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2010-01-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2606714

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leclerc457 - 2010-01-10 7:20 PM

got another bike ride in today...28 miles in 1 hr 44 min!  the last 4 miles or so and i was just seems my house is slightly higher than everything around so coming home is always gonna be uphill!

Just found the o-1650 swim program...gonna start on that tomorrow. 

Question - how do you all balance work, training and family?  I tend to go all in when I am train and i am worried about not spending enough time with the family.  I am trying to get up early or go at lunch, but weekends is the only time when i can get a good ride in. 

just wondering what has worked for you all.

Balance is so tough and for me it just got harder. My time for workouts and family and everything else has to be very intentional. I usually plan when my workouts the day before. When where and how far etc. I am married with four kids and I have to make sure that I make time for them as well. Sometimes I just have to skip a workout to spend time with them. One thing I have had to realize is that I am not an elite athlete and if I miss a workout it's okay. I try for 6 a week with a rest day sunday but if I get in 5 its okay. This is actually part of the reason I had you do the number of hours per week. Usually we are a bit surprised how little "free" time per week we actually have.

At this point in my life my training is a success if my family grows to enjoy it and be a part of it rather than grow to hate it because I am always gone. I guess I don't have an easy answer.My only other thought is that if training is super important to you then get up early and get it done quick before the day comes along and gets in the way. Studies have actually shown that peoplewho workout first thing in the day or far more consistent than peoplewho wait to workout later in the day. Hope that helps.


2010-01-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2606865

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
jslacker - 2010-01-11  12:51 AMGetting all my training done in a week and balance the rest of my life is a challenge at best.  The only way I can come close is getting up at 4:30 most days and being organized.  Having everything laid out the night before.  But that also means I am in bed when my kids go to bed.  I can't stay up late.  I am planning on doing my long rides on Saturday but starting around 5am so that I can be back at a somewhat normal time.  This will be the hardest part of training. 

I have to admit though, I have missed many workouts because one of the kids are sick or something else is going on and I just don't have time to get my full workout in.  I just have to move on from there and not worry about it and hope that I am ready for any future races.

Good Luck.
No doubt its tough. You are doing great to get as much in as you do. Feel good about that.
2010-01-11 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Nice work this weekend everyone,

Does anyone else have any tips for balancing workouts with family, work, etc etc????

Have a great day everyone. Keep up the good work!
2010-01-11 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2607597

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
thanks for the input on planning and staying organized....that is key! 

I play hockey once a week on wednesdays and my games are at 10 at night!  I try to take Thursday's off to recover from the late night out. 

I am finding that getting up early works least now while i don't mind running inside...but once summer roles around, I would like to do more outdoor running.  We will have to see.

So far, I am very lucky, my kids and wife are all very supportive!  Hopefully i can return the favor and give them time for anythign they need!
2010-01-12 1:46 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Last year was my first big year of training.  After 14+ years of marriage and 3 kids, my wife had a new wrinkle to deal with.  I started out with a 25k in May of 2009 and trained 5 days a week for 16 weeks for that, then I did a couple of Sprints in July and August and built up to an OLY at the end of August, then a Mary in October.

I am very competitive and wanted to perform well in every race.  I met my goals as far as my races went, but by the end of the summer my amazing wife definitely resented the fact that the whole summer was focused on my training and racing.  I work 2 weekends a month, and sometimes I would work 10p-7a Fri-Sun, but when I got up on Sun I would have a 2 hr ride or a 20 miler scheduled.  She rarely laid down the law and said "No", but it had a negative impact on our relationship.

We have talked about what this all means to me, and how, 15 pounds lighter and more motivated in every part of life I am, this is good for me and our family.  I have finally realized that I will likely never get on the podium, and my kids are only young once and will some day not want to spend time with me.  I have vowed to keep the long sessions during the week when they are at school, and be OK with missing a workout once in a while.

Edited by davidson3 2010-01-12 1:47 AM
2010-01-12 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi everyone,

I had a great time snowshoeing and skiing on Saturday, it was perfect out, and it was incredibly invigorating as well as tiring. It was a good reminder that I can make time for my own activities, and that it is well worth it.

I had to work all day Sunday, and the minute I got off my feet I started to stiffen up and realized how sore I was from the latter workouts of the week.

Yesterday I started my classes back up again, so now life is a bit crazy again until May.

