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2010-01-13 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi everyone,
   So it's Wednesday, how's everyone's week going?

Steve - congrats on finally getting in the pool!  Glad it felt good.   And I love the mugger look!  I recently got a head lamp, but was only able to use it twice before it was too cold to run in the AM.  VERY SPOOKY running in the dark. Of course I was by myself (not one of my smarter decisions - woman running alone in the dark). 

Mindy, learning to breath on both sides can be tricky.  I'm still working on it, so I understand the  "feeling like you are choking" feeling.  It is a good skill to have for open water swimming.  If the sun is in your eyes, or the waves are coming it is good to be able to breath on the other side.

Michelle, I think you will love having a  bike computer.  I couldn't ride without one.

Joanna, advice for a good bike...well, depends.  You have to decide on a price point.  It can be very confusing to start, so that's a good place to begin.  Once you know what you are willing to spend you can begin to research what you get for that price.  You are looking for a road bike right?    At most bike stores, they will put you on the trainer to make find out what size bike is best for you.  Also, most will let you take it out for a test ride.  Of course, I love my Trek.

I'm beginning to feel as though I'm getting a cold.  ARGGG!  Been taking Airbourne, but I'm worried. Being a teacher of young children, I am assaulted with germs on a daily basis and they may be winning the battle.  Need to get a good night's sleep, perhaps I'll feel better in the morning.

Check in  with everyone tomorrow!


Edited by suzimmer 2010-01-13 8:03 PM

2010-01-14 12:56 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Otter - they will see you coming anyway Did swim / run / weights today and had physio. Now have to wear an attractive stabilisation belt to run - was naughty and started running early but my sanity was in question after a few weeks out and no improvement!!On track this week so far except for the bike - I am down one session and if I don't get my bike back tomorrow I might not make it up before the week is out. I can live with 3 bike sessions though so not too fazed.Hope everyone else is doing well too.We have the Tour Downunder starting soon and Lance Armstrong is here - Australia goes nuts whenever he is here
2010-01-14 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
45 minute trainer ride last night, spent 35 pushing bigger gears, felt good.

Today is first swim of the year, not looking for much out of it.  Weights and Dreadmill tonight. Looks like I am gonna to make all my workouts this week
2010-01-14 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Feels like my back is good enough to try another workout tonight. I am resisting the walking thing, for some unkown reason.  but i will have to DO something to get things working properly, so you're right, Sue.  hoping i can ease into a ride tonight, and perhaps run tomorrow.  I was wondering if I should try a short brick workout, just to have different movements.  maybe a 15 minute spin and a 10 minute run on the treadmill.  any thoughts?

i'm just so tired of sitting around.  wasted my whole summer, and now that i'm all charged up to get back in shape, my back starts acting up.  grrrrrr!  I think Dee was right about combining all our parts for one good body!
2010-01-14 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi everyone!

So Michelle, will you be able to watch any of the tour?  Does it come close to where you are?  How exciting!
Also, what exactly is a stabilisation belt?  I'm assuming it has to do with your hip, right?

Drew, glad to hear the back is slowly on the mend.  I would try to keep it easy for a awhile, even though it's killing you.  It is so easy to re-injure your back.  I would make sure your workouts are single sport right now.   That way, if you have any pain later on you will be more likely to able to identify what gave you the pain.  I did find that running did help, although it was uncomfortable at first, once warmed up my back loosened up.  Just make sure you don't over do it.

Scott, Let's hear how that swim went.  Glad your getting in all the week's training.

Tomorrow's Friday already.  This week went by fast!


2010-01-14 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2614903

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-15 10:40 AMHi everyone!

So Michelle, will you be able to watch any of the tour?  Does it come close to where you are?  How exciting!
Also, what exactly is a stabilisation belt?  I'm assuming it has to do with your hip, right?Yes the belt is to hold my pelvis straight - my pelvis is out flared and is quite unstable which is what we are working on with the physio exercises but it is a long slow road unfortunately and the SI Joint injections worsened the problem - quite rare apparently - figures!!The Tour is in another state but there is loads of TV coverage so I won't be missing much

2010-01-14 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2611901

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-13 1:13 PM

D001 - 2010-01-12 11:44 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-12 10:58 PM Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...
It took me a second to understand what you meant by "mugger run." LOL At first, I was wondering why you'd run in a place where you could get mugged. Then I realized you were probably referring to the "ski mask hat" you're going to wear because it's cold. Um, although.... You don't plan on mugging someone, right?

