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2009-04-25 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2110391

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

DenaRae - 2009-04-25 5:30 PM
lovesreading - 2009-04-25 4:52 PM 
Also, I was parched.  How do you do fluids if you don't want to carry a water bottle in your hand?  Also, are there gadgets for carrying cell phones (heads up yogachic - GADGETS).  My running gear has no pockets.

For carrying gels/phone/lip balm, I love my Spi Belt.  I wear it low around my hips and it doesn't bounce a bit.  Recently brought it on my last 13 miler and it was great.

On runs longer than an hour, I bring my Amphipod handheld bottle.  It's really comfortable to hold and fits the shape of my hand well.  Though I'm finding that on my runs longer than 2 hrs, as the weather gets hotter, 20 oz isn't enough.   So I might have to invest in a bottle/belt system. 

  I carry a ton of stuff!  I use my amphipod and then my fuel belt for longer runs.  I just got the Spi Belt and really like it!  For the last 3-4 months I have been trying to lighten up on what I carry.  LOL  On the tram to a half marathon people were making fun of me for how much I was carrying. 


2009-04-26 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hey all! Well, I'm feeling a lot better and I ended up going for a run/walk yesterday.  It felt so good to get outside, but it was so windy! I noticed many people experienced windy runs or rides.  Because it was so blustery, I ended up walking more than running (when running I felt like I was running underwater or something the wind was so strong and resistant).  I was bummed I couldn't do more, but I figured it might be best with getting over my cold and what not. 

I might have been babying myself too much, which I tend to do.  I'm trying to work on that on push myself a bit more.  I wish I had a training partner or a running partner, it helps so much.  My mom loves to bike so plan I doing my bike workouts with her.  I might have ask around and see if I can find anyone who needs a running buddy!

lovesreading- my favorite tri books are the Slow, Fat triathlete books (I have read both). they are wonderful! Jayne is such a great writer and she made attempting the triathlon much less intimidating.  I haven't really found any others that I like, others that I've looked at seem so hardcore. 

enjoy the beautiful weather!


2009-04-26 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Sounds like everyone is having a good weekend for the most part so far!

Missy, congrats on the wetsuit--I'm glad that Mox was able to help you out with that and the clipless pedlas! Margot, that's GREAT news from the doctor!! And Dena...congratulations on rockin' your race. That's so awesome!

Yesterday was a bit nutty for me with running a dozen and one errands and today I've got my long ride (2h20m) which due to some crazy storms blowing through all day I'm going to be doing it on my trainer. The ride is so long where it'd be inevitable that I'd be caught in lightning at least once or twice. While I'm all for riding in the rain, I am not one for being unnecessarily dangerous. Mike (my husband) keeps saying that "it's okay to ride out in the lightning!! I've got a good life insurance policy on you!!" ....what.a.punk. :P

Once my ride is done with I'll pop back on and get caught up again. I hope you all have a great workouts (and rest days) today!! Be back soon!!
2009-04-26 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Congrats, Dena on the PR. The chocolate and martini party was a well-deserved treat.

I just finished the swim today. We're 2 weeks out from the tri and the plan called for just 800 in the pool. I know the shorter distances and times are bulit in there for a reason, but I get a little antsy doing that short of a distance. I'll accept it and I think later this afternoon I'm going to give yoga a try and see how I handle that. Then I hope to wind down early tonight and watch my Devils in the playoffs. If all goes well and I can fall asleep early, I plan on joining Nik for an early run tomorrow AM.

Hope everyone has had a fulfilling and active weekend!
2009-04-26 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hello everyone,

So today is exactly two weeks until the first tri.  I am very excited and nervous at the same time. 

I have been poking around the forums a little this week and when I would come across a post about someone finishing their first tri I would read...but I think I am not going to do that any more.  The posts I have read tell bad stories about how they sucked at the swim and they froze up.  The swim is the part that worries me the most and I do not want to read anymore stories about that being a bad experience.  My approach to the swim is going to be that I am just out for a nice swim...take it nice and easy...find a good pace and stick with it.  If I get caught up in it being a race I might freak out too. 

Hope everyone is having a good day.
2009-04-26 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Dena - Congrats on the PR!  And that's awesome that your shin didn't act up!  Sounds like a great day for you overall Laughing

Cheryl - Uh oh, more gear!  I have actually thought about the "hydration" dilemma, and have been debating what to do as well!  I've seen people running around with hydration belts similar to this one, which holds several bottles as well as having pockets for keys, etc.  Maybe even cell phones!  But I was also looking into Camelbaks, like this one, since you'd be able to use it on the bike (but I don't know if it'll flop around too much while running). 

