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2009-08-05 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2330030

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

James Blackwood - 2009-08-05 2:59 PM
dolelicious - 2009-08-05 2:15 PM
SCamp07 - 2009-08-05 2:03 PM Is that 45 miles a week running or do miles on the bike count?

Has James committed to taking CJs spot?

That's a great deal on the van. Thanks for working on that!!

I don't think miles on the bike count :-P

I don't know, has James committed???  James, care to comment?

Let's go pwn some noobs!


I think we need to get James a shirt that says this... anyone vote against this??  for... say Aiii

2009-08-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2174013

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

like this :



2009-08-05 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
1) Sweet deal on the vans.  Almost slapped a coworker on the butt when I read that.

2) James welcome to the club - glad you're running (James is fast).

3) No worries on the 40+ mile weeks ---- I am running far less than that and will still pwn Vball on our leg.

4) Jame's PWN NOOBS shirt will look pretty bad A once we "die hard" it with some rips and soot and blood.
2009-08-05 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Are we sure that 45 miles per week isn't divided over the whole team? I can handle that.

Good deal on the vans, too, thanks CJ.

2009-08-06 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Team- Here are the leg assignments I have after the first happy hour.  Go ahead and pick the leg you would like to run.  Keep in mind, the first 6 will be in one van, the second 6 will be in the other.  So if there is someone you really don't want to be around when you are all stinky, tired, and gross, make sure you are not in the same chunk as that person Wink

On the other hand, if you are in van 2, there is a Massage Therapist in training who may be willing to give quick 15 minute cool-down lactic-acid releasing massages for those in need

For some reason I can't get the color in the keys to show up so I wrote them out but basically both the distance and the amount of climbing are color coded based on the amount.   This is for each leg as well as all totals for that runner.  Please pick legs based on your current abilities/training.  We want to make sure that everyone is able to complete his/her legs. 

I'm emailing this out to everyone as well right now.

1st Leg2nd Leg3rd LegTotals 
18.8216-226VH, T3.9296-266M6.7620-600VH19.41,132-1,092 
29.2357-387VH, T3141-73E8.9742-532VH21.11,240-992Rick
34.576-112M, T4.4232-177M3.8289-213M12.7597-502 
46.8214-230H, T3.1177-239E3.8180-377M13.7571-846 
86.3266-449H5.6869-531H3.6223-335M, PT15.51,358-1,315Christy
98400-414VH, T3.222-577E7.6204-325VH, T18.8626-1,316 
105798-381VH3.572-141E7.9295-361VH, T16.41,165-883 
123173-272E5.6531-459H5.6210-246H, PT14.2914-977 



> 6> 600(RED)

> 18> 1200(RED)

4 - 6300 - 600(YELLOW)

15 - 18900 - 1200(YELLOW)

< 4< 300(GREEN)

< 15< 900(GREEN)

2009-08-06 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
massage therapist in training

I think van 2 just got popular.  You should know I'm a lousy tipper.

2009-08-06 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Steve- you get first dibs on a leg since you gave up your spot to Josh.  Just let me know which one you want and it's yours.
2009-08-06 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
If I was going to take the easy way out I'd anchor and take all the glory for myself!
But I'll man up and take leg 9. 

I used to be a bad tipper but now I tip really well, $20 on $66 at the club the other night. (I think we got some freebies.)

I'll be sure to bring a bunch of $1's for everyone and leave it up to your discretion on how to tip with them. 
2009-08-06 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2331299

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
James Blackwood - 2009-08-06 9:40 AM
I'll be sure to bring a bunch of $1's for everyone and leave it up to your discretion on how to tip with them. 

Hey to the whoa!! I am not training to be that kind of Massage Therapist Tongue out
2009-08-06 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2331481

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
dolelicious - 2009-08-06 10:35 AM
James Blackwood - 2009-08-06 9:40 AM
I'll be sure to bring a bunch of $1's for everyone and leave it up to your discretion on how to tip with them. 

Hey to the whoa!! I am not training to be that kind of Massage Therapist Tongue out

Seems our girl is a little more high class than that, I'll bring $5's. Tongue out
2009-08-06 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2331504

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
James Blackwood - 2009-08-06 10:41 AM
dolelicious - 2009-08-06 10:35 AM
James Blackwood - 2009-08-06 9:40 AM
I'll be sure to bring a bunch of $1's for everyone and leave it up to your discretion on how to tip with them. 

Hey to the whoa!! I am not training to be that kind of Massage Therapist Tongue out

Seems our girl is a little more high class than that, I'll bring $5's. Tongue out

That's more like it Money mouth

2009-08-06 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
I just sent you an email.  I can take leg 9 or 10. I don't mind the distance.
2009-08-10 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2174013

Subject: Ragnar Maryland Legs Dangerous? MD'ers, weigh in

Since all of you live in MD, and since the vast majority of the race is in MD, I have noticed that there is some serious concern as to the safety of the roads we'll be running on. Since the course has changed greatly since last year, and it's no longer on the C&O canal trail for most of it, I wondered if any of you guys had looked carefully at the course maps. Seems like a lot of major roads, roads with no shoulders and not well-lit. Seems REALLY dangerous at night. Are any of you familiar with the roads we'll be on? Drivers around here are terrible and a couple of flashing lights stuck to us aren't going to keep us safe.