Not a ski hat, I am in sweats with a Hoodie pull tight, with flashlight on my head, and reflectors on my arms..   Will never make it to BT GUYS of 2010

Great pic! I don't run at night a lot. I used to not think much about being outside alone at night -- but now, I opt to run just during daylight hours. My brain has become more conservative over the years, I guess. LOL

I think you should post that in the BT Guys thread! Actually, they'd probably love a "series" of pictures, where you remove one article of clothing at a time. LOL

2010-01-14 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2614931

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
mmh - 2010-01-14 9:00 PM

The Tour is in another state but there is loads of TV coverage so I won't be missing much

How far are you from Sydney? Cat (kaphin) lives there. She's going to get to cover the Tour for work! (Nice job, huh?)

2010-01-15 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Happy FRIDAY everyone!! I'm leaving work early today so I can get some stuff done before heading out of town this evening. I am planning on getting in a workout before I go so I will let you know how it goes. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!Laughing
2010-01-15 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Happy Friday

Last night was the worst workout since the new year.  Scheduled was weights and 45 on the dreadmill.  Since the focus was the run, I started off on it, after 25 minutes, my calves were so tight i was in serious pain and had to stop.  I mustered out 20 mins on the ellptical to finish 45 minutes.  Weights was un eventful, between the resolutionist waiting 3 minutes inbetween their sets and and my calves still hurting, i finished about half of what I was suppose to do and went home for lots of stretching and a foam roller session.

Today: 750 in the pool, started off with a 500 then 5x50 hard. Nothing too serious, just felt real nice to be back in the pool again.

Whats everyones "A" race next year?
2010-01-15 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2614937

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
D001 - 2010-01-14 9:07 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-13 1:13 PM
D001 - 2010-01-12 11:44 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-12 10:58 PM Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...
It took me a second to understand what you meant by "mugger run." LOL At first, I was wondering why you'd run in a place where you could get mugged. Then I realized you were probably referring to the "ski mask hat" you're going to wear because it's cold. Um, although.... You don't plan on mugging someone, right?

Not a ski hat, I am in sweats with a Hoodie pull tight, with flashlight on my head, and reflectors on my arms..   Will never make it to BT GUYS of 2010
Great pic! I don't run at night a lot. I used to not think much about being outside alone at night -- but now, I opt to run just during daylight hours. My brain has become more conservative over the years, I guess. LOL I think you should post that in the BT Guys thread! Actually, they'd probably love a "series" of pictures, where you remove one article of clothing at a time. LOL

I do not think that would go over well....  It would work as a Before in the over weight thread...  At 5'9" - 237 Nothing looks good outside those sweatshirts.  Here is a sample...

(turkey trot_edited (3).jpg)

(Side view.JPG)

turkey trot_edited (3).jpg (8KB - 9 downloads)
Side view.JPG (21KB - 8 downloads)

2010-01-15 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got in 2 bike rides this morning...  Better after a meeting and waking up then fresh out of bed....

Checking out a Master Swim club in the morning...  think it could provide social environment I need for motivation.
2010-01-15 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2615901

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
kaiserman19 - 2010-01-15 12:10 PM Happy Friday

Last night was the worst workout since the new year.  Scheduled was weights and 45 on the dreadmill.  Since the focus was the run, I started off on it, after 25 minutes, my calves were so tight i was in serious pain and had to stop.  I mustered out 20 mins on the ellptical to finish 45 minutes.  Weights was un eventful, between the resolutionist waiting 3 minutes inbetween their sets and and my calves still hurting, i finished about half of what I was suppose to do and went home for lots of stretching and a foam roller session.

Today: 750 in the pool, started off with a 500 then 5x50 hard. Nothing too serious, just felt real nice to be back in the pool again.

Whats everyones "A" race next year?

My current "A" race is Pineapple Man on June 6. (Right now it may be my only this year)
2010-01-15 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2616255

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-15 3:07 PM

Checking out a Master Swim club in the morning...  think it could provide social environment I need for motivation.

Nice! I moved recently, and I think there may be a master's group nearby. (Where I lived before, there was *nothing.*)

Really, what I need is someone to evaluate my technique. My shoulder hurts when I swim, so I'm sure I'm doing something "strange."

Actually, I need a run coach too. I'm starting to think that's the only way that I'll improve OR get rid of this dumb PF.

2010-01-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2616510

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Anybody read "Born to Run" yet? I borrowed the CD version from the library, and have been listening to it on the drive to/from work. It makes me want to run better.

2010-01-15 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Got in a good swim workout...

50 yd warmup
3 x 150 at 3:30 with 1 min rest
4 x 50 at 1 min with 15 sec rest with flippers

It was a good work out and fun....

Also had a massage at lunch time....  Actually made some areas feel worse...

2010-01-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Everyone! 
I really wish I could get on BT during the day.  I've tried to check in during my lunch or right after I dismiss the kids in the afternoon, but for some reason my $#!* computer (from the year 1 most likely) takes so long that I time out and can't get on. 

