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2008-05-02 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
my screen name reflects what motivated me all last year to train harder and harder -- signing up for races that were longer and longer, always just beyond my comfort level, so i was always concerned that i would be picked up by the guy on the kayak, or cramp on the bike or run. but fear is a great motivator and i trained like crazy all year chasing the next big race. btw all these races were at the urging of donato

now i have no fear so i had to find a different motivator, pride. my avatar is from my first sprint tri, the last kick to the finish line. its amazing to think back to the progress made in one year.

2008-05-03 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: Good luck Anne!
Anne, good luck at Flying Pig tomorrow.  It's Anne's first mary, which is always a memorable one.  Looking forward to the RR.
2008-05-03 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Wow. Good luck everyone who's racing this weekend.

My name is just the same one that I used when I signed up for my first forum: Not very creative. I've had the same avatar problem as some of the others: all my pictures are too big.
2008-05-04 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I had a really great time this weekend. Cheered on the half-iron participants on Saturday, then did my tri on Sunday. Learned a lot: struggled on some things and performed well in others. Pretty much a great experience all around.

Hope the rest of you who raced this weekend had a blast as well!
2008-05-04 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1381112

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

LJR - 2008-05-04 6:32 PM I had a really great time this weekend. Cheered on the half-iron participants on Saturday, then did my tri on Sunday. Learned a lot: struggled on some things and performed well in others. Pretty much a great experience all around. Hope the rest of you who raced this weekend had a blast as well!

Ditto.  I'm exhausted! 

2008-05-05 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: Transition tips and tricks
Alright peeps, what transition tips and tricks do you have to share with all the rest of us?  Inquiring minds want to know!

2008-05-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Practice getting your wetsuit off beforehand! ;-)

My RR is now posted...
2008-05-05 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1382249

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Transition tips and tricks


T1-  I'm a princess about my feet.  No rocks, grass, dirt, sand before I put socks and shoes on my feet.  (It's really a sick problem).  I take a bucket for rinsing my feet after the swim.  I can also sit on the bucket if I need to wrestle a wetsuit off my ankles.

T2-  I've gotten pretty good at the running ponytail adjustment.  I guess I'm a bit of a princess about my hair too; can't have the ponytail in the same place for the bike helmet and running hat.  I can redo my hair, put on my hat and snap on my number while running. 

Guess that's all of my wisdom for the day.

2008-05-05 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1382249

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Subject: RE: Transition tips and tricks
The key to a good transition is your setup and lots of practice.
2008-05-05 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

My Wildflower RR is up!

Wow, am I hurting today.  Fortunately it doesn't feel like injury pain, just a lot of muscle soreness, especially in my calves since I spent most of Saturday walking up and down hills and THEN raced on Sunday.

Transition tips?  Practice taking off your wetsuit!!!!  Also, if you use bodyglide, try not to leave it in the sun.  It melts. 

2008-05-05 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1382505

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: Transition tips and tricks
rowdypaint - 2008-05-05 11:09 AM

T1- I'm a princess about my feet. No rocks, grass, dirt, sand before I put socks and shoes on my feet. (It's really a sick problem). I take a bucket for rinsing my feet after the swim. I can also sit on the bucket if I need to wrestle a wetsuit off my ankles.

I fold my towel and put everything on it, but yesterday I left a free flap at the end that I  used to wipe my feet off.  It worked well, but next time I think I'll bring a second small towel to use instead.


2008-05-05 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Practice! I started setting mine up the night before so I know I have everything and then it goes directly in the bag. I have also started looking around before the races to get ideas from others to try later. I have a spare water bottle at transition that I use to rinse off my feet, and a small towel for drying them!
2008-05-05 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1382249

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: Transition tips and tricks

The one tip you always see is to know where your bike is.  Advice is to put a colorful towel over it on the rack or tie a balloon nearby.  I never really considered this to be a problem and I blew it off, but I was in a race with a lot of participants and, guess what, I couldn't find my bike.  So, now I put my towel over it.  It's pretty colorful and distinctive.

Another thing I've done is gotten some speed laces (I can't remember which brand) and put them on my running shoes.  I'm not sure this gets me a whole lot of time, but they don't ever come untied on the road so I think that's a plus.

I've done two longish races (one Oly and a Quarterman) and what I did with those is put a gel inside my cycling shoes to remind me to take it before the ride.  Then in T2 I have a water bottle of just H2O in my running shoes to remind me to take a long drink before starting out in the run.

Lastly, I separate the T1 and T2 stuff on the ground so that my cycling stuff (shoes, socks, helmet, sunglasses) is together and apart from my running stuff (shoes, number belt, hat).

2008-05-05 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I always have a checklist of stuff I need so I don't forget anything. I set my transition up so that I don't have to think. I just grab my stuff and go.

