BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-01-06 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: Nutrition
A different kind of problem I am having now, is my body seems to be hungry more often than before.  With the increased workouts, more calories being burned, I get hungry a lot. I need non fattening, filling snacks that I can eat about every other hour. Any suggestions?
And I would like to start a good multi-vitamin also.

2010-01-06 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2596895

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
rTanja - 2010-01-06 11:56 PM Any one else that has a problem finding a workout schedule that is working for them? I find it very hard and would like some advise on that     

I'm with you here - i can never find a workout that fits my schedule. I think what you have to do is, after looking through some defined plans is to sit down and identify days and times where you think you can fit in a workout and plug in your workouts. I use excel to drop in sessions into a day/time (i have 3 defined times i can work out - am, lunchtime and pm) and it'll show me the weekly total and i can easily see if i'm plugging in too much or too little.

Check out some of the free plans and you'll get a feel for how they're generally scheduled - i.e. for a shortish plan 1st section is building base miles, 2nd section adding some drills and bricks, last section continuing but tapering. You'll also notice how a swim is quite often on the same day as a bike or run but a bike and run are not normally scheduled together unless a brick session is planned - this is intentional as swimming is low impact compared to the others. I'm beginning to feel i could swim most days but know i shouldn't!

With my schedule, i can spare time on a Tuesday lunch for a long session so have plugged in a bike to the pool, swim and bike back to work session. Apart form that (like most of us) family and work commitments take a lot of time so my weekday biking is based around a 6.5k commute and my shorter (7k) runs are early morning runs with the dog.

Don't be afraid to have it flexible - some days you won't be able to make the planned activity - it's just like that. Either reschedule it during the remaining time or drop it - do be careful about trying to fit it in and doing too much in a shorter time span though! And don't forget that rest days are essential - more so than fitting in a missed workout.



2010-01-06 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2598246

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Nutrition
DougJ - 2010-01-07 8:37 AM A different kind of problem I am having now, is my body seems to be hungry more often than before.  With the increased workouts, more calories being burned, I get hungry a lot. I need non fattening, filling snacks that I can eat about every other hour. Any suggestions?
And I would like to start a good multi-vitamin also.

Fruit and dried fruit, nuts, museli bars (watch the content though), cereal, yoghurt, veges (carrots, celery etc), water (yes water will sustain appetite as long as your body doesn't actually need food for recovery).

Also, meal replacement forumlas (such as complan) work well as good calorific meal additions (half portions though). Or a protein/recovery shake? Even a milk drink will provide benefits.

There's loads to choose from but you do need to be prepared and have stocks.

And i also take a daily, slow discharge vitamin - my diet is pretty good but it does seem to help.

2010-01-06 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Swimming is muscle memory.  You have to do it to get the form you want.  Don't be sad if at first you tire easily.  There is a wall (when I started, it was at about 200 yards, now almost non-existent) my coach made me aware of.  It feels like you can't catch your breath.  Your body is shifting from one energy base to another.  Just keep going, it disappears.  

And, I can't stress enough.  It is hard to learn swimming form on your own.  Consider lessons either through Masters or the YMCA or someone in the triathlon clubs.  Ask around locally.  There is someone everyone goes to, I would almost guarantee.

As far as quick weight loss?  If you find it, let me know.  I started with a 50 inch waist, probably 375 plus in Jan. 2005.  I'm under 220 now.  That is a steady, very doable weight loss.  I used high protein/low carb at first to jump-start the loss, then added carbs back in as my exercise load increased.  Write down what you are eating.  Become mindful.  Ask why you are eating it.  Remember HALT.  Are you really hungry or are you really angry, lonely, tired.   

Get your mind around it - if you have a lot to lose, it will take time.  Accept that.  Don't fight it.  Fighting leads to frustration and frustration leads to giving up - again.  Don't let you sabotage you. 

I'm going to try to post a couple of pictures here, which I've not done before, to illustrate a point.   I am the huge black blob on the right in the first picture.  I am also the runner in the picture taken in June 2009 at my first triathlon.  I've lost weight since then.  You can do it. 

Edited by IceManScott 2010-01-06 2:26 PM

(Big Boy Scott resized.jpg)


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2010-01-06 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Edited by IceManScott 2010-01-06 2:24 PM
2010-01-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2597081

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

BoomerNJ - 2010-01-06 8:50 AM Hi all!  Sorry I took so long to post up here in the forum.  It didn't occur to me until today, that we would all be posting our progress & plan & such here until today...  duh... 