I did start doing my time inventory this morning. I started hour by hour, but found it easier to find pockets of opportunity during the week. Sundays are probably out, I tend to be at work or commuting from 7a-7p, and then the rest of the night is getting ready for the school week, supper etc.
Monday - I have a full day of classes, but a 2.75 hour break between two classes (including lunch) and that is when I should plan to go to the pool I found near school.
Tuesday - I don't have classes but have my daughter all day, so could manage a trainer ride or yoga workout during her nap, possibly a run after my husband gets home if it's still light out.
Wednesday - Another class day, but some weeks I'll have a little extra time in the mornings, so maybe a run, or go to the pool.
Thursday - Morning possibilities, or possibly an evening swim after I get out of class since the kids will be at their grandparents already (no need to rush back home!)
Friday - A tough day to squeeze in a workout.
Saturday - I have my daughter, but could make time at least for a trainer ride.

Now I need to figure out what sort of volumes I want to aim for, and then I can schedule workouts into that time. Just because the time is there, doesn't mean it's easy to USE the time. There are definitely a ton of other things I didn't really account for in the time inventory, such as keeping up with chores and schoolwork. But chores and schoolwork aren't bound by daylight, whereas my outdoor workouts are.

Today, I'll try to get on the trainer during my daughters nap. I'm still sore, but not too bad.


2010-01-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I just had something funny happen. I went for a four mile run. Got to the 2 mile mark so I went just a little farther. Got lost in thought and ended up going seven. Oops. Now I am sore. Oh well.
2010-01-12 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Question of the day: Who do you admire,look up to or respect in racing, triathlon etc etc? Who do you look to for motivation and encouragement when you need a boost?
2010-01-12 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2609782

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
It's a good run when you can get so lost in your thoughts that you forget the distance, the time, or the pain.   That's a good day. 
2010-01-12 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2609782

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
holt1997 - 2010-01-12 12:15 PM I just had something funny happen. I went for a four mile run. Got to the 2 mile mark so I went just a little farther. Got lost in thought and ended up going seven. Oops. Now I am sore. Oh well.

Impressive!  Those are the best runs...not that I have had any like that lately-too much of a watch watcher myself and the kids would be calling me to find out why I am not home when I said I would be. 

2010-01-12 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
The folks I most admire are Sister Madonna Buder and Lisa Bentley. Both women are truly amazing!!

2010-01-12 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Tomorrow it is supposed to feel like 24 degrees outside-actual temp 33!  It will be like a heat wave!!!  I am excited to be able to do my long run and could really get used to this balmy weather.

Scott-thanks for the info on the A<B<C races.  My main emphasis right now is my half marathon in April.    That was good to know about the 2X peaking per season, etc. 

I get a lot of time with my children as I stay home with them and we homeschool, so I try to get my workout in before my husband gets home.  Now, I am checking the temp.  to see when it is warmest to get in my workout.  A lot of time, previously, I have put it off to finish cleaning up or get schoolwork done, and then felt badly because I didn't get it in.  I will have more energy to do the other things if I get my workout in. 


2010-01-12 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2609787

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
In regards to whom I admire/respect in triathlon, I can say without any hesitation that is people like each of you who are balancing family, work, and life while training for spectacular feats.

Individually, there are a few people I've met in the "virtual" triathlon world on another site I'm part of, one woman who went from 350 pounds to Ironman! Her story never stops motivating me, even though I've never had a weight problem, but the thought of what she persevered through to meet her goals is just amazing to me.
2010-01-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I ran my 5 miles today!  It makes such a difference to be outside! 

Oh, Scott, one of the tips from my swim class.  KICK your feet!  I never kick when I am swimming-so I am working on that one.  We also did a drill where we took 3 strokes and on the 3rd stroke we kept a streamlined position for two to three seconds before taking the next stroke.  I had a lot of difficulty with that one.  I always breathe on my 3rd stroke!  I ended up feeling like I was suffocating, cuz I didn't know when  to breathe.  I was really off.  The good thing-I have a very strong kick and my kick is almost as fast as my stroke.  That means I could go much faster-which is encouraging.  Plus the Y has a swimsuit dryer! I really want to get a swim time in but I don't know if I will be able to before Sat.

Gotta get supper going-scalloped potatoes and ham

exciting news-cut back on red meat and ice cream and my cholesterol went up!-only 23 points, but still! My HDL is 57, though so that is good-up from 45 in October.


2010-01-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

lets see i work two jobs, coach my youngest son's soccer team and am the soccer club board VP, i am the den leader/cubmaster for my youngest son and the assistant scoumaster for my oldest son's boy scout troop, i work twelves at one job (7a-7p) and am the boss at the other job so i go in when i can.  so my days off whn i am not working is when i get my training in and on my days to work i get up at 5 and workout (usually) and then if it's not an off day i get in a ride (indoors) so i am in the living room with the family

My wife is really great she is trying to get motivated to start excercising, she was really proud of me when I finished my first tri last august.

