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2009-05-11 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2142595

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A cubicle in Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Balance. Good question Scott! I don't have a good answer.... each day I let my wife know what I'm doing for that day, and then we work together to try and schedule accordingly. She's been supportive, but at same time keeps me 'grounded'. There are a lot of days when I get home from work and all I'm focused on is getting my training in,  and she reels me back in by letting me know of my domestic responsibilities. So, in general, my runs are at night, after we get all the kids to bed. My swims are usually right after I get home if I can, and then biking is before dinner.... It's a constant challenge. I'd appreciate any tips anyone can lend! Now that it's getting lighter earlier, I might try biking and running (and maybe even swimming) in the morning.

2009-05-11 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
I run or swim early in the morning starting before the rest of the family wakes up. I ride on the road on the weekends. I ride my trainer at night as I watch TV after everyone is down for the night.

I would be careful of riding early in the AM on the road, depending upon where you live. When I lived in rural Massachussetts riding in the morning was a joy. I only saw a handful of cars each morning and the scenary was fabulous. The more urban the area the more dangerous it is. Twilight is typically the MOST dangerous time because of bad visibility. Combine that with drivers that who are only half awake and it can be a recipe for catastrophe. When I bike to work, I really only bike part way. There is NO good way to get out of my area safely. So I drive my bike apart way, park in a shopping center parking lot and ride the rest of the way there. There is a shower in my building. I change and go to work. Just reverse it for the return trip. Takes a little planning (clothes). But I like it and it also saves $ for gas.

2009-05-11 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2142592

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Kings Mountain, NC
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
The main problem the coach found was that when I was breathing I was breathing from the side but bringing my whole head out of the water.  She taught me the feeling of having my ear still in the water on the opposite side so that my head doesn't come up to far.  Also pushing my back up so that my body doesn't drag in the water considering I am light with the kicking.  these for the most part have been easy to fix just need to practice breathing on a different cycle not every single stroke!
2009-05-11 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Kings Mountain, NC
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Balance:  I try to involve my wife and son when I can.  I work the run workouts around going to the park or runs with my wife.  This works out well.  I have a good schedule because I work in the schools so usually I swim right after work around 3:30.  Still have time to come home and cook dinner and all that stuff.  The bikes I do after work as well and on the weekends these don't take up too much time.  I feel guilty about the other stuff like going and playing volleyball after all the training time.  But my wife is great and understands I don't sit idle well especially if I keep cooking her dinner every night.  it is tough though especially having to think about workouts when we travel.  I have found with a bit of planning I can usually get the workouts in.  planning and ceativity go along way. 
2009-05-15 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Hello...hello...hello. That echo is from the lack of anyone posting from this group. Where is everyone.

I'll give a quick update. I did a ride/run brick this AM and was very happy with it. I rode 22 mile yesterday evening so my legs were a little tired. The bike went great (more on that later). The run was interesting in that while I could run right out of the gate, it took my hamstrings awhile to acclimate. I rode 12.25 miles followed by a 3.28 mile run. The run was done at a moderate 8 miles/hour.

Now to the bike: It was my first ride on my new tri bike: a specialized transition s-works. It is very responsive! I have to get used to the extensions bars and tri handles. I am also going to need to get used to separate brakes and shifters as the STI shifters have spoiled me.

I will try to post a pic of my Bike Porn tomorrow. I am running 12 miles tomorrow and I am going to try and start out slow and increase my mph throughout the run so that my end speed is my fastest. I hear it is great training and easier to recover from.

Overall I have decided not to concentrate on time in my first tri in 3 weeks. I will do that for my second one 3 weeks later. Since the swim is 250 yds. and the course is not too hilly, I expect to finish in at least 1:10.

What is everyone else up to?

2009-05-15 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2152910

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A cubicle in Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.

Wow- good deal. I'm still hammering away on my super-heavy hybrid, at a whopping 14 MPH.. my longest ride thus far has only been just over 10 miles, but I still have 2 months before my first race. I've got my mile-run times down to about 12 minutes, a combination of walking/jogging/running, and increase my jogging/running percentage each week. I hope to be at a 10-minute mile (or below) by race time. My big excitement is for tomorrow- I'm getting up at 4am to go volunteer at a sprint race. I got assigned to the transition area, which I am really psyched about.  It's also the same venue that I'll be doing my first race at in July, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.....