I ran the other morning on the boardwalk in Asbury Park, NJ...  25 degrees & wind gusts up to about 15-20 mph...  FUN!!!  I heard a tip one time about dressing for running in the cold, layers, first & foremost, and when you first start out you should feel a little cold, if you don't you're dressed too warm & you'll end up sweating too much & soaking your clothes, which will make you freeze on the way back!  I hate the cold & am a colossal wimp about it, lol... 

I am so glad to be back to training with a plan & races to focus on!  I am definitely doing a 1/2 marathon on April 17th (and going every Sat. morning for a group training run with my running club, specifically focused on this race) and doing the Timberman HIM in New Hampshire in August, so I have my work cut out for me!  I want to throw in a sprint to start the triathlon season & an OLY distance race a month or so before the August race, as a training race.  I am thinking Metroman in Asbury Park, NJ in July as my last big race before starting my taper...  I am so excited about this season!  I will be in the best shape of my LIFE! 

Have a great hump day everyone!


Nice job getting going into the new year!  Good to have you with us!!!

2010-01-06 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2598351

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

IceManScott - 2010-01-06 3:15 PM Swimming is muscle memory.  You have to do it to get the form you want.  Don't be sad if at first you tire easily.  There is a wall (when I started, it was at about 200 yards, now almost non-existent) my coach made me aware of.  It feels like you can't catch your breath.  Your body is shifting from one energy base to another.  Just keep going, it disappears.  

And, I can't stress enough.  It is hard to learn swimming form on your own.  Consider lessons either through Masters or the YMCA or someone in the triathlon clubs.  Ask around locally.  There is someone everyone goes to, I would almost guarantee.

As far as quick weight loss?  If you find it, let me know.  I started with a 50 inch waist, probably 375 plus in Jan. 2005.  I'm under 220 now.  That is a steady, very doable weight loss.  I used high protein/low carb at first to jump-start the loss, then added carbs back in as my exercise load increased.  Write down what you are eating.  Become mindful.  Ask why you are eating it.  Remember HALT.  Are you really hungry or are you really angry, lonely, tired.   

Get your mind around it - if you have a lot to lose, it will take time.  Accept that.  Don't fight it.  Fighting leads to frustration and frustration leads to giving up - again.  Don't let you sabotage you. 

I'm going to try to post a couple of pictures here, which I've not done before, to illustrate a point.   I am the huge black blob on the right in the first picture.  I am also the runner in the picture taken in June 2009 at my first triathlon.  I've lost weight since then.  You can do it. 

Very good post!!!  Not only is slow and steady a healthier way to lose, it is also better for keeping it off long term as you will build better habits. 

2010-01-06 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
You are so right.  It is not about diet.  It is about changing a lifestyle so the weight never returns.  It will not ever be back in my life because I love to swim, bike and run.  Being active is being alive.   
2010-01-06 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2598088

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: SWIM

DougJ - 2010-01-06 1:41 PM Just did what I would closely consider a swim training session (or at least my own personal attempt at going from one side of the pool to the other repeatedly). Today was the first day I did "laps" at I think a 25 yd pool.
As stated in the past, I'm not a swimmer by any stretch of the imagination.
I have been reading quite a bit, watching many You Tube videos, and IceMan's link to Mr. Smooth has helped a lot. I have been trying as much as possible to work on form/ technique. Rotating the torso while keeping the head in a relaxed stationary position, staying long/ tall while trying to keep my hips and waist from sinking (not easy). trying to remember to breathe from the pocket and exhaling in the water.
What I have found so far is,,, I'm nowhere near ready for a Tri. One observation was, I have a tendency to want to raise my head too high once I start to tire and that throws off the balance in a hurry. Thus the reason for practice and training.
As Ken told me, running and biking have very little to do with swim training and neither will prep you for a distance swim.
Hit the pool people, the sooner the better. Also this could be a good way to loose weight with a very low impact exercise.

One thing I have found that if I am trying to lose weight I tend to lose easier when swimming on a regular schedule.  Some is because if I am swimming, I am probably still biking and running, but also because I think it works different muscle groups.  It probably doesn't hurt that if I am swimming with my masters group I probably ate less that night not wanting to sink.  But mostly because it is a full body work out.