T1 - Practice running out of the water and taking off your wetsuit. Swimming to running blew me away the first time. I couldn't figure out how to get my feet under me.

I have a small hand towel to get the sand off of my feet (like others have suggested).

Make sure you put your sunglasses in your helmet so you can't forget them.

Have your water bottles set up on the bike so you don't forget them. (I forgot one water bottle on a hot race last year and almost plotzed from the heat.)

(You can see I have a theme. I'm afraid of forgetting something.)

Before the swim, walk the swim-to-bike transition so you can see where your bike is from that angle.

T2 - Have your race belt sitting in your running shoes (you guessed it) so you can't forget it.

After the race - I have a bottle of recovery drink in my transition bag. I just can't eat right away after a hard workout (which includes races). This way I can get something besides water down when I need it most.
2008-05-05 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
2 non-transition related things.

I've figured out what my first race of the season will be: Tri For Real in Herald, Ca (south of Sacramento) on June 8th. I've been afraid to sign up for any beforehand because I didn't know how my PF was going to be. But I ran without taping my foot for over an hour the other day and I'm fine. So I think it's safe to sign up for a race.

Way OT, but very cool... on my bike ride today I saw a bald eagle. As I came down the road along the river, it flew out of a tree by the road and soared over the river toward the reservoir. They are amazing birds, especially up close like that.
2008-05-05 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

I wrote my RR for my century this weekend.  Still need to add the pictures though.  Warning to you all - my RR are always preposterously long so i'm not offended in the least if you just skim it or don't read it.

2008-05-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1383321

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Roadie gal - 2008-05-05 3:48 PM Way OT, but very cool... on my bike ride today I saw a bald eagle. As I came down the road along the river, it flew out of a tree by the road and soared over the river toward the reservoir. They are amazing birds, especially up close like that.

This is one of the things I've always liked the best about cycling; that you can exercise and still enjoy the plants, animals, etc while doing it.  Here in Tucson you see all sorts of wildlife such as coyotes, various hawks, javalina, snakes and other critters.  I also like to do some "botanizing" as I ride by unusual plants that spring up after our summer rains.  I'm geeky like that.

2008-05-06 12:19 AM
in reply to: #1383399

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
enginerd - 2008-05-05 4:41 PM

I wrote my RR for my century this weekend. Still need to add the pictures though. Warning to you all - my RR are always preposterously long so i'm not offended in the least if you just skim it or don't read it.

Your reports are always top notch and should be required reading material for this I mean group. ;-)

You are so gonna RAWK your IM!
2008-05-06 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

So after Wildflower 2 days ago, I am pleasantly surprised by the lack of pain in my knee. I still have some muscle soreness in my legs, but I feel like I am recovering nicely. I think I'll do an easy spin on my trainer tonight. I had planned on taking a break from running, but since my knee has reacted well to the beating I gave it on Sunday, I might start to ease back into running later this week.

I have the mud run on 6/8, but I'm not currently signed up for any more triathlons. I was waiting to see how I felt after Wildflower. I had been thinking about attempting a HIM late this year, but I might put it off until early next year. With my current job situation I don't think I can put in the hours necessary to do more than just finish. Eventually I would like to make my way out of the mid-BOP where I currently end up in most races, and I think at this point, being new to the sport, I should concentrate on olys and sprints. Plus they are cheaper and I can do more of them!!

2008-05-06 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Robin, that's great news about your knee.  Just be careful and back off at any sign of pain (if any).

Certainly no need to rush into HIM or longer (although I certainly understand their allure and you could say I rushed into them).  They'll always be there. 

2008-05-07 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Are any of you racing this weekend?

2008-05-08 12:41 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

I'm not, and it's quite a letdown because I raced the last 2 weekends!!!  But I'm coming down with a cold, and truthfully, my body could probably use a light weekend.

I'm trying to figure out what to sign up for next.  I was thinking about the San Diego International on 6/29 but it looks like it sold out already. 

Good luck to anyone who is racing this weekend!!!! 

2008-05-08 12:46 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Great job everyone on last weekend's races. I like all the great posts on the transition tips too... I bought speed laces but never used them. I just lace up my shoes where they are comfortable and run with them a few days before the race to be sure. Then I take the shoes off without untying the laces. And use a shoe horn in T2. Seems to work well for me.

2008-05-08 12:49 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Froglegs how about Donner Lake in Truckee, early July? I decided yesterday I'm gonna do the Oly there as a tuneup race.
2008-05-08 12:59 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I'm thinking either Breath of Life in Ventura on 6/29, or the one at Camp Pendleton which I think is on 7/19.  Ventura isn't a bad drive for me.....but my sister lives in San Diego, I go down there for the weekend sometimes anyway so I'd rather do a race down there.  However, I have scheduling issues because my work is forcing everyone to take vacation at the beginning of July.  It's all very confusing. 
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