2009-05-15 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Kings Mountain, NC
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
This has just been a rough week.  All my workouts have been really tough.  I have gotten through them all up to this point but whew what a week.  I am going for a 9 mile ride tonight trying out my new aero bar extenstion I just put on today. Really looking forward to that.  I have gotten runs to around 10:00 min miles.  and that is with 5:00 running and 2:00 walking.  Swimming is still hard but I am finding it to be a bit easier with everywork out.  I am up to about 500 meters sustained freestyle in about 10 minutes this is slow but I really don't care about speed I am training to pass the finish line.  I could really be last and that would not matter to me.  I just want to get to the finish line.  All about the journey to quote a band.  Hope everyone else is sticking with it as well!!!!!
2009-05-15 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
A year ago next week I started my diet and exercise program. I weighed over 85 pounds more than I do now. I started walking 3.25 miles 3 time a week. I couldn't run a mile if you paid me. I worked slowly to improve my fitness. Now a year later I am in a much better place! I was thinking during my run yesterday that it would be cool to look back next year on where I am now and think: "remember when it took me X long to run this route?" Hopefully there are levels of improved fitness and time in my future. Just one stroke, step or crank at a time.

2009-05-18 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2153636

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A cubicle in Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Just wanted to give the group an update on the Sprint Tri I volunteered at on Saturday. It was a great experience! I worked in the transition area, and got a lot of ideas regarding set up- I think one of the most significant ones was bringing a big tupperware 'box' that people filled with water to rinse their feet off after the swim. I was also amazed at the variety of people and bikes. I was also somewhat surprised at how many people didn't seem to know some of the rules- like no riding your bike in the transition area (you've got to walk it out to the mounting point) or the fact that no one can re-enter the transition area after they're done until the last cyclist comes in for T2. That one REALLY made a lot of people angry, because there were a handful of very slow bikers that were still out riding after most people had already finished the entire race. It was interesting to see the diversity- from the 'hard core' triathletes with the top-top end bikes and teardrop aero helmets, to the 77 year old guy who was in the middle of the pack. I also saw a few people quit right after the swim- I had gone out to the beach to see the ocean before the start, and the seas were a bit rough. I think it really stressed to me the importance of being prepared to do an open water swim, and I made a note to do several OW swims before race day. Even if you can swim all day long in a pool, it's not the same. Anyway, I'd highly recommend anyone who hasn't done a race before to try and volunteer for one if you have the opportunity. Everyone was really nice, and most of the participants thanked us on their way out.
2009-05-18 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Hey everyone,
Sorry I have been gone. I got sick and it kinda knocked me down for a bit. I am back now though and will be getting caught back up tonight and tomorrow on our group. Thanks for hanging in there.

2009-05-20 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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New York City
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Hello Everyone-

Training is going well. Work is busy, so I am relying on swimming on Friday night, a 17 mile bike on the triathlon course with my Tri Club on Saturday, and a long run on Sunday. So much for balance. I try to get some workouts in during the week, but between getting to work at 9 and getting home at 11, it's not easy. I also try to go early on the weekend mornings so that it does not interfere with my time with my wife.

Swimming is improving. Last week I worked on my rotation and I think I have figured out why I keep scraping my chin on my shoulder. I am not rotating enough. I got some leads on some local coaches, so I may set up a lesson.

Biking is going well. I am keeping up with at least some of the pack. (Not the really fast guys). I finally bought clipless pedals on Sunday. I tried them out and they seemed easier than I thought they would be. Saturday is the real test on whether they improve my MPH. It took a long time at the shop, so I spent most of my time dreaming about newer, much more expensive, bicycles. I bought my bike in October 2007, and I have 500 miles on it. Maybe in a year or so, it will be time for an upgrade.

Running is also going well. I have been running for an hour or more, and I hit an hour and half one day. These are my longest distances ever. Last week, I ran for 30 minutes after my bike ride. I am doing a 10k on Monday. That's a first also.

