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2011-01-03 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
My roommate's bringing her mom's bike back to Clemson... Now all she needs to do is swim  and I can turn her into a triathlete

2011-01-04 5:08 AM
in reply to: #3275411

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
As Dirk, I also found that running in slush gave my legs a much harder time even though I was running slower than normal and for slightly shorter distances.

This morning, however, was a nice easy 30min run. After having 10 days off, it's kind of nice to feel that slight ache in my legs again that means I've been out for a run.
Off to the pool tonight for some serious catch work!

2011-01-04 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Hi all,

I have a random question, how do you all estimate your distance when you ride on a trainer?  As a realtive newbee I am not comfortable riding on the road yet and I feel that I receive a great benefit from riding uninterupted and not having to deal with the cold.  Yet, I would like to figure out a way to calculate how far I am going.  Currently, I am using a generaic estimation: 30 mins 7 mile, 45 mins 9, 1hr 12.

Also, does anyone do crossfit.  If so, how do you balance doing tri training with the WODs?

Otherwise, like many of you, I am feeling the pain of starting to train again after taking some time off.
2011-01-04 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3276641

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
smack - 2011-01-04 11:37 AM Hi all,

I have a random question, how do you all estimate your distance when you ride on a trainer?  As a realtive newbee I am not comfortable riding on the road yet and I feel that I receive a great benefit from riding uninterupted and not having to deal with the cold.  Yet, I would like to figure out a way to calculate how far I am going.  Currently, I am using a generaic estimation: 30 mins 7 mile, 45 mins 9, 1hr 12.

Also, does anyone do crossfit.  If so, how do you balance doing tri training with the WODs?

Otherwise, like many of you, I am feeling the pain of starting to train again after taking some time off.

Seth, When it comes to "distance" covered, it really doesn't matter. My Garmin typically will tell me how far I've covered (estimated of course), but I choose to leave that out. I typically just count time on the trainer. 1 hour inside = 1 hour outside. There are variables to consider, but for the most part for most people time would suffice.

If you are dead set on having to have a distance mark for each workout, I would just come up with one like you mentioned above, and as long as it's consistent, stick with it. As you get faster and stronger, you may change it a bit, but IMO as long as you are consistent with what you record, then it will all work out.
2011-01-05 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Went to the pool last night and used a pull buoy for the first time and I have to say it felt odd! For most of the time I found it harder to keep my legs close to the surface of the water and every time I turned to breathe it felt like the buoy was causing me to over rotate.

Is this just because it's the first time I've used it or am I doing this wrong?
2011-01-05 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Need to buy real pedals for my old Ageis bike, I have been using clip-ins for two years now, and know that the clipless is the way to go. Any recommendations out there? Also need shoes? Any sites that anyone recommends? Budget is tight but I need to do this.

Also registered for my first OLY, no turning back now, yikes...

Edited by bfwhitt 2011-01-05 6:56 AM

2011-01-05 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3278712

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Unfortunately, being in the UK I can't really recommend places to buy, but I bought a set of Shimano 105 spd-sl's last year (on sale for £34) and I found it really easy to get used to clipping in and out of them.

As for shoes, just make sure they are a tri-specific shoe as they'll only have one velcro strap instead of 3 which will make it easier to get into/out of them.
2011-01-05 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

okay, finally got my logs a little caught up, need to start putting more info in there with details, but time is not always on my side.

Seren- How is the calf feeling today?

Jayne- good luck finding your "routine" It really is a balancing act but i do enjoy staying busy. I justify it (as a mother) that my girls will become strong women that will take care of themselves  if they see their mother being strong and taking care of myself. If I have a hard time waking up the next morning, I try to go to be a little sooner the next night.

Smack- I am not doing crossfit but I am doing the INSANITY dvds. when the workout videos were 30-45 min in legnth, I continued with my tri training on schedule only shorter times/distances. Now that I am in month two (45-60 min) higher intensity levels, I do swimming at night, running everyother day (shorter distance, lower intensity to prevent injury) and well, no biking right now cause I am a wimp and can't handle biking in the cold right now... so I still end up doing a minimum of 2 hours per day.  good nutrition, sleep and STRETCHING... Sometimes I just can't drag myself outta be that morning, I will not force it, I sleep in and let my body get the rest it needs. good luck!