I haven't bought either (yet), since most of my running and biking has been on paths that have water fountains at regular intervals.  Also, most of my cardio tanks have a pocket in the back that's perfect for my cell & keys, so I haven't had the need to for extra gear.

Alan - Good idea, listening to your body!  Sounds like a fun time, spending your rest day with the fam Smile

Erin - I totally agree that having a training partner makes it so much easier!  Just today, I was supposed to meet up with a friend for yoga & a swim.  She didn't show up to yoga, so instead of swimming afterward, I met up with my lifting buddy & lifted weights instead.  Maybe you could find a tri club or a running group in your area to make it easier to find training buddies? 

Barb - Yikes, the weather was crazy yesterday!  At one point, I was walking from the el to my friend's house 10 min away.  It was nice & calm when I got off the train, but the second I got out of the station it started pouring & hailing.  That only lasted about 5 min, but I got soaked & pelleted by ice balls Frown  When I got to my friend's house, I had to throw my jeans into his dryer because they were literally dripping wet!  I couldn't imagine having to endure that weather if I was out on a bike ride or something (which I thankfully had done in the morning, when it was warm and nice out).

Tif - That's exciting your tri is coming up so soon!  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy your yoga!

Nik - I'm sure you'll do great in your tri, too!  I also try to avoid reading other people's posts about how their tris went.  It just makes me more nervous and puts extra ideas into my head about what could go wrong.  I get nervous easily, though, so I try not to think about the negatives, and just trust I'm doing everything I can to be prepared!

2009-04-26 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2108867

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-04-24 5:38 PM

Went for a swim today.  It was my last chance for at least a week because of the way our schedules work out.  I finished what I wanted to do, 1600 yds, but it didn't start out so great.  I was rather annoyed by the person who joined my lane and it took several laps to get it out of my head.

So here's a pool etiquette question.  Doesn't it seem polite to tell someone when you're going to share a lane with them?  I always talk to them and ask if I can join in.  That way they know I'm there and we don't risk colliding.  Today, as I'm swimming down the middle of the lane, looking at the bottom of the pool, thinking I was alone, I feel someone go by me.  What do you know someone had started swimming in my lane without saying anything.  I moved over to one side and didn't mind but it really put me off.  She eventually moved over and shared a lane with someone who was going more her speed.  Am I wrong to expect this?

Okay, my rant's over.  On to better things...a sunny weekend with a parade.

I think there's a bunch of threads on general pool etiquette floating around on BT. From what I've read when you're entering a lane with someone already swimming the protocol is something along these lines...
1. Asking if they're okay with you joining them.
2. Discussing if they'd prefer to circle swim (which if there are 3+ people in a lane you need to do) or if you should each take a side.

Typically if they hop in my lane without letting me know they're joining, I'll wait at the edge of the pool and then ask if they want to take a side or circle swim. Or if I have a series of drills to do, I'll give them a heads up because that'll typically make me slower than the normal speed.

I don't blame you for being irritated, though. It happens frequently.
2009-04-26 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2111147

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Sounds like we've all had a pretty good weekend! My 2h20m on the trainer was BEYOND MIND NUMBING. Oh man. I can't wait to get back on the roads. This coming week should be a big one for me as it's the last big build before my first cut back week (oh, sweet relief!).

Nik - In two weeks we're looking forward to reading your awesome race report! You have to remember that everyone has different experiences on race day...and we all have no idea how much (or little) they trained for their first event. With the swim, focus on staying calm and confident. Good call with taking it easy, staying at your own pace and not getting caught up in it all.

Erin - Glad to hear you were able to get out for a run this weekend. Training in a variety of elements (be it rain, wind, heat, humidity) will help you come race day. You never know what Mother Nature will dish up for you on any given day, so it's good to be prepared should your tri/road race be in less than ideal conditions. So consider yourself tougher for pushing through a run in the wind. Definitely see if you can find a running buddy or a local running store that offers group runs...I've found it's easier to push myself if I've got company...otherwise I can sometimes get in my own head and talk myself out of giving 110%.