Sounds like the group is doing well. Doug- congrats on the year milestone. You have made a lot of progress. You will see your times improve as you continue. Scott- I hope you are feeling better.

Good luck all.


2009-05-20 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2162907

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.

There is a good video here (somewhere) on pedal technique to help you transmit power throughout the pedal stroke. it provides mental cues to help you like pretending you are scraping something off the bottom of your shoe on the bottom of the stroke.

You should find yourself using your quads more on the upstroke, which will save the wear and tear on your calves.  Good luck.


JohnOD - 2009-05-20 9:19 AM Hello Everyone- Training is going well. Work is busy, so I am relying on swimming on Friday night, a 17 mile bike on the triathlon course with my Tri Club on Saturday, and a long run on Sunday. So much for balance. I try to get some workouts in during the week, but between getting to work at 9 and getting home at 11, it's not easy. I also try to go early on the weekend mornings so that it does not interfere with my time with my wife. Swimming is improving. Last week I worked on my rotation and I think I have figured out why I keep scraping my chin on my shoulder. I am not rotating enough. I got some leads on some local coaches, so I may set up a lesson. Biking is going well. I am keeping up with at least some of the pack. (Not the really fast guys). I finally bought clipless pedals on Sunday. I tried them out and they seemed easier than I thought they would be. Saturday is the real test on whether they improve my MPH. It took a long time at the shop, so I spent most of my time dreaming about newer, much more expensive, bicycles. I bought my bike in October 2007, and I have 500 miles on it. Maybe in a year or so, it will be time for an upgrade. Running is also going well. I have been running for an hour or more, and I hit an hour and half one day. These are my longest distances ever. Last week, I ran for 30 minutes after my bike ride. I am doing a 10k on Monday. That's a first also. Sounds like the group is doing well. Doug- congrats on the year milestone. You have made a lot of progress. You will see your times improve as you continue. Scott- I hope you are feeling better. Good luck all. John
2009-05-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2143189

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
triat45 - 2009-05-11 8:31 AM

Balance. Good question Scott! I don't have a good answer.... each day I let my wife know what I'm doing for that day, and then we work together to try and schedule accordingly. She's been supportive, but at same time keeps me 'grounded'. There are a lot of days when I get home from work and all I'm focused on is getting my training in,  and she reels me back in by letting me know of my domestic responsibilities. So, in general, my runs are at night, after we get all the kids to bed. My swims are usually right after I get home if I can, and then biking is before dinner.... It's a constant challenge. I'd appreciate any tips anyone can lend! Now that it's getting lighter earlier, I might try biking and running (and maybe even swimming) in the morning.

Its funny how difficult balance is with life and workouts etc. I asked this in my last group too and I just don't think there is a good answer. The best thing I have come up with so far is intention. If we are intentional about our workouts and plan for them like we do a meeting then they are more likely to happen.
2009-05-20 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2153456

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
stiga00 - 2009-05-15 11:23 AM

This has just been a rough week.  All my workouts have been really tough.  I have gotten through them all up to this point but whew what a week.  I am going for a 9 mile ride tonight trying out my new aero bar extenstion I just put on today. Really looking forward to that.  I have gotten runs to around 10:00 min miles.  and that is with 5:00 running and 2:00 walking.  Swimming is still hard but I am finding it to be a bit easier with everywork out.  I am up to about 500 meters sustained freestyle in about 10 minutes this is slow but I really don't care about speed I am training to pass the finish line.  I could really be last and that would not matter to me.  I just want to get to the finish line.  All about the journey to quote a band.  Hope everyone else is sticking with it as well!!!!!

