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2010-04-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2788959

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-04-13 1:35 PM Welcome courtney!

Thank you!!! and CONGRATS on the new job.. HOW COOL!!!!

It's awesome that a bunch of us have kids around the same age. I LOVE IT... at least I KNOW someone else understand how it is trying to train and having to take care of a baby too!!!

2010-04-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2776397


Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congratulations on the new job!

With regards to the question, this is weird for me but I think I would say my favourite is now the cycling! Coming from a running background I've always found that easier but recently I think thats starting to change and I just cant wait to get out on the bike.  I think the nice weather is obvioulsy helping, and there's some lovely countryside around me to cycle in!
I'm really starting to see the training working too, so that helps.

Niiice new road back from a couple of pages back btw!
And welcome to the new people
2010-04-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2776397


Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congratulations on the new job!

With regards to the question, this is weird for me but I think I would say my favourite is now the cycling! Coming from a running background I've always found that easier but recently I think thats starting to change and I just cant wait to get out on the bike.  I think the nice weather is obvioulsy helping, and there's some lovely countryside around me to cycle in!
I'm really starting to see the training working too, so that helps.

Niiice new road back from a couple of pages back btw!
And welcome to the new people
2010-04-13 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2788942

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-13 2:27 PM
NRG42 - 2010-04-13 12:58 PM Hi Guys.....first 1/2 marathon is April 24th.  I plan on running 10-11 miles tomorrow and thinking another 7-8 on Sat/Sun.  What do you guys think?  Does it sound right?

Have you been following any kind of plan?  I would have to do the 10-11 tomorrow and then the 7-8 on Sunday.  My feet normally need a few days of recovery between any kind of long runs.  I need to be very careful in scheduling my runs right now.  Are you excited about your first half?

Well it was a unexpected race that showed up on my calander and considering I am not racing for time this year (endurance building year for me) I figured why not?  S,o I started to increase my milage in early Feb and was really happy with my progress. Thinking I had a chance to do ok but.....had a bad spill in the Shamrock Shuffle here in Chicago.  Took a pretty bad blow to both of my knee caps along with another runner's weight on top of me.  But I am back up and rolling and don't feel as prepared as I should be but I am pretty sure I will be able to finish and run the full distance .  In other words.....I am stressing out!!!!  But excited too.

2010-04-13 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Welcome aboard Courtney, you have a great story, and kudos on the weightloss, that is a tremendous accomplishment and what a great example you are setting for you child.
2010-04-13 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2789179

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-04-13 2:45 PM Welcome aboard Courtney, you have a great story, and kudos on the weightloss, that is a tremendous accomplishment and what a great example you are setting for you child.

Thank you!!! :D It is motivation  from people like all of you that kept me going :D  ( and that KEEP me going)

2010-04-13 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Welcome Courtney!!!  I'm excited to have someone around my age AND a full-time student like me!!!  It gives me some hope!  Also, I'm impressed with how much time you have to train.  I'm going to check out your schedule and see how you do it!  I haven't been fortunate enough to get in that kind of training time.  Law school is the pits...  Anyway, I only have like 20-30 pounds to lose, but you've given me a ton more motivation to do that!!!

Debbie - CONGRATS!!! I think getting a job offer is one of the best feelings in the world!  Make sure you get a celebration dinner out of this!  Laughing

Ruth - Glad I have another cyclist!  Somehow I doubt Wisconsin has as beautiful a countryside as you!

Patrick - AWESOME weightloss!!!  Sometimes it's hard for collegiate athletes to dedicate to working out after college because you suddenly have to plan your own workout.  Where did you play?

Wow, I've missed a lot being in class all day!!!

One quick question, how much is "normal" for weight to fluctuate in a day?  I weighed myself after my workout today, and then after I was showered, dressed, and ate breakfast, and there was a 12 pound weight difference.  I started thinking I need a new scale...
2010-04-13 4:18 PM
in reply to: #2789233

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-04-13 3:02 PM Welcome Courtney!!!  I'm excited to have someone around my age AND a full-time student like me!!!  It gives me some hope!  Also, I'm impressed with how much time you have to train.  I'm going to check out your schedule and see how you do it!  I haven't been fortunate enough to get in that kind of training time.  Law school is the pits...  Anyway, I only have like 20-30 pounds to lose, but you've given me a ton more motivation to do that!!!