Cheryl - How'd the bike ride go over? I find that when it's hot out, I typically crumble when I run. So when it's hot, I'm trying to hit the ground running by 6 or 7 in the morning (ugh!). But heat does a number on my body and I usually end up being in a higher HR zone than normal. Definitely invest in something to help keep your body cool when on the run. Camelback, Nathan, Amphipod and Fuel Belt all have a handful of different hydration systems. Some are hand held, others are backpacks, others are belts with smaller water bottles. Most have some type of pocket for your cell phone or ID. When you have longer runs without access to water fountains, you'll definitely need to find some way to carry your own fluid.

Tif - How's your neck doing?? Did the Brick go over okay? and as tempting as it is to do more, try to stick to the plan...the times and distances are there for a reason. Highs and lows programmed specifically to push yourself and four recovery. Have you tried yoga out yet? I'm not sure if you have video on demand on your TV, but I was looking through it yesterday and noticed they had some yoga workouts on there for free. That could be another option to check out!

Missy - Sorry you got caught in that mess today! OF COURSE, when I was on the trainer there was only 15 minutes when the sky opened I could've gone outside. But with the amount of lightning hitting the area in the morning I figured it wasn't worth the risk.

Alan - Sounds like you had a great time with the fam and that you enjoyed the rest!
2009-04-26 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2081113


Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I have been absent all week getting geared up to start my training plan. I did get a 25km ride in yesterday after spending 2 hours at the barn with my daughter. I was hoping to get a run in today but again a few hours at the barn and then baseball with my son.
I have decided that "ME TIME" needs to be in the morning. I will be venturing on my first workout tomorrow.
2009-04-27 5:45 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Good morning everyone!

I'm up waaaaaaay early today...just finished my run workout. Glad to have it out of the way...but more impressed that I actually got up. I've become more of a morning person than I ever have been...although I don't plan on making 4:30am runs a habit. Laughing

My neck is *finally* feeling reasonably normal. Today is the first day I didn't wake up with the tightness and intermittent shooting pain. The massage on Saturday did help and I kept heat on it whenever possible. I also experienced yoga last night. I think I am going to like it and I plan to incoprorate it into my overall training. I'll have to check and see if I have video on demand. I think I've seen it advertised, but never really thought much of it...especially for yoga. That could be a cool alternative, too. I'm hanging in there with the training plan. I just get antsy when I'm used to doing longer distances or times. But I know the taper is necessary...I just have to embrace it.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. It's "standardized testing week" here in Texas, so that means a lot of stress for everyone...students and teachers alike. I'm a little lucky because my grade level doesn't have to take the test, so I'm outside of that stress bubble for the most part. Hopefully today I can hide out in my room, get some grading done and hang out on BT.

2009-04-27 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Today is a rest day for me, and my body is telling me I need it.  Though I think it's mostly sore from doing a full day of gardening yesterday.  And listening to the noises my husband is making this morning, he's pretty sore too.

I had Chaz from YOGAmazing create an episode for fencers since my daughter recently started fencing.  The episode is up on his site and in iTunes now so the kids and I did it last night.  We all enjoyed the episode quite a bit.  And as I was doing it, realized that it would also be a good episode for triathletes.  

2009-04-27 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning, all!  I'm packing up to go on a mini-road trip up to Ann Arbor with my mom today to help move my sister out of her freshman year college dorm!  (I'm such a nice sister, taking 2 days off work to help her move Wink)  So I probably won't be around much today and tomorrow. . .

Today is a swim & bike day for me.  I'm planning on getting it done at the tiny gym & pool at the hotel.  Unfortunately, the stationary bike there is a recumbent and it's not a lap pool, but I'll make do with what I have. 

Tif - I've become more of a morning person once I started training, too!  I'm not always happy to be out of bed so early, and it's certainly not become habit (yet) but that would have never happened before!  There's something satisfying about getting your workout done before most people have even had their coffee!!

Have a great day everyone! 
2009-04-27 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: first day good but some technical difficulties

This week is my first official week of my training program. I decided to do BT's 16 week sprint- 2x balanced training plan. 

Run- only had to run 12 min and I ended up doing about 16.  I forgot my watch so I had to try and time my run using my ipod music! I felt great during the run!

bike- this was the first time I had been a bike in a while. I'm actually borrowing a bike for now. I didnt' want to invest in a bike yet until I've done this a few weeks and know it's for me. Anyway, the bike went well! I went for 24 minutes.  I'm not sure how fast I was going, the mileage monitor was not working! grr..  It was a bit windy so I had to push myself through that, but it felt great. 

