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2010-01-14 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I have a sore throat today. Hockey practice tonight and then maybe an hour on the spin bike. Have to wait and see how I feel. Just sitting around watching tv and drinking tea right now.

2010-01-14 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2613970

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
jforrest - 2010-01-14 12:38 PM Good luck guys with your weight loss goals, I won't be joining you but I hope you all reach the weight you want.

I am thinking of investing in a trainer for the bike because I think it will be a lot more convent than going outside especially for shorter cycles, what trainer do you guys have and would you recommend them. I don't want to spend too much on it thought. Also do you find that they are quite when you are using them?   

I think it's a good idea.  I bought a used Trek Cycleops magnetic trainer for 1/2 price.  I've heard the fluid ones are good but I don't know that I would be able to tell the difference.  It does the trick.  I leave my bike set up on it all winter and its nice to know that you can just fit a quick ride in at any time without having to go to a gym etc.  And maybe this is just me but I find the effort on a 30 minute ride on my trainer is much greater than using a stationary bike at the gym.  There are no breaks with a trainer - it's all out exertion. It can become mind numbing though...  I tend to do it while watching a movie with the subtitles on AND listening to music on my iPod.

2010-01-14 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2612161

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

elheffe99 - 2010-01-13 11:53 AM

Hi Scott,

I posted this in my blog today and thought I'd ask you out here in case anyone could learn anything from it:


So as I posted last night I did an LT run test. The more I think about it the more I think it’s not right. Now I know that I haven’t done it in quite a while but the first time, in 2006, I tested at 180. The second time I did it, in 2008, I tested at 181. When I did it last night I tested at 168. That seems very low. Now I know that I could have made mistakes on the previous two but they are so similar I kind of doubt it.


Here are some ideas about why it might have been off last night:


1)      I’ve been under a lot of stress and yesterday was about a 10 out of 10 on the stress level.

2)      I did not run on a flat course. I’m unsure of what this does or doesn’t do to the test. The elevation gain was about 400 feet with about equal that on the downhill.

3)      Maybe there was an issue with my monitor/strap.


This is why I think it could be right:


1)      I ran as hard as I could for those 30 minutes. I know my pace doesn’t reflect it but I think that’s because of the hills.

2)      I was huffing and puffing and don’t think I could have given much more. I thought I might puke a couple of times.


Does going down 12 points in two years make sense? I’m confused and any help and/or comments would be appreciated.

(I guess I didn't mention my method. I warmed up for 15 minutes and then ran as hard as I could for 30 minutes, with the last 20 minutes of that being the test time. My AVG HR was 168.)


Quick observations...

1) Yes, all the things you point out can affect a LT test (mostly adversely).
2) It sounds like your methodology and execution of it were solid.
3) If the results of your last test were not on the same course, don't compare them.  Other things like time of day, approx. weather/temp. etc. need to be similar.
4) If you do compare them, remember your are 2 years older.  Your Max HR and all corresponding values will fall naturally over time (probably 2-4 bpm in 2 years).

I wouldn't spend a lot of time comparing to the past.  What it does give you is a way to determine more accurate HR zones for your near-term training.  If you really are a glutton for punishment, you can always retest (on the same course/conditions).  If the result is similar, that would be a strong confirmation of this result.



Edited by Scottt 2010-01-14 4:51 PM
2010-01-15 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

Thanks Scott.

Last night I did hill repeats where I was sprinting up a hill for 30 seconds and I was working very hard. As in I was huffing and puffing and having a hard time recovering in 2 minutes and my HR never got above 180. Perhaps it is right?? I wish it wasn't this hard to decipher.

Man this thread was DEEP on Page 2, why is everyone so quiet? What's everyone plan for the weekend? I have a three day weekend although Monday it's supposed to start raining hard enough to start flooding, so that should be fun. There's nothing more entertaining than watching So. CA's try to drve in the rain. Good stuff.