2009-08-10 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2339087

Subject: RE: Ragnar Maryland Legs Dangerous? MD'ers, weigh in

wurkit_gurl - 2009-08-10 2:29 PM

Since all of you live in MD, and since the vast majority of the race is in MD, I have noticed that there is some serious concern as to the safety of the roads we'll be running on. Since the course has changed greatly since last year, and it's no longer on the C&O canal trail for most of it, I wondered if any of you guys had looked carefully at the course maps. Seems like a lot of major roads, roads with no shoulders and not well-lit. Seems REALLY dangerous at night. Are any of you familiar with the roads we'll be on? Drivers around here are terrible and a couple of flashing lights stuck to us aren't going to keep us safe.


I'm not 100% sure about the road or the rules(bible) but isn't the pace car(van)supposed to stay with the runner for a majority of the time especially during the night time?

2009-08-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2339101

Subject: RE: Ragnar Maryland Legs Dangerous? MD'ers, weigh in

Dlaxman31 - 2009-08-10 2:33 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2009-08-10 2:29 PM

Since all of you live in MD, and since the vast majority of the race is in MD, I have noticed that there is some serious concern as to the safety of the roads we'll be running on. Since the course has changed greatly since last year, and it's no longer on the C&O canal trail for most of it, I wondered if any of you guys had looked carefully at the course maps. Seems like a lot of major roads, roads with no shoulders and not well-lit. Seems REALLY dangerous at night. Are any of you familiar with the roads we'll be on? Drivers around here are terrible and a couple of flashing lights stuck to us aren't going to keep us safe.


I'm not 100% sure about the road or the rules(bible) but isn't the pace car(van)supposed to stay with the runner for a majority of the time especially during the night time?

The vans aren't supposed to follow the runners, ie, drive behind them. I think they're allowed to drive up ahead of the runner, but have to stay a certain distance ahead, which wouldn't necessarily keep the runner safe from stupid cars passing by.

ETA: according to the Race Bible, the vans are allowed to "shadow" or park a couple hundred yards ahead of the runner and as the runner passes, drive ahead again. They have to turn off their headlights though and just keep he parking lights on. A little better, I guess, but still.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-08-10 2:30 PM
2009-08-10 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2339266

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Maryland Legs Dangerous? MD'ers, weigh in
It's probably rt 40 they are worried about... it's technically a state "bike route".  I actually drove a lot of it yesterday on my way back from WVA scoping it out for a potential bike ride out to WVA.  It has a shoulder (at least the parts I drove) but the cars do go fast which could be hazardous at night - but really you are going to have that on any road at night.  They say we can have bike pacers at night, which is probably what we should do and the biker can have lots of flashing lights too.  The more lights/reflective gear the better.

Since it's techincally a bike route, it's probably the safest way to get out west.  The nighttime is going to be a hazard if you aren't on a trail - and then it's a personal safety concern.

I can't believe the route goes within miles of my parent's new house in WVA!!   They are just south of Detour Rd.  I can ask them to drive that way home and let me know what the road is like.   Damn - now I want to do leg 5 so I can run that part!

2009-08-10 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Hmm.. it looks like we run on rt 9 and 522 as well... those are more dangerous just because they are windey rds.  I don't think there is much we can do but prepare ourselves to make our runners as visible as possible.  Is the route really that different than last year?  The first 4 legs are still on the C&O.

I'm pumped though!! It's going to be great running out there.  The scenery is GORGEOUS!!
2009-08-10 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
I'm assuming the runners get pretty spread out.  I never feel unsafe running at night, especially if I have reflective gear... let alone flashing lights.  And if you're running all alone dusting Vball (hypothetically speaking) and a car doesn't give you enough room, you just step off to the side and you're good to go.  Still, I agree it would be much nicer if we had little traffic on the route.

Was the thought that running the C&O canal at night had safety concerns as well?  Nothin Bruce Willis couldn't handle I'm sure.

Edited by JoshKaptur 2009-08-10 9:20 PM
2009-08-11 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2340286

Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC

JoshKaptur - 2009-08-10 10:19 PM I'm assuming the runners get pretty spread out.  I never feel unsafe running at night, especially if I have reflective gear... let alone flashing lights.  And if you're running all alone dusting Vball (hypothetically speaking) and a car doesn't give you enough room, you just step off to the side and you're good to go.  Still, I agree it would be much nicer if we had little traffic on the route.

Was the thought that running the C&O canal at night had safety concerns as well?  Nothin Bruce Willis couldn't handle I'm sure.

