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2008-07-06 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1510080

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Beth - Hope you're doing o.k., sounds like not so much fun.

Robin - Wish I was going to be there to see you running in a kilt!  Too cool!!  And...about coming in last - there is always one person who finishes last - this is the person that EVERYONE is rooting for the hardest.  It's actually great to finish last, you're the most inspirational person at the event.  If you're last, you are serving to inspire someone else - "if she has the courage to run, then maybe I can do it next time."

At the Danskin tri, there is a designated last place person (a pro) - she purposely finishes last & has some great stories about hanging out with the real last place triathlete.  My favorite is about the lady in her 60's who sat down & had a picnic between her bike & run...this was her celebration of life & she was determined to savor every moment of it!

Wow - I wish I had that level of courage. 

Good luck everyone on your goals this week & have fun!!


2008-07-06 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
ok guys im off in the morning i should be around i just dont know how much . i hear the school is from 8-4 but they only have a few internet connections and almost no cell phone service out there. so keep up the good work and train smart talk to yall
2008-07-07 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Have as good a time as possible Shaun.

Hope everyone has a good time and makes their goals this week! 

2008-07-07 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Did anyone watch the Olympic trials last night? 

I have a new hero!  Dara Torres...41 year old (my age) & has a toddler.  She's AMAZING!!! 

You can read about her here:

if you didn't see her last night or on the news.

Wow!  I wanna be like her. 

2008-07-07 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1513169

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I missed it but I will be keeping an eye on her. Great role model. I love the last quote of the article:

Just because there's a lot of fat and out-of-shape 41-year-olds, that doesn't mean that's how it has to be."

 My new motto for life!

2008-07-08 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Hope you all have a great rest-of-the week and weekends. I am off in the am for camping. If someone takes a photo and it doesn't suck too badly I'll post it when I run the Kilted race.

2008-07-09 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Sorry to intrude, but there's a star author in this group.


2008-07-09 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Thanks guys for noticing my little article.  I've been writing a blog since March now & have decided to reach out & submit some articles on other far so good...

BT - accepted - accepted (see Mastering the Munchie Monster in the middle left)

The goal is to develop an on-line reputation in a variety of communities that I really enjoy & am interested in.

Eventually, all should come together & it will solidify my dream business.

I TRULY appreciate the kind heart SWELLS with gratitude!



2008-07-14 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Great article, I am impressed.

I ran in a kilt but I haven't seen any photos yet, and I am not sure I want to.

If someone e-mails one to me I will post it. There were 6 of us women running in front of an estimated 15,000 people. Scarry, and In a KILT too. ICK. I came in last, of course. Knew I would but I  was also the oldest person by 10 years AND the only one who had just started running this year. Only finished 45 seconds behind and all 6 of us finished within a minute of each other so.... I don't suck that bad! cool. I also had a fantastic mass of people cheering for me and that is really cool.

On another note, I did not run at all while I camped. I did not want to don my running stuff in front of all the folks I camp with.. STOOOPID. I need to get over myself. I am sure not a sole would actually give a damn. So, That will NOT happen again!

Training goals this week  3-4 Bike rides and at least two swims and at least one of the rides long on the road!!

2008-07-14 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Things will be kinda crazy around here this week.  I am going to try and swim at least once (would like to 2x) since my race is Saturday. The guys all leave Friday afternoon and I leave Friday evening.  I will return briefly on Saturday and leave again on Sunday for a week of volunteering at Boy Scout camp. 
2008-07-14 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Robin - you don't suck AT ALL!  You ROCK!  Great job getting out there in a kilt & running with the others. 

Beth - WOW!  Busy week & a race.  Good luck & keep us posted.  We've got you in our thoughts.

Shaun - you there man?  Guard & school keeping you really busy?  Hope all is well.

My brother's in town this week, so keeping to my training schedule will be a challenge.  Last night I managed to ride the recumbant while visiting in the living room.  Polished off the evening with some wine & great conversation...but stayed up way too late.  Back at work for #2 of the 3 x 12-hours today...strength training is on the schedule tonight...let's see if I get it done.  On the 1-10 confidence scale, I'm about a 6...but it's only 10am.  We'll see how I feel at 8pm.


