim I've ever been in among the top half, then hammered on the bike until my calves started to threaten cramping. They held off full on cramping until the long uphill during the first mile of the run. Then, the left one especially, they went into full pain mode. The rest of mile one was ugly: walk/stretch/jog/walk/stretch/jog. After that it was a slow uphill second mile+. Once turned around and coming downhill I was able to stretch the legs out better and run. My transitions went pretty quick, but I did forget to put my sunglasses back on when starting the run.


I made several mistakes leading up to not having a great day.

1. I did not train enough for hills on the bike or the run for this race.

2. I needed to hydrate better the day before

3. I needed to get more than 4.5 hours of sleep last night


Yep!  It's a doosie of a race!  Fun, huh???  Good thing I didn't do it this year since I have been sick.

Vero, that cramping sounds painful. Nice job toughing it out on what sounds like a pretty rough course!

2013-09-03 7:24 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini
Originally posted by trigal38

Race results are up and OMG, pro triathlete Thomas Gerlach was at our little country race and I didn't even know it!!!!!!!!!!!! He just raced IM LOU last weekend where he finished 3rd overall then smashed this course. 25.1 mph average on the bike. How do you do that?!

Cool!  Mike Pigg is a local around here.  I'm always in the same races as him.  We're not going to talk about the time I was seeded into the same swim wave as him. Undecided

And he'll be racing Wisconsin too. He actually wrote up a race report on his blog. Kind of a fun read for me knowing I saw him go smoking passed me on the bike like I was standing still ha ha ha!

2013-09-03 7:28 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by Jo63 So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

That is hysterical!

Hey check out the main forum about your lump. There is a thread started called Strategy for 112, she has a saddle sore and is getting a lot of advice from experienced people.

Thanks Dina for sending me to that forum. So my issue isn't a saddle sore but painful none the less and ..what was recommended by John Cobb,( Cobb bike seats) was to try to lower the seat 2-3 cm......interestingly, I had a quick bike fit I believe it was no more than a week before Syracuse and my issue started right after the race. Yep I have been dealing with this for 2 months I had put on a different seat on the tri bike yesterday and had a better ride but we had also changed the height on my road bike and I road that inside this morning with some issues so we will be lowering both bikes and putting the Adamo back on the tri bike and hope that's the fix!

Glad to hear it is not a saddle sore. There was so much info in that thread and links to even more info. I got a little education myself.  I really feel for Keri who started that thread because she has been dealing with saddle issues on the bike ever since I've been on BT I think. I really hope you get some relief!

2013-09-03 7:55 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by pistuo Tony - one thing I thought of today that might be nice to have around is an extra pair of socks... in case of rain, heavy sweat, etc. Not sure if that's something people keep in transition or special needs but I can remember wishing I had a fresh pair half way through the run during my HIM a few years back. I'd love to see all your lists and it would be nice to know what you are keeping in transition & special needs... since I will be in your shoes soon. But you can let me know after the race if you want! Well, I had a key WO today. 107 miles on the bike followed by a 3 mile run. I rode w/ a small group but did not draft any. We rode through a thunderstorm and were rained on for over 3 hrs of the ride! SO I'm ready if it rains on race day... ha! Actually, it was a welcomed change from the normal heat... even with no drafting and slowing because of rain, puddles, etc, I still managed to avg over 17mph. And I felt better than ever on the brick run. I had mud/dirt/sand all over me and my bike...

I don't think I could stand being rained on for 3 hours! Great workout!

2013-09-03 8:10 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

My friend Bobby loaned me a pair of carbon wheels which I'll use for the race as well. Should give me a better ride than my stock wheels. I will probably take them with me and have them swapped out when I get to Madison. I don't think I'm going to have time to do it today but will try if I can.

I would recommend getting at least a little ride with them to get used to them, even if just a few miles, especially if they are deeper profile than your current wheels. And I assume you know that if the break linings are carbon you also need special break pads.

You are doing this Tony!
2013-09-03 8:18 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I am having a hard with recovery from Saturdays race. I'm kinda surprised. Mentally I'm ready to jump right back into and try to keep my momentum to race one more event (weather permitting) the first weekend in October. But gosh, maybe I better just take this whole week a bit easy? I took off the day after the race. I'm really tired, muscle fatigue and a few spots of muscle soreness in my lower legs.

Yesterday I tried to get back on the wagon with an easy 3 mile jog on the trail I always go to followed by one more super easy swim at the outdoor pool before it closes for the season. The run was fine, but my heel was a little sore the rest of the evening. I was so disappointed because it was not bothering me AT ALL just walking around doing normal daily activities which includes hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping and all the other fun stuff we do in the Toddler Gym class I teach. But it feels pretty good today so maybe I can manage this enough to squeak out one more race.  The swim was terribly slow and even then my shoulders just did not feel good. My allergies are terrible right now so I know this is not helping. And I am sleeping a lot more than usual.

2013-09-03 10:00 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

Quick fly-by post.  I haven't read anything.

Vero....I hope the race went well.  Did you like it?

I've had a cold.  It hit on Wednesday during my run.  I know that in retrospect.  I'm on the upswing now.