2010-01-06 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2598435


Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Awesome, I love that. You really do make it look easy! I hope I make it to that point of making it look easy. What a transformation. And I love your other statement as well, which obviously comes from first hand experience.

As was mentioned that since it is a lifestyle change it takes time to change our habits. I no longer beat myself up when I miss a day of exercise or don't eat perfectly, I just make sure to pick up right away where I left off. Also, I notice that when I start the work outs the better eating seems to come naturally. It does help to have a lot of recipes to look at for ideas as well. 

2010-01-06 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2598088


Subject: RE: SWIM
Keep up the great work Doug and thanks for the suggestion. I know that I have been postponing a visit to the pool even though I love the water. I will make sure to make that visit right away. If anything it will be the biking that will be hard for me. I love to bike leisurely but speed scares me. But that is a big part of this for me is conquering some of my fears.By the way everyone thank you for all your questions and suggestions. They are so helpful.

2010-01-07 5:16 AM
in reply to: #2578675


Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Bout the weight loss.. I agree 100%, you can not do it "dieting"! It has to be a lifestyle change. I would highly suggest high protein low carb when you want to loose weight (do not cut out all carbs, you really need them, but perhaps not as much you are having in your diet). And, someone told me once to look at the plate in front of me and ask my self "is this healthy?" If not, don't put it in your body! If you want I can help you find out what your body needs, what you are getting enough of and what you do not have and have to have (are you drinking enough water f.ex?)

I'm slowly finding out what times are best for me to work out and looking through some schedules that combine swim, run and biking.. I think I might have to find a trainer/workout partner to kick my but in the morning! Swimming to day.. looking forward!
2010-01-07 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Bike skills come from riding the bike and from hanging around people who know how.  If you can, join a bike club that has a wide range of riders so you can do endurance aerobic group rides and also harder ones.  I got involved in a weekly time trial race with some cycle racers and triathletes last year and my bike skills soared.  I also had to learn how to corner fast without falling, hold my line at high speeds (for me 21 is high speed anyway) and other tips like how to get more aerodynamic and what's important equipment and what's not. 

Dropped to 215.5 this morning when I weighted after Masters.  That's a good weight loss already this winter, about 6-7  pounds since Thanksgiving.  210 was my winter goal, 200 is my goal to reach during the race year 2010.

Is there a nutritionist in this group then?  That's big!  
2010-01-07 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2599664

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

IceManScott - 2010-01-07 8:03 AM
Bike skills come from riding the bike and from hanging around people who know how.  If you can, join a bike club that has a wide range of riders so you can do endurance aerobic group rides and also harder ones.  I got involved in a weekly time trial race with some cycle racers and triathletes last year and my bike skills soared.  I also had to learn how to corner fast without falling, hold my line at high speeds (for me 21 is high speed anyway) and other tips like how to get more aerodynamic and what's important equipment and what's not. 

Dropped to 215.5 this morning when I weighted after Masters.  That's a good weight loss already this winter, about 6-7  pounds since Thanksgiving.  210 was my winter goal, 200 is my goal to reach during the race year 2010.

Is there a nutritionist in this group then?  That's big!  

Nice job Iceman!  Way to go!

2010-01-07 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2599601

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

rTanja - 2010-01-07 6:16 AM Bout the weight loss.. I agree 100%, you can not do it "dieting"! It has to be a lifestyle change. I would highly suggest high protein low carb when you want to loose weight (do not cut out all carbs, you really need them, but perhaps not as much you are having in your diet). And, someone told me once to look at the plate in front of me and ask my self "is this healthy?" If not, don't put it in your body! If you want I can help you find out what your body needs, what you are getting enough of and what you do not have and have to have (are you drinking enough water f.ex?)

I'm slowly finding out what times are best for me to work out and looking through some schedules that combine swim, run and biking.. I think I might have to find a trainer/workout partner to kick my but in the morning! Swimming to day.. looking forward!

I agree on watching carbs, but I would suggest cutting back on everything and keeping it balanced.  Early on in the training cycle you will get away with a higher percentage of protien, but in season as the hours increase you will need them to refuel. 

Glad to hear you are finding the time for you!  It is not selfish to find time to stay healthy!

2010-01-07 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2598351

Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I 'm loving the HALT acronym Laughing What an amazing transformation in 4 years.