Sicone- the pull buoy! I love doing my drills now, I feel like it really improves my pull. I had a similiar situation with over rotating with the buoy, but I think that the amount of focus required to keep the rotating "flow" really helps build core strength and muscle memory. I will work on breathing exercises every other "50" while using the pull buoy. I find that after my drills (with the kickboard too) I tend to be able to swim my distance swims with ease, everything seems to click. Good luck to you.

2011-01-05 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

Happy hump-day everyone! Week 1 of IM training is going well so far, I've hit all my workouts including a double-day yesterday which included a pretty pathetic swim session. I got away with 2x per week for my HIM but I might need to go 3x for a while as I get back into swim shape.

So in my last mentor group, they did a "question of the day", QOTD which was a fun way to get people involved. I thought I'd give it a shot here...

QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

2011-01-05 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
If I had to pick running would be my favorite.  Running and I have a very love/hate type relationship but running has become my stress relief.  It's great on days when school and work are making me go a little bit crazy and I just need to get away for a little and not focus on anything but putting one foot in front of the other.
2011-01-05 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3279415

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dhopman - 2011-01-05 11:30 AM

QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

Running... probably because I think it's my strongest out of the three!  But also generally speaking, I much prefer running and swimming (from the competitive aspect) because I feel they are "pure."  During your tri, you just go out and swim and run, and there are really no technicalities/gadgets/equipment/etc on race day that can boost your speed (well, aside from the wetsuit/speedsuit I guess!).  Whereas with biking..... it just seems like there's soooo much extra stuff!  Yes the engine is the most important aspect, but I can't help but feel I'm at a disadvantage when I see all these high tech "machines" ($$) (bikes) around me during the race, along with a whole bunch of extras I don't even know about!!  Oh yeah, that and I think biking's my weakest, so I may be slightly biased there... 

And one more thing.  It suddenly occurred to me last night exactly the cause of my groin issue after reading for the ten billionth time that it's the result of an overstretched muscle. When I get on and off my bike, my leg going from the pedal to the ground is a bit of a reach.  I'm always on my tippie toes when I'm standing around waiting for a traffic light or something.  And I always get off first with my right leg.  So now I believe it was this constant overstretching that did me in and caught up to me during my race.  Before I thought it was a result of my biking, but I couldn't exactly say what it was.  This makes total and complete sense to me, so it's my story and I'm sticking with it!   But really, I'm happy to now believe it wasn't a result of too much running or biking (just getting on and off the bike too much!), but it is quite frustrating (and depressing) to now it was something so... minor.  But since this little thing from biking caused this enormous problem, it's just one more reason to dislike biking, as a triathlon discipline.   I don't mind it for recreational purposes though.

2011-01-05 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Swimming is my favorite part -- I love the excitement and buzz that generates when everyone is standing around waiting for the swim.  Plus, for me, a non-strong swimmer, I enjoy the sense of accomplishment I feel when I exit the water knowing that I conquered my fear of swimming in the ocean. 

Running is my least favorite--but that has to do with the lack of cartilage and chronic knee problems I have had for years.
2011-01-05 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I love all three for different reasons, though I agree with the statement about all the gadgets that are involved with biking.

I am most secure with running, as I have done it the longest.

Swimming I have done the shortest amount of time, but when I get warmed up and I'm going for my long sets, it feels like art to me, moving myself through the water as gracefully as possible (that is my longterm goal lol) sorta like a dance....

biking....well, I know hardly anything the sport, I'm looking forward to learning more, I'd love to go for long rides but I feel like I need to be with at least one other person, from a safety standpoint, so I end up doing mostly short rides and such.
2011-01-05 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3279415

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dhopman - 2011-01-05 11:30 AM

QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

I pick all three.

Actually it would be a hard call for me.  I love the training for all 3 of them.  I kind of agree with Samantha though, the bike has other things than can help with the speed.  Where the swim and run are more "you and me" parts of the race.  I can buy items to make me faster in the water and cost me less than on the bike and there is NOTHING you can buy to make you faster on the run.

