BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again! Rss Feed  
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2009-06-02 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2189435

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Me neither!  And here, the TotalGym that Chuck Norris advertises would cost me 4000 CHF!  Who can afford that?  So, I use the ones at the therapy center and they're really great.  All the weight is based on your own body weight combined with the amount of incline.  It's working well for me so far, so if you can get a chance to try one, do it!


PS . are there any other women in this mentoring group or is it just me?

2009-06-02 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

Laura, we had a couple other ladies, but haven't heard from them in a while.  Our group discussion was diminishing, so Mike opend up the group again.  It looks like another lady was looking to join, but Mike hasn't gotten back to her yet.

Stuart, that is a really long workout.  I would suggest breaking it up a little.  Most of my workouts consist of two to five exercises in continuous succession.  Here's an example of what I'm doing:

Deadlift/Pull-Up workout:

5 rounds:

5 body weight deadlifts-5 pull-ups repeat 5 body weight deadlifts-5 pull-ups

1 minute break

repeat x 5

Workout is for time.

2009-06-02 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2190047

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
brick94513 - 2009-06-02 1:15 PM

Laura, we had a couple other ladies, but haven't heard from them in a while.  Our group discussion was diminishing, so Mike opend up the group again.  It looks like another lady was looking to join, but Mike hasn't gotten back to her yet.


i didn't? whoops - i know lynne (who i have met, she lives out in the same area as me) posted something yesterday and i believe i responded  

i'll read through all these posts tonight and get back to all of you, super busy today at work!
2009-06-02 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2190221

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

ultrahip_00 - 2009-06-02 2:14 PM
brick94513 - 2009-06-02 1:15 PM

Laura, we had a couple other ladies, but haven't heard from them in a while.  Our group discussion was diminishing, so Mike opend up the group again.  It looks like another lady was looking to join, but Mike hasn't gotten back to her yet.


i didn't? whoops - i know lynne (who i have met, she lives out in the same area as me) posted something yesterday and i believe i responded  

i'll read through all these posts tonight and get back to all of you, super busy today at work!

Hey Mike, I saw you respond, why did you have to bring me into this!

Welcome Lynne! We were close to DOA, glad you can join us!

2009-06-02 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2099961

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Hi noticed that you are Re-opening this group--can I join? I'm definitely not hip, but I'm looking to get motivated to get my training going more seriously in a middle-aged woman kind of way!

2009-06-02 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Sure, welcome!  sorry stu, copy and paste got the best of me!!

2009-06-02 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Tim - great job on the  tempo run - feels kind of good to run fast, huh?! in a good-pain kind of way! 

thanks for all the tips on the strength stuff! i will take a look at cross fit - i have heard of it, but haven't looked into it much yet. 

anyone racing this weekend?
2009-06-02 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

Jeez i sure messed this all up.... Wasn't trying to hassle you Mike, I just thought you overlooked a post.  But, it looks like it was me that can't read.  I completely missed your post.  Sorry Coach!!

2009-06-02 10:42 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

Mike, woke up pretty sore this morning.  Not sure to attribute it to the tempo run or the 400 meters of kick drills yesterday.  I have a feeling it was a combination of both.

Feel I'm making progress with swimming which is always a good feeling.  Today, I actually hit one of my best times for a 200m at 3:30 during a 5 x 200m main set.  I know its still pretty slow, but I feel stronger and that my stroke is happening with less effort.  Just wish I could get my kick synchonized with my hip rotation.  Its like I can't walk and chew gum at the same time!

I was thinking about entering a 5K race this weekend.  Not sure though after recent injuries.

2009-06-02 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
its all good  

5k's are fun - but they hurt! i have only done 1 stand alone 5k - last november. 

great job on the swim too - making progress is good. i feel like i've been in a swim rut for. . well, as long as i've been swimming it's definitly my weakness!
2009-06-03 1:38 AM
in reply to: #2190988

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Tim -  I'm waking up sore today too.  I would guess your newly discovered tempo run as something to do with it, but a nice walk should loosen you up pretty quickly.

Mike - This topic begs a question about over-training.  Last week, I pushed myself to see how bad training for three sports could be, and I ended up doing double the plan.  Yesterday was my first full day off and I had to take it.  In the late afternoon, I took the dog for a 4k walk, but that's all I did.  This morning, I need to get out there on the bike for 35 mins and I'm hurting in my left hip, my feet and my lower back - all important for the bike.  The hurt's not bad enough to skip the workout but I also foresee going longer than 35 mins because I hate going out and back (as opposed to all the way around the lake).