What has made your workouts really tough? increase in volume or intensity or ????
2009-05-20 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2157102

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
triat45 - 2009-05-18 4:56 AM

Just wanted to give the group an update on the Sprint Tri I volunteered at on Saturday. It was a great experience! I worked in the transition area, and got a lot of ideas regarding set up- I think one of the most significant ones was bringing a big tupperware 'box' that people filled with water to rinse their feet off after the swim. I was also amazed at the variety of people and bikes. I was also somewhat surprised at how many people didn't seem to know some of the rules- like no riding your bike in the transition area (you've got to walk it out to the mounting point) or the fact that no one can re-enter the transition area after they're done until the last cyclist comes in for T2. That one REALLY made a lot of people angry, because there were a handful of very slow bikers that were still out riding after most people had already finished the entire race. It was interesting to see the diversity- from the 'hard core' triathletes with the top-top end bikes and teardrop aero helmets, to the 77 year old guy who was in the middle of the pack. I also saw a few people quit right after the swim- I had gone out to the beach to see the ocean before the start, and the seas were a bit rough. I think it really stressed to me the importance of being prepared to do an open water swim, and I made a note to do several OW swims before race day. Even if you can swim all day long in a pool, it's not the same. Anyway, I'd highly recommend anyone who hasn't done a race before to try and volunteer for one if you have the opportunity. Everyone was really nice, and most of the participants thanked us on their way out.

You had a very useful experience. It is so much better to learn this stuff before race day. One thing I learned for transition is that instead of a water tub, I wear socks for the swim. Then when I come into transition I take off the socks and slip on shoes. No cleaning needed and pretty fast. Just another wya to do it.
2009-05-20 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2071252

Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Training has been so-so lately.  Biking has been going really well, I've done a couple of long rides, but running has been on hold for the past week and a half.  Saturday the 9th I did a long ride and then ran ~3 miles on Sunday.  Monday the inside of calf down to my ankle on my right foot was pretty sore.  Monday is usually my off day, but it still didn't get better through the rest of the week, so I decided to take running off the plate for a while.  By the weekend it felt somewhat better, but was still sore (after a lot of RICEing).  By yesterday it was feeling closer to normal so I did a 2.6 mile walk instead of run.  It didn't get any worse, so tomorrow I plan to start running again, maybe a mile, and see how it feels.

Swimming has still been so-so.  Sunday the pool at the Y was closed due to a "fecal accident".  Yes, that's really what the sign on the door said.  Talk about too much information!  I'd have felt better if they had just lied to me and told me a pump had broken or something.  It was supposed to re-open Monday, but I gave it until today at lunch and still had some trepedation jumping in. 

Scott asked about balance.  I'm single with no kids or anything so I have a lot more flexibility than many of you.  Still, it can be a pain.  I need my Zzzzzs so getting up early before work just isn't going to work for me.  So, I'm trying to get training more incorporated into my day.  I rode the bike to work last Friday (about 8.5 miles each way) and will try to do more of that, and I have been swimming at lunch some.  But, when I train after work it pretty much kills the evening, by the time I get home, take the dog for a walk, then go running or biking, it's generally at least 8 pm by the time I get showered and eat dinner.  I need to work on my organization a bit.

2009-05-20 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
I had a cool experience today. The local Tri store started a free 3.1 mile run for anyone interested. I could make last weeks but I showed up today. The group consisted of me and... the guy running it. Turns out he works part time at the store and is a tri and swim coach full time. I got run with him at my pace. We ran a little slower than my usual pace so that we could talk. We finished the run in 25:30. Afterward he showed me some stride drills, some sideways running drills, skipping drills, and knee-lift drills. All were very cool. We then did some stretching and preventive stretches. All this one-on-one! I hope to do this run regularly. I have to go to Germany next week, but plan on doing it the week after and have tried to rope a friend of mine into going too.

As I progress in my Tri-ing, I will definitely consider hiring him if I think it will help me (how could it not?).

2009-05-23 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2164501

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
BobJ123 - 2009-05-20 4:09 PM

Training has been so-so lately.  Biking has been going really well, I've done a couple of long rides, but running has been on hold for the past week and a half.  Saturday the 9th I did a long ride and then ran ~3 miles on Sunday.  Monday the inside of calf down to my ankle on my right foot was pretty sore.  Monday is usually my off day, but it still didn't get better through the rest of the week, so I decided to take running off the plate for a while.  By the weekend it felt somewhat better, but was still sore (after a lot of RICEing).  By yesterday it was feeling closer to normal so I did a 2.6 mile walk instead of run.  It didn't get any worse, so tomorrow I plan to start running again, maybe a mile, and see how it feels.