If I was to be really pressed which one, I guess it would be the run.  It was the discipline that eventually drew to triathlon in the first place.  I think I have decent speed for a runner of about 5 years.  But I would guess that my swim would be what most might figure is what I would excel at more.  I guess I don't see a lot of guys my age swimming at a similar speed so it seems that might fit as what I might be best at, but I haven't looked at a lot of others guys swim times.

2011-01-05 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dhopman - 2011-01-05 11:30 AM

QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

I'm most comfortable on the bike, but like a lot of you, that's probably because that's what I've done the longest.  We moved a few years ago and I traded my road bike for a hybrid so I could commute to work when the weather is nice.  Great idea at the time, but now that I'm training for a triathlon, I regret getting rid of my road bike.  I should have just kept them both.  

Running has NEVER felt natural to me unless I'm sprinting.  I can go fast, but not for long--I blame it on those inherited fast-twitch muscle fibers :-)  

Swimming is new, but I think it might quickly become my new favorite.  I've got to get over the "newness" hump, and then I think I might be a good swimmer.

dreaming80 - 2011-01-05 4:30 PM 
Swimming I have done the shortest amount of time, but when I get warmed up and I'm going for my long sets, it feels like art to me, moving myself through the water as gracefully as possible (that is my longterm goal lol) sorta like a dance....

I totally agree with Jessica!  Weightless, fluid, smooth, graceful!  

P.S.  Wine is a recovery drink, right? Wink
2011-01-05 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3278627

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
sicone - 2011-01-05 6:30 AM Went to the pool last night and used a pull buoy for the first time and I have to say it felt odd! For most of the time I found it harder to keep my legs close to the surface of the water and every time I turned to breathe it felt like the buoy was causing me to over rotate.

Is this just because it's the first time I've used it or am I doing this wrong?

I have only been using the pull buoy for a short time but never felt like I was over rotating.  As a matter of fact, I seem to under rotate.  I think the pull buoy has me so focused on the stroke that I forget to watch the other  aspects of the stroke.  The buoy is designed to help keep your legs high in the water so you don't have to worry about them sinking. 

2011-01-05 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3278712

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
bfwhitt - 2011-01-05 7:46 AM Need to buy real pedals for my old Ageis bike, I have been using clip-ins for two years now, and know that the clipless is the way to go. Any recommendations out there? Also need shoes? Any sites that anyone recommends? Budget is tight but I need to do this.

Also registered for my first OLY, no turning back now, yikes...

I went clipless last January and they make a difference in feel.  I think they are definitely worth the switch.  I have the Shimano SPD's and I like them quite a bit, but they are the first pair I have had too.  I bought them at the LBS but they can be bought on ebay for a little less money.  Also try I have bought a few things from them and they are pretty decent.

For shoes, I would agree that you should probably go with the tri specific shoes.  I wish I had done this.  I bought some road shoes because they were cheaper although they work okay for me during races.  I would also take a step up one from the bottom of the line too.  I got the bottom end shoe and they are not good quality.  I will replace them as soon as I can get off my wallet for some new ones. (I have put 2400 miles in the cheapies.)

2011-01-06 12:59 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
the question of the day is a great idea! thanks for bringing it up!

As for my favorite of the 3, I would have to say biking. It takes me further and I get to see more without as much suffering. I guess I enjoy the leisure rides out in the country a little too much!
2011-01-06 3:58 AM
in reply to: #3280405

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
dhopman - 2011-01-05 11:30 AM
QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

This is a tough choice for me as unlike most people, technically, all 3 disciplines are new to me (only used to "swim" when at the beach on holiday, hadn't cycled for about 12yrs and never ran). If pushed, I'd probably pick the bike as my favourite due to the speed addict part of me but I enjoy (and get frustrated with) each part equally
2011-01-06 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3281320

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
sicone - 2011-01-06 4:58 AM
dhopman - 2011-01-05 11:30 AM
QOTD: What's your favorite of the 3 tri disciplines and why?

. . . (only used to "swim" when at the beach on holiday, . . . and never ran). If pushed, I'd probably pick the bike as my favourite due to the speed addict part of me . . .

