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2010-01-07 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
The place I just moved to has a bunch of birds around the trails. I took this pic before my bike ride. 

Now I am wondering... When on trails the bikers coming the other way usually give a wave or something and I usually give one back. But when I see a person on a road bike with no helmet I assume "how can a real biker not wear a helmet" and usually don't wave or anything. Am I being a rude prune here?

2010-01-07 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey, everyone.  Sorry I've been non-existent on the forum.  I have been slammed trying to get caught up from the holidays.  I’m back in the saddle now, in more ways than one.  I’ve been using my time training and getting all my past training sessions recorded in my training log, which is the reason for my lack of participation on the forum.  Not that I expect anyone to find interest in it, but if you want to see what I’ve done for training, it’s out there now.  I also have been reading through everyone else’s posts and just finished the thread, so I can jump in now and not be behind the curve. 

 Cameron, thanks for getting that info from your friend on spinning vs mashing.  I’m very new to cycling, and I have wondered about the trade-offs between the two different styles.  I’ve tried both a little but wasn’t sure which was giving me the best results (since I have so little experience to base it off of).  Anyway, I’ll be putting that good advice into practice.  I REALLY appreciate it.

 As I mentioned before, I’m training for the HIM at Lake Las Vegas (Showdown at Sundown), which will be on March 27th.  Been training since November.  Started with running, since I didn’t yet have a bike or gym membership for swimming.  Both problems solved now, and the training is going fairly well.  Seems like out of the 9 sessions I’m scheduled for, I get about 7 of them in.  Working on getting all 9 each week, but with 3 kids, a job, and other volunteer duties, etc, it is pretty tough.  I love the Peach Challenge, though.  I’m going to let that push me to do at least something (even if small and easy) everyday.

 My only inhibitor has been an IT rub flare-up, which I never had at all until I introduced the clip-in pedals to the equation.  I’m working with the local bike shops and a physical therapist to figure out how to solve it.  It’s not a bad problem, and it’s not holding me back on the bike or the swim, but it is making me have to hold back significantly on the runs.  I don’t feel like I can do much more than 6 or 7 miles without re-aggravating it.  That’s why you’ll see some slower runs on my training log.  The situation is improving and the problem is tapering off, so I’m hopeful.  It has been very frustrating, though.

 There you have it.  I’m in, I’m in, I’m in.  Looking forward to being an active part of this mentor group.  Thanks.


2010-01-07 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I got a bike trainer also. How do you know you have enough resistance on the rear wheel? Can you have too much?
2010-01-07 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Couple questions about how this forum works.  Is there a way to link this thread to my profile?  Or "subscribe" in some way?  Right now I have to go through the steps to find this mentor group each time.  I know there's a faster way.
2010-01-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2601601

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
clewis38 - 2010-01-07 7:10 PM Couple questions about how this forum works.  Is there a way to link this thread to my profile?  Or "subscribe" in some way?  Right now I have to go through the steps to find this mentor group each time.  I know there's a faster way.

I just booked marked this

It takes you to the last page.
2010-01-07 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I kind of went a little crazy the last few months with tri equipment.  I got the rock and roll trainer from Kurt Kinnetics, a new tri bike and a treadmill to try to keep going over winter.  This habit is fund but becoming an expensive habit.

Love the trainer and the treadmill has a cool feature called iFit that you can put in training cards.  I got this Jilian Michaels boot camp card that is crazy-45 minutes at 10% grade from 7-8 miles an hour.  I want to see her do it!  It helps but treadmills are still mind numbing at times.  I would much rather run in the snow but it has been below zero wind chill in Illinois.

2010-01-07 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2601604

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I thought that may be the answer.  That'll work.  Thanks.
2010-01-07 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Justin, I have not seen the triathlon bible but any bible study is awesome.  My family does weekly study called Bible Study Fellowship (BSF).  In a world of chaos and moral relativism, it is good to get a dose of truth!  Keep up the study.
2010-01-07 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Cody, just an FYI but I had an IB injury about 3 summers ago that kept me out of running for a few months.  Ever since, I've been doing an hour of pilates almost weekly and haven't had any problems, and in general feel stronger.
2010-01-07 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Great pic Cozmo.

Around here we see prairie dogs, coyotes, canadian geese, rabbits, and a hawk.  Seldom but possible are also mountain lions, elk, and bald eagles.
2010-01-08 12:41 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey guys...just one quick question? Am I the only non US guyon this group? I am Spanish living in Hong Kong....just wondering where are you from...I think all of you from US.

Take care,

"XTB" Xavi.

2010-01-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Central Illinois about 3 hours southwest of Chicago.
2010-01-08 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2602149

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

xavi - 2010-01-07 11:41 PM

Hey guys...just one quick question? Am I the only non US guyon this group? I am Spanish living in Hong Kong....just wondering where are you from...I think all of you from US.

Take care,

"XTB" Xavi.

Justin is from South Africa and now lives in Taiwan! 

I like to claim myself as international.  I've lived in the Philippines, Costa Rica and Kenya as well as visited all of Europe, IJapan, India, most of Central America, Bahamas, Jamaica, and Canada.  I need to get to China, Austrailia, and take a trip though South America.  I then plan on running the Antarctic marathon.   Does that count?  Oh yeah, My sister married a guy from Valencia, Espana.  I guess I should count that too.


2010-01-08 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2601471

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

Cozmo - 2010-01-07 4:55 PM The place I just moved to has a bunch of birds around the trails. I took this pic before my bike ride. 