I'm going to weigh in tonight to see the what kind of progress I 've made myself this year. I'm finding the Nutrition log very helpfull for monitoring food intake. If I bite it I write. Missed the last couple of days training due to a flu, going to head out tonight for a walk/run with the dog and see how far i can push, but the body's aching. I'm not going to let this little bug keep me down! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Edited by go4girl 2010-01-07 11:43 AM

2010-01-07 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2600427

Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
go4girl - 2010-01-07 12:33 PM I 'm loving the HALT acronym Laughing What an amazing transformation in 4 years.

I'm going to weigh in tonight to see the what kind of progress I 've made myself this year. I'm finding the Nutrition log very helpfull for monitoring food intake. If I bite it I write. Missed the last couple of days training due to a flu, going to head out tonight for a walk/run with the dog and see how far i can push, but the body's aching. I'm not going to let this little bug keep me down! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Get plenty of fluids in you.
2010-01-07 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Got the "spike thingy" for my bike trainer and I am back in Atl with my bike.  First bike workout tomorrow, if I make it home from the hospital in the

2010-01-08 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2600427

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

go4girl - 2010-01-07 12:33 PM I 'm loving the HALT acronym Laughing What an amazing transformation in 4 years.

I'm going to weigh in tonight to see the what kind of progress I 've made myself this year. I'm finding the Nutrition log very helpfull for monitoring food intake. If I bite it I write. Missed the last couple of days training due to a flu, going to head out tonight for a walk/run with the dog and see how far i can push, but the body's aching. I'm not going to let this little bug keep me down! Thanks for all the inspiration!

The flu is no fun!  Hope you get over it quickly!

Logging you food intake is a great way to really open our eyes as I think we all tend to over look some of the snacks or extras over the course of the day, plus the serving size we eat at our regular meals!!  I'm glad you have figured that out as that is one feature I never quite got the hang of!

2010-01-08 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2602038

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

niasa - 2010-01-07 11:29 PM

Got the "spike thingy" for my bike trainer and I am back in Atl with my bike.  First bike workout tomorrow, if I make it home from the hospital in the

Good for you and you will make it home and you will get on the bike!

2010-01-08 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I will check in when I can but I have a lot of family here at disney for the race with me so my internet time will be a bit scarce!!!

Remember to keep up the great work you have started the first week of the new year!!!

2010-01-08 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Last day of week 2 couch to 5k. Was a good run...I am ready to move on to the next week. I have a question regarding pace. While I was doing the workout I was playing around with pace a little. Is pace going to ultimately be a personal choice or is there a way to maximize pace for the distance? I was thinking its probably something I will learn and my body will learn but I feel like I personally have two speeds. A quicker paced jog, and then more like a trot. Does everyone experience something similar and what are you personal experiences!
2010-01-08 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I thought of something odd I wanted to ask as well.  I wondered what headphones people use for their workouts.  I started doing some research and I wanted something that wasn't going to break after a few months of wear and tear.  Suggestions?
2010-01-08 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Got the trainer set up.  Very different from being outside!!  At least it's warm.  Only 10 mins, but I feel a little unsteady on it.  I think it may be a trust issue.  Also, my wrists seemed to get tired very quickly, any suggestions??  I read the instructions before I took it completely out of the box in case I needed to get anything.  I went out and bought a wheel "skewer??" and then found one in the box, do these things wear out or should I just take it back?  Have a good weekend everyone, and GOOD LUCK to those racing this weekend.
2010-01-09 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2602619

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
kenj - 2010-01-08 10:17 AM

Have a great weekend everyone!  I will check in when I can but I have a lot of family here at disney for the race with me so my internet time will be a bit scarce!!!

Remember to keep up the great work you have started the first week of the new year!!!

GOOD LUCK KEN!!!  Woohooooo! 

So, here's my brain fart of the week story for today...

I got up at 0600 this morning for my first tri training class at my gym, I even took an extra day off (yesterday) so I'd be ready!  We have a USAT certified & multi-IM finisher for a coach, she is a VERY good trainer at the gym & a wealth of info on tri training too, so I was super excited!  Well, the class was scheduled to start at 0630, and I'm still the only one there, so I check the class sched...  Class starts next week...  Oh well, so I was a little early...  Anyway, I swam for 30m (800m) & now I'm off to run with my running club...  Have a great weekend everyone!

Edited by BoomerNJ 2010-01-09 6:48 AM
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