Anyway, here I am.

Dee, I have not read Born to Run, but perhaps I should.   Who is the author?

A master's swimming group sounds great!  As I've mentioned before, I really like someone watching my swimming. And it does make sense for anyone who is struggling in any area, run, swim or bike.  It's nice to have support and help in your weak area, or you run the risk of continuing to make the same mistakes (especially in swimming)which can lead to injury, and/or don't have anyone to push you to improve.  It can be for a short time, just to jump start you, especially if you enjoy doing most of your training alone, as some people so.  Me personally, I do about 75% to 80% of my training by myself.  I like the swim group, and in the summer I never open water swim without a buddy (safety first).  I run alone and prefer it that way.  Biking I do alone and with small groups, 2, 3 or 4 people.  Don't like big groups.  Did that a couple times - everyone rides too close for my comfort level.  What about every one else?  Loner or group?

Scott, are you getting enough sodium and/or potassium? Hydrated?  Deficient amount in either can lead to  muscle cramping.

Steve:  Is the your race on June 6 a Sprint Distance?   And let's hear from the rest? 

Also, how did everyone do on this week's training?  Michelle, sounds like you got everything in.

Don't forget to post the next week plans!   

Happy Weekend!

2010-01-15 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Yes..  It will be my first Sprint...  I have only done Super Sprints before this, so the bike is 2X my prior race.  However it is a very flat out and back.  

Distances: .3 mile swim, 15 mile bike, 3.3 mile run

The race begins and ends at Ryckman Park in Melbourne Beach.

Swim Course The swim takes place in the Indian River Lagoon. Swimmers will enter and exit the water from the historic Melbourne Beach Pier. After the swim, participants will advance from the pier to the adjacent transition area in Ryckman Park.

Bike Course The bike segment is a long, straight, flat, and fast out and back course that follows A1A south along ocean-side parks and nature preserves. Riders will u-turn (police supervised) at the southern end of the course and return to Ryckman Park.

Run Course The run course goes northward, beside the Indian River and loops through quiet, residential neighborhoods. The finish line is on Ocean Ave in front of the historic Ryckman House.

2010-01-15 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi all,

If I do my workouts tomorrow and Sunday I would have met this weeks goals.  YAH!!!

I really enjoy swimming.  Since I have been sick I backed off from the pool this week and only did 2 sessions.  But I have felt strong so far.

My "A" race is a half iron (HIM) in September, I may push it back to one in October because weather in Texas in September is brutal. 

My next tri. is an indoor tri. with lifetime fitness.  My first sprint I have signed up for is in June.  So I am being cautious of getting burned out.

I am also hoping to loose some weight.  5'10" and 205.  I would like to get down to 175 by october.  I am eating right and working out.  So little by little I will get there. 
2010-01-16 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2616800

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-15 9:42 PM
Dee, I have not read Born to Run, but perhaps I should.   Who is the author?

"Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen" by Christopher McDougall.

A master's swimming group sounds great!  As I've mentioned before, I really like someone watching my swimming. And it does make sense for anyone who is struggling in any area, run, swim or bike.  It's nice to have support and help in your weak area, or you run the risk of continuing to make the same mistakes (especially in swimming)which can lead to injury, and/or don't have anyone to push you to improve.  It can be for a short time, just to jump start you, especially if you enjoy doing most of your training alone, as some people so. 

Yeah, I think I could use some run coaching. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of this PF. I'm sure it's a technique issue.

Me personally, I do about 75% to 80% of my training by myself.  I like the swim group, and in the summer I never open water swim without a buddy (safety first).  I run alone and prefer it that way.  Biking I do alone and with small groups, 2, 3 or 4 people.  Don't like big groups.  Did that a couple times - everyone rides too close for my comfort level.  What about every one else?  Loner or group?

I train by myself. But that was because I lived "in the middle of nowhere" before. There *were* no training groups or coaching available. Now that I've moved, I'm trying to find out more about what's available here. That said, I'm way too slow a runner to keep up with a running group. LOL

Also, how did everyone do on this week's training? 

Right on track. Gotta keep my "Tased and Confused" challenge team happy! Did some strength training, some biking, but only one run because of the PF.

2010-01-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2616241

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-15 2:58 PM

D001 - 2010-01-14 9:07 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-13 1:13 PM
D001 - 2010-01-12 11:44 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-12 10:58 PM Got in a very cold elliptical "ride" tonight...  Mugger run in the morning...
It took me a second to understand what you meant by "mugger run." LOL At first, I was wondering why you'd run in a place where you could get mugged. Then I realized you were probably referring to the "ski mask hat" you're going to wear because it's cold. Um, although.... You don't plan on mugging someone, right?