It was a beautiful morning so that provided all the more incentive to get out there!

what is everyones thoughts/theories on warming up? I've read so many different methods of "properly" warming up.  Currently, I walk for 5 minutes, jog lightly for 2 minutes, do some light stretches and then walk for 5 more minutes and THEN begin my exercise. 

also, I love to listen to music while I run and bike, my workout playlist is like my baby.  Anyone have any new or favorite workout tunes? I'm always looking for new music. I like all kinds of music for workouts as long as its upbeat and inspiring!

2009-04-27 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning everyone!

Even though I was still sidelined from training this weekend I had a very exciting day yesterday. I went and "stimulated the economy" and bought my road bike!

I wanted a beginners bike, something that isn't too fancy but that will do the job for the next few years. My husband and I decided to go to REI and I was planning on buying Novara women's bike. The sales guy took one look at me and told me that I'd have to buy a men's bike (since I'm 5'11"). So this is what I ended up with:

I'm so excited! I also got bike shoes and clipless pedals, a helmet, a bike computer, water bottle cages and water bottles. I don't have the bike yet, we decided to upgrade some of the components so that they are all Shimano tiagra, so the REI bike shop is doing that, installing my pedals and the bike computer and switching out the men's seat for a women's seat. I should be able to pick it up today or tomorrow.

When I rode the bike around the parking lot I was SHOCKED at how much more comfortable it is than my husband's bike I've been riding. Nice to finally have something that fits me correctly.

I'm also going back to my favorite spin class tonight after a month off from my injury. It feels great to be back at it again!

2009-04-27 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2111981

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
baseballbabe - 2009-04-26 11:50 PM

I have been absent all week getting geared up to start my training plan. I did get a 25km ride in yesterday after spending 2 hours at the barn with my daughter. I was hoping to get a run in today but again a few hours at the barn and then baseball with my son.
I have decided that "ME TIME" needs to be in the morning. I will be venturing on my first workout tomorrow.

Great job squeezing the ride in!! How'd the workout go this morning?!?
2009-04-27 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2112070

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
roadrhino - 2009-04-27 5:45 AM

Good morning everyone!

I'm up waaaaaaay early today...just finished my run workout. Glad to have it out of the way...but more impressed that I actually got up. I've become more of a morning person than I ever have been...although I don't plan on making 4:30am runs a habit. Laughing

My neck is *finally* feeling reasonably normal. Today is the first day I didn't wake up with the tightness and intermittent shooting pain. The massage on Saturday did help and I kept heat on it whenever possible. I also experienced yoga last night. I think I am going to like it and I plan to incoprorate it into my overall training. I'll have to check and see if I have video on demand. I think I've seen it advertised, but never really thought much of it...especially for yoga. That could be a cool alternative, too. I'm hanging in there with the training plan. I just get antsy when I'm used to doing longer distances or times. But I know the taper is necessary...I just have to embrace it.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. It's "standardized testing week" here in Texas, so that means a lot of stress for everyone...students and teachers alike. I'm a little lucky because my grade level doesn't have to take the test, so I'm outside of that stress bubble for the most part. Hopefully today I can hide out in my room, get some grading done and hang out on BT.

Great job getting up before the sun!! It's crazy how this sport can impact our sleep schedules, isn't it?! Glad to hear your neck is starting to feel normal again.

Trust the taper this week so your body can repair itself for race day coming up. And don't let the school stress get to you too much!

2009-04-27 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2112084

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
DenaRae - 2009-04-27 6:05 AM

Today is a rest day for me, and my body is telling me I need it.  

Sounds like a good plan!! Listening to your body is so important. And how cool that you were able to request a fencing-specific yoga workout!!
2009-04-27 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2112395

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
yogachic - 2009-04-27 8:33 AM

Good morning, all!  I'm packing up to go on a mini-road trip up to Ann Arbor with my mom today to help move my sister out of her freshman year college dorm!  (I'm such a nice sister, taking 2 days off work to help her move Wink)  So I probably won't be around much today and tomorrow. . .

Today is a swim & bike day for me.  I'm planning on getting it done at the tiny gym & pool at the hotel.  Unfortunately, the stationary bike there is a recumbent and it's not a lap pool, but I'll make do with what I have. 

Tif - I've become more of a morning person once I started training, too!  I'm not always happy to be out of bed so early, and it's certainly not become habit (yet) but that would have never happened before!  There's something satisfying about getting your workout done before most people have even had their coffee!!

Have a great day everyone! 