Debbie - CONGRATS!!! I think getting a job offer is one of the best feelings in the world!  Make sure you get a celebration dinner out of this!  Laughing

Ruth - Glad I have another cyclist!  Somehow I doubt Wisconsin has as beautiful a countryside as you!

Patrick - AWESOME weightloss!!!  Sometimes it's hard for collegiate athletes to dedicate to working out after college because you suddenly have to plan your own workout.  Where did you play?

Wow, I've missed a lot being in class all day!!!

One quick question, how much is "normal" for weight to fluctuate in a day?  I weighed myself after my workout today, and then after I was showered, dressed, and ate breakfast, and there was a 12 pound weight difference.  I started thinking I need a new scale...

Make sure to weigh yourself at the same time ( about) everyday. I only weigh in the morning and my weight can fluctuate about 2 pounds or so a day. Sometimes a little more.  Don't put too much stress into it, alot can be water weight.  I only take my "actual" weight once a week ( and that is usually before the weekend) :D  And 20 pounds.... that is a great goal, not too big and not too small... I KNOW you can do it. Let me know if I can help at all  babe :D

I am LOVING this group!

p.s. I know how you feel with Law school. I worked for the one here at the Univeristy of Utah and it was BRUTAL!
2010-04-13 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry that I have been kinda silent today.  My company has completely taken away the internet from EVERYONE except the managers, so I can't check in with you guys, not even at lunch.  It's brutal...  but I think I'm going to use it to start running or biking at lunch, and then doing the other after work.  It may be a blessing in disguise, I guess!

Welcome to the group, Pat and Court.  I'll be honest, I have been talking to Courtney since I joined, and she's an awesome girl.  She is totally dedicated, and is an AWESOME motivator!  She'll be an incredible addition to the group.

Patrick, from your one post, I can already tell that you'll be rather easy to get along with.  Definitely seem like a fun guy.  Congrats on the weight loss!  That's incredible.  As it has been discussed, a whole bunch of us seem to have gone through the same process, and I think that is going to be good for the group.  We'll all have that in common, which is a huge bonding point.

There was so much going on in the posts today that I don't even remember what else people were talking about!  Damn upper management... 
2010-04-13 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete, that's rough!  Nothing to entertain you during work now!  Haha.

Courtney, any tips are ALWAYS welcome!  I've gained like 15 pounds since I graduated from undergrad almost a year ago, which is a major bummer to me.  Most of it was put on since I started school because it's hard to devote as much time as I was to working out.  In undergrad, I was always in the gym for 2 hours/day.  Now, 30-60 minutes is as much as I can really get in.  I can't imagine how you do it with a full course load and a kid!  What time do you work out every day? 

No pains since riding this morning!!! Except my sit bones that feel like they've been bleeding all day...  But my knees are great and I love it! 
2010-04-13 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks everyone for the congrats!  I am really excited.  I am a school counselor and really like where I work and a different job just kind of fell out of no where and I had some pushes to go for it and I did and got it!  Sometimes things happen for a reason right?! 
I just have to be approved by the new districts superintendent so I am hoping everything goes good with that and then it will be pretty official! 

On that note I also went home and exercised for the first time since April 3rd!  I ran and have all my gear ready for a bike and swim in the am.  Maybe a job offer is what i needed to be motivated again! 

Oh and you better believe I will be getting a dinner celebration out of this one!