So what's an old girl to do?  How easy is it to over-train for triathlon?  Are there tricks to avoiding body aches at the beginning?  I'm already very fit, but this feels like last summer when I was in high gear with my running. 

Do you find that stretching and diet play a big role while the body adjusts to the increase in fitness?  Can you control yourself enough to follow your training plan?  I'm so worried about the swim (my weakest link too) that I feel the urge to get in the pool most days.


2009-06-03 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
good questions laura - while injury is something that we have to careful about - i think that overtraining is kind of a misnomer w/triathlon.  i posted something in the forums a few weeks ago about overtraining and lack of motivation - and the very experianced guys quickly pointed out that it takes months and months of a few intense/heavy volume to actually overtrain.  it is amazing what our bodies can do.

as far are your hip/feet etc sore - does it just feel like muscle soreness, or does it feel like pain? from being a runner, you know the difference and when to stop.  if its just soreness, biking and swimming will probably help loosen your muscles up! 

with regards to following your plan - i find it harder to hit the time that my plan lays out, i don't have the problem with it being too short (as it is usually pushing my available time as it is).  i don't see a problem with you extending your workouts here and there, as long as your body still feels OK.  the plans are not set in stone - they are a guide that you can try to follow if you choose, but if you miss a workout here and there, its ok. 

FWIW when i first started training for tri's (off the couch, wasn't much of an athlete), i was sore for about 1 month straight becasue my body just wasn't used to it! 
2009-06-03 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2191275

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Mike -

I'm following the BT "Original Sprint" 13 Week plan.  It could be that I can do more and have a better first tri.  I'm experienced at racing and really only have a lot of apprehension about the swim and the transitions.  The soreness is muscle fatigue, not pain. 

How much do you watch your diet or change things about your diet when you're gearing up for a tri?  I'm sure I'm burning more calories than normal, but do I have to be more careful about what I eat over the next 13 weeks?

2009-06-03 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2099961

Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

Hi all. I'de like to join in the discussion. Im competing in my first every Tri (sprint distance) in less than two months and Im trying to soak up as much info as possible.

NAME: Ringo311 - Bob

STORY: Im 28 years old, I live in Western, NY and my ultimate goal is to finish an Ironman in a few years. Im an endurance runner at heart who is in transition to be a Triathlete.  I've run 2 marathons (PR=2:59), a few 1/2 marathons, dozens of 5k/10ks and been biking for years. I worked at a bike shop as a mechanic and feel comfortable on rides up to 30-40 miles. As soon as I sell my mountain bike, im going to buy a used Felt S32. Im keeping my eyes open for one.

FAMILY STATUS: My dad is my biggest motivater and my fiance is my biggest supporter. We are getting married in Lake Placid a week after the Ironman. Hoping some day I will return for the Ironman to compete.

CURRENT TRAINING: I just came off training for a 1/2 marathon. (40m/week) I took a week off and am now concentrating on the sprint Tri on July 18th. Im biking to work every day and running 6 days a week as usual. Once my wetsuit comes in, im going to swim 3 times a week at a nearby lake. Swimming is by far my weakest event.

2009 RACES:
Buffalo 1/2 marathon (5/23) - 1:28
Community Bike Ride (6/6) - 50k
Musselman Sprint Tri (7/18) - 750m/16m/3.2m
- I dont know what to expect, so im going to get through the swim safely and see how it goes.

- Following the Sprint Tri im going on a 12 week 10k training program and then eventually an 18 week marathon training program over the winter. Trying to build my endurance and get a marathon PR, while strengthening my swimming

WEIGHTLOSS: I am not looking to lose weight with my current training plan. Im 6'0 172 lbs. About 12 lbs heavier than my last marathon. I eat a ton of carbohydrates.

2009-06-03 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
Hey Bob, welcome to our group!!  sounds like you have some great running experiance - which will be very helpful!  2:59 is a great time for a marathon.  how are you doing on swimming, it sounds like you are a strong biker/runner.

