General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Louisville : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-12-02 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3232883

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

lisac957 - 2010-12-01 4:30 PM
wes mantooth - 2010-12-01 3:33 PM

lisac957 - 2010-12-01 11:39 AM So I'm trying to plan my race season leading up to LOU... my coach suggested two 70.3s.
Pretty sure I will sign up for Kansas 70.3 on June 12, but I need to pick another, preferably in July.

What other races are you guys doing, those who live "in the middle" of the country? I need to be able to drive there (8 hours or less from Kansas), and am open to independent races. Suggestions or recommendations?

Muncie and Racine are both about a 12-hour drive for me. It would be nice to not have to drive 24 hours to race.

Cardinal Harbor is in July and in Louisville.  I think it uses some of the same course that the IM uses.

Louisville is only an 11.5 hour drive
I'll look into it though, thanks... I was thinking of riding the race course sometime this summer anyway. 


I totally is only a 6 hour drive for me and I think I am going to pass on it.

2010-12-02 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

You all have a GREAT time.  I signed up for IMFlorida for 2011, but am having remorse.  The crowds, the course and the finish in Louisville is the best!  Plus the volunteers are fantastic.  The swim is easy, the bike course is challenging and the run is pancake flat.  Enjoy! 

2010-12-02 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Looking to do Cardinal Harbour 1/2 in July, then IMLOU, then finish off the season in Austin for some blues and IM 70.3 Austin.
Everything else are Oly distance (starting in April in South Carolina)...goin long boys!!!
2010-12-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Pulled the trigger.  I'm in!!
2010-12-02 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Steve!!! What were you thinking!!!

Just kidding. Congratulations! Welcome!
2010-12-02 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I'm in. First IM.

2010-12-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3234820

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-12-02 9:52 PM Steve!!! What were you thinking!!!

Just kidding. Congratulations! Welcome!

What?  I thought I was supposed to just do it?

Thanks!  Looking forward to meeting and racing you peeps in August.  IM #2 for me.
2010-12-03 4:52 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
It is going to be a great race!!!
2010-12-03 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3234896

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

I am glad to see you pulled the trigger! Smile

steveseer - 2010-12-01 11:06 PM
Tri Sam - 2010-12-02 9:52 PM Steve!!! What were you thinking!!!

Just kidding. Congratulations! Welcome!

What?  I thought I was supposed to just do it?

Thanks!  Looking forward to meeting and racing you peeps in August.  IM #2 for me.
2010-12-03 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3234825

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
You are going to enjoy this one- congrats on taking the plunge! Louisville was my first IM as well.

msc - 2010-12-01 9:57 PM I'm in. First IM.
2010-12-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Hey everyone. I just wanted to send out a warning on the Cardinal Harbor HIM. I did it two years ago as part of my training for Lou and I was really disappointed with the race. I've attached my RR from a few years ago, I suggest you all read from the bike section down.

I was told but someone who did the race last year that the RD announced as people were lining up for the swim that he had changed the run course. Then the run course was not well marked.

Anyway, I went with Muncee as a tune up race this year. I'll never do another race with the Cardinal Harbor folks again, but you all need to decide for yourselves.

2010-12-03 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Thanks for your insights. I've read mixed reviews about that race as well.  

The positive type comments for C.H. were similar to this, "Great tune-up for IMLOU, but don't do it if you are looking for a great race experience." From the reports I read, I got the impression that you want to be prepared for this to be self-sustaining (aka fluids and foods and keep your wits about you for where to go on the course). Having said that, I have never done the event myself. As David has suggested, I would recommend reading his race report as well as a sampling of others to get a feel for the experiences that others have had and make your own call.

On another note:
At this time I have planned for me, the weekend of July 17 a self-sustaining Metric Ironman (2.4k Swim/112K Bike/26.2mi Run). This equates to about 1.5mi swim/70mi bike/16mi run. I am doing this from my backyard in the lake we live on (Duncan Lake in Caledonia, MI if you want to google it). I have been considering opening it up others, but I hadn't made that leap yet. At this point I can reluctantly open the idea up and see what the interest level is. If it's too many people, I might have to put a cap on it, and most importantly, my wife knows I'm planning on doing it myself, but has no idea that I've been thinking of opening it up others, so I would need clearance from the tower. Again, this would be completely self sustaining. Meaning, no aid stations. You would have to provide your own nutrition (think fuel belts or the like on the run). Now, I can make the courses (bike & run) a couple loops so people could stop and refuel at my house so they wouldn't have to carry everything, but... OK, I'm getting WAY ahead of myself here, but as long as I'm throwing caution to the wind and jumping off the bridge, I'll show you the t-shirt design I have. OH! There wouldn't be a "race fee" but if this happens and you wanted a shirt, you would have to pay for that (about $25).  ...and yes, I have permission from GU to use their logo. In fact, I might be able to get some GU products for this.
I am located in West Michigan, about 2 hours from the IN border. Your thoughts are welcome.