I have a long ride tomorrow morning and then a longish run on Sunday. I'll probably try and swim in the rain on Monday and then we'll see.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

2010-01-15 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2616475

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
elheffe99 - 2010-01-15 2:12 PM

I have a long ride tomorrow morning and then a longish run on Sunday. I'll probably try and swim in the rain on Monday and then we'll see.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Is your pool outside or indoors or do you swim at the beach?
2010-01-15 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2616518

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

ckallpoints - 2010-01-15 2:32 PM
elheffe99 - 2010-01-15 2:12 PM

I have a long ride tomorrow morning and then a longish run on Sunday. I'll probably try and swim in the rain on Monday and then we'll see.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Is your pool outside or indoors or do you swim at the beach?

Outdoors. Once in a very blue moon I'll go to the beach to swim. Most of the time if I go to the beach I'll surf or I'm there to make sure the kids are ok.

2010-01-15 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Hey guys/gals, had a great swim today and beat my personal best by 3 minutes. Still kinda lost when it comes to a training program. I am just trying to increase distance or beat time for now. Hope everyone has a good week-end.
2010-01-15 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I've been reading on the site about Kick drills. Can someone describe one. usually when I'm swimming I kick very little right now just trying to relax and keep a smooth stroke. Occasionally I will kick a length or two on my back, legs only to keep moving but its a bit of a rest for my arms. How much difference will kicking make in time.
2010-01-15 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2616475

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
elheffe99 - 2010-01-15 5:12 PM

Man this thread was DEEP on Page 2, why is everyone so quiet? What's everyone plan for the weekend?

Hey everyone!  Still sick here so just taking it easy and resting up.  Interesting that once I decided to stop training - I got sicker !?  Just typing seems to take up energy ha ha

I did take a peek at everyone's logs and lots o' little peach boxes!  Way to go everyone!  And congrats on the swim Jason - awesome swim!

I can't really give you any advice on the kicking drills Craig as I'm brutal - sometimes I don't even feel as though I'm moving forward ha ha

I was hoping to get a nice long session in for each SBR but just depends on how I'm feeling.  Monday I start my new training plan and hopefully.... will be at least a pound lighter!

Happy training everyone and good luck with the weekend eating for those of you doing the 5-in-5 with me.

2010-01-15 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2616582

Subject: ...
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2010-01-15 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2616582


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I have been using a few kicking drills to help me with getting the correct position in the water such as  and I am slowly putting together my whole stroke with a few other similar drills. I think the idea of these drills is to concentrate on body position. I am also doing similar drills as above but adding in a single stroke and trying to get my hands to there proper positions. 

I start my plan proper on Sunday, however I will have to be switching around workouts to fit around me hopefully I can maintain it as closely and not miss too many workouts. That means only 12 more weeks until my first triathlon. 

This weekend I am looking forward to 24 coming back on TV one of my favourite shows. I will also be spending all weekend looking after my baby as my girlfriend is working 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday.

Hope you all enjoy your weekends


2010-01-16 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. For those of you who did not watch American Idol, this was a song which did not go to Hollywood. Some how I managed 40 minutes on the spin bike today. Feeling lazy for some reason, but it could of been the run and swim yesterday. Go Colts...
2010-01-17 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Well after a brutal couple of days I'm back!!!  Still have the head cold but better than what attacked me on Friday! 

Hope everyone's weekend went well.  Looks like everyone's getting in some solid workouts... great stuff!  I went for a nice run today - a grey day but temperatures are decent.  My training plan officially kicks off tomorrow with my first A race scheduled for the end of June.  Seems so far away!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to be a pound lighter but thinking it might not happen - or will be related to water.  We'll see next week if there's any progress.

Keep up the good work!
2010-01-17 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2617688

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
zexx9 - 2010-01-16 7:16 PM Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. For those of you who did not watch American Idol, this was a song which did not go to Hollywood.

No but everywhere you turn people are singing it!  It's driving me nuts!!!
2010-01-18 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Well it looks like i'm the first of the Monday weight reports 328 this morning down from 333 on 12/22 5 pound loss I'll take it.
2010-01-18 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2616828

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
alsi071 - 2010-01-15 7:12 PM
ckallpoints - 2010-01-15 6:15 PM I've been reading on the site about Kick drills. Can someone describe one. usually when I'm swimming I kick very little right now just trying to relax and keep a smooth stroke. Occasionally I will kick a length or two on my back, legs only to keep moving but its a bit of a rest for my arms. How much difference will kicking make in time.