Have a safe trip! Finding ways to work with what you've got is key to getting training done on the road.
2009-04-27 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2112969

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Subject: RE: first day good but some technical difficulties
erin.kelsey - 2009-04-27 11:40 AM

what is everyones thoughts/theories on warming up? I've read so many different methods of "properly" warming up.  Currently, I walk for 5 minutes, jog lightly for 2 minutes, do some light stretches and then walk for 5 more minutes and THEN begin my exercise. 

also, I love to listen to music while I run and bike, my workout playlist is like my baby.  Anyone have any new or favorite workout tunes? I'm always looking for new music. I like all kinds of music for workouts as long as its upbeat and inspiring!

Great job getting started with your plan, Erin! Looks like things are headed off on the right foot. Whenever I don't have my Garmin GPS tracking distance, I like to try and calculate the approximate distance through Google's Pedometer Maps: --you just have to remember the route you take!

As far as warming up goes, for me it honestly depends. On super hot days, walking from my condo to the path is warm up enough. I typically start out all my runs slowly and build up to the prescribed speed. For me, I do all of my stretching after the workout rather than before to assist with recovery.

My running playlist has 400-something songs on there, but here's a quick list of some of the ones that get me moving the best.
Run- Gnarles Barkley
Super Massive Blackhole - Muse
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
She Wants To Move - N.E.R.D.
Blue Monday - New Order
Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order
Fuego - Pitbull
Bicycle Race - Queen
Black Betty - Ram Jam
Higher Ground - Red Hot Chili Peppers
List of Demands - Saul Williams
Swing - Savage
Bodies - Smashing Pumpkins
Give it to Me - Timbaland
The Way I Are - Timbaland
Seven Nation Army - White Stripes
Clap Hands - Beck
E-Pro – Beck
Calabria - Enur
Marathon Shirt - Self
Resurrect - Self
Local God – Everclear
Dirty Deeds – ACDC
Thunderstruck – ACDC
Whip It – Devo
Hungry Like the Wolf – Duran Duran
I Ran – Flock of Seagulls ...if loving this song is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
DARE – The Gorillaz
Feel Good Inc. – The Gorillaz
Noggin’ Poundin’ – The Katies
Shake It – Metro Station
Love Today – Mika
Ebin – Sublime
Elevation (Live Version from Vertigo Tour) – U2
Elevatin – Wired all Wrong
2009-04-27 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2113009

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-04-27 11:57 AM
I wanted a beginners bike, something that isn't too fancy but that will do the job for the next few years. My husband and I decided to go to REI and I was planning on buying Novara women's bike. The sales guy took one look at me and told me that I'd have to buy a men's bike (since I'm 5'11"). So this is what I ended up with:

I'm so excited! I also got bike shoes and clipless pedals, a helmet, a bike computer, water bottle cages and water bottles. I don't have the bike yet, we decided to upgrade some of the components so that they are all Shimano tiagra, so the REI bike shop is doing that, installing my pedals and the bike computer and switching out the men's seat for a women's seat. I should be able to pick it up today or tomorrow.

When I rode the bike around the parking lot I was SHOCKED at how much more comfortable it is than my husband's bike I've been riding. Nice to finally have something that fits me correctly.

I'm also going back to my favorite spin class tonight after a month off from my injury. It feels great to be back at it again!

LOVE the new right, Margot!! I'm glad you found a great fit and I'm sure you're going to love riding it!! You'll have to let us know what you name him/her (I'm a firm believer that all bikes should have a name...I fondly call mine Little Red Riding Hood).

Have fun at spin class! And we're all glad to have you back in action again!
2009-04-27 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all--

I did the High Rock Challenge this weekend on Staten Island. It was a 7.2 mile trail run( 2 person teams). Lots of fun challenges including crawling through a dark tunnel (shawshank redemption style) climbing a cargo net ladder, math problems, pulling your team on a dolly up a hill using a rope, water crossings, remembering a combination in order to open a lock later on in the race. The weather was hot but the scenery was great!! We placed 5th out of the female teams and 83 overall out of 262 teams.

This is my last week before the Long Branch Half Marathon on Sunday. Doing some easy mileage this week. THis past weekend the More Marathon in NYC was cancelled and they did not score the half marathon and made it non-competitive. Friends of mine said that people were still dropping from heat exhaustion. At 8:00 am when starting it was already 85 degrees. Hopefully that weather will not repeat itself for my half this weekend.

