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2010-02-04 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great job everyone. Your training is looking great. Consistency is the key, keep it up!

2010-02-08 2:50 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Randy - Sorry to hear about your gran, you're memories will live on in your heart and in that way she'll always be with you.
2010-02-08 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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New user

Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
I wish there was a cure for when your alarm goes off early in the morning for your workout.  You reach over, turn it off, think for a minute, roll over and go back to sleep.

Had one of those episodes this morning.
2010-02-08 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2661243

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
miguelthai - 2010-02-08 10:56 AM I wish there was a cure for when your alarm goes off early in the morning for your workout.  You reach over, turn it off, think for a minute, roll over and go back to sleep.

Had one of those episodes this morning.

Let me know if you ever figure out a cure. . . Unfortunately that happens to me more often than not!
2010-02-10 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Don't think, if you do, you're doomed. Just get out of bed and your feet on the floor, if I just let one teeny wee thought go through my head about how early it is, how dark it is or how warm and cosy my bed is, I'll just snuggle back next to hubby.Hey David, I did a tri at the weekend and they didn't hand out swim caps! Luckily I'd brought one with me cos I hate my hair wet around my face and yes, it was bright pink.
2010-02-10 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
How did the race go?

2010-02-10 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Hi Micheal.................The race was so-so, thanks, but I had a great time. RR is here...................
2010-02-10 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2665059

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
NO WAY!!!! I thought they reserved those bright pink caps for big buff guys like me

I'll make sure to take a zip-loc bag/rubberband with me.....stylin' and profilin'!!!!

Good job on the Tri this past weekend by the way!
2010-02-16 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Just when I thought I was going to get some consistency back in to training after school holidays and hubby's business trip, things change. My swim squad times have shifted and work has moved my hours. How do others cope when life just gets in the way? I want my training to fit around my life, not life around my training but sometimes it's frustrating.
2010-02-17 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2676154

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
daisymouse - 2010-02-16 4:49 PM Just when I thought I was going to get some consistency back in to training after school holidays and hubby's business trip, things change. My swim squad times have shifted and work has moved my hours. How do others cope when life just gets in the way? I want my training to fit around my life, not life around my training but sometimes it's frustrating.

Yeah, I hear you!  I got derailed last week because of a snow storm Tues making it impossible to run, getting woken up by an earthquake Weds morning causing me to sleep through a bike trainer workout, a dinner party I had to help plan causing another 2 days of missed workouts, and my friend taking his trainer back Sat so I couldn't make up for lost bike time over the weekend Frown

I dunno, what I've been doing is to look at what I can do with my current schedule, figure out how to rearrange things to fit into the times I'm free, and hope it all works out.  I'm not too worried about making up for my missed workouts last week, just trying to get back into some sort of groove and sticking to my new plan. 
2010-02-17 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2676154

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
daisymouse - 2010-02-16 3:49 PMJust when I thought I was going to get some consistency back in to training after school holidays and hubby's business trip, things change. My swim squad times have shifted and work has moved my hours. How do others cope when life just gets in the way? I want my training to fit around my life, not life around my training but sometimes it's frustrating.
It's all about finding the right balance. After building up to an IRONMAN and not seeing my family for 9 months, I've learned that training needs to take a back seat ALWAYS. Yeah, sometimes I get frustrated when I need to alter my training schedule, but at the end of the day, I would rather be there as my children grow up than getting another hour on the bike. My wife and I have really worked at compromise (she is a workout aholic too). Missing a workout, for me, now really doesn't matter anymore. Just remember balance!

2010-02-18 4:23 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
How's everyone doing? I've had a few days off to try and kick this cold I seem to have had since the start of the year almost. It's not like me so I'm putting effort into getting a few good nights sleep and a few rest days to hopefully kick it.