Yeah, most of the race last year was on the C&O Canal and I guess people got freaked out running at night, b/c it's pitch black. At least with the roads, you might have some moonlight, though I don't think a lot of those back-country roads are well-lit. Plus there are no cars on the C&O Canal.

2009-08-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Good news guys! I found out that if we did the rental through BWI, we only have to pay for 2 days with the vans which comes out to 165.23 per van (less than 30$/person).  The only problem is that I can only reserve one van.  Someone else has to call to reserve the other.

Shane - Could you reserve the other van and pick it up somewhere local to you?  Then, the 4 of you coming from VA could all take the van either up to the Columbia area before we head out west or could go directly out to Cumberland and the rest of us could pile in the other van and meet up out there (whatever is preferred).  If you would rather, we can rent both vans from BWI and I would just need someone else local to BWI to call in and reserve the other van and be responsible for it.  I figured it would be best if someone who actually did the van rental would be in the van - which is why I was thinking it would be best if the VA crew called in to rent it.  I can give you all the info you will need to rent it.  Let me know
2009-08-11 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Fearless leader - do we have to register our driver when we pick up the vans?  Usually you have to provide a drivers license at the counter if you'll be driving.  My impression was that RR was going to provide us a driver (though I don't understand why one of the runners who is not running can't just drive) - not sure how this would work with rented cars.  Anyway, if you need someone to swing by BWI when you pick up the car, I can do that... I live literally about 4 minutes away.

2009-08-11 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2174013

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Christy, We should be able to do that. I think I might be able to reserve one at Dulles, and from there it's not all that difficult to get to Cumberland. Questions though: What did you have to tell them to get CJ's discount and do they require a deposit? Are you picking up on the 25th or the 24th? Returning on the 26th?

As far as course safety goes - I ain't afraid of no ghost. But I suppose running on a hard-smooth surface in the dark is better on the ankles and stubbed toes, than the C&O.

I think we get these reservations sorted out, and we can get the rest of the logistics sorted out at the B.T. R.R.T. H.H next Thurs. But, one more thing to add to the agenda is how we might arrange bike pacers.

2009-08-12 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2342680

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
JoshKaptur - 2009-08-11 8:06 PM Fearless leader - do we have to register our driver when we pick up the vans?  Usually you have to provide a drivers license at the counter if you'll be driving.  My impression was that RR was going to provide us a driver (though I don't understand why one of the runners who is not running can't just drive) - not sure how this would work with rented cars.  Anyway, if you need someone to swing by BWI when you pick up the car, I can do that... I live literally about 4 minutes away.

When I rented the vans they just ask - is everyone who is going to be driving the van over the age of 25 with a major credit card?  Which lead me to believe they don't care who rents vs drives - perhaps Shane can ask when he calls to make the van 2 reservation.  For van 2 Steve's girlfriend Kim is going to drive and for van 1, Shane has a driver.  The runners who aren't running can drive, that's perfectly okay.  RR doesn't provide drivers.

I'm getting so excited for this It's going to be so much fun!
2009-08-12 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2342726

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
strates - 2009-08-11 8:33 PM Christy, We should be able to do that. I think I might be able to reserve one at Dulles, and from there it's not all that difficult to get to Cumberland. Questions though: What did you have to tell them to get CJ's discount and do they require a deposit? Are you picking up on the 25th or the 24th? Returning on the 26th?

Shane - I sent you a PM with all the info.  Can you ask about the drivers needing to be present when we pick up the vans or do they just need <i>a</i> drivers license on file?
2009-08-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2174013

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay - Cumberland to DC
Okay folks, here are some die hard quotes for you to memorize and say to others when you pass them during the race (sorry these are not all from live free or die hard)...

"you're in my little pond now, and I'm the big fish that runs it"

"mutherf*ckin mutherf*cker"

"hey carmine, let me ask you something.  what sets off the metal detectors first?  the lead in your a$$ or the $hit in your brains?"

"you're the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time"

of course -- "yippie kai yay, mutherf*cker"

This one just because it's rediculous... imagine saying it to a runner as you pass them "why did you bring a cop to my command center?"

"Damn hamster"

"last time I saw her she was at the bottom of en elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her "

"After all we've been through, I'd hate to have to beat you to death"

Listen, will you just take a minute and dig deep for a bigger set of balls, 'cause you're gonna need 'em before we're through"

"you're a timex watch in a digital age"

"I could come and find you, kick your a$$, and throw you out of your own party.  Whadda ya think of that, d*ckhead?"

Ask someone if they have a plan for their race, then say: "you can stick your well-laid plan up your well-laid s$$"

"I'm a soldier, not a monster... even though I sometimes work for monsters"

"Sister Theresa called me Mr. McClain in third grade, and my friends call me John... and you're neither, sh*t-head"

That should be enough for now...
Josh (what I lack in fitness, I make up for in douchbaggery).

Edited by JoshKaptur 2009-08-13 8:55 AM
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