2010-04-13 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have to ask you guys a favor tonight and tomorrow during the day.  I have struggled with posting this since it is totally non related but I need what we can get right now.  Whatever you believe in, please pray, send good thoughts, good vibes, whatever!  A cousin, by marriage but still family, found out last week he has a brain tumor.  It is 5cm in length and as of Saturday, too large to operate.  They have him on steriods and anti seizure meds to try and shrink it.  He had a cat and pet scan done today.  I don't know the results.  He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30.  It will be 90 minutes and then another 5 hours of recovery.  Depending on the results, he could have surgery as early as Thursday.  The surgeon said the most he would remove is 2/3 of it.  They will talk about treatment after the biopsy.  As of yesterday, the word cancer had not been mentioned but now they are saying they will talk about possible chemo and radiation after the biopsy is done.  Our cousin, Steve, is in his mid 30s.  He has twins, a girl and boy, that just turned 4.  I can't stop crying tonight.  Please send whatever you have our way!  I apologize that this is so off topic but we need all we can get!
2010-04-13 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

sorry double post

Edited by Mrschach 2010-04-13 9:50 PM
2010-04-13 10:25 PM
in reply to: #2789997

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-13 7:50 PM I have to ask you guys a favor tonight and tomorrow during the day.  I have struggled with posting this since it is totally non related but I need what we can get right now.  Whatever you believe in, please pray, send good thoughts, good vibes, whatever!  A cousin, by marriage but still family, found out last week he has a brain tumor.  It is 5cm in length and as of Saturday, too large to operate.  They have him on steriods and anti seizure meds to try and shrink it.  He had a cat and pet scan done today.  I don't know the results.  He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30.  It will be 90 minutes and then another 5 hours of recovery.  Depending on the results, he could have surgery as early as Thursday.  The surgeon said the most he would remove is 2/3 of it.  They will talk about treatment after the biopsy.  As of yesterday, the word cancer had not been mentioned but now they are saying they will talk about possible chemo and radiation after the biopsy is done.  Our cousin, Steve, is in his mid 30s.  He has twins, a girl and boy, that just turned 4.  I can't stop crying tonight.  Please send whatever you have our way!  I apologize that this is so off topic but we need all we can get!

My thoughts are with you and your cousin, I will definately be keeping you both in my thoughts in the coming days.
2010-04-13 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
My word, that is terrible.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your cousin and your entire family.  I have gone through it, and I know what it can do to a family.  Just stay positive, and keep strong.  

I know what you are going through, to an extent.  When I was 16, my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor.   Luckily for her (and the rest of us), she was prudent and got it checked out, even though our doctor said it was nothing, just stressed induced headaches.  She managed to get a CAT scan, and they found it in time.  Even more luckily, a spot in surgery with one of the leading national brain surgeons opened up a week later.  To this day, I thank my lucky stars that she is still around.

2010-04-14 1:09 AM
in reply to: #2789853

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-04-13 7:31 PM Pete, that's rough!  Nothing to entertain you during work now!  Haha.

Courtney, any tips are ALWAYS welcome!  I've gained like 15 pounds since I graduated from undergrad almost a year ago, which is a major bummer to me.  Most of it was put on since I started school because it's hard to devote as much time as I was to working out.  In undergrad, I was always in the gym for 2 hours/day.  Now, 30-60 minutes is as much as I can really get in.  I can't imagine how you do it with a full course load and a kid!  What time do you work out every day? 

No pains since riding this morning!!! Except my sit bones that feel like they've been bleeding all day...  But my knees are great and I love it! 

It depends on the day . I LOVE working out in mornings, BUT t/th I only have time at night... so it changes ( depending on what classes I have that day and my homework load) There are some nights I have to hit the bike trainer or my treadmill After Addy heads to bed and while I watch some Tv to catch up ( I LOVE LOST) :D I also hit the gym on saturdays with a local tri club, which is AWESOME!!