Not a ski hat, I am in sweats with a Hoodie pull tight, with flashlight on my head, and reflectors on my arms..   Will never make it to BT GUYS of 2010
Great pic! I don't run at night a lot. I used to not think much about being outside alone at night -- but now, I opt to run just during daylight hours. My brain has become more conservative over the years, I guess. LOL I think you should post that in the BT Guys thread! Actually, they'd probably love a "series" of pictures, where you remove one article of clothing at a time. LOL

I do not think that would go over well....  It would work as a Before in the over weight thread...  At 5'9" - 237 Nothing looks good outside those sweatshirts.  Here is a sample...

So I was called to task for not commenting on this ^^^. But the result is that Steve is going to be my guinea pig in a taser-induced-liposuction experiment! Yay!

And if you didn't understand that ---> You probably don't want to know. (But if you DO want to know, you'll need to spend some time in the Challenge Forum. Or better yet, be on a challenge team with me. LOL)

2010-01-16 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2616855

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-15 10:35 PM

Yes..  It will be my first Sprint...  I have only done Super Sprints before this, so the bike is 2X my prior race.  However it is a very flat out and back.  

Distances: .3 mile swim, 15 mile bike, 3.3 mile run

The race begins and ends at Ryckman Park in Melbourne Beach.

Swim Course The swim takes place in the Indian River Lagoon. Swimmers will enter and exit the water from the historic Melbourne Beach Pier. After the swim, participants will advance from the pier to the adjacent transition area in Ryckman Park.

Bike Course The bike segment is a long, straight, flat, and fast out and back course that follows A1A south along ocean-side parks and nature preserves. Riders will u-turn (police supervised) at the southern end of the course and return to Ryckman Park.

Run Course The run course goes northward, beside the Indian River and loops through quiet, residential neighborhoods. The finish line is on Ocean Ave in front of the historic Ryckman House.

I'd be OK with the swim and run, but that's a long bike ride for me. Even though it's flat. (Of course, I don't OWN a bike right now, but that's another story. LOL) A1A would be a really nice road to ride on though!

I *heart* FL.

2010-01-16 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
they just repaved it last year and added a small lane on the sides, so it is pretty nice.
2010-01-16 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Swim coach nearly killed me....  After yesterday, i started out tired....  1 on 1 with a coach is never easy...

Stretching....50 Free...50 kickboard...50 pull bouy...50 hand paddles...50 backstroke...50 breast stroke...50 yd jog in the water...  then lastly 50 free all out (42.04).  All this was in about 20 minutes.... 

Follow that up with 2.5 hours of coaching flag football...  working patterns, rushing the QB, getting low to pretend snap the ball, sprints to get out the way of the play...  Lots of sprints  Max Hr for 1:25 recorded HR avg 97  Max 157..  I am counting that as my run workout for the day....

Next week is sort of up in the air, literally...  Business trip to Colorado Springs...  Sunday Bike. Monday walk, Tues Elliptical or stationary bike, Weds walk and swim, Thurs rest, Friday fly day bike, Sat Swim practice & Football, Sun Bike. 
2010-01-16 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
HI everyone!
Steve,  I love that your posting pics.  I've gotta do some of that.  Great work with the swim coach. One thing I've found when trying to change bad habits in swimming is to not try and fix everything at once.  Pick one (I had SOOO many to choose from) per session or you just confused.   And yep, you could call the rest of that day a workout!
   I'm sure travel can really put a wrench in training.  It kills your momentum.  Here you just got back in the pool and... These darn jobs we have keep getting in the way of our triathlon life.  Smile

Joanna, If you work at it you can do that HIM in the fall.  I remember you said that you get to week 12 and "die off".  So does this mean you have yet to do a triathlon?  Will the indoor tri be your first?  I belong to Lifetime and have volunteered at several of the Indoor Tris.   And good for you finishing your week.  Keep your logs current!

And Dee, I'm going to have to check out the Challenge Forum.  Do you have to join a challenge at specific times?

Well, the weather MAY cooperate and allow me to run outside tomorrow.  I don't  think  I can stand another 2 hour session on the treadmill.  Only problem will be mapping out a route.  My favorite place to run is on the forest preserve trail.  It's a half mile from my house and it has mile and half mile markers.  It's 32 miles round trip,  so it's also good for biking.  Unfortunately, with all the snow we've had the trail is still covered.  I checked it out and it's rather bumpy and icy.  Last thing I need is to twist an ankle.  So, off I go to Map My Run to figure out a 12 mile route.  If you haven't checked out this site you should.

Have a great Sunday!

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