Swimming has still been so-so.  Sunday the pool at the Y was closed due to a "fecal accident".  Yes, that's really what the sign on the door said.  Talk about too much information!  I'd have felt better if they had just lied to me and told me a pump had broken or something.  It was supposed to re-open Monday, but I gave it until today at lunch and still had some trepedation jumping in. 

Scott asked about balance.  I'm single with no kids or anything so I have a lot more flexibility than many of you.  Still, it can be a pain.  I need my Zzzzzs so getting up early before work just isn't going to work for me.  So, I'm trying to get training more incorporated into my day.  I rode the bike to work last Friday (about 8.5 miles each way) and will try to do more of that, and I have been swimming at lunch some.  But, when I train after work it pretty much kills the evening, by the time I get home, take the dog for a walk, then go running or biking, it's generally at least 8 pm by the time I get showered and eat dinner.  I need to work on my organization a bit.

Fecal accidents are nasty!. I don't think they are accidents though. I mean come on couldn't they make it?

Balance is a tough thing. I have found myself running late at night just to get the run in. Dodging cars is not a past time I recommend. Riding your bike to work is a great idea. I have thought about biking to school but it is almost 40 miles away and I would have to pack my books. Ugh. probably not going to happen.

2009-05-23 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2164702

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
DougRob - 2009-05-20 6:14 PM

I had a cool experience today. The local Tri store started a free 3.1 mile run for anyone interested. I could make last weeks but I showed up today. The group consisted of me and... the guy running it. Turns out he works part time at the store and is a tri and swim coach full time. I got run with him at my pace. We ran a little slower than my usual pace so that we could talk. We finished the run in 25:30. Afterward he showed me some stride drills, some sideways running drills, skipping drills, and knee-lift drills. All were very cool. We then did some stretching and preventive stretches. All this one-on-one! I hope to do this run regularly. I have to go to Germany next week, but plan on doing it the week after and have tried to rope a friend of mine into going too.

As I progress in my Tri-ing, I will definitely consider hiring him if I think it will help me (how could it not?).


Finding a group to go with is huge. It creates accountability and adds fun to your workouts. That sounds like quite an opportunity. So is the trip to Germany fun or work or a good combination of both?
2009-05-23 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Anybody have any special plans for the holiday weekend? Any creative ideas for incorporating workouts into vacations?

Have a great weekend everyone!
2009-05-24 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Kings Mountain, NC
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Just got back from my first 20 mile bike ride.  I am just so happy.  It had lots of hills of course the area I live in is hilly.  I average 16 miles an hour.  I am so happy with that pace.  Just so happy because in January it was tough to go 2 miles.  Just wanted to share a personnal triumph.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

2009-05-24 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2169558

Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Just did a 36 mile bike ride.  Most of my plans are around the Nuggets-Lakers games.  Go Nuggets!
2009-05-24 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2170585

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
stiga00 - 2009-05-24 8:29 AM

Just got back from my first 20 mile bike ride.  I am just so happy.  It had lots of hills of course the area I live in is hilly.  I average 16 miles an hour.  I am so happy with that pace.  Just so happy because in January it was tough to go 2 miles.  Just wanted to share a personnal triumph.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Good for you! and 16mph is a really good pace. Nice work. It feels good to see improvement. Keep it up.
2009-05-24 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2170749

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
BobJ123 - 2009-05-24 11:49 AM

Just did a 36 mile bike ride.  Most of my plans are around the Nuggets-Lakers games.  Go Nuggets!

Hmmm sounds like a great excuse for a BBQ.
2009-05-26 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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New York City
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
How was everyone's weekend? Any training in between the BBQs?

Saturday, I did my 17 mile ride on the Wyckoff bike course. My time improved by almost 5 mins, due in part to the new clipless pedals. I wound up with a 16.6 mph pace. After the ride, I did a short (20 min) run. Saturday afternoon, I went to the town pool and tried out my new wetsuit. What a difference the suit makes.

Monday, I ran my first 10K. I felt pretty good and ran at a pace that was fast for me (9:20 mins/mile). Time was 57:22, well below my goal of beating 60 mins. Monday afternoon, I went to the pool again and practiced with the new wetsuit.

All in all, a weekend of pretty good progress. Also, barbeques on Sunday and Monday.
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