2010-04-14 1:12 AM
in reply to: #2789997

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-13 8:50 PM I have to ask you guys a favor tonight and tomorrow during the day.  I have struggled with posting this since it is totally non related but I need what we can get right now.  Whatever you believe in, please pray, send good thoughts, good vibes, whatever!  A cousin, by marriage but still family, found out last week he has a brain tumor.  It is 5cm in length and as of Saturday, too large to operate.  They have him on steriods and anti seizure meds to try and shrink it.  He had a cat and pet scan done today.  I don't know the results.  He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30.  It will be 90 minutes and then another 5 hours of recovery.  Depending on the results, he could have surgery as early as Thursday.  The surgeon said the most he would remove is 2/3 of it.  They will talk about treatment after the biopsy.  As of yesterday, the word cancer had not been mentioned but now they are saying they will talk about possible chemo and radiation after the biopsy is done.  Our cousin, Steve, is in his mid 30s.  He has twins, a girl and boy, that just turned 4.  I can't stop crying tonight.  Please send whatever you have our way!  I apologize that this is so off topic but we need all we can get!

My thoughts and prayers are with you. That is such a hard thing to go through, but I believe that faith helps and that you'll all make it through this

I lost my mother when I was 19, so I can understand what you are going through. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I am here, even if it's just to talk :D
2010-04-14 2:47 AM
in reply to: #2789997


Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I'm so sorry to hear your news, I'll be thinking of you and your family over the next few days.
2010-04-14 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks guys!  I really appreciate it!  It is just so scary and really hit home for us because they are just our age and their kids are a little older than our Joe.  We don't see them that often but times like this I wish we lived closer.  All three of my husbands cousins and his aunt and uncle are in the Boston area....Massachussets, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island.  We are down here in NJ, right outside of  Philly. 
2010-04-14 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2789997

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!  Hang in there.

Courtney-I love LOST too.  I didn't get a chance to watch it last night tho.  I have class on Tuesday nights. 
2010-04-14 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2789997

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-04-13 10:50 PM I have to ask you guys a favor tonight and tomorrow during the day.  I have struggled with posting this since it is totally non related but I need what we can get right now.  Whatever you believe in, please pray, send good thoughts, good vibes, whatever!  A cousin, by marriage but still family, found out last week he has a brain tumor.  It is 5cm in length and as of Saturday, too large to operate.  They have him on steriods and anti seizure meds to try and shrink it.  He had a cat and pet scan done today.  I don't know the results.  He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30.  It will be 90 minutes and then another 5 hours of recovery.  Depending on the results, he could have surgery as early as Thursday.  The surgeon said the most he would remove is 2/3 of it.  They will talk about treatment after the biopsy.  As of yesterday, the word cancer had not been mentioned but now they are saying they will talk about possible chemo and radiation after the biopsy is done.  Our cousin, Steve, is in his mid 30s.  He has twins, a girl and boy, that just turned 4.  I can't stop crying tonight.  Please send whatever you have our way!  I apologize that this is so off topic but we need all we can get!

I'm all over this.    Sending you and your family all I've got. 

2010-04-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!
2010-04-14 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
What does everyone have planned for today?  I might be able to get outside for a quick run this evening.  It all depends on what time I get away from this crazy place I call work!  My husband has to leave at 7 for a wiffle ball game.  If I can't get outside for a run, I am on the treadmill or the trainer after I put my youngest to bed.  I don't feel like doing either though.
2010-04-14 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2790567

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-04-14 7:31 AM Meggan-My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!  Hang in there.

Courtney-I love LOST too.  I didn't get a chance to watch it last night tho.  I have class on Tuesday nights. 

It's addicting. Last nights episode is about Hurley... He is my favorite :D
2010-04-14 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2790723

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
bassandbike - 2010-04-14 8:13 AM Ok.  Who's gonna get it done today?  I gotta bring it today and build on yesterday's strength workout momentum. 

I've got 20 miles scheduled on my Salsa Casseroll today.  I'm doing it.  End of discussion.  For me, saying it out loud just about guarantees it'll get done. There are people in this group that WILL check you if you say something and don't follow through.   At 1130 I'm strapping it up and hitting the road. 

What is everyone doing?  Put it out there. Public forum. 

Talk to me!!!!

You are doing 20miles today?? WOW. I'll come along for the run... but You'll have to give me a piggy back half of the way :D
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