One thing I was going to ask though, how do people feel running? Is it easy and to work at it you have to push yourself or is it always an effort? I seem to always have to put in a lot to get myself moving, I hear of lots of people going for a run to relax and destress but for me it's more tense and anxious than other sports. Any idea on how I relax?
2010-02-18 5:42 AM
in reply to: #2678816

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
I run like this too but it gets better as I get fitter and then I really start to enjoy it, although the first 10 minutes or so is always horrible.  I have to make a conscious effort to relax, so I do it bit by bit, neck shoulders, arms etc until I'm feeling a bit looser.  Every time I have a break from running, I curse myself because it takes a couple of months of doing it regularly for it not to be torture everytime I go out.  Hopefully, things will click in to place soon and you'll start to look forward to it.  ETA hope the cold gets better soon, nasty weather you're having there.

Edited by daisymouse 2010-02-18 5:43 AM
2010-02-18 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Hey Kate,

Sorry about your cold!  I hope you feel better soon! 

It definitely takes me a mile or so to get warmed up with running.  The first mile is always the hardest for me, but then after that it's easier to relax.  I make a conscious effort to make sure my hands are loose and not wound up in tight fists, keep my shoulders back & down instead of hunched over, and swing my arms all the way back. . . I think that helps keep my upper body relaxed while running.  Also I try to make sure I'm not holding any tension in my neck by making sure I'm looking ahead and not down.  Even when I'm running hard, I try to make sure I'm not holding any extra tension in my upper body.  I think I've mentioned this before, too, but when things are feeling hard I make sure I'm taking deep breaths; that helps with the relaxation too.
2010-02-18 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Lots of good advice here. If every run is hard from start to finish, maybe your pace is a little too fast. I would say for most beginners, a majority of your runs should be at a pace where you can hold a conversation. That pace will allow you to increase your mileage but not get you too fatigued where your other workouts suffer.
2010-02-19 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
I tend to start out full bore like I'm running from some wild animal or something and my body gets all tense and I can't enjoy my run. One thing I have done is started using my heart rate monitor to keep my heart rate in Zone II(Min) or III(Max).....although I still need to get better at it! This keeps me at a good pace and my runs tend to feel more it's fun to see that little heart on my watch blinking....I'M STILL ALIVE

Good luck recovering from your cold!

2010-03-04 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!

I just wanted to post this note regarding training intensity.  Most of you are now starting to ramp up the training for the season, and I think this is a great thread.   I think it's important to incorporate many different paces to your running and biking.  That means doing work in z1 and up through z5.  


Good questions and good discussion. I see it, the issues are intensity, the appropriate intensity, and the appropriate combination of volume and intensity (when, how much, etc)