Sicone, I'm right there with you on the two comments quoted above!  I LOVE to go fast!!!!!!!!!!!  That's probably why I prefer to ride a motorcycle :-

I FINALLY got in the pool this morning.  I had spent about a month learning to "swim" before my surgery.  OK, technically, I could keep myself from drowning and propel myself forward, but I had never done any lap swimming.  The hardest part was putting my face in the water and learning to breath to the side.  Today was so much better because everything wasn't entirely new.  I was able to think about the catch and my form from time to time.  Some day I'm going to be good at this!

Oh, just in case you wondered, getting up at 4:45 SUCKS!!  I need to go back to bed, but 100 hormonal middle schoolers are waiting for me.  Give me patience and strength! 
2011-01-06 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3281358

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
awesome swim last night! Finally got a "long hair" swim cap, so I didn't have to keep fussing with my swim cap, and I got some awesome goggles! that fit! that I don't have to mess with constantly! So the new year has begun.  I feel like I live at the gym, but I only go 3 times a week, and only swim for 1-2 hours each session. so I am familiar with the " swimmers" and there are not many during my sessions (peak hours 5-6/7) but with the new year there are some new people trickling in. Unlike some of the others in our group, I am not a speed addict! I am the endurance lover, I love to go and go and go, speed is not something I have ever really been good at (though I am working on that). Anyways, there were a couple of new guys (i've never seen before and their form suggests newness) and then one kinda regular guy (seen him maybe twice 30 min here or there) so I began my warm up and just keeping the pace very conservative as it takes my lungs a little time to readjust to swimming. and these guys start "racing" me....though I am not a speed freak I am a competitive freak! it took everything I had to not show them up.  But once I got warmed up and did my distance I worked on my speed sets which only feel fast the first 25 lol.

So I guess you could say that they have been "chicked" even at a conservative pace I was lapping them. In their defense though they don't realize that I am addicted to training and I am there religiously day in and day out. no excuses! maybe I can talk them into joining the masters that begins again at the end of the month! last "semester" I was the only one, so it was nice to have a personal coach lol. but I don't mind sharing and I am easily inspired by some healthy competition!! 

hmmmm, looking back over this, I hope noone feels like I'm bragging lol, just thought it was interesting. this is not the first time some guys have revved their engines against me in the pool, and some will beat me the 25yrds then they take a breather and I keep on chugging. Just not really any of the ladies I see time from time.  

2011-01-06 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3281672

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I get "chicked" all the time at my pool.  But then they are high school or club swimmers that swim at least 30,000 yards a week while I am swimming 5000-7000 a week.  There are some other ladies that come in and swim but usually not any that can beat me in the water........but then not a lot of blue hairs can beat me antwhere else either. LOL

Other than the HS kids, there are only a few ladies that even swim laps at my pool and most of them are older or don't have a good fitness level.  There are some guys that give me a challenge some of the time but there aren't a whole lot of guys that come to my pool either.  The lap time available is kind of hard to get and I think most people are only willing to fight it so long before they give up and quit coming altogether.

2011-01-06 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
QOTD: What are your New Year's resolutions? (I can't believe it's Jan. 6th and no mention!!)

For me:
1. Train more consistently
2. Make training a higher priority
3. Do the "little things" more. IE; stretching, yoga, strength.

1. Become more family oriented
2. Eat healthier
3. Pay off revolving debt and then continue to live debt free

2011-01-06 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3282840

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-06 3:58 PM QOTD: What are your New Year's resolutions? (I can't believe it's Jan. 6th and no mention!!)

1. Become proficient in all three tri sports
2. Remain injury free
3. Complete my first triathlon in June -- I just registered last night :-
1. Live in the moment and not stress about the past or the future
2. Eat and drink in moderation 
2011-01-06 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3282915

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
jfought - 2011-01-06 4:24 PM
Stickyrunner01 - 2011-01-06 3:58 PM QOTD: What are your New Year's resolutions? (I can't believe it's Jan. 6th and no mention!!)

1. Become proficient in all three tri sports
2. Remain injury free
3. Complete my first triathlon in June -- I just registered last night :-
1. Live in the moment and not stress about the past or the future
2. Eat and drink in moderation 

Very good! Which Tri did you register for?
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