Take a look at this video
It shows some very good kicking drills that you can incorporate in your training.

Thanks, Alex that helps. I was doing the first one on my back with out a board just to "rest" a little. Now I can move forward with that and add it into my workout with a little more purpose.

2010-01-18 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Lost a pound even from last week.
Still doing gluten free - since Xmas.
Need to get to bed earlier so I can get up at 6am and train during the week. Currently not hitting the hey until 1am.
Yeah, need to make a change.
Been changing up my training to more specific training. Eg is the run I did on Sat.Intervals of 2mins at 5km pace then 1 min easy for 10 reps. Harder than it sounds.
2010-01-18 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Baaaa I'm actually up a pound.  Maybe it's all the soup I've been slurping (hope-pray-hope).  Today is another day...

Hope everyone had a good weekend!  My week is looking to be insanely busy with work/life so it should be a challenge to squeeze it all in - the swim I had planned for tonight is already sacked - maybe I can squeeze it in later this week.  

Happy training!
2010-01-18 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2619471

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ckallpoints - 2010-01-18 10:58 AM Well it looks like i'm the first of the Monday weight reports 328 this morning down from 333 on 12/22 5 pound loss I'll take it.

And so you should!!  Good job!  You too Fiona!
2010-01-18 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
For stationary bike intervals I'm wondering what are good cadence levels for comfortable, moderate, fast, and slow.  The BT training plan I'm using suggests 80-90 as a good target so what I really want is opinions on if 80 is moderate or comfortable?

2010-01-18 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2620231

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

Bachelor Reform - 2010-01-18 1:55 PM For stationary bike intervals I'm wondering what are good cadence levels for comfortable, moderate, fast, and slow.  The BT training plan I'm using suggests 80-90 as a good target so what I really want is opinions on if 80 is moderate or comfortable?

Starting out 80 is about what most people consider normal (comfortable).  As you cycle more and more, most people creep up with their comfortable (and most efficient) cadence to 85-95. 

As for intervals:
     Spinning intervals                         90-110 rpm
     Efficiency intervals                        85-95 rpm
     Low cadence (power) intervals    70-80 rpm

If you ever get below 60-70 rpm, inside or outside, you are probably burning up your legs prematurely.



2010-01-19 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

It's a day late but last Monday I was 175.5 and today I was 174.5. Not bad considering I was up to 177 mid-week.

I had a bad weekend of working out but plan on getting back on track today. I hate it when that happens!

How is everyone else doing?

2010-01-19 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2621863

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
The 5in5 mini challenge is really taking off. Good luck team! 
2010-01-20 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Geez!  We're always on page 2!

Funny how when it comes to crunch day I actually went in the wrong direction but so far I'm on track with the weight loss too.  Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

It's HUMP day!!  Any big training plans coming up?  Weekend goals?
Must be getting close to Scott's big day?  I take it you are tapering now?
My big plan is to follow the plan!!  I have some problems in that regards Innocent
2010-01-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2620279

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Scottt - 2010-01-18 5:27 PM

Bachelor Reform - 2010-01-18 1:55 PM For stationary bike intervals I'm wondering what are good cadence levels for comfortable, moderate, fast, and slow.  The BT training plan I'm using suggests 80-90 as a good target so what I really want is opinions on if 80 is moderate or comfortable?

Starting out 80 is about what most people consider normal (comfortable).  As you cycle more and more, most people creep up with their comfortable (and most efficient) cadence to 85-95. 

As for intervals:
     Spinning intervals                         90-110 rpm
     Efficiency intervals                        85-95 rpm
     Low cadence (power) intervals    70-80 rpm

If you ever get below 60-70 rpm, inside or outside, you are probably burning up your legs prematurely.

I'm curious about what we should be focussing on first.  I've heard it's cadence - but in order to get the cadence up to some of those levels it means - for me - being in the small ring.  When outside I find switching to the smaller ring and keeping my cadence high works well for uphills and doesn't thrash my legs - then I switch in to the bigger gears for the downhills.  But on a trainer - for an hour ride - is it better to start on the middle ring and have a lower cadence and work on bringing it up?  Or find a comfortable gear where you can get to a 90-95rpm cadence and then over time gear up to the bigger rings?

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