  • Intensity: Two points:
  1. "Functional" and relative intensity: whenever possible we encourage athletes to use the functional metrics of pace on the run and power on the bike. Intensities are therefore described in relation to what you've actually proven you can do in testing or training. For example, a prescription to run 1 mile at 9:00 pace is based on your tested ability to run a 5k in xx:xx. Much less guesswork, in other words. Similar on the bike and, if you don't have power, there are still many lessons you can learn about training with heart rate from the power-training world.
  2. "Fitness is in the muscles," that is, when you move from z1 to z2 to z3, etc, what is happening is you are recruiting a larger and larger percentage of available slowtwitch fibers, then fast twitch fibers, etc. Think of it as a tug of war team, with Slowtwitch guys on the rope and Fastwitch guys on the bench. As the requirement to pull harder increases, more and more slowtwitch guys are put to work and you eventually start to pull fast twitch guys off the bench and put them on the rope. Two things:
    • You need to recruit a muscle fiber to get it to improve it's ability to pull on rope or pedal a bike. So if all you ever do is ride or run z2, for example, you're leaving a good bit of your ST squad, and all of your FT squad on the bench. They won't improve.
    • At z4, you've now got all of your ST squad on the rope, becoming better ST fibers, and all/most of your FT squad on the rope, becoming better at what they do and, some of them, even begin to take on the characteristics of ST fibers.
The net is that by exercising at z3-z4 we are getting all of the tasty, go-longer, z1-2 adaptions as well as the very tasty z3-4 go-faster adaptations.
Appropriate Intensity: should probably put all of that functional jazz down here, I suppose. Jack Daniels Running Formula and VDot offer us a very proven structure within which to prescribe appropriate intensity, given an athlete's current tested fitness. Power training offers us the same opportunity on the bike and these tools can be easily transferred to heart rate based training. In addition, I'd like to point out that, in all my years of Ironman coaching I've never seen an athlete become injured on the bike by riding too hard...unless they ran into something :-)  I firmly believe you can't start too soon to get fast on the bike by...riding very fast, a lot. The question is the proper combination of intensity and volume, see below.
Appropriate combination of volume and intensity. This is where people screw it up. We recommend that rather than thinking in terms of Base 1,2.3, Build 1,2, etc, you think of the movement of training through the year as from General Preparation to Race Specific Preparation:
General Prep: I want to get fast and prepare myself for the race specific training that happens later. I do lots of high intensity cycling and an appropriate amount of high intensity running, while keeping the volume low. Volume is kept low primarily because, as an age group athlete, I owe it to myself, my family, and my sanity to keep it as low as I can for as long as I can. So I keep the hours short but put a lot work in those hours, making myself faster and preserving SAUs(Spousal Approval Units) for when I really need them, in the Race Prep phase
Race Preparation Phase: ask yourself "what are the requirements of the race?" I focus on Ironman training so my answer is "I need to be able to lock myself in the aero position and be very comfortable, while eating and drinking at my z2 effort. Then I need to come off the bike and run, a long time, at my z2 effort." So I do more of _that_ and less get-faster training. Along the way I sort out things like race nutrition, bike fit, hydration and sodium needs, etc. In other words, the volume goes up because volume is a requirement of the race. I turn down the intensity to accommodate the volume and to ensure I'm working within race specific intensities.
The key, and this is a big one, is that by thinking in terms of General Prep and Race Prep, you separate high intensity, get-faster training from lower intensity, get-longer training. This separation is absolutely critical. I like to say "Build FAST, then put FAR under it." 
Traditional pitfalls:
  • Focusing on volume as the primary training input, with intensity always kept low: see my tug of war dealio above. If all you ever do is ride 18mph, how do you ever expect to ride 21mph on race day? If you want to ride fast you have to ride fast. If you want to run fast you have to run fast. Yes, you can make yourself run faster by running more and more often, but I'd rather figure out how to keep someone healthy and make them faster with 4hrs of running per week than spend weeks build up to and sitting on 7-9hrs of running per week. It's simply more time efficient.
  • "I spend months and months putting in the time at z1-2, earning permission to do the harder work later in the season to make me faster." However, later in the season = closer to the race = requirement for volume increases = trying to do intensity + volume at the same time = sleeping under your desk at work. 
Just a few thoughts as  I successfully avoid some podcasting I need to do :-)
Rich Strauss
2010-03-05 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!

2010-03-05 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!

2010-03-05 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!

2010-03-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!


2010-03-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!

2010-03-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Great article and thanks for sharing this information with us!

I have a quick question I want to throw out to the group....

I am currently signed up for my first Tri on 9/18/10 (which seems like a looooong way away)! I just ran across a new race that is slated for 7/10/10. The swim is much shorter (275m vs. 750m) and it is in a pool. The Bike (14mi) and Run (5k) are the same of course. Am I crazy for signing up for this one during the middle of my training, just to get some experience under my belt? I feel right now I could handle this race come July, but don't want to screw up my race in Sept. Of course I need to check the social calendar with my "Event Planner" (Wife)! Let me know what you think!

2010-03-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2709837

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't sign up for it.  It won't affect your second race that is 2 months later and it will give more experience in actual race conditions.  Now if the wife says no, that's another story. 

2010-03-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2709837

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't sign up for it.  It won't affect your second race that is 2 months later and it will give more experience in actual race conditions.  Now if the wife says no, that's another story. 

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