Disappointed to hear that Men's Health Urbanathalon will not be taken place in NYC this year and only in Chicago. I've heard it's a blast from people who have done it in the past. I just may need to make a road trip out to Chicago!!

Looks like everyone had a good weekend, Keep up the good work!!



2009-04-27 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good afternoon everyone,

This is shaping up to be a long day for me.  I was hoping to escape the stress of TAKS test day here at school, but that was impossible (I did not get to hideout in my room like Tif).  The school day is almost over and now I get to go umpire some baseball.  Hopefully it is a good (fast) game.  I think it will be a good one...the winner makes the playoffs and the losers season is over.

Getting up early this morning makes it a long day.  The good news is the workout is done and I can come home and go to bed. 

Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words leading up the the tri.  I am feeling really good about the race.
2009-04-27 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all-

Monday's my rest day (at least so far as exercise is concerned.)  Monday nights I always do a mind- and butt-numbing list of errands and chauffeurring.

Sunday I rode on a bike path for the first time.  Loved it!  I think I'll try a Thursday morning solo ride there.  Sunday morning 8am there was just the right amount of traffic - help if needed, but no crowds.  The part I tried parallels a river on an old railway.  I could use some more hills, but it was SO nice not to worry about cars.  I'm terrified some cell phone user is going to swipe me.  Next task:  Find a bike trail that has some hills but few to no road crossings.

The wreck I had in college was solo, my first day on the Purdue camps - something flipped into my front wheel as I accelerated from a stop and I flew over the handle bars, bounced, and slid.  No helmet.  3 days in the hospital with a concussion.  The good thing was that it turned my whole family into helmet fanatics.  2 weeks later, my cyclist father hit gravel and uprooted a sapling with his forehead --- with no injury thanks to his new helmet.

Thanks for the fluid and gear-carrying" suggestions.  They may just make my mother's day list to give the DH (dear husband).  Has anyone tried a Camelbak?  They look hot and bouncy to me.
2009-04-27 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2112969

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: first day good but some technical difficulties
erin.kelsey - 2009-04-27 12:40 PM

what is everyones thoughts/theories on warming up? I've read so many different methods of "properly" warming up.  Currently, I walk for 5 minutes, jog lightly for 2 minutes, do some light stretches and then walk for 5 more minutes and THEN begin my exercise.

Erin-  I struggled with figuring this out on the plan I used.  After some detailed reading and internet sleuthing, I was surprised to learned that the short times listed on my plans INCLUDED the warm-up and cool-down times!  Most of the first month, by the time I felt warmed-up, I was done.  The run times and swim times especially were short.  For instance, my first 20min "run" really was 5'walk, 10' alternating 30seconds jog/30"walk, 5' walk.   I was using a plan for non-runner, non-biker out of "Your First Triathlon" by Joe Friel  and this matched well with the beginning runner plans I found in my library.   Apparently the biggest cause of injury in runners is adding distance too fast when you start...

2009-04-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2113340

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
dsmallacomb - 2009-04-27 1:34 PM

Hi all--

I did the High Rock Challenge this weekend on Staten Island. It was a 7.2 mile trail run( 2 person teams). Lots of fun challenges including crawling through a dark tunnel (shawshank redemption style) climbing a cargo net ladder, math problems, pulling your team on a dolly up a hill using a rope, water crossings, remembering a combination in order to open a lock later on in the race. The weather was hot but the scenery was great!! We placed 5th out of the female teams and 83 overall out of 262 teams.

This is my last week before the Long Branch Half Marathon on Sunday. Doing some easy mileage this week. THis past weekend the More Marathon in NYC was cancelled and they did not score the half marathon and made it non-competitive. Friends of mine said that people were still dropping from heat exhaustion. At 8:00 am when starting it was already 85 degrees. Hopefully that weather will not repeat itself for my half this weekend.

Disappointed to hear that Men's Health Urbanathalon will not be taken place in NYC this year and only in Chicago. I've heard it's a blast from people who have done it in the past. I just may need to make a road trip out to Chicago!!

Looks like everyone had a good weekend, Keep up the good work!!



Ooooh...that race sounds hardcore, Denise!! How fun. Are you feeling ready for the upcoming half marathon? If it's going to be hot, you may want to consider racing with your own fuel belt rather than solely relying on the course. As someone who was "re-routed" to the finish in the 2007 Chicago Marathon, I know how frustrating having a race be canceled midway through can be.

If you make the voyage to Chicago for the Urbanathlon, let me know!!!
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