I'm eating some super yummy abalone that my husband dove for TODAY!  He BBQed it like no one else.  It's so tender that it melts in your mouth.  I'm enjoying it on quinoa with some kale and avocado.  He and the munchkin are across the street at a neighbor's sharing the wealth.  (One abalone can feed four people or two greedy people.)  He got his limit of three!  The shells are beautiful, too!

Tracy that sound great, I hope you enjoyed your fresh BBQ'd abalone that you described in great detail. I'm pretty sure we are all envious of you right now lol.

2013-09-03 10:05 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Tony - one thing I thought of today that might be nice to have around is an extra pair of socks... in case of rain, heavy sweat, etc. Not sure if that's something people keep in transition or special needs but I can remember wishing I had a fresh pair half way through the run during my HIM a few years back.
I'd love to see all your lists and it would be nice to know what you are keeping in transition & special needs... since I will be in your shoes soon. But you can let me know after the race if you want!

Well, I had a key WO today. 107 miles on the bike followed by a 3 mile run. I rode w/ a small group but did not draft any. We rode through a thunderstorm and were rained on for over 3 hrs of the ride! SO I'm ready if it rains on race day... ha! Actually, it was a welcomed change from the normal heat... even with no drafting and slowing because of rain, puddles, etc, I still managed to avg over 17mph. And I felt better than ever on the brick run. I had mud/dirt/sand all over me and my bike...

Will good point I have thought of that too and have extra pairs for both the bike and run. As far as the transition bags and special needs bag I will send you the list of stuff once I finalize it. I think I am about 90% there on special needs and what I'm gonna do. The transition bags about 95%. I'll have lists for everything finalized by Saturday AM. The only thing that would change anything I do would be the weather.

BTW, excellent workout and good for you for sticking with the ride through the rain. I'm an ultra conservative wet weather rider so that ride goes a long way for the confidence of riding in poor weather. Overall a great ride, you should very happy at how well you are progressing with your training.
2013-09-03 10:07 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Originally posted by strikyr

My friend Bobby loaned me a pair of carbon wheels which I'll use for the race as well. Should give me a better ride than my stock wheels. I will probably take them with me and have them swapped out when I get to Madison. I don't think I'm going to have time to do it today but will try if I can.

I would recommend getting at least a little ride with them to get used to them, even if just a few miles, especially if they are deeper profile than your current wheels. And I assume you know that if the break linings are carbon you also need special break pads.

You are doing this Tony!

Warren yes that is the plan. I will try and get the wheels switched out when I get to Madison and I will definitely take it out for a ride to make sure I am comfortable with the set up. The break linings are not carbon so I am good there but I will make sure of that when I have the wheels switched out.
2013-09-03 10:09 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

I am having a hard with recovery from Saturdays race. I'm kinda surprised. Mentally I'm ready to jump right back into and try to keep my momentum to race one more event (weather permitting) the first weekend in October. But gosh, maybe I better just take this whole week a bit easy? I took off the day after the race. I'm really tired, muscle fatigue and a few spots of muscle soreness in my lower legs.

Yesterday I tried to get back on the wagon with an easy 3 mile jog on the trail I always go to followed by one more super easy swim at the outdoor pool before it closes for the season. The run was fine, but my heel was a little sore the rest of the evening. I was so disappointed because it was not bothering me AT ALL just walking around doing normal daily activities which includes hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping and all the other fun stuff we do in the Toddler Gym class I teach. But it feels pretty good today so maybe I can manage this enough to squeak out one more race.  The swim was terribly slow and even then my shoulders just did not feel good. My allergies are terrible right now so I know this is not helping. And I am sleeping a lot more than usual.

Dina I hope your feeling better and maybe you just need a little recovery time after the Aqua/Bike HIM. Glad to see you considering another race for October.
2013-09-03 10:12 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by Jo63 So I went out for a run this morning and as I am running I see this guy down the block as I turn the corner, I am waiting for him to pass me as everyone usually does and he doesn't.......I get to my turn around and go a little ways and i see him coming towards me and I am thinking I am running good today as he passes me I swear it is Jon Bon Jovi...... I almost stopped him to check for sure lol. My husband and youngest are getting a big kick out of me right now.....oh man maybe it was my imagination first he didn't pass me second Jon Bon Jovi hahahahhaaaa

That is hysterical!

Hey check out the main forum about your lump. There is a thread started called Strategy for 112, she has a saddle sore and is getting a lot of advice from experienced people.

Thanks Dina for sending me to that forum. So my issue isn't a saddle sore but painful none the less and ..what was recommended by John Cobb,( Cobb bike seats) was to try to lower the seat 2-3 cm......interestingly, I had a quick bike fit I believe it was no more than a week before Syracuse and my issue started right after the race. Yep I have been dealing with this for 2 months
I had put on a different seat on the tri bike yesterday and had a better ride but we had also changed the height on my road bike and I road that inside this morning with some issues so we will be lowering both bikes and putting the Adamo back on the tri bike and hope that's the fix!

JoAnne I hope you get the set up fixed on both the tri and road bike for a more comfortable and pain free ride. It sounds like you are on the right track to getting the problem resolved.
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