2010-12-03 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Sorry that took up so much space.
2010-12-03 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
...and to take up MORE space, yes, I realize the "k" is missing on run portion of the shirt, it would need to be revised. This is a draft.
2010-12-03 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3234808

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
steveseer - 2010-12-02 8:38 PM Pulled the trigger.  I'm in!!

Good job!  you won't be sorry.  Welcome to the madness.

2010-12-03 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3234825

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
msc - 2010-12-02 8:57 PM I'm in. First IM.

congrats and welcome

2010-12-03 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3235056

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
and the "i" in ville?

Tri Sam - 2010-12-02 8:28 AM ...and to take up MORE space, yes, I realize the "k" is missing on run portion of the shirt, it would need to be revised. This is a draft.
2010-12-03 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

There's an "i" in ville?

2010-12-03 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
This will be my first year and first ironman where I work with a coach.  I am hoping for the best.  It is interesting so far. 
2010-12-03 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3235054

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
you had me cracking with the "clearance from the tower"Smile  
I'll definitely will try to clear the schedule for 2012 to be there-granted, if it takes off for you.
I also double checked the picture after your reply of the "i"... and still only see one bro..

Tri Sam - 2010-12-02 8:27 AM David-
Thanks for your insights. I've read mixed reviews about that race as well.  

On another note:
At this time I have planned for me, the weekend of July 17 a self-sustaining Metric Ironman (2.4k Swim/112K Bike/26.2mi Run). This equates to about 1.5mi swim/70mi bike/16mi run. I am doing this from my backyard in the lake we live on (Duncan Lake in Caledonia, MI if you want to google it). I have been considering opening it up others, but I hadn't made that leap yet. At this point I can reluctantly open the idea up and see what the interest level is. If it's too many people, I might have to put a cap on it, and most importantly, my wife knows I'm planning on doing it myself, but has no idea that I've been thinking of opening it up others, so I would need clearance from the tower. Again, this would be completely self sustaining. Meaning, no aid stations. You would have to provide your own nutrition (think fuel belts or the like on the run). Now, I can make the courses (bike & run) a couple loops so people could stop and refuel at my house so they wouldn't have to carry everything, but... OK, I'm getting WAY ahead of myself here, but as long as I'm throwing caution to the wind and jumping off the bridge, I'll show you the t-shirt design I have. OH! There wouldn't be a "race fee" but if this happens and you wanted a shirt, you would have to pay for that (about $25).  ...and yes, I have permission from GU to use their logo. In fact, I might be able to get some GU products for this.
I am located in West Michigan, about 2 hours from the IN border. Your thoughts are welcome.


2010-12-03 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
golfpro-'re right, there is no "i". The previous response was my deflection of my error. I did that draft in a hurry. It's just a concept, but I appreciate the heads up.

2010-12-03 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3235370

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I am serioiusly considering getting a coach... have not pulled the trigger on that one. Did you hire a local coach or online?


amymengel - 2010-12-02 11:11 AM This will be my first year and first ironman where I work with a coach.  I am hoping for the best.  It is interesting so far. 
2010-12-04 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Thoughts on coach: I think we could probably all benefit from a coach. I too have thought about it and I'm very much considering taking on a coach for swimming, though I could likely use a coach for triathlon.

Training Plan: I just received Triathlete Magazine yesterday and it has a very cool IM plan from Matt Fitzgerald, who I believe to be on of the most practical and understandable author of training plans. At any rate, it's worth taking a look at. I've already adjusted my plan after looking at it.


2010-12-04 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I echo Sam's comments. For me, the question is not whether or not I can use a coach (I definitely would benefit), but whether or not I can afford one (I definitely can not). That's where Matt Fitzgerald comes into play. As Sam mentioned, you can view a sample plan from Matt in Triathlete magazine. You can also purchase a plan by Matt (or other notable coaches such as Joe Friel) online via TrainingPeaks. Or, for those like me, you can buy books by M. Fittz or Friel and create your own plan. BTW, I will be returning for my 2nd IMKY and absolutely can not wait! It is an awesome race with fantastic volunteers and one of the best finishes on the IM circuit (based on a sample size of 1). I was planning on racing Cardinal Harbour but I'm reconsidering based on the much appreciated feedback on this site. Last year I did Benton Harbor as my IMKY tune up, but they pushed the date back a couple of weeks next year and it doesn't fit nicely into my training plan. Aaron
2010-12-04 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Aaron- Welcome...or should I say welcome back?
I was hoping Steelhead would fit in nicely again to, but you're right, the way it's scheduled now is not real conducive of leading into IMLOU (at least the way I see it).
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