Edited by ggwellness 2008-07-14 9:04 AM

2008-07-15 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1527281

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Good job on getting the strength in Kim.

I got the nerve up to run up the road from the house today. Lots of hills but worse, lots of construction guys. I guess slimy people need to work too. Fortunately I was earlier than most of them show up.

I still can't figure out how to put a photo in a post so you are spared the image of me in a kilt.... it ain't pretty... I didn't look good in plaid when I was a kid, let alone 40-somethingSurprised

Beth, Have fun at the race after you get everyone else packed up and tucked in! Let us know how it all goes.

Shaun- How is it running on those country roads with the deer? When I run here I get the deer and the wild turkeys to run with/through. Have fun and let us know how ur doing. 

2008-07-15 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey all, If you are planning on running on Friday. here is a link for you

It is a 5K run in Tampa for a fellow BTer who fought valiantly but did not win the fight against a brain tumor. It is a run you can run either virtually or there. I am doing it in the am instdead of pm but the proceeds go to the family. A husband and two children.

Kim. you are close to this one. I know it is late to make arrangements,  but I am running it in virtual in the am on Friday and the proceeds go to the family.  

I never knew Christine at all but I did see her posts and read her log and WOW, what a loss... 

2008-07-16 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Love the avatar change Beth. Lots of Lucy's showing up!
2008-07-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Everyone -

We have a woman of true authenticity in our midst & I'd like to acknowledge her bravery! 

Beth had a hard race day & chose to report it with honesty & integrity.  It is inspiring that she chose to jump in & volunteer at what must have been a very difficult time!  Many of us might have run back to the tent to sulk. 

Leaders find a way to make each situation inspirational - Beth demonstrated great leadership by doing just exactly that.

Thanks Beth for having the courage to post such an authentic report! 


2008-07-21 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Amen to what Kim said!

Beth, have fun with the scouts this week and do not dwell, just figure out where to go from here!

I did so so on attaining my goals for last week. I rode, but didn't get on the road. I must take my bike in for adjustments. I cannot reach the brakes or shift except in one position that makes my arms go numb. This is bad. So this week, in it goes. I may have to trade handlebars.

I swam, one measly time and had my very first open water panic. This has NEVER happened. I am a fish, I am a mermaid.. I LOVE the water. so, what happened? It was morning, the water cooler than normal and I was the only person on the lake (outside of DH in canoe). The lake is down about a foot and a half so I am much closer to those bottom critters I just KNOW are there.  Suddenly, I forgot how to swim freestyle and there were MONSTERS in the water. I was going to do three laps (200 yds each way)  but only did one instead. Dang. I did recognize what was happening and finally took off my goggles so I couldn't see if the Loch Lure monster was there and just did the breast and side strokes. I can do those forever.

So, this weeks goals. Get bike fixed, get on the road dammit. Swim at least two good swims. Keep up the > 200 minute training time.

2008-07-21 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed


Those are MY monsters in the lake, not YOURS!  You are the mermaid!!!  You must give them back!

You know, I've been reading about how well you've been doing on the bike & wondered if maybe you were Wonder Woman? 

Now I know you are not...welcome back to the human race where we are all a little scared of monsters...don't stay long - it will drain your Super Powers!Wink

2008-07-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I am going to swim in the morning tomorrow. I will let you know if the monsters are there. Turns out there are different monsters in the am rather than in the late afternoon. If I see any I will shoo them back to Florida where they belong.


2008-08-24 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1350781

New user

Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I am sorry I have not been on here much lately.  I am not very good at remembering because of all the other things I have going on in my crazy hectic schedule!  I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep training and keep on going on!  I finished my first two triathlons the last two weekends and I am truly excited about the fact that I did it!  I wanted to quit in the swim for both of them, but having my children watching kept me going and they were really proud of me and I want them to know they can do anything!  Anyway, I will get caught up and try to find out how everyone is doing and try to remember to post everyday!  God Bless all of you!!!!!

Teresa Folsom


2008-08-24 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1624097

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

So glad you're still around!  I thought you left.

Congratulations on completing your races!!!!


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