It's like they say behind every good man is a great woman!  without her i would be lost in life!

the person i look to for motivation in the triathlon world, hmmm everyone out there training,

 but I do like to watch the Ironman World Championships they have some really cool stories about people that have over come great adversity to be there

people in my life that motivate my to keep on going and to stay fit is my family (Tonja Jake and Josh)

Edited by mdslngr 2010-01-12 7:53 PM
2010-01-12 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2610684

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
who inspires me....well a few years back i saw this clip of a father that competed in Ironman's with his big deal expect that his son was mentally handicapped and could not walk so his dad would swim with him in a boat, bike with him on his bike and run while pushing him is a stroller.

I don't remember his name or the exact details....but the love of the father to still find a way to compete in a sport he loves while included his son is truly inspiring!  The father gave a gift to his son...something his son never would have experienced on his own!

So when i get tired while training, I just remember that father....and the will and desire he had!

2010-01-12 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
You are talking about Dick and Ricky Hoyt....incredibly inspirational story. There is a great clip on Youtube if you google "inspirational Ironman". Just like you said Dan... this dad pulled his adult challenged son in a boat for the 3.8 km open water swim(!!), then carried his son from the water to transition(no help!!) and then they did the 112 miles on the bike together...with only Dad pedalling....oh...and then Dad popped off a 26.2 mile run with his son in his jogger. TOTALLY INCREDIBLE!

You are right....this duo is truly inspirational...

Edited by arny 2010-01-13 12:27 AM
2010-01-12 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2610899

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-01-12 9:58 PM You are talking about Dick and Ricky Hoyt....incredibly inspirational story. There is a great clip on Youtube if you google "inspirational Ironman". Just like you said Dan... this dad pulled his adult challenged son in a boat for the 3.8 mile open water swim(!!), then carried his son from the water to transition(no help!!) and then they did the 112 miles on the bike together...with only Dad pedalling....oh...and then Dad popped off a 26.2 mile run with his son in his jogger. TOTALLY INCREDIBLE! You are right....this duo is truly inspirational...

Here is the link....>
2010-01-13 12:28 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
That is are speedy!
This clip is amazing...
I need to remember this on my "not-so-smooth" days, for sure
2010-01-13 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2610412

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-12 4:52 PM I ran my 5 miles today!  It makes such a difference to be outside! 

Oh, Scott, one of the tips from my swim class.  KICK your feet!  I never kick when I am swimming-so I am working on that one.  We also did a drill where we took 3 strokes and on the 3rd stroke we kept a streamlined position for two to three seconds before taking the next stroke.  I had a lot of difficulty with that one.  I always breathe on my 3rd stroke!  I ended up feeling like I was suffocating, cuz I didn't know when  to breathe.  I was really off.  The good thing-I have a very strong kick and my kick is almost as fast as my stroke.  That means I could go much faster-which is encouraging.  Plus the Y has a swimsuit dryer! I really want to get a swim time in but I don't know if I will be able to before Sat.

Gotta get supper going-scalloped potatoes and ham

exciting news-cut back on red meat and ice cream and my cholesterol went up!-only 23 points, but still! My HDL is 57, though so that is good-up from 45 in October.


Great job Nichi...keep it up!
2010-01-13 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Who inspires me?  I would have to say Lance Armstrong, Steve Prefontaine, and Bruce Jenner.  These 3 athletes never seem to feel pain and always pushed things to the next level.  Though I have to admit Rick Hoyt and Sister Madonna Buder are also very good inspiration.  Rick with the endurance and love for his son and I hope I can do an Ironman when I am Sister Buder's age.  Two very amazing people. 

2010-01-13 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
The Hoyts are very inspirational. They have raced Boston Marathon a lot too. Incredible. I think the whole thing was the sons idea too. Its hard for me to gripe about being sore etc when there are people like that working hard out there.
2010-01-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Did everyone get their free hours for training figured out??? The next question is how to we take advantage of that time effectively? How should good quality workouts look? How about if everyone posts their available hours so I can see where we are at. And we woill talk specific workouts from there.

I have 11 available hours.
2010-01-13 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I currently have around 12 hours to train.  This will vary slightly in the summer due to kid's activities. 
2010-01-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Available training hours...15-20/wk depending on how I prioritize
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