Laura  - i think with your experiance, doing more than the beginner sprint plan would be fine, just gauge how your body feels.  since your running is obviously at a much higher level than what a beginner sprint plan would call out, it is ok to throw in extra running, if you want to keep that up. 

as far as eating - this is a piece of the puzzle that i haven't conqered.  i try to eat fairly healthy by eating low fat, high protein foods, but for the last few months i have been eating way too much processed stuff (not enough fresh veggies, etc), mostly due to time constraints - once i get home from work, work out - its 8 pm. . and i don't really want to cook and not eat until 8:30-8:45.  just make sure you are taking in enough calories.  last summer, i esentially quit eating as much and quit buying stuff like chips (chips and salsa used to be a staple of my diet).  pretty quickly, i lost about 5 lbs.  since december, i have lost a few more lbs, maybe 3-4. mostly, that is due to working out more and drinking alcohol less.  Anyways, just try and make sure you are eating fairly healthy - similar to marathon training - how did you eat then? 
2009-06-03 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2191516

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

Just kidding, but since I live in the land of fine wine and great food (how many ways can you say cheese?) that is one aspect of my diet that I find hard to curb.  I don't drink a lot - I don't drink every day - but if someone opens a nice French wine and lays out the plate of full fat, raw cheese and bread, I'm there.  And the veal...and the fondue...and...and...

But I feel entitled.  I'm a triathlete, after all.Wink

2009-06-03 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2099961

Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!

I have a hard time cutting out the drinks also. It works against my rehydration, but I drink loads of water. I've always subscribed to the idea that endurance athletes are supposed to eat carbohydrates as 60% of their diet to keep their glycogen stores full for plenty of energy. So i eat a lot of pasta, bread, rice, cereal, potatoes.

2009-06-03 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2191829

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!
fleetfeet_ch - 2009-06-03 8:38 AM WHAT?!?!!  GIVE UP ALCOHOL?  SAY IT AIN'T SO!

Just kidding, but since I live in the land of fine wine and great food (how many ways can you say cheese?) that is one aspect of my diet that I find hard to curb.  I don't drink a lot - I don't drink every day - but if someone opens a nice French wine and lays out the plate of full fat, raw cheese and bread, I'm there.  And the veal...and the fondue...and...and...

But I feel entitled.  I'm a triathlete, after all.Wink

whoa, i never said give up alcohol - that is just CRAZY!  i said i cut down on alcohol .  i was in wisconsin last summer through december doing a training program for my job, with 50 other recent college graduates. . so, needless to say, i pretty much got drunk every weekend!  now, i only get drunk maybe once/month if that --- i have only been graduated from college for 1 year, so this is still ok, right?! i don't want to grow up too quickly
2009-06-03 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
so what is going on today people?!
2009-06-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2193620

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Name: Jennifer
Age: 47 (48 in a couple of weeks)--sounds old! Ran my first sprint triathlon 3 summers ago--started training about 3 1/2. I love the people who participate in the events and I hope to work up to an Olympic distance by next summer--it's just hard getting the time in from August to May since those are the months I have a more than full-time job. I also have a husband and two kids (a 16-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl) who all are big supporters. My husband is a great bike rider so we ride when the weather is good. I'm originally from California and miss the ocean and the great weather, but lots of good stuff here too. Trying to figure out ways to get in some open swims--only ones I've ever done have been in races (my ocean swimming in CA was body surfing). I'm hoping this mentor group will help keep me inspired (and not make me feel too discouraged! everyone seems so well-trained!).

Had a good brick today and some a little strength training since I had the luxury of time...

2009-06-03 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
welcome jennifer!  that is cool that you did a race a few years back! are you looking to do another sprint this year?  judging by your brick today, i would guess that you have the fitness to.  Oly's are fun - sprints go by so quick, but oly's are just the right length. 

which sports do you have the most experiance with?

2009-06-04 1:59 AM
in reply to: #2193620

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Running today, if I can fit it into my teaching schedule.  If not, I'll tap it onto the end of tomorrow's 30 min (YIKES) swim.  For those of you who are strong swimmers, how long does it take to build up a reasonable base for swimming?  I'm still hanging on the end of the pool after every 50 m.  Do you find the triswimcoach drills helpful?  And, if you spend your whole workout doing drills does that count for your 30 mins of swimming?
2009-06-04 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2099961

Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
I was thinking of taking on this training schedule for swimming. My triathalon is in about 6 weeks so i'll probably taper towards the end. Im going to do drills to work on my stroke also. 

Someone suggested it on the forums - i cant remember which thread (it could have been this one). Does this workout sound reasonable? Will I be able to complete it?

Edited by Ringo311 2009-06-04 7:14 AM
2009-06-04 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!

Another Masters swim tonight and it should be a near death experience, I think my coach hates me!

I'm signed up for a Chi running workshop next month, I probably should have done it a while ago due to all of my injuries, does anyone have any experience with it? I am a BOP runner so it can't hurt!

2009-06-04 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2194168

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
OK, Mr. Acronym...what's Chi and BOP?

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