Now I am wondering... When on trails the bikers coming the other way usually give a wave or something and I usually give one back. But when I see a person on a road bike with no helmet I assume "how can a real biker not wear a helmet" and usually don't wave or anything. Am I being a rude prune here?

Awesome shot of a Great Blue Heron (GBH--if you grew up in the punk era, Great Britain Hardcore). 

I try to wave and say high to everyone I see.  Most of the time, I get no response.  People aren't as friendly here in Colorado as they are in the South.  Forget getting a response if you are in New England.  My wife is from Boston and she has never explained that to me except to not make eye contact on the street--I think it scares them.  Oh well.  I'm southern and going to say Howdy to everyone I can.  I figure it might spread.  I do like the look up and down and then the hi I get sometimes! (can you tell I'm insecure and need reinforcement a lot--my wife calls it needy ).

As far a not wearing a is just not smart.  I've seen guys (and gals) ride around here this winter foregoing the helmet for a wool hat. Too much ice for me.  I'd rather be cold than brain dead.  Some people think they are good enough riders to not crash.  They might be but what about that drunk driver or the soccer mom on the cell phone while yelling at her kids in the back seat, or the egotistical man in the "my wee-wee is tiny" dualie truck who thinks it is funny that he can run you off the road.  Too many other risks out there.

2010-01-08 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2601525

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

clewis38 - 2010-01-07 5:27 PM

Hey, everyone.  Sorry I've been non-existent on the forum. 


Glad you are here now.  Welcome!

2010-01-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2599643

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

jtdintaipei - 2010-01-07 5:33 AM Hello everyone, My name is Justin Daley. II am not sure how to add everyone to my whatever so that I can see and be seen. Wishing everyone a wonderfully "triing" 2010. Kind regards Justin


You will need to go to your training log settings and make the privacy settings look like this.  Then click update.  We should see you then.  If you just want select people to see your log, click the only friends box and then add the folks as friends on the friends tab.

2010-01-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2602149

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
xavi - 2010-01-08 2:41 PM

Hey guys...just one quick question? Am I the only non US guyon this group? I am Spanish living in Hong Kong....just wondering where are you from...I think all of you from US.

Take care,

"XTB" Xavi.

Nope Xavi, I am from South Africa and have been living in Taiwan for 19 years. BTW woould have joined u in Singapore, but training fell too far behind. Give it your best we will all be cheering u on ....
Go for it !!
2010-01-08 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Happy Friday!!!  Yesterday I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, I framed a roof!  I loved every minute of it, but my back is sore, worth it though!
2010-01-08 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2602948

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I think I have the settings right. THanks
2010-01-08 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2600733

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
bartimaeus - 2010-01-08 3:10 AM

Welcome Justin.

So what is cycling like in Taiwan?  Can you get enough open roads to get a good ride in?

My wife's family is from Taiwan, and I visited ten years ago.  It was a blast.

I read the Triathlete's Bible.  It was a good read, though I felt overwhelmed by parts of it.

Thanks. Riding on the general public roads is life threatening. Recently the Taipei government opened up bike roads along the rivers that run through and around the city. These go for about 150kms, so I can do a 60km ride without going onto roads. If your wife is from Taipei, she will appreciate the fact that I can ride from Chongho City all the way to Danshui without meeting a single car.

Have been reading the TB in stops and starts. There is too much to aborb, but am enjoying it. Some info is way too advanced for me at this point

Where does the family live in Taiwan?
2010-01-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2602149

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
xavi - 2010-01-08 1:41 AM

Hey guys...just one quick question? Am I the only non US guyon this group? I am Spanish living in Hong Kong....just wondering where are you from...I think all of you from US.

Take care,

"XTB" Xavi.

I'm from the US, but I travel a bit for work.

What area of Sapin are you from?  I've been to Madrid and Barcelona, and I really want to visit Valencia and Sevilla and Granada (and Cordoba).  My good friend (you probably know of her dad, he's a federal judge) lives in Madrid, and her family is from Sevilla.    We went to Madrid for her wedding 2 years ago, and I loved it!  We were supposed to go to Jerez for work, but the race got cancelled.

2010-01-08 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2603015

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
AbbieR - 2010-01-08 12:08 PM Happy Friday!!!  Yesterday I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, I framed a roof!  I loved every minute of it, but my back is sore, worth it though!
You must be someplace warm!  There aren't too many of those today! 
2010-01-08 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2603145

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
GotTorque? - 2010-01-08 9:46 AM
AbbieR - 2010-01-08 12:08 PM Happy Friday!!!  Yesterday I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, I framed a roof!  I loved every minute of it, but my back is sore, worth it though!
You must be someplace warm!  There aren't too many of those today! 

I live outside of San Francisco, it's about 50 degrees.  I wore 4 layers to stay warm!
2010-01-08 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2603148

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
AbbieR - 2010-01-08 12:49 PM [
I live outside of San Francisco, it's about 50 degrees.  I wore 4 layers to stay warm!

You still get extra points for dedication! 

I love SF.  I usually go up to Sonoma for work once a year.  Two years ago, I spent a few days in SF, and last year, I spent a few extra days in wine country.  One of the best vacations I've taken!
2010-01-08 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2574061


Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I am originally from Australia - Sydney, but I am now based in Los Angeles. So I am lucky I am not having to deal with the cold weather. Nice to see we have such an international group.
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